Music Banter

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duga 07-12-2010 08:17 PM

Human meat is technically the most healthy for us. Since it has all the same proteins we already have, our stomach has a much easier time breaking it down. I imagine human meat being no different than any other kind of meat.

FETCHER. 07-13-2010 11:15 AM


James 07-13-2010 11:36 AM

1. What song would you never want to be caught singing along to?
Probably a Panic At The Disco song. My bigget guilty pleasure I think.
2. If you were to have a random 80s movie style dance sequence one day in your life, what song would you be dancing to?
3.If you were an extinct animal, which one would you be?
A mammoth
4.What's your Jungian type? (Free Jung Personality Test if you don't already know it)
Introverted (I) 54.55% Extroverted (E) 45.45%
Intuitive (N) 60% Sensing (S) 40%
Thinking (T) 51.43% Feeling (F) 48.57%
Perceiving (P) 51.61% Judging (J) 48.39%

Your type is: INTP

INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.

5. If you absolutely had to eat human meat, how would you prepare it?
Fried and then chopped up and put on a pizza.
6. Which kind of cheese describes you as a person?
The plastic cheese that goes on burgers, nobody takes me seriously.

TheCunningStunt 07-13-2010 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by James (Post 899272)
5. If you absolutely had to eat human meat, how would you prepare it?
Fried and then chopped up and put on a pizza.

You don't absolutely HAVE TO eat human meat if you can afford the luxury of a pizza. Cannibal!

James 07-13-2010 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 899274)
You don't absolutely HAVE TO eat human meat if you can afford the luxury of a pizza. Cannibal!

It's tasty ok, leave me be.

WWWP 07-13-2010 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Seltzer (Post 898934)

I know, right? I believe a high five is in order.

Nine Black Poppies 07-13-2010 04:33 PM

1. What song would you never want to be caught singing along to?
Hm. I'm not sure. I can't think of anything I'd really mind that much.

2. If you were to have a random 80s movie style dance sequence one day in your life, what song would you be dancing to?
My first gut reaction to this is "Hounds of Love" by Kate Bush. That'd be kind of awesome, actually.

3.If you were an extinct animal, which one would you be?
I dunno.. an Irish Deer or something.

4.What's your Jungian type?
I always get either INFP or INTP, depending on the test and my mood. Apparently I'm right on the line between those two.

5. If you absolutely had to eat human meat, how would you prepare it?
I don't eat meat at all, so I know nothing about preparing meat, so I've got nothing on this one. I'd probably scorch the hell out of it, cover it in sauce and wait until it made me sick (cos any heavy meat would at this point--my body hasn't had to digest it in 14 years).

6. Which kind of cheese describes you as a person?
Probably Chevre. Slightly contrary, but really delicious once you figure out how to use it.

TheCunningStunt 08-13-2010 02:32 PM

My first Saturday Six Pack (even though it's Friday here, I thought I'd get the ball rolling), I'm not very good at this type of thing but it's worth a go.

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
2) Do you have any pet peeves?
3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?
5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?
6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

Violent & Funky 08-13-2010 02:49 PM

I'm just gonna type the first thing that pops into my head because I could spend hours thinking up answers to these questions.

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
Forrest Gump. Think of all the cool things he got to experience, and through all of the turmoil he was still a happy man. Pretty neat stuff.
2) Do you have any pet peeves?
Lots, obviously. The first one that pops into my head right now is when people aren't honest and try to sugar-coat things. Just spit it out and tell me what's on your mind.
3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
The 1920s to the House That Ruth Built to watch the 1927 Yankees. Hella good team in a hella fun time to be an aristocrat in New York City.
4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?
Spend the time with my friends. Prolly get really drunk and go to baseball games.
5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?
Happy and ignorant. Happiness is why we live.
6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
Probably some stuff I shouldn't talk about...

jackhammer 08-13-2010 03:19 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
Neo from The Matrix. Johnny from Naked.
2) Do you have any pet peeves?
Far too may to trot out on here and as you get older you accumulate them like grey hairs (if I had any)
3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
Dark age Britain.
4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?
Spend as much time as possible with the kids doing wild and crazy things that everyday life rarely permits you too. Probably have to fit in the most debauched night I could in there somewhere.
5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?
Knowing the truth doesn't have to make you unhappy. Just more understanding and aware of things. If you can't control an aspect of the world then you shouldn't give yourself a hard time over it.
6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
Far too obvious- ladies fitness gyms but I would also like to find out what people say about me at work etc. If you could interact and still be invisible, then it's a different answer altogether.

Bulldog 08-13-2010 05:28 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?

Or someone similar. I'd just never get bored.

If I could be some bloke from a TV series, being Don Konkey from Dirt would be pretty fun.

