Music Banter

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Carpe Mortem 09-27-2014 02:08 PM

What would you say is the sexiest feature a person can have is?

Physically... just overall bigness. I like hulking, monstrously huge men. Mentally, a little bit of an intimidation factor, maybe bossy or the occasional attitude, 'strong silent' types. Goes hand in hand with the bigness.

What is the most recent album you've fallen in love with?

Electric Wizard- Time to Die

If you could have an instrument owned by one of your favorite artists, what instrument and artist would it/they be?

I want ICS Vortex's vocal chords in a jar.

What was the worst job you've ever had?

Working at a foam factory with a bunch of catty little bitches fresh out of high school.

Who is/was the most influential friend or family member in your life so far and how would you describe them?

My soulmate, boyfriend, lover, has been incredibly influential in supporting my creativity, and inspiring new hobbies. He's just as much of an ADD dabbler as I am, so every time he picks up something new, I have a little on my plate too.

What's your favorite snack?

Caramel Apples. Always down for caramel apples.

anticipation 09-27-2014 02:23 PM

What would you say is the sexiest feature a person can have is?

What is the most recent album you've fallen in love with?
weak ass question.

If you could have an instrument owned by one of your favorite artists, what instrument and artist would it/they be?
I would choose to not take an instrument.

What was the worst job you've ever had?
I've only had one type of job.

Who is/was the most influential friend or family member in your life so far and how would you describe them?
my grandmother taught me to work hard and to only care about family, simple enough.

What's your favorite snack?

GuD 09-27-2014 02:27 PM

  1. What would you say is the sexiest feature a person can have is?

    On men- eyes and eyebrows. Lean, slender bodytypes. I like pretty eyelashes and thick brows. Same for women also but I'm also all about the curves and a little junk in the trunk. Also wide faces for some reason. And unique facial features. Holy gosh an interesting nose and jawline? hurnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmph. Oh yeah and androgyny? ohmygoshgetinmuhbedssssssss

  2. What is the most recent album you've fallen in love with?

    La Femme- Psycho Tropical Berlin

  3. If you could have an instrument owned by one of your favorite artists, what instrument and artist would it/they be?

    King Tuff's Pelham Blue Gibson SG.

  4. What was the worst job you've ever had?

    Working as an elevator operator and custodian at Coit Tower. So terrible.

  5. Who is/was the most influential friend or family member in your life so far and how would you describe them?

    Ooft. This is another hefty one- probably my godmother Jeanne. She was a headcase for sure, struggled with drug addiction and bipolar disorder. But when she was sober and stable she was the most amazing, inspiring, funnest person ever. She passed on when I was young and that loss and the aftermath definitely had an impact on me that lasts to this day.

  6. What's your favorite snack?

    Anything with eggs. I love eggs. I'm also unusually fond of trail mix.

Ninetales 09-27-2014 04:36 PM

What would you say is the sexiest feature a person can have is?

other variables obviously but I seem to gravitate to girls with nice hair. used to see this girl who was a hair model with that brick red hair and damn it was awesome. now she dyed it blonde tho and its just not the same :(

What is the most recent album you've fallen in love with?

Heaven by The Bilinda Butchers

still in love

If you could have an instrument owned by one of your favorite artists, what instrument and artist would it/they be?

Bleeding Gums Murphy's sax

sorry im bad at this

What was the worst job you've ever had?

I worked straight data entry for a large electric company for about 4 months a few years back. Actually didn't hate it at the time; got to listen to lots of music, the people there were awesome, and they posted the numbers of everyone at the end of every month so it was like a competition. Couldn't see myself doing that now (very repetitive stuff), but Ive actually relatively enjoyed all the jobs ive had to some extent. go figure.

Who is/was the most influential friend or family member in your life so far and how would you describe them?

going beyond family, I had this great teacher in high school a bunch and he was just really good at provoking discussion and making me think and such. probably made me more interesting in my "learn as much as I can" attitude.

What's your favorite snack?

Cereal. Eat that shit too much maybe. Vector mixed with Edge is a new current fav.

The Batlord 09-27-2014 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1491390)
What would you say is the sexiest feature a person can have is?

Not ending sentences with prepositions.

That's actually a bull**** rule foisted upon the English language hundreds of years ago by stuck-up intellectuals trying to apply Latin grammar rules to English. It's often perfectly acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition, no matter what your conformist English teachers taught you.


The word ‘preposition’ ultimately derives from Latin prae ‘before’ and ponere ’to place’. In Latin grammar, the rule is that a preposition should always precede the prepositional object that it is linked with: it is never placed after it. According to a number of other authorities, it was the dramatist John Dryden in 1672 who was the first person to criticize a piece of English writing (by Ben Jonson) for placing a preposition at the end of a clause instead of before the noun or pronoun to which it was linked.

