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Farfisa 08-06-2011 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 1093107)
^^ I'm not saying this about you, so please don't take it the wrong way. But the general male reaction goes something like:

Plain, intelligent girl: Eh.
Attractive bimbo: Meh.

It's the reason why Zooey Deschanel will always be more attractive than Kim Kardashian. Always.

Finally, someone understands.

Zer0 08-06-2011 06:30 PM

Lol I've put off a few girls by telling them I'm a software engineering student, they just assume you're boring, become disinterested and eventually come up with an excuse to walk away. I've never really done anything terribly stupid to attract a girl but I sometimes try to make them laugh which often doesn't quite work and makes me look like a bit of an idiot.

Kevorkian Logic 08-06-2011 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 1093107)
^^ I'm not saying this about you, so please don't take it the wrong way. But the general male reaction goes something like:

Plain, intelligent girl: Eh.
Attractive bimbo: Meh.

It's the reason why Zooey Deschanel will always be more attractive than Kim Kardashian. Always.


hot, cute, pretty. Every girl falls somewhere on this lovely triangle.

Also Dayvan--please don't take offense at this, but be careful overplaying the smart nerd thing--guys dig it i'm sure but if you over do it your personality becomes very one dimensional to guys as many girls who do have the nerd factor tend to overplay it and it becomes...predictable.

I.E. Instead of using "hitchhikers guide" as what your conversation topic, throw in a reference like "don't panic" or "I always know where my towel is." Use it as an enhancement not a center. You are lucky to be smart and like awesome things, it will come off without you having to force it. Does that make sense?

also, i'm throwing in my typical suggestion of you may want to read kurt vonnegut if you like douglas adams. They have a similar cynical, detached view of the world meshed in with a humourous writing style

You sound like you have a lovely personality i'm just trying to help you work it :)

FETCHER. 08-06-2011 06:36 PM

could be worse. My mate does civil engineering and it's basically studying the ground to see if it's suitable to build rocks on (amongst other things). But he's literally one of the funniest guys I've ever met and has a smashing personality. So just cause you do something boring at uni doesn't make you a boring person.

Also the same standards go for guys. For me anyway. I'd prefer a mediocre looking geeky intelligent boyfriend to one that I could grate cheese on his abs. I'd LOVE the best of both worlds but I mustn't be greedy.

CanwllCorfe 08-06-2011 06:37 PM

Posted Elizabethan poetry. A lot. It would be romantic in the right context, but not in a Myspace photo comment.

lucifer_sam 08-06-2011 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Aurora (Post 1093113)
could be worse. My mate does civil engineering and it's basically studying the ground to see if it's suitable to build rocks on (amongst other things). But he's literally one of the funniest guys I've ever met and has a smashing personality. So just cause you do something boring at uni doesn't make you a boring person.

Also the same standards go for guys. For me anyway. I'd prefer a mediocre looking geeky intelligent boyfriend to one that I could grate cheese on his abs. I'd LOVE the best of both worlds but I mustn't be greedy.

*mimes creepiest come-hither look imaginable"

FETCHER. 08-06-2011 06:45 PM

I wouldn't if I were you. I'd come-hither to old nick. :(

EvilChuck 08-06-2011 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 1093115)
*mimes creepiest come-hither look imaginable"

Unless you're flexing your cheese-grater abs then you're wasting time.

Zer0 08-06-2011 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Aurora (Post 1093113)
could be worse. My mate does civil engineering and it's basically studying the ground to see if it's suitable to build rocks on (amongst other things). But he's literally one of the funniest guys I've ever met and has a smashing personality. So just cause you do something boring at uni doesn't make you a boring person.

Also the same standards go for guys. For me anyway. I'd prefer a mediocre looking geeky intelligent boyfriend to one that I could grate cheese on his abs. I'd LOVE the best of both worlds but I mustn't be greedy.

Yeah that's pretty much true. A lot of the people I hung around with in college were studying some sort of computer-related course and they were the funniest people you could ever meet. They could reference entire comedy show episodes in one night.

I usually go for slightly weird and geeky girls but it's becoming harder to find them these days.

tehpathogen 08-19-2011 09:57 PM

was at a clothing store, seen this chick by the changing rooms, i grabed some stuff went in the stall to change. i then opened the stall and asked her to give me her honest opinion, she said ok, and i walked out wearing womens garments over my clothes, she burst out laughing, she thought i was so retarded she gave me her number. lulz

Sneer 08-19-2011 10:25 PM

Me and my friend both fancied the same girl in primary school, so we decided to write a song for her. This involved assembling some saucepans, Tupperware pots and a small upturned bin, locating my recorder (you know, the thing you blow into), a blank tape and hitting record on my shitty stereo. We then proceeded in singing our hearts out about utter nonsense, mentioning her name intermittently. We inventively titled our magnum opus as 'Charlotte'. And yes, we gave it to this girl, fully expecting her to fall in love with both of us.