2) Do you have any pet peeves?
People who pronounce comfortable as 'comfurble' are super-annoying.

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
I dunno. I'd go back about 20 years so I could have a night out in the Hacienda I suppose.

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?
Arrange matchsticks.

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?
Ignorance is bliss, but the truth's ultimately more beneficial, so the latter I suppose.

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
Dunno, make cups float around of my own volition or whatever.

TheCunningStunt 08-13-2010 06:30 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
Maybe when I'm middle aged - Lester Burnham. That sense of breaking free would be wonderful, feeling like a child again even though you're middle aged. Now? Maybe Edward Scissorhands, I love his character.
2) Do you have any pet peeves?
When my sheet pings off my bed, that's the most annoying thing ever. I can't sleep in a bed if there isn't a sheet on it.
3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
To see the dino-rwars!
4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?
I'm not sure, I guess I'd either slip into a state of depression or I'd feel free, a week of freedom where anything goes. I'd go out and do whatever came to me.
5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?
Tough question, dunno why I asked it. Happy and ignorant would be nice, if for example it came to religion. Let's say hypothetically somebody found out there wasn't a God. Would it be right for him to run into the church telling everyone? No. Becuase they're happy. But if it's a relationship, your girlfriend has cheated on you -definitely unhappy and miserable.
6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
Let's face it, I'd steal lot's of money. :( This is why I don't have any special powers.

Dr.Seussicide 08-13-2010 06:52 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
Hmmm, I think I'd like to be fucking batman. If he had a actual super power, it'd be unfair.

2) Do you have any pet peeves?
Stupid remarks, stupid people, dirty stuff, people fucking waking me up.

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
I wanna see Jesus.

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?
I'd just like to die watching something beautiful.

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?

Ignorance is bliss. It's not just a sayin', it's the truth. The truth is fucking overrated.

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
Something illegal. What else?

FETCHER. 08-13-2010 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt
2) Do you have any pet peeves?
When my sheet pings off my bed, that's the most annoying thing ever. I can't sleep in a bed if there isn't a sheet on it.

I ****ing hate that SOOOOO much. Since I got a double bed it has never happened (2yrs), *touch wood*.

NSW 08-13-2010 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 918135)
I ****ing hate that SOOOOO much. Since I got a double bed it has never happened (2yrs), *touch wood*.

Yeah, I giggled like a 12 year old boy when I read that.

Sansa Stark 08-13-2010 09:19 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
Dianne from Trainspotting cause she gets to **** Ewan Mcgregor

2) Do you have any pet peeves?

Bad grammar, people who talk too ****ing loud
3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
Back to the early 1980s to see the Clash play obvs
4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?

Punch a lot of people in the face
5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?
I wonder that myself all the time. I'll get back to yer
6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
Steal dresses

glastonelle 08-13-2010 09:22 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
Ferris Bueller. Sure, I'd have to be a guy, but damn. Imagine being that cool..

2) Do you have any pet peeves?
People with really high opinions of themselves. And when my duvet falls off while I'm sleeping. Thats f*cking annoying.

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
Greek Empire in something BC. I'd get to wear a toga. Or Britain's Jane Austen days. Theres just something about angry men in frilly shirts...

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?
Honestly, cry. Otherwise, find myself a nice villa in the South of Spain and party there. With lots and lots of people I dont have to know, a chocolate fountain, and endless booze.

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?

Its like that satisfied pig/unsatisfied human philosophy thing. I'd go for satisfied pig. Honesty isnt all its cracked up to be.

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
Just be a total ass and trip people over a lot, probably.

TheCunningStunt 08-13-2010 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 918135)
I ****ing hate that SOOOOO much. Since I got a double bed it has never happened (2yrs), *touch wood*.

Worst. Thing. Ever.

I still have a single, but it doesn't happen as much as it did on my old bed.

debaserr 08-14-2010 12:20 AM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?

the dude or dicaprio from catch me if you can.

2) Do you have any pet peeves?


3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?

far into the future. time machines go forward in my hypothetical reality.

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?

get some pity sex, try some hard drugs, and maybe sky dive.

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?

i haven't experienced both so how could i give an objective opinion? i suppose you might liken childhood to ignorant and happy.

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

dumb question.

Scarlett O'Hara 08-14-2010 03:38 AM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?

Satine from Moulin Rouge.

2) Do you have any pet peeves?

Tapping, dripping, people singing (when its not me wanting to hear them), people thinking they are better than someone else.

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?

I would go to two places, first, back in time to the French Aristocrat era to be a wealthy stuck up snob, and also to the 50's-60's to be a hippy slut and be at Woodstock.

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?

Stay with my parents and get everything done for me.

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?

