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Guybrush 10-18-2011 08:18 AM

We even got hip-hop in Norway :p:

Unrelenting 10-18-2011 09:28 AM

Can't say I'm a big fan of house music. The only thing I've enjoyed that I've heard is Daft Punk

CMHype 10-19-2011 09:07 PM

Not a fan of hardcore rap or super edgy heavy metal

CanwllCorfe 10-19-2011 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Unrelenting (Post 1111963)
Can't say I'm a big fan of house music. The only thing I've enjoyed that I've heard is Daft Punk

I've never been big on "true" house music, like the stuff they play in A&F, but I do like some of its subgenres. Mainly Progressive and Electro, but some Tribal/Latin is good. I'm especially picky when it comes to those.

TheNiceGuy 10-22-2011 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by Blarobbarg (Post 1111361)
As Alfred said, Baroness rock. I also suggest Torche. They're heavy, but also extremely fun and poppy. I really love 'em.

Don't mind this. The last 20 or so seconds I particularly like.

Unrelenting 10-24-2011 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe (Post 1112403)
I've never been big on "true" house music, like the stuff they play in A&F, but I do like some of its subgenres. Mainly Progressive and Electro, but some Tribal/Latin is good. I'm especially picky when it comes to those.

tribal/latin house sounds interesting. Got any suggestions?

Kip1985 11-18-2011 11:09 AM

I dislike country music. What's weird is that I enjoy old-school country (Johnny Cash, Conway Twitty, Loretta Lynn, Hank Williams, etc.) and I partially enjoy women vocalists (Shania Twain, Taylor Swift, etc.). I can think back to the mid '90s when I was rummaging through Mom's cassette tapes and finding guys like Travis Tritt, Randy Travis, Garth Brooks and the like, and not really liking it.

I usually turn off the "genre-switch" in my head when I listen to music. I have so many different types of music, and I can listen to them without missing a beat, but when it comes to country, I cannot listen to it. My buddy listens to it all the time, but also enjoys bands like Nickelback, Creed, Kid Rock and Alter Bridge, 2 of those incorporate country into some of their songs, that being Nickelback and Kid Rock. I thoroughly enjoy both bands, even though I know Kid's last 2-3 records were mostly country-rock crossovers (if that's even a genre?), but I still enjoy them.

I think it's the steel guitar sound I hate. And the fact that (in my opinion) all they seem to sing about is drinking, partying, girls, and lost loves (or current ones). I'm all for these subjects, but it seems every country song is one of these topics. But maybe I'm hypocritical...I like Nu-Metal and all they seem to sing about is how their lives suck.

I hope people can understand my ramblings lol.

s_k 11-18-2011 11:16 AM

I dislike R&B, Hip-hop, trance, dance and opera.
I don't think I'll be converted :D.

Goofle 11-18-2011 11:23 AM

How can anyone dislike Hip Hop?

I would say I am not into Dub Step cause I don't really spend much time looking for it.

Thom Yorke 11-18-2011 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Kip1985 (Post 1121313)
I dislike country music. What's weird is that I enjoy old-school country (Johnny Cash, Conway Twitty, Loretta Lynn, Hank Williams, etc.) and I partially enjoy women vocalists (Shania Twain, Taylor Swift, etc.). I can think back to the mid '90s when I was rummaging through Mom's cassette tapes and finding guys like Travis Tritt, Randy Travis, Garth Brooks and the like, and not really liking it.

I usually turn off the "genre-switch" in my head when I listen to music. I have so many different types of music, and I can listen to them without missing a beat, but when it comes to country, I cannot listen to it. My buddy listens to it all the time, but also enjoys bands like Nickelback, Creed, Kid Rock and Alter Bridge, 2 of those incorporate country into some of their songs, that being Nickelback and Kid Rock. I thoroughly enjoy both bands, even though I know Kid's last 2-3 records were mostly country-rock crossovers (if that's even a genre?), but I still enjoy them.

I think it's the steel guitar sound I hate. And the fact that (in my opinion) all they seem to sing about is drinking, partying, girls, and lost loves (or current ones). I'm all for these subjects, but it seems every country song is one of these topics. But maybe I'm hypocritical...I like Nu-Metal and all they seem to sing about is how their lives suck.

I hope people can understand my ramblings lol.

The best way to tackle country is to skip over the pop-country that the genre has become known for and go straight to alternative country, and Gothic Americana in particular. Try Sackcloth n' Ashes by 16 Horsepower.

If you like that, try Wovenhand. It's the same singer. Consider the Birds is a good album.

And I'll just throw out a Dark Cabaret band I've been listening to alot lately, The Peculiar Pretzelmen. If you like Tom Waits, chances are that you'll like them. Either Uncanny Eyes or Innumerable Seeds of Calamity.

