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boo boo 08-10-2010 01:46 PM

Well I'm gonna try to measure this with as much detail as I can.

When it comes to pressure it's equal for both sexes I think. Women have stigmas enforced by women and stigmas enforced by men, and men have stigmas enforced by men and stigmas enforced by women. We're all guilty and we all fall victim to it, but in different ways.

There are more powerful men than women. It's not because men are in fact better than women, women just accepting it and wishing they were men won't solve the problem. Human males have a biological need and desire to be the dominator but now in a civilized world there's no excuse for it.

Just because there are more great male scientists, politicians, doctors, lawyers, engineers, business owners, writers, musicians, filmmakers, etc. It doesn't mean men are more talented at these things, it means men have been given more opportunities to make their dreams possible. Now that women are finally getting these opportunities you see more and more women doing these things that used to be exclusive to men and you see them being just as good at it. And it's not because they evolved, it's because they're getting the equal treatment they always desired.

Men are physically stronger than women. There are pros and cons to this. A big con is men think this is the ultimate excuse to treat women as inferiors because they have been taught since childhood how important machismo is.

I'm not a sports person but I'm a strong advocate for female sports and I despise all the male sports fans who refuse to give them credit. Why does it f*cking matter if the best female athletes can't compete with the best male athletes? They're not competing with the men they're competing with other women. It's about fitness overall, if you're an unfit male competing with a fit women you WILL lose. And so many chauvinist sports fans aren't exactly fit, meaning they knock on women's abillities when they could probably pwn them, and I think they know this, and that bothers the hell out of them. I also hate how when a girl athlete becomes a sex symbol that takes away from her athletic accomplishments. People constantly call Anna Kournikova a terrible tennis player. Really? The chick who stayed at number 1 for 10 weeks in the WTA ranks in doubles?

I once saw this dumb list called "10 hottest girl athletes who suck at sports" and almost all of them made it to the olympics, wow they must be awful. Give me a break. Men are so afraid of women being physically strong that they have to make ridiculous excuses to discredit their accomplishments. It's ok for men not to be the best because at least they can say they have the superior gender, it doesn't matter if they're fat disgusting losers they're still better than any woman. And if a woman isn't number 1 she's a failure.

Rape of course is one of the big disadvantages to being female. Women are capable of defending themselves though, however it's just that most of them don't bother to learn, if you were a female kickboxer you'd justifiably feel more safe. I strong athletic women but guys continue to insist that it's "manly" and only men should take advantage of the testosterone in their system to build up muscular tissue. Women are expected to fit the ideal of being slender, submissive and delicate, that makes them easier to rape.

People say guys have more liberties in their appearance but I'm not so sure. Yeah guys can take their shirts off and show their bare chest, they can show their leg hair, and so on. Though I've seen women wear shirts without bras, it's not illegal to do that here actually. So women can not wear bras if they can handle a little rudeness. And its not like guys can't do things that they get picked on for. I think if enough women do something challenging to social ideals men will eventually have to accept it. You see women being more diverse in their fashion than ever before, it's become acceptable enough that it at least doesn't make you a target for violence, though you will be called ugly names but that's just human nature and it will never change.

One thing I definitely envy about women is their diversity of fashion. They can dress in feminine clothes like dresses, skirts, tank tops and high heals and wear makeup. But they can be tomboys, just jeans and shirts, no makeup. They can even be androgynous, blending traits of both genders. Men however get much more crap if they venture even a little beyond masculine fashion. Metrosexuals are considered f&ggots and they're not even that feminine. And yeah, a woman can wear a shirt and jeans and still get a job, while a man wearing makeup, a dress and high heels will have difficulty not getting beat up in the street let alone find a job.

Even though I'm not gay, because I persue friendships with girls more often and talk to them a lot that's somehow considered a gay thing. Guys are supposed to hang with the guys and girls are just for f*cking. I know women can be cruel, but there's some things they seem to accept better than men. It seems like straight women are generally way more supportive of homosexuals than straight men. Maybe because women see gay men as being on their level and easier to understand and communicate with. While men see homosexuals as being on a similar level as women and thus inferior. Because being a man is of course the best f*cking thing ever and you have problems if you're not proud of it.

