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uncle salty 03-10-2018 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1932022)

1. Would you rather explore time or space? ( I mean would you rather remain on Earth and travel backwards/forwards in time, or explore the universe)

Oooh, tough one, but my knee jerk reaction when I first read it, space.


2. What is the last thing you lost, and did you find it again?]
My Aerosmith Get Your Wings cd, for about 2 weeks. It was getting close to Code Red status, but turns out my daughter poached it.

I couldn't be angry about my 17 year old (at the time) daughter grooving on Get Your Wings. ( I also found Physical Graffiti, Couldn't Stand The Weather and Rumours in her car.)


3. What was your original reason for joining MB?
I've been a member of other music forums over the years, and they just run their course after a time.


4. What is the longest single journey you have ever undertaken? (A road trip/multi-stop plane journey or cruise would all be seen as one journey)
I've been to Europe 4 times.


5. What's currently on your computer desk/table/area?
I don't have one. 'Laptop' is literal.


6. What's the toughest decision you ever had to make?
Walking away from people I love because they were bad for me.

OccultHawk 03-10-2018 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1932141)
Yeah but we never found out who was the father, did we?

The sun obviously.

Trollheart 03-10-2018 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1932153)
The sun obviously.

The sun says it was nowhere in the vicinity when the Earth was born. Claims it was out getting a pack of cigarettes. Aldebaran and Rigel back this up.

Plankton 03-10-2018 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1932110)

You sure keep **** tidy

That’s like grandma clean

Dam straight, sonny.

The Batlord 03-10-2018 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1932153)
The sun obviously.

Keep it in the family is what I always say.

OccultHawk 03-10-2018 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1932232)
Dam straight, sonny.

I thought we weren’t allowed to make fun of Chula’s wife.

The Batlord 03-10-2018 07:13 PM


OccultHawk 03-10-2018 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1932242)

That lady just texted me and demanded I clear things up. She has never ****ed Chula (or anybody else with an IQ under 70).

OccultHawk 03-11-2018 07:50 AM


1. Would you rather explore time or space? ( I mean would you rather remain on Earth and travel backwards/forwards in time, or explore the universe)

Time. 1) it might be impossible so I’d be the only one ever to do it 2) you could watch evolution in action and there’s a possibility there’s no life in space.

2. What is the last thing you lost, and did you find it again?

TV remote- yes.

3. What was your original reason for joining MB?

Discuss and learn about music.

4. What is the longest single journey you have ever undertaken? (A road trip/multi-stop plane journey or cruise would all be seen as one journey)

Not completely sure but either Portland to Bombay (stopover in Frankfurt), Florida to Japan, or Japan to Belfast.

5. What's currently on your computer desk/table/area?

Don’t have one.

6. What's the toughest decision you ever had to make?

I make really important decisions impulsively. I would uproot my life without a thought. No ****, the most thought I’ve ever given anything is what records to buy and what to read next. Quitting jobs and moving were always **** that seemed circumstantial not like I was really steering it.

Mindy 03-11-2018 08:13 AM

1. Would you rather explore time or space? ( I mean would you rather remain on Earth and travel backwards/forwards in time, or explore the universe)

2. What is the last thing you lost, and did you find it again?
idk, i lose things and i find them

3. What was your original reason for joining MB?

2016 election

4. What is the longest single journey you have ever undertaken? (A road trip/multi-stop plane journey or cruise would all be seen as one journey)
drove/lived all across this country

5. What's currently on your computer desk/table/area?

6. What's the toughest decision you ever had to make?

where to live.many others too

The Batlord 03-11-2018 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Mindfulness (Post 1932286)
3. What was your original reason for joining MB?

2016 election


Cuthbert 03-11-2018 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1932294)

Classic Mindfulness :)

MicShazam 03-11-2018 10:12 AM

Is that a tennis ball in a bottle cap?

The Batlord 03-11-2018 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1932297)
Is that a tennis ball in a bottle cap?

I think it's just resting on top.

Mindy 03-11-2018 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1932294)


Originally Posted by Man like Monkey (Post 1932295)
Classic Mindfulness :)


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1932297)
Is that a tennis ball in a bottle cap?
its my rubber ducky, a debugging tool.

The Batlord 03-11-2018 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Mindfulness (Post 1932312)


Mindy 03-11-2018 11:24 AM


i just use Wilson


The Batlord 03-11-2018 11:40 AM


Trollheart 03-11-2018 01:08 PM

1. Would you rather explore time or space? ( I mean would you rather remain on Earth and travel backwards/forwards in time, or explore the universe)
I think I'd prefer space. If you go back in time you're always going to have the old "don't interfere with the timeline" issue, so that would be a pain cos there's a lot I'd like to change about the past, but I don't fancy returning to the present to find that the Nazis had won WW2, or worse, Kesha is Queen of the world. If you go forward, well, who knows how long Earth will last, so it could be a very limited trip. I'd definitely choose space: infinite possibilities. Literally.