Kip1985 11-18-2011 11:38 AM

16 It's his voice that turns me off this one,
Wovenhand...not bad. A little dull, and I find it drags on a little.
The Peculiar Pretzelmen...different. The first song I like a little more than the second.

Overall not bad, but I think I'm beyond the point of converting. I prefer my music to have a beat, where I can move my head in unison with the music and with country music, I don't feel that vibe.

Paedantic Basterd 11-18-2011 12:47 PM

Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is the album that opened my mind to the offerings of alternative country music. Woven Hand's self-titled album is another really good example in the same spirit as Wilco.

Sneer 11-18-2011 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Kip1985 (Post 1121324)
16 It's his voice that turns me off this one,
Wovenhand...not bad. A little dull, and I find it drags on a little.
The Peculiar Pretzelmen...different. The first song I like a little more than the second.

Overall not bad, but I think I'm beyond the point of converting. I prefer my music to have a beat, where I can move my head in unison with the music and with country music, I don't feel that vibe.

This has a beat? Really good alt-country album.

Engine 11-18-2011 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Kip1985 (Post 1121313)
I dislike country music. What's weird is that I enjoy old-school country (Johnny Cash, Conway Twitty, Loretta Lynn, Hank Williams, etc.)

But (barring Cash) that IS country music. Also, even if you manage to get into alt-country, that's not really country music.

Maybe you'll be able to appreciate Hank Wiliams' grandson:
Hank III

edit: here's another more traditional country song of his.

s_k 11-18-2011 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1121317)
How can anyone dislike Hip Hop?

I would say I am not into Dub Step cause I don't really spend much time looking for it.

Checked both your links and have to say;
Yes, I can easily dislike hip-hop. There's nothing I like in the clips you posted :)

Goofle 11-18-2011 06:23 PM

Oh dear. That is shameful.

eraser.time206 11-18-2011 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1121366)
Checked both your links and have to say;
Yes, I can easily dislike hip-hop. There's nothing I like in the clips you posted :)

Check out this song. You will like it.

s_k 11-18-2011 06:26 PM

In bed now, will check it tomorrow

Goofle 11-18-2011 06:43 PM

I just can't accept that somebody just dislikes the genre of Hip Hop. It is so closed minded considering the many different types. If you like Hardcore, Pop, Rock, Electronic music etc there are elements of that in many Hip Hop artists/songs.

Fair enough, you might not like what you hear on the radio. I don't either, but there are just as many underground/non-mainstream acts that are excellent, like any other genre.

EDIT: This was a song by Death Grips. Link didn't work for whatever reason. Download the album.

Paedantic Basterd 11-18-2011 06:47 PM

Hey Tom, earlier in the thread, the subject of hip hop was broached, and when you understand the reasons why people aren't getting in to the genre, it's easier to help them with recommendations and respect their opinion.

Goofle 11-18-2011 06:53 PM

I really can't be @rsed right now, I will check tomorrow. But disregarding a genre is completely unacceptable, whatever reason is given. Unless you have heard every single song by every single artist, you simply cannot say you dislike a genre.

My view will never change on that.

But as I said, I will read through the thread tomorrow and try and answer the criticism's.

Can't have people hating on one of my favourite genre's!

Actually, might just man up and make a brew... Get back to you guys soon.

Paedantic Basterd 11-18-2011 06:55 PM

The point of this thread is for people to come inside and ask for help getting into genres they don't seem to like. I just don't think it's appropriate to get frustrated with people who are trying to be open minded.

Goofle 11-18-2011 07:03 PM

Fair enough mate, but that is how I feel.

Of course, you were the one saying you weren't into Hip-Hop earlier in the thread, and people basically posted what I would have said, so if you weren't swayed by them, I doubt whatever I post will change your view.

As I said, basically you just need to keep looking, because one sub-genre/artist/group might just make it **click** and you will "get" it.

If not, I am pretty sure you are doing well enough musically without Hip Hop. :)

Necromancer 11-18-2011 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1121502)
The point of this thread is for people to come inside and ask for help getting into genres they don't seem to like. I just don't think it's appropriate to get frustrated with people who are trying to be open minded.

Good advice deserves notice sometimes. :D

Paedantic Basterd 11-18-2011 07:07 PM

I've taken all of the recommendations, but it's a lot of music and it's going to take me a while to get through them. Rest assured that I do want like everything I've been given, because why wouldn't I want to like more music? It's a time consuming process though, especially when everything else I listen to in a week is taken into account. I think anybody who has come into this thread on their own will give an honest shot to anything though.

Goofle 11-18-2011 07:09 PM

I do understand that, and didn't want to come across like a d*ck. It just baffles me as a Hip Hop head.

Sneer 11-18-2011 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1121502)
The point of this thread is for people to come inside and ask for help getting into genres they don't seem to like. I just don't think it's appropriate to get frustrated with people who are trying to be open minded.