Unhappy and know the truth.

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

Fart on John Key's face. Get on a plane and go to a random country.

FETCHER. 08-14-2010 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 918146)
Yeah, I giggled like a 12 year old boy when I read that.

Hahha, I didn't get what was so funny until the second time I read. You're a champ! :D


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 918168)
Worst. Thing. Ever.

I still have a single, but it doesn't happen as much as it did on my old bed.

Urgh I swear if it happens to me this forum cursed my bed. I might vomit.

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
Alan from the hangover... haha joking. I'd play someone badass, like Tony Montana, or Tyler Durden. Possibly even James Bond. I also have no idea why they are all male...
2) Do you have any pet peeves?
As mentioned, when my sheet falls off. When I'm sleeping on say the left side of my bed with the right side of the covers, and you try and sort it but the covers are sooo heavy because you're tired. Men annoy me. Men who pretend not to care annoy me. Getting poked in the ribs. :@
3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
To see Marilyn Monroe. and alot of astonishing things thats happened in the world (many of the things captured in the pics that say a thousand words thread.)
4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?
Have loads of sex, drink loads of alcohol, take loads of hard drugs, burn my work uniform, travel to NZ/AU for a few days, then home to die.
5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?
Ignorance is bliss.
6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
Make a girl who bullied me at primarys life utter hell. Probably beat the **** out of her constantly throughout the day.

Nine Black Poppies 08-15-2010 04:50 AM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
Mmm. Ellen Ripley. Not because I could pull it off at all, but because it'd be fun as hell to even try to be that badass.

2) Do you have any pet peeves?
Tons, about 90% of which involve driving in some way. EG: "You're on a freeway on-ramp; why are you going less than 25mph?" or "You do not have a stop sign at this intersection. I do. You stopping makes me have to wait longer. How do you not realize this?"

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
Well... damn, I dunno. It'd be fun to see a lot of things, but I think a lot of them are probably better in my imagination.

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?
I'd like to say I'd go do something awesome, but I honestly don't think I would. I don't think I'd even want to tell anyone I didn't have to.

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?
This depends entirely on the subject because both really have their advantages. But honestly, how often do you even get to choose? Usually these things just happen.

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
Probably just f--k with random people in little ways for my own amusement. Something to make the world a bit more surreal.

BTown 08-15-2010 01:35 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
bluto from animal house

2) Do you have any pet peeves?
nothing really bugs me to much

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
trojan war

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?
probably do the same things I always do. its summer right now and I'm not in school so everyday is pretty much perfect.

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?
happy and ignorant

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
area 51

333 08-15-2010 02:12 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
At the moment, Christopher McCandless/Alexander Supertramp.

2) Do you have any pet peeves?


3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?

I have a few: the Maracana Blow, that Bill Hicks show where he bitches out this broad, and lastly, back to the 50s once again - this time only with the knowledge I have now and hopefully be involved in the initial understanding and research of DNA.

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?

I'd spend a lot of time with my mother and brother. I'd do lots of drugs. Also, sex would probably be involved. If I was really content by then, I'd probably just off myself after some proper goodbyes.

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?

Truth and whatever it may come with.

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

I think it would be safe to say that I would **** with a lot of my friends. Maybe blow something up, maybe a little robbery.

Dayvan Cowboy 08-15-2010 02:55 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?

Chuck Noland from Cast Away, it seems like it would be cool to be stuck on an island and only use your instincts to survive.

2) Do you have any pet peeves?

yes. I can't stand it when people don't press "Clear" when they're done using the microwave.

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?

I would go back to the 1800's so I could freak out people by using an iPod or saying that I was from the future.

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?

go to Antarctica, lose my virginity and talk to that cute guy named Andrew that I was always too shy to even say hi to.

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?

Ignorant and happy. I missed the old days where we used to think babies came from outer space.

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

Buy more invisibility pills and go on a plane to scotland and find out if BOC's gonna release their new album already.

LoathsomePete 08-18-2010 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by 333 (Post 918915)

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?[/B]

I have a few: the Maracana Blow, that Bill Hicks show where he bitches out this broad, and lastly, back to the 50s once again - this time only with the knowledge I have now and hopefully be involved in the initial understanding and research of DNA.

Oh my god going to see I'm Sorry Folks would be awesome. I mean it was a pretty bad show, but hearing Bill just verbally destroy those people was really amusing.

Arya Stark 08-18-2010 02:09 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?

Juno. I just love that movie.

2) Do you have any pet peeves?

My biggest pet peeve is when I'm at a restaurant and someone is standing right next to the table for a long amount of time. Usually waiting for a friend, or looking for the bathroom or something.
Do it while you're sitting down, or do it somewhere that's not going to make me want to make sure you can never stand again.
I don't know why it bothers me so much, it just seems so rude.