2. What is the last thing you lost, and did you find it again?
Probably my wallet. And I was concerned, as it has my debit/ATM card as well as Karen's card, her medical card, my Social Welfare card, rent card and gas payment card. It was only in my room (fell out of my jeans when I took them off to go to bed) but my room tends to look like a Syrian mosque after a drone strike, so it was not easy. I did find it though, but for a moment there panic was setting in.

3. What was your original reason for joining MB?
To spam my stupid music game. I got slammed down real fast, by Janszoon I think.

4. What is the longest single journey you have ever undertaken? (A road trip/multi-stop plane journey or cruise would all be seen as one journey)
The furthest I've ever been is to Holland (Netherlands), so however far from Ireland that is.

5. What's currently on your computer desk/table/area?
Clock (shut up; yes, with hands!), nasal trimmer, remote for my speakers, moisturiser (my hands get really dry and then sore), nail file (I bite my nails: ever accidentally torn one off too close to the quick?), box of Strepsils throat lozenges, another clock (not working but it has cool dolphins on it), small mirror, various unchecked lottery tickets, unopened thumb drive, old aluminium wallet, cup of tea (drank), four books on Irish history, spiral-bound notebook, mini atlas, crossword book, dictionary, thesaurus, packet of Ginger Nuts biscuits, pen, coaster, USB cables, various pieces of paperwork (paid bills, receipts, letters etc)

6. What's the toughest decision you ever had to make?[/QUOTE]
In 1991, when my mam was dying in hospital, Karen was also in a different hospital, being treated for what they said at the time was a "brain virus" but which we now know/suspect was the onset of her MS. As a result, she was of course unable to visit ma, who thought it odd. I therefore had to lie, and pretend Karen was too upset to come up to see her. The alternative was telling her that her daughter was in hospital, which would have worried her no end. The least my ma deserved was to go peacefully. It's always been between Karen and I, and I know in a way she doesn't and never will forgive me for it, but it was the right thing to do. Without question though, making that decision was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Karen was robbed of her chance of seeing ma before the end, due to her circumstances, and I feel I contributed to that. That will never leave me. But I'd do it again.

The Batlord 03-11-2018 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1932340)
2. What is the last thing you lost, and did you find it again?
Probably my wallet. And I was concerned, as it has my debit/ATM card as well as Karen's card, her medical card, my Social Welfare card, rent card and gas payment card. It was only in my room (fell out of my jeans when I took them off to go to bed) but my room tends to look like a Syrian mosque after a drone strike, so it was not easy. I did find it though, but for a moment there panic was setting in.

MicShazam 03-11-2018 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Mindfulness (Post 1932312)

That's so crazy it just might work!

The Batlord 03-11-2018 01:32 PM

I'd probably just end up talking dirty to it while masturbating.

MicShazam 03-11-2018 01:36 PM

Oh please God no.

SmokeAndMirrors 03-11-2018 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1932022)

1. Would you rather explore time or space? ( I mean would you rather remain on Earth and travel backwards/forwards in time, or explore the universe)

Explore the universe.

2. What is the last thing you lost, and did you find it again?

20$ and Yeah, I just totally had forgotten I had it.

3. What was your original reason for joining MB?

The Facebook and social networking communities irritate me.

4. What is the longest single journey you have ever undertaken? (A road trip/multi-stop plane journey or cruise would all be seen as one journey)

I went to Algeria, France, and Morocco for three months

5. What's currently on your computer desk/table/area?

Incense, my keys, weed pipe/bag, headphones, various different necklaces, work schedules, and some notes to myself.

6. What's the toughest decision you ever had to make?

To choose to develop logical reasoning over emotional reasoning.

SmokeAndMirrors 03-11-2018 09:16 PM

1. Would you rather explore time or space? ( I mean would you rather remain on Earth and travel backwards/forwards in time, or explore the universe)

Explore the universe.

2. What is the last thing you lost, and did you find it again?

20$ and Yeah, I just totally had forgotten I had it.

3. What was your original reason for joining MB?

The Facebook and social networking communities irritate me.

4. What is the longest single journey you have ever undertaken? (A road trip/multi-stop plane journey or cruise would all be seen as one journey)

I went to Algeria, France, and Morocco for three months

5. What's currently on your computer desk/table/area?

Incense, my keys, weed pipe/bag, headphones, various different necklaces, work schedules, and some notes to myself.