This prohibition was taken up by grammarians and teachers in the next two centuries and became very tenacious. English is not Latin, however, and contemporary authorities do not try to shoehorn it into the Latin model. Nevertheless, many people are still taught that ending a sentence or clause with a preposition should be avoided.
Grammar myths #1: is it wrong to end a sentence with a preposition? | OxfordWords blog

What would you say is the sexiest feature a person can have is?

Boobs. Not afraid to admit I'm shallow. I love boobs. I. Love. Boobs. But if we're talking non-physical traits, then I gotta go with my man Exo_ on a sense of humor. I have a left-field sense of humor, and often when I make some weird joke I get the normies giving me a blank stare, as if it's not patently obvious that I wasn't serious about the ridiculous thing I just said. Man or woman, when I get that stare, I know that there is little to no chance that that person and I will ever be anything more than acquaintances.

What is the most recent album you've fallen in love with?

My comic book obsession has kept me from listening to much new music these days, and usually then only as background music. The closest thing in recent memory was a live video of an entire Madball concert that had me headbanging and punching the air like a spaz. I say that counts as a live album.

If you could have an instrument owned by one of your favorite artists, what instrument and artist would it/they be?

**** if I know. As a bull**** answer I'll say Yngwie Malmsteen's favorite guitar, just so I can smash it in front of him out of spite.

What was the worst job you've ever had?

I've worked almost entirely in fast food joints, so it's hard to choose. I'll go with Wendy's, just cause it was a small ****hole that was particularly depressing, and, while I didn't dislike any of my coworkers, they were extra boring to me.

Who is/was the most influential friend or family member in your life so far and how would you describe them?

My mother. For the longest time I was pissed at her for her short comings as a parent. She didn't neglect me or anything, she just isn't exactly a natural mother. But as I've become older I've realized that many of the things that I used to hate about her were things that we shared. I don't think you can really accept yourself until you get over your issues with your parents, since you're probably just like them.

What's your favorite snack?

Pizza. There are very few things as satisfying as the ritual of ordering a pizza, waiting for the delivery person, paying them, and then consuming your hard-earned prize.

Goofle 09-27-2014 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Ninetales (Post 1491479)
What is the most recent album you've fallen in love with?

Heaven by The Bilinda Butchers

still in love

I was very close to saying this or the Benjamin Booker self-titled... but I can't say I love them the way I love ULTRAVIOLENCE.

Pet_Sounds 09-28-2014 06:31 AM

  1. What would you say is the sexiest feature a person can have is?

    Eyes, especially if the person has a nice pair of glasses. Also hair.

  2. What is the most recent album you've fallen in love with?

    The Byrds - Fifth Dimension

  3. If you could have an instrument owned by one of your favorite artists, what instrument and artist would it/they be?

    I'll take the guitar and amp the Kinks used for "You Really Got Me".

  4. What was the worst job you've ever had?

    Haven't had enough to say.

  5. Who is/was the most influential friend or family member in your life so far and how would you describe them?

    Excluding my parents, my karate instructor. He's been a constant in my life for the past six years, and has helped me through some real ****.

  6. What's your favorite snack?

    Smoked salmon on crackers with cream cheese.

GuD 11-21-2014 07:25 PM

What's it gonna take for other peeps to keep this shizz rollin? like damn bruh.

Right anyways here's some questions, answer them if you like:

An artist of any kind with whom you would have a romantic, intellectual, or just friendly date?

What would you do on this date?

Most pleasant and unpleasant sensory (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell) experiences you've ever had?

Biggest accomplishment of the year so far?

Biggest letdown of the year so far?

What are you most thankful for right this moment? (I ran out of ideas, deal with it)

Exo 11-21-2014 07:32 PM

An artist of any kind with whom you would have a romantic, intellectual, or just friendly date?

I'd take Bill Murray on a date any day. No sex though unless he pays for a room.

What would you do on this date?

Coffee and conversation in any diner on the east coast.

Most pleasant and unpleasant sensory (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell) experiences you've ever had?

Pleasant? Acid in the Catskills. Unpleasant? Fart in my face. He pooped I think.

Biggest accomplishment of the year so far?

Moving out of my house for sure.

Biggest letdown of the year so far?

My attempts to find a job and my attempts to handle my depression.

What are you most thankful for right this moment?

This moment? You guys are helping me with a lot of sh*t right now.

Pet_Sounds 11-21-2014 07:41 PM

An artist of any kind with whom you would have a romantic, intellectual, or just friendly date?

What would you do on this date?

Actresses count, right? I'd take Scarlett Johansson out just to look at her.

Most pleasant and unpleasant sensory (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell) experiences you've ever had?

Nothing like hearing the engine of a de Havilland Beaver turn over. Batty's toe.

Biggest accomplishment of the year so far?

I asked the girl I'd had a crush on since 2012 out.

Biggest letdown of the year so far?

Blue Jays missing the playoffs.

What are you most thankful for right this moment?

My warm home. It's too damned cold outside.

EDIT: I'll add a sixth question.

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

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