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adidasss 12-02-2005 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by IamAlejo
I'm for the death penalty.

i was expecting that....but i would have liked an explanation. and hookers repremands me for thinking you're bush's cocksucker. and you persitantly say that you're not a republican, except for the fact that you gulp down everything bush serves you and you believe in the death penalty. to paraphrase a very clever ( and neandrathal ) croatian politician " be a man and admit you're a republican"

Originally Posted by cheeseman
Hear Hear!

are you being serious? if so, would you care to explain?

Zezima 12-02-2005 04:42 PM

Yea I would. But if he was found. I would get my car back(unless he can't drive for shit). And I would want him in prison for good bit, taking some in the ass. Woulnd't want him dead. I just always seem to put myself in other's shoes before I react or kill.

Cheese 12-02-2005 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Zezima
Yea I would. But if he was found. I would get my car back(unless he can't drive for shit). And I would want him in prison for good bit, taking some in the ass. Woulnd't want him dead. I just always seem to put myself in other's shoes before I react or kill.

If he/she is in prison, it's a drain on taxpayers resources whereas if they're given the death penalty it's cheaper in the long run.
It wouldn't happen over here though as the government doesn't believe in it.
The most they'd get would be a fine and supervision.

Zezima 12-02-2005 04:52 PM

Whatever, I'm still 50/50. Death to some or death to none. I don't care I cause I don't see my self ever in prison for more than a day.

Cheese 12-02-2005 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
i was expecting that....but i would have liked an explanation

are you being serious? if so, would you care to explain?

Damn right I'm being serious.
The world has an overabundance of socially f*cked retards whose main claims to fame are theft,murder,drug trafficking,paedophillia,etc.By ridding the general populace of these diseases will definately make this place better...see

Now don't make me come looking for you, now!;)

mosesandtherubberducky 12-02-2005 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by cheeseman
Damn right I'm being serious.
The world has an overabundance of socially f*cked retards whose main claims to fame are theft,murder,drug trafficking,paedophillia,etc.By ridding the general populace of these diseases will definately make this place better...see

Now don't make me come looking for you, now!;)

You sound like Hitler and Judge Dregg's love child

Cheese 12-02-2005 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Zezima
Whatever, I'm still 50/50. Death to some or death to none. I don't care I cause I don't see my self ever in prison for more than a day.

Well you've got nothing to be worried about:D

adidasss 12-02-2005 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by cheeseman
Damn right I'm being serious.
The world has an overabundance of socially f*cked retards whose main claims to fame are theft,murder,drug trafficking,paedophillia,etc.By ridding the general populace of these diseases will definately make this place better...see

Now don't make me come looking for you, now!;)

have you ever killed a man? are you seriously taking the human life so lightly? are you also one of those people that thinks "faggots" should be disposed of ? and is drug trafficking a valid reason for someone to be executed? aren't the end users the only ones to blame? i personally couldn't hurt a fly, let alone take another man's life, no matter what he's done. maybe it's my catholic upbrining, but i regard life to be sacred.

Cheese 12-02-2005 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
You sound like Hitler and Judge Dregg's love child

Judge Dredd.

What makes you say that?

mosesandtherubberducky 12-02-2005 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by cheeseman
Judge Dredd.

What makes you say that?

Well it was Judge Dredd or Batman and I know Batman isn't gay and you seem more of a hard ass if you were to rule the judicial system of the world

Cheese 12-02-2005 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
have you ever killed a man? are you seriously taking the human life so lightly? are you also one of those people that thinks "***gots" should be disposed of? and is drug trafficking a valid reason for someone to be executed? aren't the end users the only ones to blame? i personally coulnd't hurt a fly, let alone take another man's life, no matter what he's done. maybe it's my catholic upbrining, but i regard life to be sacred.

That's crap.Anyone possesses the ability to kill another human, but most of us know it's just plain wrong.However if a person is pushed far enough they will snap and kill someone without a second thought.

And yes I have(accidently)

Cheese 12-02-2005 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
Well it was Judge Dredd or Batman and I know Batman isn't gay and you seem more of a hard ass if you were to rule the judicial system of the world

Someone needs to take responsibility for the sh*thole the world has become.

adidasss 12-02-2005 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by cheeseman
That's crap.Anyone possesses the ability to kill another human, but most of us know it's just plain wrong.However if a person is pushed far enough they will snap and kill someone without a second thought.