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?

I want to go forward in time to see if all of the social issues America has today will lessen.

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?

Have a lot of sex

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?

I'd rather be unhappy and know the truth, personally. It seems like people are unhappy either when they're ignorant.

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

See if anyone notices I'm gone, obviously. Ahaha.

Burning Down 08-18-2010 03:44 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?

A female version of Ferris Bueller.

2) Do you have any pet peeves?

Loud, obnoxious children in an expensive restaurant, like the kind who scream and run around the place while the parents are totally oblivious. I love kids, but they don't belong in a high-end restaurant. Get a babysitter!!

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?

I would go back to the 1770's to see if Mozart was as much of an ass like he was portrayed to be in Amadeus. Also to see if Salieri was that pompous.

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?

Go to Europe and hook up with some hot foreign guy.

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?

Unhappy and know the truth.

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

Keep poking and tapping people on the street or on the subway. Maybe even the same person for several minutes at a time. I would totally get a kick out of their reactions!

The Bullet 08-18-2010 07:07 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
That's a hard one... maybe Donkey from Shrek? One of the Spinal Tap members? Any of Sam Jackson's roles? It's too hard to choose.

2) Do you have any pet peeves?
Millions. Accidentally setting your Ipod so that it plays songs out-of order comes to mind

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?

Late-80s. Alot of awesome music came out around that time. I'd go see bands I'm not old enough to remember

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?

Skydive, get super-drunk, party like crazy, blast music crazy loud, smoke pot etc. etc.

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?
Unhappy and know the truth. The truth would be more beneficial in the long run

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

Mess with people and see their reactions.
"I SWARE! Something keeps hugging me, then disapearing! And my suitcase, I didn't have it with me! It litterally flew here!"

SATCHMO 08-19-2010 08:55 PM

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
Most definitely Gene Wilder's role as Willie Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

2) Do you have any pet peeves?
The one that comes to mind right now is when people list of radio stations when you ask them what kind of music they listen to. I also hate being interrupted by people.

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
Several points in time and space relevant to music history. New Orleans in the 1910's, New york in the 20's, Jamaica or San Francisco in the 60's.

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?
Live to be 113

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?
It is always better to know the truth. Happiness is a choice.

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

TheCunningStunt 08-19-2010 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 920464)
1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
Most definitely Gene Wilder's role as Willie Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Interesting choice, how come you'd play a borderline paedophile?

SATCHMO 08-19-2010 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 920466)
Interesting choice, how come you'd play a borderline paedophile?

You're dead to me.

Sansa Stark 08-19-2010 09:03 PM

I'd wager it's because of the sweet outfit

TheCunningStunt 08-19-2010 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 920469)
I'd wager it's because of the sweet outfit

I'd say it was because of all the sex with this kid

Sansa Stark 08-19-2010 09:07 PM

Augustus Gloop,really?. I think he'd have more discriminating tastes, were he actually a pedophile

SATCHMO 08-19-2010 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 920473)
Augustus Gloop,really?. I think he'd have more discriminating tastes, were he actually a pedophile

Yeah, especially since this bitch has had it comin' for a minute:


Sansa Stark 08-19-2010 09:14 PM

She's got impeccable dress sense, I'd wear that

TheCunningStunt 08-19-2010 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 920476)
Yeah, especially since this bitch has had it comin' for a minute:


Sharp tongued little floosy!

Janszoon 08-19-2010 09:18 PM

This is a great set of questions!

1) If you could play any character from any movie ever, what character would you play?
Otto from Repo Man.

2) Do you have any pet peeves?
People who cut you off and respond to what they think you were going to say but guess wrong nine times out of ten, meaning that their efforts to speed up the conversation, aside from being really rude, also make it take twice as long. I currently work with someone who does this every single time I talk to her.

3) If you had a time machine and could go back anywhere in time, where would you go?
I would think really anywhere in the past would be fascinating, but I guess I'd be especially interested in the ancient world. It would be pretty amazing to see Ur in it's heyday or a verdant Egypt with a painted sphinx.

4) If you found out you had a week to live, what would you do?
I'd try to spend as much of it as possible with the people who are closest to me.

5) Is it better to be happy and ignorant or is it better to be unhappy and know the truth?
I guess the ugly truth is the way to go, but I do have to admit that sometimes I wish I was blissfully ignorant.

6) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
Visit as many places I'm not normally welcome as possible... like the mint downtown. :D Of course I'd probably also spend a lot of time worrying that I was going to get hit by a car if I crossed the street.

TheCunningStunt 08-19-2010 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 920487)
This is a great set of questions!

Thank you! F*ck you Eric_G for saying one of them sucked.

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