6. What's the toughest decision you ever had to make?

To choose to develop logical reasoning over emotional reasoning.

Cuthbert 03-16-2018 04:48 PM

It is Saturday for some of us
1. What was the last thing you saw, read or heard that made you cringe?

2. Post an opinion you have that you think would be controversial either on here or in public.

3. What is a nice thing that someone did for you recently? If there is nothing, then tell us something nice you did for someone else.

4. Which, if any, athletes or sports teams do you really not like?

5. Would you eat lab grown meat if it was readily available and the same cost as non lab meat? Why/why not? This question also applies to vegans and non meat eaters.

6. Describe your ideal breakfast.

MicShazam 03-16-2018 04:59 PM

1. What was the last thing you saw, read or heard that made you cringe?

I will have to get back to this one. Can't think of anything off the top of my head.

2. Post an opinion you have that you think would be controversial either on here or in public.

I'm of the opinion that owning massive wealth is unethical. I'm not sure what the cut-off point would be, but surely there is a limit to how much money one person could need. If you sit on millions of dollars while millions are starving, can you really call yourself a good person?

3. What is a nice thing that someone did for you recently? If there is nothing, then tell us something nice you did for someone else.

Recently, I bought two beers in a supermarket and they had to check the price as it didn't register as what the signs said. I let the two guys behind me go in front while a store clerk went down to verify the pricing on the shelves. It's a tiny thing, but it's all I could think of.

4. Which, if any, athletes or sports teams do you really not like?
Not like? Umm... can't think of any. I'm new to actually caring about sports at all and I've only got a handful that I like. I kind of support everyone that I think have talent, which is most professional athletes. An unsportsmanlike attitude does annoy me, but I really don't watch anything but the occasional bit of women's tennis, so... I've got nothing.

5. Would you eat lab grown meat if it was readily available and the same cost as non lab meat? Why/why not? This question also applies to vegans and non meat eaters.

If it was scientifically guaranteed and verified as being the same kind of proteins, then sure, why not? It's not really any more gross if you think about it.

6. Describe your ideal breakfast.

Like a pregnant woman, most types of breakfast makes me feel lightly nauseated (edit in honor of Batty, the resident grammar Nazi). I'd either go with rye bread and jam, or oatmeal + milk. Something fatty like English style brunch makes me wanna puke. I just can't handle sausages and bacon in the morning. I've had a habit of just skipping breakfast alltogether.

The Batlord 03-16-2018 07:09 PM

1. What was the last thing you saw, read or heard that made you cringe?

When was the last time TH posted a thread?

2. Post an opinion you have that you think would be controversial either on here or in public.

While I don't think there's ever been an autocratic government I'd like to live under, considering just how little the human race is to be trusted with voting, I might just consider a radical, autocratic alternative to democracy that hasn't been thought of. AI dictatorship or something? Someone needs to take the power from the people before they destroy themselves.

3. What is a nice thing that someone did for you recently? If there is nothing, then tell us something nice you did for someone else.

Not many nice things that can be done for or by me in my life atm.

4. Which, if any, athletes or sports teams do you really not like?

Back when I was a right wing dunce I used to have this burning hatred for Ted Kennedy that I transferred to Boston in general for no apparent reason. Have hated the Patriots ever since.

5. Would you eat lab grown meat if it was readily available and the same cost as non lab meat? Why/why not? This question also applies to vegans and non meat eaters.

If it tastes reasonably good then yeah. No reason to kill anything when you can get a burger sans suffering.

6. Describe your ideal breakfast.

Pizza at the crack of noon. I like breakfast food and all, but in general I'd rather eat other foods unless it's cereal.

The Batlord 03-16-2018 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1933746)
Like a pregnant woman, most types of breakfast makes me feel nauseous.

dusted hoffman 03-16-2018 08:11 PM

1. What was the last thing you saw, read or heard that made you cringe?

Probably one of my coworkers talking with food in their mouth.

2. Post an opinion you have that you think would be controversial either on here or in public.

I don't know, I don't have a problem with Woody Allen... I think the Clintons are murderers and shit

3. What is a nice thing that someone did for you recently? If there is nothing, then tell us something nice you did for someone else.

My coworker made me a burrito

4. Which, if any, athletes or sports teams do you really not like?

OJ Simpson

5. Would you eat lab grown meat if it was readily available and the same cost as non lab meat? Why/why not? This question also applies to vegans and non meat eaters.

Depends on how it tastes. If it tasted the same or close enough I would totally eat it, but I'm not going to treat myself to a birthday steak of mediocre fake meat.

