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TheCunningStunt 10-24-2010 12:53 PM

A simple yes would have sufficed. Fuck animals, not literally - that would be wrong.
Objectifying women wouldn't bring them joy, however - how can they hear it from the kitchen and over the sound of the washing machine?!

VEGANGELICA 10-24-2010 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 947350)
A simple yes would have sufficed. Fuck animals, not literally - that would be wrong.

Objectifying women wouldn't bring them joy, however - how can they hear it from the kitchen and over the sound of the washing machine?!

Why would fucking animals be wrong, Mr. Cunning? If you like it, why does it matter what *they* feel?

We Americans don't usually have the washing machine in the kitchen, btw. You can have lovely conversations in OUR kitchens. So, if I happen to be in the kitchen I can hear people just fine. You'll have to watch what you say as you're washing up the dishes.

TheCunningStunt 10-24-2010 01:12 PM

I don't like hairy women, so animals would definitely be a no go.
Unless it was a sphynx cat.

We have a utility room with the washer in, I just wanted to make a generic sexist joke and you fucking ruined it. :(

VEGANGELICA 10-24-2010 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 947355)
I don't like hairy women, so animals would definitely be a no go.
Unless it was a sphynx cat.

We have a utility room with the washer in, I just wanted to make a generic sexist joke and you fucking ruined it. :(

I? Ruining a sexist joke?!? How unheard of!

Considering your taste for hairless cats, I am relieved to hear that you don't like hairy women. Since you like cat rape, you should watch the Canadian film "Leolo." I don't think the cat was a sphynx cat, though. :( So don't get your hopes...or anything else...up just yet!

TheCunningStunt 10-24-2010 01:23 PM

"If you like cat rape" - a sentence starter you don't hear enough if I'm honest.

Violent & Funky 10-24-2010 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 946776)
Sport, lol.

It's a game.


Soccer is a bore though too... ;)

TheCunningStunt 10-24-2010 01:54 PM


Violent & Funky 10-24-2010 01:59 PM

I'd just like to add: plants have feelings too!

Scarlett O'Hara 10-24-2010 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 946779)
It's a game, and a pretty fucking dire one.

That said, I've only ever watched.
People say you have more of an appreciation for it once you've played the GAME.
But watching it, Jesus Christ.
I hate it.
It's worse than cricket.

I want to make your babies.


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 947350)
A simple yes would have sufficed. Fuck animals, not literally - that would be wrong.
Objectifying women wouldn't bring them joy, however - how can they hear it from the kitchen and over the sound of the washing machine?!

:laughing: :rofl:

Seriously my stomach's hurting from laughing!

Dirty 10-25-2010 01:08 AM


If no fans paid to watch men bashing about on the field, do you think American football as a profession would exist? If men didn't receive money to spend huge chunks of time in their life training and playing, do you think they'd be willing to run the risks they do to the extent they do?

I disagree with you that the risk of serious injury is small in American football, although I realize one person may view as reasonable a risk level that another views as too great:

From a Time Magazine 2010 article:

Repeated blows to the head, which are routine in football, can have lifelong repercussions. A study commissioned by the NFL found that ex–pro players over age 50 were five times as likely as the national population to receive a memory-related-disease diagnosis. Players 30 to 49 were 19 times as likely to be debilitated.

Some scientists now fear that the thousands of lower-impact, or "subconcussive," blows these players receive, even if they don't result in documented concussions, can be just as damaging as — if not more so than — the dramatic head injuries that tend to receive more attention and intensive treatment."
If zero people paid, then true there would be no profession of NFL player... But what I am saying is that each individual person has that choice as a player whether to play or not. If everyone put their health risks above money and love of the game, then there also wouldn't be professional football. So I don't think fans are responsible for injuries at all. There is no reward without risk.

The part in bold is just showing exactly what I am trying to say here. It's not always the helmet to helmet or gigantic hits that lead to life-affecting injuries. Most of the hits that have resulted in paralysis and broken necks are not gigantic head on collisions. So in that article they are saying that smaller hits are dangerous too. EVERY HIT IS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS. In your perfect world, there is apparently no touching of another player. It might as well be flag football out there. It's physical, just accept it. No, player's safety is NOT always the number 1 priority. Because if it was, no professional sports would even exist.