The thing is, I'm getting the feeling people are posting in this thread, lodging their disapproval of a genre, then belligerently rejecting any recommendations related to said genre. An open mind should be a prerequisite in this thread, and some people don't seem to possess one... Which makes the whole thing a tad inane really..

By the way, I actually agree with everything you've said, Tom of Clancy fame.

Thom Yorke 11-18-2011 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Stu (Post 1121534)
The thing is, I'm getting the feeling people are posting in this thread, lodging their disapproval of a genre, then belligerently rejecting any recommendations related to said genre. An open mind should be a prerequisite in this thread, and some people don't seem to possess one... Which makes the whole thing a tad inane really..

By the way, I actually agree with everything you've said, Tom of Clancy fame.

What makes you say that? I'm sure some people are approaching the music presented to them in a negative way (ie. looking for stereotypical things in the genre to use as a reason they don't like the recommended music) but I haven't seen any examples where I'd say someone is belligerently rejecting something, although it would be tough to tell.

I do think there's probably something in every genre for someone, but it's probably not going to be the first thing recommended to them.

Goofle 11-18-2011 08:04 PM

It's my real name, you know.

Not as good a converstation starter as you may think... Depending on who you talk to, of course.

Bloody†Mary 11-19-2011 02:30 AM

I hate country. Like hate it.

s_k 11-19-2011 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1121501)
I really can't be @rsed right now, I will check tomorrow. But disregarding a genre is completely unacceptable, whatever reason is given.

Allright then. Hip-hop I like, which isn't hip-hop technically but it's as close as I can get (I don't like either of your songs, sorry ;)):

This is the closest I can get.
Everything you show me just lacks musicality and melody to my ears.

s_k 11-19-2011 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Bloody†Mary (Post 1121584)
I hate country. Like hate it.

If you tell us what you like we can try and find a mashup :D

Goofle 11-19-2011 05:19 AM

Why are you looking for the same thing in Hip Hop that you find in othr genres of music? It is more about the lyrical styles and beats, rather than melody. If anything, a lot of great Hip Hop tends to be off kilter, intentionally off beat.

Paedantic Basterd 11-19-2011 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1121652)
Why are you looking for the same thing in Hip Hop that you find in othr genres of music? It is more about the lyrical styles and beats, rather than melody. If anything, a lot of great Hip Hop tends to be off kilter, intentionally off beat.

I think I addressed this as being precisely my problem with it. Jazzmatazz for example, was one of best best hip hop albums I've heard, but I'd still only give it a 3 on RYM. I've found a lot of hip hop I have nothing bad to say about, but the point remains that I still wouldn't choose to listen to it over any other album in my collection.

Except Demon Days. Fxck me do I love Demon Days.

Goofle 11-19-2011 06:45 AM

So what about Shabazz Palaces?

Or dis...

Janszoon 11-19-2011 07:35 AM

Okay, here's a genre I don't particularly like: modern R&B. By modern R&B I mean stuff from the past 30 years or so. I generally find it boring and bland, but I'm open for conversion attempts.

Some background to help with the conversion efforts: I do like Jill Scott a bit, though she's not someone I go out of my way to listen to. And I like jazz a lot, including acid jazz, which at times veers pretty close to R&B. I also like hip hop, though I tend not to like it when it's mixed with R&B.

So anyone care to give it a shot?

Goofle 11-19-2011 07:46 AM

I have to say I would generally agree on that, but there are a few R&B acts I have enjoyed quite a bit. Have you listened to Erykah Badu? Baduizm and New Amerykah, Pt. 1: 4th World War are great albums in my opinion.

Janszoon 11-19-2011 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1121688)
I have to say I would generally agree on that, but there are a few R&B acts I have enjoyed quite a bit. Have you listened to Erykah Badu? Baduizm and New Amerykah, Pt. 1: 4th World War are great albums in my opinion.

I've heard her here and there but never listened to any of her albums. I'll try and give a listen to one or both of the ones you recommended.

Goofle 11-19-2011 08:08 AM

If you had to listen to one, go for the latter.

Also, "Symphony or Damn" by Terence Trent D'Arby and "Who Is Jill Scott?" by Jill Scott are pretty good.

But I do agree, I think that's the least interesting genre than has not (from what I have heard) moved on all that much. I would like to see more elements mixed into the music beyond the typical sound.

s_k 11-19-2011 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by TomClancy11 (Post 1121652)
Why are you looking for the same thing in Hip Hop that you find in othr genres of music? It is more about the lyrical styles and beats, rather than melody. If anything, a lot of great Hip Hop tends to be off kilter, intentionally off beat.

I'm more interested in melody and chords than I am in beat, I think.
To me, music is all about melody. Hip hop lacks melody.
I also don't like the style of "singing" and I don't give a **** about lyrics unless they're outrageously bad. So what is there left for me to like about hip-hop?

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