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The Unfan 01-27-2008 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Lizzie (Post 435954)
Meat IS murder

Most farm animals are so domesticated that they couldn't make it in the wild. So the question is, which is more cruel: Keeping a species around for consumption while enabling them to actually live, or releasing them into the wild where they'll go extinct?

Inuzuka Skysword 01-27-2008 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by TheUsed2lguy (Post 435913)
Humans>animals(non homo sapien)>plant. If I said that to a Jainist, I'd be dead wrong.
You're right, the human brain is much more complex, and able to distinguish many more emotions than a monkey, or a dog. Therefore, I do consider humans greater than animals. I still don't think we have the right to do whatever we want with them. Think of it like a metaphor, this earth is our earth. We are given dominion over it for a short time. We are meant to respect it while we are here. People who litter aren't right, just because this is their planet. I consider the creatures of this planet to be as precious as the planet itself. So, even if we have dominion over this planet, it still comes with responsibility. The only emotion animals have been proven to feel are love, anger, fear, and sadness. Humans on top of that feel guilt, greed, embarassment, all of which are fear or love based, but nonetheless they feel a much larger plethora of emotions. Plants respond to sunlight, and we know they are a living thing, we know they grow, but they are exempt from an indistinguishable personality that an animal may have. Also, as we said, they don't have a brain, so we know they don't have physical feelings, and it's very unlikely they have emotions, and Jainists believe plants have a soul, and maybe they do, but I consider animals more worthy of life because of the defining characteristics I described above.

Neither of the bolded things are proven so I don't see how you can have a basis for that argument. There are types of plants that eat flies also so they certainly do more then react to sunlight.

anticipation 01-27-2008 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by TheUsed2lguy (Post 435879)
In the slaughterhouses they employ less torturous techniques.

Totally, like beating the cows over the head with a club until they die.

Personally, I see no benefits whatsoever to being a vegetarian, and besides, I hate vegetables.

GravitySlips 01-27-2008 10:43 AM


the whole band are vegan, i believe.

lucylamppost 01-27-2008 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by TheUsed2lguy (Post 435879)
I'm not going to criticize Conor for being a pescatarian; that's pretty cool, but in a way, I almost wish people would not eat seafood, if only seafood. Think about it, when they dump the fish, and the shrimp, and prawns and all that on the boat, they die because they can't breathe. That's the human equivalent of drowning to death. In the slaughterhouses they employ less torturous techniques.

I would never ever eat fish just on the fact we over fish our oceans

Lizzie 01-27-2008 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Gentleman Johnny (Post 436122)
Personally, I see no benefits whatsoever to being a vegetarian, and besides, I hate vegetables.

There are lots and lots of benfits really, it is quite a nice thing. Sure makes me feel a hell of a lot better

savannah 01-27-2008 12:38 PM

most of the fish you eat now is 'farmed' anyway

ProggyMan 01-27-2008 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lizzie (Post 436190)
There are lots and lots of benfits really, it is quite a nice thing. Sure makes me feel a hell of a lot better

You claim to be morally superior over meat eaters and yet look at your philosophy: Species A is superior to Species B, therefore we should eat Species B and not Species A.

Lizzie 01-27-2008 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 436214)
You claim to be morally superior over meat eaters and yet look at your philosophy: Species A is superior to Species B, therefore we should eat Species B and not Species A.

Did i ever claim to be superior over meat-eater? No, I don't belive that I did. Not eating meat simply makes me feel better, knowing that I am not eating the flesh of a once inncent liveing being, that's all. I'm not saying anyone else should do it or anything, or that I'm better for not doing it. That's all

ProggyMan 01-27-2008 12:56 PM

That was more directed at Used2lguy and the vegan public, although you did say eating meat was wrong and disgusting. If eating meat is 'wrong', then not eating it is 'right'.

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 01-27-2008 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 436214)
You claim to be morally superior over meat eaters and yet look at your philosophy: Species A is superior to Species B, therefore we should eat Species B and not Species A.

The logic there doesn't make any sense. We are claiming that you shouldn't eat species A or B. Also, I agree with Lizzie. I physically feel healthier, and also my self esteem is better. Look at a modern food pyramid, which scientists have changed due to recent scientific discoveries. Vegetables are the healthiest foods you can eat followed by fruits, followed by nuts and seeds, then somewhere down there is meats. Most scientists do believe we should eat meat, but they say without revocation that almost all Americans eat way too much meat and bread.
It was kind of hard for me to stop eating meat, but it wasn't just for health reasons. It was about learning the way the animals are mistreated, and I did it for ethical reasons. I'm not going to tell you to stop eating meat, because that never influenced me to become vegetarian, when people told me I was wrong. The only way you will become a vegetarian, or do almost anything in life for that matter, is do it of your own volition.