About Channing Crowder's comments.. Like I said, he is a frustrated defensive player. You're idea that the NFL is only out to protect offensive players just reflects that you don't watch/aren't very knowledgable about football. How on earth do you want the NFL to *protect* defensive players more? Not allowing anyone to block? I don't even know what you are talking about. Also, let's make the seperation of 'chop' blocks and 'cut' blocks. They are different. A chop block is where a defensive guy is being blocked and another player comes in and takes out his legs. A cut block is where the defensive player is not already being blocked and someone goes low and cuts out their legs. These are allowed because it's not realistic or reasonable to think that a running back is going to be able to block a 250 pound linebacker running at full speed by hitting him high everytime. The linebacker would run him over. Cut blocks can result in knee or leg injury, but again, EVERY play can result in injury. You can't just take EVERYTHING out of the game of football.


That's the question for you, Dirty...why DID the NFL ignore the issue of concussions before these past few years. I've given you my answer: the NFL did not care about player safety as much as they could have because the NFL wants wins and viewers, which equal MONEY. The NFL put money in front of human lives. That's the opinion of Hall of Famer Jim Brown, as well. Did you read his quote I posted earlier?

I disagree with you when you say players "don't need to be explained the risk of playing their sport." NFL players are employees, and ALL EMPLOYEES deserve to be informed fully by their employers of the risks faced in their job.

First off, I don't know why the NFL *ignored* these problems... Exactly what are they supposed to do? They've started fining more heavily for hits deemed unnecessary to defenseless receivers, but it's not like concussions are going to stop. It all comes back to this being a violent game, and you just have to accept that as reality.

Now YOU'RE reasoning is seriously flawed and make no sense... The NFL is going to have the same amount of wins every year, you know. So let's disregard that part of what you said.. Now to the viewers. Obviously the NFL wants as many viewers as possible. Now, how in the hell would the NFL gain viewers by making the game more dangerous, which leads to more injuries to star players? How do they gain viewers from the marquee players being injured and not playing? If Peyton Manning gets hurt for the Colts, there is a 100% chance that less viewers would watch their games. So you should re-think you're reasoning because it MAKES NO SENSE.

As for players being informed.. This isn't a normal job by any means. You honestly think that there are many NFL players who don't understand that any play on any given day could end their career? These guys have been playing the game their whole lives, they've had injuries before... They know the potential risks.

TheCunningStunt 10-25-2010 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 947451)
I want to make your babies.



Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 947451)
:laughing: :rofl:

Seriously my stomach's hurting from laughing!

Seriously though, what do they do?
Oooh look at me, look at me!
I'm an animal.
I crawl around on all fours and worm my way into your affections.


I'd rather eat you. Cunt.
Especially ducks, I dislike ducks.
I have a friend that once shot a duck with a BB gun.
And I have a friend that threw a skittle at a duck.
Come to think of it, I think it was the same friend.
What the fuck does he have against ducks?!

VEGANGELICA 10-25-2010 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 947640)
How on earth do you want the NFL to *protect* defensive players more? Not allowing anyone to block? I don't even know what you are talking about. Also, let's make the seperation of 'chop' blocks and 'cut' blocks. They are different. A chop block is where a defensive guy is being blocked and another player comes in and takes out his legs. A cut block is where the defensive player is not already being blocked and someone goes low and cuts out their legs. These are allowed because it's not realistic or reasonable to think that a running back is going to be able to block a 250 pound linebacker running at full speed by hitting him high everytime. The linebacker would run him over. Cut blocks can result in knee or leg injury, but again, EVERY play can result in injury. You can't just take EVERYTHING out of the game of football.

I agree stopping a large linebacker without trying to destabilize him from the legs would be difficult...but I'm not the only viewer to suggest stopping cut blocks to improve safety:


Sports: Stop the chop? Broncos called out

Many suggest the league outlaw the cut block and eliminate the potential for the chop block, which can cost up to $20,000 in fines. As long as legs and ankles continue to be broken, the cut block likely will be revisited by the league in the offseason, and there appears a growing sentiment against it.
Thanks for clarifying the difference between cut and chop blocks. I usually just see the terms used interchangeably, as in this quote: "Chopping, cutting, chop it whatever you want, but the act of hitting a defender in his shins to nullify him is as dangerous now as it ever was." The Dangers of Chop Blocking - Roll 'Bama Roll.