And yes I have(accidently)

well, the death penalty is cold blooded murder.

Zezima 12-02-2005 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by cheeseman
Well you've got nothing to be worried about:D

Yea pretty much:hphones: :ar_15s:

mosesandtherubberducky 12-02-2005 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by cheeseman
Someone needs to take responsibility for the sh*thole the world has become.

Zezima 12-02-2005 05:10 PM

Being 50/50 is great. I get to be on both sides:laughing: :thumb: :yeah: :wave:

Zezima 12-02-2005 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky

At least that wouldn't send the world to hell

You would do good. President of wear though??

HomesickAtSpaceCamp 12-02-2005 05:13 PM

I read a quote once that said this> "Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?"

Cheese 12-02-2005 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky

Oh yes, it will be mine.
World domination.It's time us Kiwis took over:D

adidasss 12-02-2005 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by HomesickAtSpaceCamp
I read a quote once that said this> "Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?"

that's a wonderful quote....

Cheese 12-02-2005 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Zezima
At least that wouldn't send the world to hell

You would do good. President of wear though??



Zezima 12-02-2005 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by cheeseman


Nice, you give me one of ur fairladys and I be happy to move wear u president.:D

mosesandtherubberducky 12-02-2005 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Zezima
Nice, you give me one of ur fairladys and I be happy to move wear u president.:D

Hell, if you give me a small army I'll expand your empire..erm i mean keep the peace

Cheese 12-02-2005 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Zezima
Nice, you give me one of ur fairladys and I be happy to move wear u president.:D

Done and done:thumb:

Zezima 12-02-2005 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by cheeseman
Done and done:thumb:


Scarlett O'Hara 12-02-2005 11:53 PM

I'm against the death penalty. Who on earth has the right to decide what is a good enough reason to kill someone for a crime they had committed? Can you truly justify it?

I understand that Singapore has a huge drug problem, which is why there is tough penalties, but it doesn't solve the problem. Killing the people caught for drug dealing/using won't scare other drug suppliers, I doubt they'd be in a state of mind to even understand that.

Instead of trying to execute people, why not detox them, jail them, and if they come back to reality and are sorry, have them go around schools for example, and talk about their experiences, encourage kids to not get involved with it? That would have more effect than just tough laws.

What about rapists? I think they get let off far to easily, after destroying someones life, they can just go on living normally after the short sentence has finished. That really, really annoys me.

bungalow 12-02-2005 11:55 PM

I cant believe Austrailia still hangs people

Merkaba 12-03-2005 12:12 AM

They don't....

They were the ones trying to prevent the hanging. You were meaning Singapore, no?

And touche Vanilla, rapists are just as bad, so are paedophiles. It is ridiculous to hold the power of life or death. I don't care how much authority one has.

Cheese 12-03-2005 12:16 AM

Scum is and always will be scum, people

half_baked87 12-03-2005 12:24 AM

wow, where do i start. first off all, IamAlejo doesnt have to be a republican. sounds more like the republicans are too liberal for him. and second,


Originally Posted by cheeseman
Someone needs to take responsibility for the sh*thole the world has become.

what the **** is that supposed to mean, "someone" who? who the hell has the right to say i'm going to take charge and clean up the world. thats what hitler and stalin tried to do. make everyone equal and the same, exterminate any loose ends. and thats called genocide. i'd like to think the human race has learned from its mistake but this turd is a perfect example of how ignorant we still are. im not saying i know how to fix all our problems, but capital punishment is NOT the way. what does it accomplish? no matter how many you kill theres always going to be another murderer, another rapist, and since some of you seem to be complete hardasses, thiefs and drug traffickers etc. and since we're for punishing drug traffickers and theives, how about some punishment of a government that mislead its people, and this applies both in the US and canada. why don't we lynch a few of them they fabricated crucial information, accepted dirty money (canada), and cost human lives. how come theres no call for them to be executed? its really sad that the majority of people dont look at the whole picture. that being said, theres a big difference between a guy on the street who has to sell whatever drugs to stay alive, and a loaded drug kingpin. i am in no way against imprisoning and rehabiliting drug addicts, traffickers, theives, the whole bit. and really, theres worse crimes than someone stealing a ****ing car. no one should die for stealing anything, a persons life doesn't have monetary value. we're all guilty of one thing, being human, so lets act like it and cut the bull****.
now, i'm going to get drunk, :beer:

Cheese 12-03-2005 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by half_baked87
wow, where do i start. first off all, IamAlejo doesnt have to be a republican. sounds more like the republicans are too liberal for him. and second,

what the **** is that supposed to mean, "someone" who? who the hell has the right to say i'm going to take charge and clean up the world. thats what hitler and stalin tried to do. make everyone equal and the same, exterminate any loose ends. and thats called genocide. i'd like to think the human race has learned from its mistake but this turd is a perfect example of how ignorant we still are. im not saying i know how to fix all our problems, but capital punishment is NOT the way. what does it accomplish? no matter how many you kill theres always going to be another murderer, another rapist, and since some of you seem to be complete hardasses, thiefs and drug traffickers etc. and since we're for punishing drug traffickers and theives, how about some punishment of a government that mislead its people, and this applies both in the US and canada. why don't we lynch a few of them they fabricated crucial information, accepted dirty money (canada), and cost human lives. how come theres no call for them to be executed? its really sad that the majority of people dont look at the whole picture. that being said, theres a big difference between a guy on the street who has to sell whatever drugs to stay alive, and a loaded drug kingpin. i am in no way against imprisoning and rehabiliting drug addicts, traffickers, theives, the whole bit. and really, theres worse crimes than someone stealing a ****ing car. no one should die for stealing anything, a persons life doesn't have monetary value. we're all guilty of one thing, being human, so lets act like it and cut the bull****.
now, i'm going to get drunk, :beer:

Obviously you've never put in all your hard graft for something only for some f*cktard to pinch it for their own greedy sake more often than not to make a quick dollar so they can support their drug habit.

I'm also guilty of being human, but that doesn't include stealing,raping,drug trafficking etc...That sh1T isn't human, it's f*cking animal.

Just one more thing to ponder.This guy who was hanged,suppose he didn't get caught,moved to your neighbourhood and your kids...lets say you had two(you might have it doesn't matter) and this guy gives them some of his stuff.
How would that make you

Think about the flow on effects from these dreggs

PS Getting drunk is really going solve your problems isn't it F*ckwad

half_baked87 12-03-2005 12:54 AM

yeah i've had things stolen from me, multiple times. but im sure it wasnt so somone could support their drug habit, its because people are ****s. it happens. it is human, as is murder, rape. animals don't rape each other, they dont have sex for pleasure. and how many animals do you know selling smack in you're neighbourhood? besides, human beings ARE animals. we just happen to gifted with reason, so lets ****ing use it. and theres something to be said here for PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! if my kids got a hold of some smack, i'd blame my ****ing kids for beign such idiots, and then myself for not educating them enough, then the dealer. im not agrueing he should go to jail, but death? for a pound of herione? thats ridiculous. thats why we need to make sure people are educated, you have to put something in to get something back, not just make an example of a few people. it doesnt scare criminals, their not afraid to die, their most likely risking their lives every day if they're involved in something that could make them eligible for the death penalty.

Cheese 12-03-2005 01:04 AM

You should cange your name to halfwit87.You didn't read that properly at all!
Cats rape one another as do dogs, they are not people are they? To you they might be ,but not me.

So you would sooner have people in prison, putting ever increasing strain on a countries economy while they are (sometimes) better off e.g three meals a day and a roof over their heads.

A lot who go inside will reoffend so by ridding society of these leeches the cycle can be stopped

Spikey 12-03-2005 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by half_baked87
yeah i've had things stolen from me, multiple times. but im sure it wasnt so somone could support their drug habit, its because people are ****s. it happens. it is human, as is murder, rape. animals don't rape each other, they dont have sex for pleasure. and how many animals do you know selling smack in you're neighbourhood? besides, human beings ARE animals. we just happen to gifted with reason, so lets ****ing use it. and theres something to be said here for PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! if my kids got a hold of some smack, i'd blame my ****ing kids for beign such idiots, and then myself for not educating them enough, then the dealer. im not agrueing he should go to jail, but death? for a pound of herione? thats ridiculous. thats why we need to make sure people are educated, you have to put something in to get something back, not just make an example of a few people. it doesnt scare criminals, their not afraid to die, their most likely risking their lives every day if they're involved in something that could make them eligible for the death penalty.