ProggyMan 01-27-2008 04:18 PM

Species A is animals and species B is plants. Who are you to say which is more deserving of life? And Niman Ranch doesn't mistreat animals. And Niman Ranch is all I eat, so...

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 01-27-2008 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 436361)
Species A is animals and species B is plants. Who are you to say which is more deserving of life? And Niman Ranch doesn't mistreat animals. And Niman Ranch is all I eat, so...

Who are you to say the earth is round? Do actually believe plants are more deserving of life than humans. Humans are the only species in the history of our planet that have been proven to have a consciouss mind, which means, a human is his most divine, is capable of great things like compassion.

sleepy jack 01-27-2008 04:44 PM

Since this obviously can't stay on topic, I'm going to close this.

For the original post here is this:
List of vegans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For everyone else. You're not better than anyone because of what you eat, that goes for both sides. Plants and animals are nowhere near the same thing, stop using stupid analogies in hopes to justify your meat eating. This argument never gets anywhere because being a vegetarian is a personal choice and if you can't deal with that than grow up.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-27-2008 04:47 PM

I say move it to the lounge & let anyone who wants to fight it out do it there.

sleepy jack 01-27-2008 04:49 PM

Alrighty, carry on everyone.

ProggyMan 01-27-2008 04:51 PM

I believe that the earth is round because there is scientific, objective evidence to prove it, and it's hardly a matter of life and death. Is there any scientific, objective evidence that says animals are more worthy of life than plants?

sleepy jack 01-27-2008 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 436415)
I believe that the earth is round because there is scientific, objective evidence to prove it, and it's hardly a matter of life and death. Is there any scientific, objective evidence that says animals are more worthy of life than plants?

Because plants totally have have nerves and an active sentience. I already stated this argument is bullshit, it should be dropped. Animals>plants, always. Deal with it, you're not proving anything other than you're own ignorance by running around using this as the backbone for your "why the way you eat is wrong" argument.

Inuzuka Skysword 01-27-2008 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 436451)
Because plants totally have have nerves and an active sentience. I already stated this argument is bullshit, it should be dropped. Animals>plants, always. Deal with it, you're not proving anything other than you're own ignorance by running around using this as the backbone for your "why the way you eat is wrong" argument.

Humans > Animals, always. Deal with it, you're not proving anything other then you're own ignorance by running around using this as the backbone for your "why the way you eat is wrong" argument.

ProggyMan 01-27-2008 05:34 PM

I never said anything about one way of eating being better. I was pointing out that there's nothing besides his own specific set of morals judging animals to be better than plants. You can use the same logic for Humans and animals. We have a superior nervous system, we should rule the earth!

sleepy jack 01-27-2008 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword (Post 436472)
Humans > Animals, always. Deal with it, you're not proving anything other then you're own ignorance by running around using this as the backbone for your "why the way you eat is wrong" argument.

Where did I ever say Animals = Humans or Animals > Humans?

Lizzie 01-27-2008 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 436476)
I never said anything about one way of eating being better. I was pointing out that there's nothing besides his own specific set of morals judging animals to be better than plants. You can use the same logic for Humans and animals. We have a superior nervous system, we should rule the earth!

No, I dont think morals are the reason we think animals are higher or better than animals, it the pure fact that Animals HAVE a brain, they CAN feel ever ounce of pain put upon them. Can plants? No, they can't, therfore you cannot compare the two. It is not morals sayign that animals are better than plants
Humans do NOT need to eat meat to survive anymore, we've gotten past that, so why do we continue to do it?

Duke Of Slander 01-27-2008 05:47 PM

I have no real side to this argument but I'll list some of the facts and fallacies that surround it.

Animals are dominant in this world because they are mobile, but without plants there would be no life in the first place. The world is held in an intricate web of co-existence between species. Plants nourish animals, and, through excrements, seed dispersal, and nutrient spreading, animals give back to plants, fungi, ect. Why does this matter? This entire argument of one kingdom is better than the other is ****ing bull****. Stop trying to pull it.