My point is that both blocks are why shouldn't the NFL just cut the cut blocks? Games continue to evolve as people decide risks are too great and therefore redefine what moves are a foul or not, so why not continue to have contact sports evolve toward more safety?


Now YOU'RE reasoning is seriously flawed and make no sense... The NFL is going to have the same amount of wins every year, you know. So let's disregard that part of what you said.. Now to the viewers. Obviously the NFL wants as many viewers as possible. Now, how in the hell would the NFL gain viewers by making the game more dangerous, which leads to more injuries to star players? How do they gain viewers from the marquee players being injured and not playing? If Peyton Manning gets hurt for the Colts, there is a 100% chance that less viewers would watch their games. So you should re-think you're reasoning because it MAKES NO SENSE.
There may be the same number of wins, but if American football were toned down still more, made even safer, WOULD AS MANY PEOPLE WATCH? Would the games bring in as much money per game? Doubtful, seeing as how you and others disparage so much the idea of American football becoming like flag football.


As for players being informed.. This isn't a normal job by any means. You honestly think that there are many NFL players who don't understand that any play on any given day could end their career? These guys have been playing the game their whole lives, they've had injuries before... They know the potential risks.
They may know it could end their career...but since the NFL, for example, hasn't until recently informed players that going back into a game after a concussion can lead to even worse lifelong brain damage, I really don't know if players realized that or not, and I assume not.

Whether or not football is a normal job, employers and overseeing agencies STILL have to inform employees of the risks appropriately. I'm not saying the NFL is a completely nefarous organization, but I recognize that the NFL has not treated players well (again refer to the issues Jim Brown raises) and I feel it is fair to acknowledge that and expect compensation for the players.

Also, I think we simply disagree, Dirty, on whether the thrill of American football is worth the risks. I feel no and so I don't support American football. I would never let my child play it, for example. (Now THERE'S a debate issue!) I feel the best part of the game is the strategy (the variety of plays), and the throwing, running and catching. If it were touch football, I'd enjoy the game much more than contact football, because the game would still have the aspects I like, and I'd be glad that the risks of injury were much reduced. Why do you *need* the bone-jarring contact of tackling to enjoy the game?

FETCHER. 10-25-2010 04:44 AM

i missed this whole thread, what the **** is this about?

VEGANGELICA 10-25-2010 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 947659)
i missed this whole thread, what the **** is this about?

Currently American football and soccer and raping animals...but anything you'd like, really, kayleigh. I've spent most of my time here in this thread debating with Dirty about the NFL and the violence of contact sports.

But you can converse about any topic! Isn't that fun? What would you like to talk about? We're free here. No set topic at all.

TheCunningStunt 10-25-2010 05:26 AM

So it's like a more productive Spam thread?

VEGANGELICA 10-25-2010 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 947664)
So it's like a more productive Spam thread?

Oh, I'm pretty sure what YOU'RE writing in this thread is spam, Cunning. ;)

But I'm writing about serious stuff here. Cut blocks and chop blocks! The NFL's degradation of the value of a human life! Hall of Famer Jim Brown and employee rights! Sphinx cats! Dan Marino and the Dolphins! Butt swatting!

Dan Marino

Rump swat

James 10-25-2010 11:02 AM

What is the best fruit?

TheCunningStunt 10-25-2010 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by James (Post 947716)
What is the best fruit?

Stupid question, it's strawberries.

James 10-25-2010 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 947720)
Stupid question, it's strawberries.

Blasphemy! It's bananas!

TheCunningStunt 10-25-2010 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by James (Post 947723)
Blasphemy! It's bananas!

Most overrated fruit ever. Apples and bananas aren't all that.

Strawberries are the most tasty. Better with ice cream too.

James 10-25-2010 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 947724)
Most overrated fruit ever. Apples and bananas aren't all that.

Strawberries are the most tasty. Better with ice cream too.

Oranges are the most overrated ones.

TheCunningStunt 10-25-2010 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by James (Post 947725)
Oranges are the most overrated ones.

Are oranges particularly rated?
Bananas and apples seem to be the most overrated.
Pears are underrated IMHHO.
And strawberries are in a class of their own.