And finally there's pregnancy. People call this the greatest con for being a woman. If you mean that nothing for a man is as physically painful then yes. But how many mothers regret having a baby? How many of them consider it one of the most happy moments in their life and enough so that they're willing to do it again? I lot of them actually.

I dunno, maybe this will offend some women because I'm not a girl but I think pregancy is wonderful. Not the actual process and all the pain involved, hell no. But what comes out of it. The creation of life. The fact that it's the women who carry the burden of supporting another lifeform for 9 months makes them so admirable because I don't think a man could ever have the endurance.

I definitely connect with mothers more than fathers. Mothers tend to play a more important role in a child's development, this seems to be true for almost every species. Overall I think women's importance to society is undervalued, for ages they weren't the breadwinners or the success stories but they are the people raising children and molding the people who will one day be running the world.

They aren't in as many positions of power. But yeah, look at how wonderful the world is right now with all the men in power, we truly are the superior gender right?

Overall I think that's the biggest challenge, creating a balance in power for both sexes. It's true that we have biological differences meaning that we can't be truly equal at everything but we still deserve the same rights and privilages, something that is entitled to every human being.

Anything a man can do a woman can do, she might have to work harder, but if a woman can perservere that makes her accomplishments even greater.

Pomegrant 08-10-2010 01:53 PM

Women having less power is not biological, it's cultural. There are cultures where women are more important than men and hold the power. You're just not looking hard enough. Most of your points are based on certain societal perceptions of what a woman should be.

There are more great male scientists because on the bell curve of intelligence women are grouped together in average intelligence with less outliers mostly because average is good enough to survive. Men are all over the place and are usually the most intelligent or least intelligent. On top of that outliers usually have great social problems which would be terrible for care takers.

boo boo 08-10-2010 02:10 PM

I think you have misunderstood me completely. I pretty much said exactly what you are saying. That men only have more power for cultural reasons and not because we are biologically better at everything. So why are you bitching?

Men are not more intelligent in women. There's been many studies that showed that girls actually get better grades than boys. I think a big reason now that there are less women with those kinda jobs is because of choice. There's far more pressure for men to be "great" at something than there is for women. A lot more women are content with just living life and raising a family.

Pomegrant 08-10-2010 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 916607)
I think you have misunderstood me completely. I pretty much said exactly what you are saying. That men only have more power for cultural reasons and not because we are biologically better at everything. So why are you bitching?

Men are not more intelligent in women. There's been many studies that showed that girls actually get better grades than boys. I think a big reason now that there are less women with those kinda jobs is because of choice. There's far more pressure for men to be "great" at something than there is for women. A lot more women are content with just living life and raising a family.

I skimmed and I'm not bitching.

Grades are not markers for intelligence. They are markers for how well you can do in school. I personally believe in the theory of multiple intelligences so I think school grades are mostly BS. Based on IQ scores, which I know goes against multiple intelligences, men on average score higher but they also score much lower. It says nothing against women. Being average means you can perform just like everybody else. There is nothing wrong with average.

boo boo 08-10-2010 02:28 PM

Ok I misread you then.

TilenHrovatic 08-11-2010 02:34 PM

yes I am :)

hissundaygirl09. 08-21-2010 06:56 PM

very satisfied :)))

Howard the Duck 12-22-2011 08:08 AM

i wouldn't say I'm dissatisfied with my gender

i would say i'd rather be in a position where i can change my sex anytime I want

like, say, they can invent a machine that switched genders automatically

i get bored of being a dude sometimes, sometimes i just wanna be a woman

and if i tire of that, i'll go back to being a dude and so on and so forth

Rubato 12-22-2011 08:20 AM

Gender or sex? I'm happy with what I have but I find it difficult to masturbate frantically at the latest re-runs of top gear.

Howard the Duck 12-22-2011 08:58 AM


if i were a woman, i would probably look at myself naked in the mirror and play with my bits

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