Next up, becoming a vegetarian will help improve your overall health because you no longer have to constantly sweat out excess grease coming from meat that your body absorbs and can't digest. Your colon will be cleaner because fiber will continuously run through your system and clean it out. Having the runs may occur (hehe Raw diet).

However, meat has loads more protein than plants. You can get your recommended dose of protein or whatever by taking pills and seeds n ****, but it won't match how much you get from eating meat, especially from poultry and fish.

Humans are omnivores, when times were hard, they relied on plants to get them through and they got a withered look because protein is necessary for building muscles. They're not malnourished because there are other means of getting protein, but they're just not as efficient.

As for the animal emotion ****, certainly you can tell they feel something because of your empathy, but there is no way to tell if they can think because, just like people, you can't read people's minds nor theirs. You can only tell how people or animals feel because of your ability to relate and understand certain emotions. (As a fun little aside, scientist grew two potted plants next to each other and attached electrode to one. They then attacked the other in front of the electrode one, tearing off leaves snapping the stem, ect and found that the device measuring the other plant went crazy when the other plant was attacked.)

If I posted anything wrong or repetitive, you'll have to forgive me, no sleep and hunger are causing me to be be a little spacey right now.

ProggyMan 01-27-2008 05:47 PM

You know it's very easy to get meat that was obtained without causing pain to animals.
Edit: And how is not wanting to cause pain to animals not a moral?

Lizzie 01-27-2008 05:49 PM

But there are a lot of factories and companies that cause a huge amount of pain on animals, and a lot of people dont care enough to really bother and see

sleepy jack 01-27-2008 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 436492)
You know it's very easy to get meat that was obtained without causing pain to animals.

Quoted for the lulz.

ProggyMan 01-27-2008 05:56 PM

That has nothing to do with the arguement. There's no moral reason that I can see for you not to eat meat. Unless your objection is to the actual killing of the animals, in which case you should have the same objection to plants, since the animals experience no pain.

sleepy jack 01-27-2008 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 436500)
That has nothing to do with the arguement. There's no moral reason that I can see for you not to eat meat. Unless your objection is to the actual killing of the animals, in which case you should have the same objection to plants, since the animals experience no pain.

Please explain to me why the killing of plants is on the same level as killing animals because I really need to hear this one.

jesus 01-27-2008 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 436500)
That has nothing to do with the arguement. There's no moral reason that I can see for you not to eat meat. Unless your objection is to the actual killing of the animals, in which case you should have the same objection to plants, since the animals experience no pain.

proud vegetarian for three years, not even going to dignify this with a response

Predator 01-27-2008 06:01 PM

I can imagine no better use for a pig than to eat it. Pigs are the most wonderful animal. You get bacon, ham, pork chops, pork ribs, pork roast...........

Duke Of Slander 01-27-2008 06:03 PM

And lets not forget clogged arteries!

Predator 01-27-2008 06:04 PM

Thats the best part

jesus 01-27-2008 06:04 PM

i can imagine no better use for a human than to kill it and eat it, but i would go to jail if i did that

Predator 01-27-2008 06:04 PM

You don't have to kill a person to eat them......

Duke Of Slander 01-27-2008 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Predator (Post 436510)
You don't have to kill a person to eat them......

But its more humane haha

jesus 01-27-2008 06:07 PM

very true, but also takes the fun out of it

Lizzie 01-27-2008 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 436501)
Please explain to me why the killing of plants is on the same level as killing animals because I really need to hear this one.

Yes, please do explain, i dont understand how someone can say something so stupid as animals feel no pain

Predator 01-27-2008 06:09 PM

Have you ever been eaten?

ProggyMan 01-27-2008 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Lizzie (Post 436514)
Yes, please do explain, i dont understand how someone can say something so stupid as animals feel no pain

I never said that. I said that there ways to kill an animal so that it doesn't feel pain. Which puts it on the same level as a plant. In my opinion. Honestly I don't care about the animals. We might as well kill all the wolves on the planet so they can't hurt the deer.

sleepy jack 01-27-2008 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 436518)
I never said that. I said that there ways to kill an animal so that it doesn't feel pain. Which puts it on the same level as a plant. In my opinion. Honestly I don't care about the animals. We might as well kill all the wolves on the planet so they can't hurt the deer.

Yeah, I'm sure the meat industry nicely puts all the animals they slaughter to sleep before they cut them to pieces so they can't feel anything. Oh and if we're going to kill wolves for hunting deer we should kill ourselves too since we're just as bad, except we slaughter more than just deer. Your logic is ridiculous.

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