James 10-25-2010 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 947726)
Are oranges particularly rated?
Bananas and apples seem to be the most overrated.
Pears are underrated IMHHO.
And strawberries are in a class of their own.

I find Oranges to be a very popular fruit, but the skin and the seeds make me hate them.
I agree Peaches FTW.
Strawberries are good, but better with Cream.

TheCunningStunt 10-25-2010 11:33 AM

You agree peaches FTW?
I said pears!
Where do you stand on grapes?
I find grapes to be overrated.
If I was in hospital and someone brought me grapes I'd punch them in their cunt. Despite me being in a hospitalised state, I'd make the effort for them bastards.

James 10-25-2010 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 947730)
You agree peaches FTW?
I said pears!
Where do you stand on grapes?
I find grapes to be overrated.
If I was in hospital and someone brought me grapes I'd punch them in their cunt. Despite me being in a hospitalised state, I'd make the effort for them bastards.

Pears are even better, but it's hard to find them ripe.
I don't rate grapes, too plump.

Violent & Funky 10-25-2010 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 947726)
Pears are underrated IMHHO.

Pears are my mostest favoritest!

Violent & Funky 10-25-2010 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 947723)
Blasphemy! It's bananas!

I do love that you can go to the grocery and get a fulfilling breakfast (a single banana) for like 17 cents, but there are much tastier fruits--such as pears and strawberries!

crash_override 10-25-2010 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 947700)
Oh, I'm pretty sure what YOU'RE writing in this thread is spam, Cunning. ;)

But I'm writing about serious stuff here. Cut blocks and chop blocks! The NFL's degradation of the value of a human life! Hall of Famer Jim Brown and employee rights! Sphinx cats! Dan Marino and the Dolphins! Butt swatting!

Dan Marino

Rump swat

If we're going to be talking about rump swatting in football, can we at least do so by speaking of the Lingerie Football League?

Ahh yes, now those are some spankable rumps.... amirite?

Scarlett O'Hara 10-25-2010 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 947720)
Stupid question, it's strawberries.

Agreed! Even looking at them makes my mouth water:

TheBig3 10-28-2010 01:28 PM

19 pages.

This is sort of epic.

VEGANGELICA 10-28-2010 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 949401)
19 pages.

This is sort of epic.

I know! :D We're doing our best for ya, Big3.


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 947765)
Ahh yes, now those are some spankable rumps.... amirite?

I don't know, Crash...I kind of prefer the men's rumps. At least in this picture they look...plumper. More squeeeeeeeezable. :) :) :)


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 947730)
Where do you stand on grapes?
I find grapes to be overrated.
If I was in hospital and someone brought me grapes I'd punch them in their cunt. Despite me being in a hospitalised state, I'd make the effort for them bastards.

Grapes overrated?! Maybe it's just a problem with British grapes, because over HERE our grapes...especially organic red ones...are absolutely delicious, Cunning. I was just eating 5 grapes yesterday morning, enjoying each one...eyes closed, savoring the sweetness...thinking that people can have their drugs. I'll take grapes over drugs any day. (Of course, I really can't compare, but I'm more than pleasantly satisfied with grapes.)

If you are in the hospital, I'll be sure to bring you some. First, though, I'll make sure you're strung up with broken legs and whatnot, so you can't get out of bed. ;)

20 pages now, Big3!

TheBig3 10-28-2010 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 949467)
I know! :D We're doing our best for ya, Big3.

I don't know, Crash...I kind of prefer the men's rumps. At least in this picture they look...plumper. More squeeeeeeeezable. :) :) :)

Grapes overrated?! Maybe it's just a problem with British grapes, because over HERE our grapes...especially organic red ones...are absolutely delicious, Cunning. I was just eating 5 grapes yesterday morning, enjoying each one...eyes closed, savoring the sweetness...thinking that people can have their drugs. I'll take grapes over drugs any day. (Of course, I really can't compare, but I'm more than pleasantly satisfied with grapes.)

If you are in the hospital, I'll be sure to bring you some. First, though, I'll make sure you're strung up with broken legs and whatnot, so you can't get out of bed. ;)

20 pages now, Big3!

Hahaha, well thanks but this has nothing to do me. I just love how this forum can talk a dead man into a coma about inanity. Never change, MB.

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