6. Describe your ideal breakfast.

Steak and eggs served by chef Mickey but not at Disneyland.

Frownland 03-17-2018 09:29 AM

1. What was the last thing you saw, read or heard that made you cringe?

TH's April Fool's joke.

2. Post an opinion you have that you think would be controversial either on here or in public.

In here: you should be able to justify your opinions.
In public: the troops shouldn't be supported.

3. What is a nice thing that someone did for you recently? If there is nothing, then tell us something nice you did for someone else.

My marijuajuana delivery driver gave me an extra half ounce because she was quitting that night.

4. Which, if any, athletes or sports teams do you really not like?


5. Would you eat lab grown meat if it was readily available and the same cost as non lab meat? Why/why not? This question also applies to vegans and non meat eaters.

I'd definitely try it at the very least.

6. Describe your ideal breakfast.

Slightly runny scrambled eggs, buttered toast or English muffin, and maple sausage links. Coffee and water to drink.

Oriphiel 03-17-2018 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1933881)
6. Describe your ideal breakfast.

Slightly runny scrambled eggs, buttered toast or English muffin, and maple sausage links. Coffee and water to drink.

Don't forget your cherry pie, Coop.

The Batlord 03-17-2018 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1933881)
Slightly runny scrambled eggs, buttered toast or English muffin, and maple sausage links. Coffee and water to drink.

links >>>>>> patties

grindy 03-17-2018 10:54 AM

1. What was the last thing you saw, read or heard that made you cringe?
I have a colleage that makes me cringe every time she opens her mouth.

2. Post an opinion you have that you think would be controversial either on here or in public.
All of my nihilistic ****. Also all of my antinatalistic ****. Also agreeing with Batty that some type of advanced totalitarian system seems kinda good at times. #stoked4skynet

3. What is a nice thing that someone did for you recently? If there is nothing, then tell us something nice you did for someone else.
My mom and her husband just came over to install a carbon monoxide sensor in my kitchen because a family in our town was recently killed by that **** and my mom has been worried ever since.

4. Which, if any, athletes or sports teams do you really not like?
Don't care about sports at all.

5. Would you eat lab grown meat if it was readily available and the same cost as non lab meat? Why/why not? This question also applies to vegans and non meat eaters.
Sure. If it would taste good and with the added bonus of less animal suffering it might be a great thing.

6. Describe your ideal breakfast.
The one I had today was pretty ideal: Bacon, eggs sunny-side-up, full wheat roll with herbal butter, baked beans, some smoked scamorza cheese, pickles and some small radishes.
It's way too much for every day (my usual breakfast is an apple and a banana), but since I had it at noon and was pretty hungover, it was quite appropriate.

OccultHawk 03-17-2018 11:01 AM

1. What was the last thing you saw, read or heard that made you cringe?

Footage from Syria this week. Dude walking around in circles carrying his infant son’s corpse.

2. Post an opinion you have that you think would be controversial either on here or in public.

Differentiating between my troll opinions and my true opinions, among my sincere beliefs, Myanmar did the right thing by expelling the Rohingya minority.

3. What is a nice thing that someone did for you recently? If there is nothing, then tell us something nice you did for someone else.

Buddy gave me free eats from his garden.

4. Which, if any, athletes or sports teams do you really not like?

Those ugly gorilla sisters who play tennis.

5. Would you eat lab grown meat if it was readily available and the same cost as non lab meat? Why/why not? This question also applies to vegans and non meat eaters.

Yes. It’s an important step to remove suffering from the planet.

6. Describe your ideal breakfast.

What I had this morning: Soppressata, arugula, enokitake mushrooms, goat cheese, three egg omelette. Washed down with sweet tea.

Cuthbert 03-17-2018 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1933904)
4. Which, if any, athletes or sports teams do you really not like?

Those ugly gorilla sisters who play tennis.

:eek: :D

The Batlord 03-17-2018 11:17 AM

Serena might be thick but also too burly for my tastes. Seeing that phat ****ing ass awkwardly jammed on top of those tree trunk legs makes me feel threatened.

Frownland 03-17-2018 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1933895)
links >>>>>> patties

Unless you're doing a sandwich situation, but even then you can make links work.

Cuthbert 03-17-2018 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1933908)
Serena might be thick but also too burly for my tastes. Seeing that phat ****ing ass awkwardly jammed on top of those tree trunk legs makes me feel threatened.

I think she's hot.

When she has her natural hair she is very good looking.

OccultHawk 03-17-2018 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Man like Monkey (Post 1933912)
I think she's hot.

When she has her natural hair she is very good looking.

I’m not saying I wouldn’t **** her.

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