You should blame yourself for letting someone like that in your neighbourhood. Not your Kids. My opinion is:

Kill the people you are sure commited the crime, if you are ABSOLUTELY sure then they should die. If someone hurt my sister's then god be my witness..
Humans are NOT animals..Do you know a dolphin that does maths? Or a frog that reads Shakespear? Has any animal built a car?

Merkaba 12-03-2005 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by half_baked87
what the **** is that supposed to mean, "someone" who? who the hell has the right to say i'm going to take charge and clean up the world. thats what hitler and stalin tried to do. make everyone equal and the same, exterminate any loose ends. and thats called genocide. i'd like to think the human race has learned from its mistake but this turd is a perfect example of how ignorant we still are. im not saying i know how to fix all our problems, but capital punishment is NOT the way. what does it accomplish? no matter how many you kill theres always going to be another murderer, another rapist, and since some of you seem to be complete hardasses, thiefs and drug traffickers etc. and since we're for punishing drug traffickers and theives, how about some punishment of a government that mislead its people, and this applies both in the US and canada. why don't we lynch a few of them they fabricated crucial information, acepted dirty money (canada), and cost human lives. how come theres no call for them to be executed? its really sad that the majority of people dont look at the whole picture. that being said, theres a big difference between a guy on the street who has to sell whatever drugs to stay alive, and a loaded drug kingpin. i am in no way against imprisoning and rehabiliting drug addicts, traffickers, theives, the whole bit. and really, theres worse crimes than someone stealing a ****ing car. no one should die for stealing anything, a persons life doesn't have monetary value. we're all guilty of one thing, being human, so lets act like it and cut the bull****.
now, i'm going to get drunk, :beer:

Man, I've read some shit in my lifetime. That came down the road of craptacular, turned right at retard's roundabout and went up the road to nowhere.

I see your trying to say the death penalty isn't just but what a meal you've made of it. People need to be punished. While no one person should dictate another persons life, it sure as hell sends a strong message out. It's like parenting. If you buy your kids cellphones and cook them their favourite dinners evernight, they're sooner or later going to realise they can have it their way all the time. If you don't lay down the law, people are just going to capitilise on it. It's human nature to try and beat the system. So when you've got smugglers and trafficers out there, they need to know the risks will be fatal, so best play hardball right?

As cheeseman said, you have to think about the flow on effects. They are always worse than the actual crime. And did you just say your kids would be the idiots? If you had a daughter and she was seduced and raped you would call it her fault for having a vagina? :crazy:

Christ man wake up and smell the flowers. I don't like to see people dying as much as the next, and even for the smallest of offences by comparrison, but think about it...If that guy was a major player in a drug ring when a deal goes bad, there would be more then one person dying wouldn't there. I'm not saying it would have happened, but if it had, killing the guy now as a warning and punishment, would be more effective then letting it boil over where the government has no control.

It's all good and bad. Positive and negative lights to look at it from. I say no to the killings for such and such, but say yes for such and such also.

Cheese 12-03-2005 02:21 AM

I cannot believe you are agreeing with me. I thought I was going to get shot down in flames over my statements.

I salute you sir.

Spikey 12-03-2005 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by cheeseman
I cannot believe you are agreeing with me. I thought I was going to get shot down in flames over my statements.

I salute you sir.

I salute you sir.:love:
What you say is true and he is overlooking the "flow" that would happen. I agree with you too.

adidasss 12-03-2005 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Merkaba
Man, I've read some shit in my lifetime. That came down the road of craptacular, turned right at retard's roundabout and went up the road to nowhere.

I see your trying to say the death penalty isn't just but what a meal you've made of it. People need to be punished. While no one person should dictate another persons life, it sure as hell sends a strong message out. It's like parenting. If you buy your kids cellphones and cook them their favourite dinners evernight, they're sooner or later going to realise they can have it their way all the time. If you don't lay down the law, people are just going to capitilise on it. It's human nature to try and beat the system. So when you've got smugglers and trafficers out there, they need to know the risks will be fatal, so best play hardball right?

