Music Banter

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hopefornothing 12-21-2004 08:00 AM

i just don't let it bother me anymore i mean really it's not my life why should a care what they do

LowLyfe10 01-31-2005 09:50 AM

Honestly....Who gives a rats ass, if they want to wear that crap, and others want to bash em, so be it. Everyone on this thread has talked **** or picked on someone somewhere. So in my opinion, were all hypocrits. Im actually getting tired of hearing this kinda thing, seems no matter where you go, you hear someone crying about this or that, and I'll admit im guilty of it too. But I realized one thing, we can sit and whine and bitch about this stuff all we want...but in the end its not going to do anyone any good. All it will do is keep giving people something to complain about, because as we all know, society isnt happy unless there is something to bitch about.

So to everyone that HAS to find fault with this person or that one.....keep living in your little world, I have better **** to do.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-31-2005 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by LowLyfe10
Everyone on this thread has talked **** or picked on someone somewhere.

Theres been plenty of people on here saying "kids will be kids, leave them be".

maxwell-cu 01-31-2005 10:30 AM

I listen to more emo than almost anyone I know and I'm pretty far from the stereotype. I wear mostly gap/abercrombie (lame I know, it's all from 5 or 10 years ago when I was a stupid kid) and J. crew clothing, for example. Semi long blonde affro'ish hair, thick beard, like to party alot, hardcore skiier. Definately never worn any emoish clothing at all or died my hair black or slit my wrists or any of that BS. Listening to a certain type of music does definately not put you into a stereotype although there is some truth to alot of stereotypes. I will say though that my new taste in music did stem primarily from my girl breaking up with me 3 weeks ago :/

Tommyrocker 01-31-2005 11:02 AM

I just live my life and listen to what i listen to. If i want to be depressed i will, its my life and im sick and tired of people trying to define me. Im live, therefore i am

hookers with machineguns 01-31-2005 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by covle
conforming to be a non-conformist kinda defeats the purpose


jibber 01-31-2005 03:09 PM

wow this is an old thread. Anyways, it just struck me as really interesting how so many people responded to this thread saying to listen to whatever kind of music you want, and that no one should be berrated for their personal taste in music, and in the rest of the threads it's a completely different story. Are people just bi-polar on this site, or could it be that some people just have a double standard? Maybe some people have the mentality that "I should be able to listen to whatever I want, it's a matter of personal opinion, but if someone listens to a band that I think is crap, they have a less evolved taste in music". Just thinking out loud really....well not out loud....on the keyboard....that didn't work, I'm gonna stop with this now. On a completely different note, maxell-cu, you ski?

Sweet Jane 01-31-2005 03:40 PM

^I know what you're trying to say, but some bands genuinely are awful, I can be a music snob but I do believe that some bands really should have their instruments taken off them, and anyone who listens to them should be given a crash course in music.

I'm really tolerant, in fact I'm very tolerant on the site as I'm not here to start arguing with people, but I notice that people who have record collections that I wouldn't touch even to play frisbee with who say my music taste is bad, they tend never to have heard most of the bands I like, therefore I can't help wondering if in some cases, bad taste is related to ignorance of the better stuff thats out there?

jibber 01-31-2005 03:54 PM

^ I see where you're coming from, and i'm guessing that a lot of the artists you're refering to as having no talent are the manufactured, mainstream bands with no more than 3 chords and repetitive melodic lyrics. A lot of their fans don't take the time to expose themselves to other music, although a lot of them do. Some people get turned on to whole other styles, with more complex instrumentals and deeper lyrics, but I have met quite a few people who have heard other stuff, and for one reason or another stick to bands that have that same simple, "pop-ish" sound that I was describing earlier. It could be argued that these bands don't have the same lyrical or musical ability as others, but for one reason or another, that's what some people like to hear.

maxwell-cu 01-31-2005 04:40 PM


On a completely different note, maxell-cu, you ski?
Yea, the goal is over 40 days this year. I live in Boulder, Colorado (one of the most beautiful college campuses in the country), and there are several world class ski resorts within 2 hours of campus. Mom lives in brekenridge too, which is 20 minutes from Arapahoe Basin and 30 minutes from Vail. I love where I live.

Where do you ski dude?

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