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cavanherk 06-22-2009 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 687506)
I take it you read the name of the Doctor who's responsible for that thesis?

And C.C. you're dead right.

From the article:

According to Dr. Tiktoch, "the only antidote to time inflation is, I'm afraid, misery. It's not much fun, but it does slow things down."

That's hilarious.

lucifer_sam 06-22-2009 12:07 PM

good to know people are still eschewing common sense for idiotic theories.

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 06-22-2009 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 688082)
good to know people are still eschewing common sense for idiotic theories.

Yes, it is good, isn't it?

right-track 06-22-2009 04:01 PM

Watch this BBC documentary. This is the first of several. Try and stick with it and watch the rest.
There are many different types of time. As far as we're concerned the way we measure time, is with what is basically an abstract concept that has little bearing on real you'll discover.
The idea of time speeding up is ridiculous to us because as far as we're concerned, time is relative.
In other words, if time was accelerating...we probably wouldn't even notice.
I'm no expert, but the notion of us entering some kind of 4th/5th dimension (or whatever theusedtool is on about), quite frankly, is bollocks.

mr dave 06-22-2009 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by TheUsed2lguy (Post 688052)
That's very vague to say, 'stuff like this,' stuff like what? Quantum Physics, Conspiracy Theories, what?
You're prepared to make a complete generalization about every person who has a conspiracy theory, and not hear them out.

Dave, we are a very intelligent people, and just because we are more advanced now than at any previous time, doesn't mean we are in a Utopian society. Should Copernicus have stayed silent about the sun being the center of our solar system, and begrudgingly accepted the fixed Earth theory. I'm not saying I'm Copernicus, or any one of the thousands of other people who have written about what I'm mentioning.

So, give me a pat on the head, and I'll be sure to look up every source on this matter that I've read from, and even those I haven't yet heard from, and pat them on the head, too. This is far from an original idea. Empiricism has it's place in science but, honestly, I don't understand the people who go around shunning every conspiracy theory, before they even hear what it is.

Some people read the facts and make their mind up from there. Some will say, 'Oh, here we go, another conspiracy theory,' and completely ignore it. That's fine. However, some people blindly attack the conspiracy theory, and actually spend more time arguing against it than they did learning about it in the first place. This makes no sense to me.

Please, Mr. Dave be objective, but when you dismiss some idea just because it doesn't quite fit into your view of the world so far, it comes across as very elitist, like, 'we already know everything in the universe, why is this character thinking outside the lines of what we already know to be true?'

i didn't shun anything, i made a generalization based on the theorists i've dealt with directly. they ALL act the same way (you included), thank god for youtube 'proof'...

my view of the world actually encapsulates ALL the conspiracy theories i've ever heard (it's summed up nicely in my sig). i'm not dismissing anything, i'm just not giving credibility to something that only exists as a 'what if?' launched from a prior 'what if?'. i have my own answer to my why.... i just don't see why my answer should apply to anyone else or vice versa.

i don't have ANY problems with unorthodox theories about anything that have at least one connection to something resembling accepted logic. it just seems to me that more often than not the really 'out there' theorists refuse to allow any sort of accepted logic into their theories because it's something widely recognized as 'sane' by the NWO or the illumianti or the stone masons or whatever flavour of the week big brother organization that's keeping us all in line.

overall my entire take on time can be summed up in a 3 minute song (a kick ass one at that). YouTube - Queens of the Stone Age - 18 A.D.

your comment about enlightenment is also a common theme i get tossed my way by my tin foil hat connection quite a bit, yet i've never gotten a direct answer as to what enlightenment is really supposed to be. to me it sounds like clearing yourself of burden (sin?), to exist beyond your body and to become light. unfortunately that requires the courage to leave your physical body behind, and that is just an unacceptable consideration to make for the paranoid.

Freebase Dali 06-22-2009 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 688254)
Watch this BBC documentary. This is the first of several. Try and stick with it and watch the rest.
There are many different types of time. As far as we're concerned the way we measure time, is with what is basically an abstract concept that has little bearing on real you'll discover.
The idea of time speeding up is ridiculous to us because as far as we're concerned, time is relative.
In other words, if time was accelerating...we probably wouldn't even notice.
I'm no expert, but the notion of us entering some kind of 4th/5th dimension (or whatever theusedtool is on about), quite frankly, is bollocks.

Firstly, I would just like to say the vid with the rats on cocaine and weed was hilarious. Made my day.

Secondly, I didn't really gleam any information within the entirety of the documentary that I wasn't able to discern from reality (minus specific experiments), but it was fun to watch. :)

If anything, I'm a little disappointed that the physicist (who I've seen in other documentaries) didn't delve a little deeper into the subject and possibly propose some theories regarding tangible aspects of time outside of just us having a physical function of recognizing it and all of life being bound by it.

Where I sidestep in this issue is that even while time may be specifically a biological mechanism used to create an observing perspective, I believe that mechanism isn't a property of anything but observing lifeforms. That's why I believe time is a function we're dependent on, as observing lifeforms, but not an intrinsic property of all matter, and nor is it depended on by all matter in order to exist.
Knowing that specifically makes time an observational function.
A biological clock doesn't need observation. It's no different than a process of change that's cyclic.

DearJenny 06-23-2009 12:17 AM

I'm not sure exactly what you're getting at, but I have seen some crazy **** lately that leads me to believe anything is possible. I recently started hanging out with some people who practice energy manipulation, which includes a lot of things, like attempting to control the flames of candles and bonfires, to controlling the weather, in other words, controlling the elements.

I know it sounds crazy, but I've seen a girl direct the flame of a bonfire with her hands. Its not entirely paranormal either, the way they explained it to me, is the human body gives off heat(just like a candle gives off heat), which can be converted to energy. The energy can then be further converted into something else. The same way a lightening strike an turn sand into glass. Or ions in the air from a thunderstorm can be harnessed into electricity. Its just like any natural phenomena. The human body contains similar molecular make ups.

What I'm trying to say is humans are capable of some pretty interesting things. Its all a matter of using your energy in a certain way.

As far as this thread.......its possible we could be evolving? I've believe in my short years on Earth that evolution was due soon, whether it be physical, molecular, or whatever. Don't close your minds to these things, people! Crazier **** has happened.

sleepy jack 06-23-2009 12:24 AM

Robert Boyle is rolling in his grave.

Freebase Dali 06-23-2009 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by sleepy jack (Post 688644)
Robert Boyle is rolling in his grave.

With the trend around here, we could tie a rope around his body and use it to generate energy for a perpetual motion machine and finally get off combustion.

sleepy jack 06-23-2009 12:34 AM


and MB's capsfilter

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