As cheeseman said, you have to think about the flow on effects. They are always worse than the actual crime. And did you just say your kids would be the idiots? If you had a daughter and she was seduced and raped you would call it her fault for having a vagina? :crazy:

Christ man wake up and smell the flowers. I don't like to see people dying as much as the next, and even for the smallest of offences by comparrison, but think about it...If that guy was a major player in a drug ring when a deal goes bad, there would be more then one person dying wouldn't there. I'm not saying it would have happened, but if it had, killing the guy now as a warning and punishment, would be more effective then letting it boil over where the government has no control.

It's all good and bad. Positive and negative lights to look at it from. I say no to the killings for such and such, but say yes for such and such also.

i agree with half_baked, nothing, absolutely nothing justifies a death penalty, besides, there are worse things you could do to a man than killing him, personally, i think locking someone in a 2 by 2 cell for the rest of their lives is far worse. and take into consideration that sometimes, people are wrongly accused, for argument sake, let's imagine you were that australian guy and let's say those drugs were planted on you, how would you feel? you're going to die and you had nothing to do with it. lovely jubbly ey? mistakes are bound to happen. and half_baked was only talking about drug abuse, you're damn right i would blame my kids for buying the drugs, unlike rape and other crimes, i'ts a personal choice, personally, i would never blame the drug dealer, it's either your fault for not educating your kids or your kids fault for being stupid dumbasses. and you don't seriously believe that the death penalty serves as a deterrent? people commit murder in a abnormal state of conciousness, you don't seriously believe they stop and think about how they're going to be punished for killing someone. and i would really like to know cheeseman, could you be the one doing the executing?

Spikey 12-03-2005 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss
i agree with half_baked, nothing, absolutely nothing justifies a death penalty, besides, there are worse things you could do to a man than killing him, personally, i think locking someone in a 2 by 2 cell for the rest of their lives is far worse. and take into consideration that sometimes, people are wrongly accused, for argument sake, let's imagine you were that australian guy and let's say those drugs were planted on you, how would you feel? you're going to die and you had nothing to do with it. lovely jubbly ey? mistakes are bound to happen. and half_baked was only talking about drug abuse, you're damn right i would blame my kids for buying the drugs, unlike rape and other crimes, i'ts a personal choice, personally, i would never blame the drug dealer, it's either your fault for not educating your kids or your kids fault for being stupid dumbasses. and you don't seriously believe that the death penalty serves as a deterrent? people commit murder in a abnormal state of conciousness, you don't seriously believe they stop and think about how they're going to be punished for killing someone. and i would really like to know cheeseman, could you be the one doing the executing?

If I found the fu**er, I would torture and kill him. So yes is my answer. I think prison is a soft punishment..The jails are filling up. IF THEY HAVE COMMITED THE CRIME AND IT IS CLEAR THEY HAVE DONE IT: The DEATH penalty is what is needed! I am talking about if someone i.e man a kills man b then man a should get the death penatly, now you tell me Adidass what drug runner or worker has not killed? Would you want your kids in the same neighbourhood? It is MY FAULT if my kids get the drugs..It is MY FAULT if that drug worker is our neighbourhood and I do nothing about it. And I will make it MY RESPONSIBLITLY to do away with him.

Cheese 12-03-2005 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss
i agree with half_baked, nothing, absolutely nothing justifies a death penalty, besides, there are worse things you could do to a man than killing him, personally, i think locking someone in a 2 by 2 cell for the rest of their lives is far worse. and take into consideration that sometimes, people are wrongly accused, for argument sake, let's imagine you were that australian guy and let's say those drugs were planted on you, how would you feel? you're going to die and you had nothing to do with it. lovely jubbly ey? mistakes are bound to happen. and half_baked was only talking about drug abuse, you're damn right i would blame my kids for buying the drugs, unlike rape and other crimes, i'ts a personal choice, personally, i would never blame the drug dealer, it's either your fault for not educating your kids or your kids fault for being stupid dumbasses. and you don't seriously believe that the death penalty serves as a deterrent? people commit murder in a abnormal state of conciousness, you don't seriously believe they stop and think about how they're going to be punished for killing someone. and i would really like to know cheeseman, could you be the one doing the executing?

Yes! Yes I could.
I'd like nothing more than to be the last face these c*nts see before they dangle off a short rope:yeah:

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