Turns out, she ended up kissing my partner in crime, leaving me feeling pretty fobbed off if I'm honest. This all took place around the age of 10... I'm pretty much over it now.

TheCunningStunt 08-19-2011 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Stu (Post 1096988)
Me and my friend both fancied the same girl in primary school, so we decided to write a song for her.

You were angling for a threesome, weren't you?

Farfisa 08-20-2011 03:08 AM

Apparently talking about music isn't a good way to pick up chicks.

Me: So what bands do you like?
Girl: Everclear
Me: Bwahahaha!

Yes, that actually happened.

djchameleon 08-20-2011 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 1097023)
Apparently talking about music isn't a good way to pick up chicks.

Me: So what bands do you like?
Girl: Everclear
Me: Bwahahaha!

Yes, that actually happened.

Talking about music is fine if you just accept that people listen to music you think is crap but for you stay far away from talking about music.

you could have just followed up with "I havent heard them years do they have anything new out" or "I could never get into Everclear what do like about them?"

See how easy that is?

Mykonos 08-20-2011 03:08 PM

Hah, I'm awful for that.

Me: What kind of stuff do you like?
Girl I fancy: Oh, I like Meatloaf, MCR...
Me: Pfft, you're joking with me, right?

I need a girl that loves Mogwai...

Queen Boo 08-23-2011 12:40 PM

Listened to hours and hours of anecdotes about guns, getting into fights, smoking pot, their days, what Hogwarts house they'd get sorted into, the attractiveness of Natalie Portman, the bitchiness of their succubi exes, Richard Nixon, why bombing Hiroshima was a good idea (he was a real doosh), why invading the Middle East is justified (so was he), fourwheelers, bikes, remodeling cars, why they write their shit poetry, and why a woman should never be president....I'm pretty good at pretending to be interested in shit I guess. I didn't know so many people found submissiveness and silence to be so attractive...

I guess I'm also good at pretending to believe them when they brag about how many drugs they've done, how big their dicks are, how many dudes they've taken in fights, and how great they are at giving head.

The Batlord 08-23-2011 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Tumor (Post 1097965)
Listened to hours and hours of anecdotes about guns, getting into fights, smoking pot, their days, what Hogwarts house they'd get sorted into, the attractiveness of Natalie Portman, the bitchiness of their succubi exes, Richard Nixon, why bombing Hiroshima was a good idea (he was a real doosh), why invading the Middle East is justified (so was he), fourwheelers, bikes, remodeling cars, why they write their shit poetry, and why a woman should never be president....I'm pretty good at pretending to be interested in shit I guess. I didn't know so many people found submissiveness and silence to be so attractive...

I guess I'm also good at pretending to believe them when they brag about how many drugs they've done, how big their dicks are, how many dudes they've taken in fights, and how great they are at giving head.

Wow, you're a real douche magnet. Tell them they suck, and maybe a non-douche will be like "Hey, this girl rules! I've been waiting for somebody to tell that prick he sucks for years now." Also, do The Robot in public. Guys who can't dance will worship you.

djchameleon 08-23-2011 04:38 PM

I remember in high school leaving love notes and poems for this girl I like but signing it as secret admirere. I would watch her smiling from down the hall as she read them. I did a big reveal on Valentine's Day and gave her some flowers. I was too shy to say anything more than I was the secret admirer and give the flowers then walked away. She was completely disappointed to find out it was me.

Mykonos 08-23-2011 05:49 PM

The stupidest thing I ever do is not do anything stupid to attract them. Nearly every girl I've ever fancied has either never received any sign from me that we're anything more than friends (nerves to go any further) or has had their affections dodged by me because I'm too damn jumpy about it.

FETCHER. 08-23-2011 06:17 PM

If a guy was discussing what Hogwarts house he would be in I'd be all over that ****.

Queen Boo 08-23-2011 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1097992)
Wow, you're a real douche magnet. Tell them they suck, and maybe a non-douche will be like "Hey, this girl rules! I've been waiting for somebody to tell that prick he sucks for years now." Also, do The Robot in public. Guys who can't dance will worship you.

I kinda like douches though, that's my problem. I even kind of like guys that treat me like shit...

Mrd00d 08-23-2011 06:26 PM

^ This helps explain why I've never been on a date at the age of 23.

Makes me a bit mad or jealous or whatever, but what's wrong with you? Sorry.

FETCHER. 08-23-2011 06:33 PM

Douches don't take girls on dates in my experience.

Queen Boo 08-23-2011 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Aurora (Post 1098037)
If a guy was discussing what Hogwarts house he would be in I'd be all over that ****.

Yeah but if he never asked you what house you'd be in or mentioned what house you'd be in after talking about what house he'd be in for 20 minutes and interrupted you when you said oh hey, yea, I think I'd be a cross between Huff-
"WAIT I HAVE MOAR 2 SAY!!!!!!!!!!!" :P


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1098041)
^ This helps explain why I've never been on a date at the age of 23.

Makes me a bit mad or jealous or whatever, but what's wrong with you? Sorry.

Mad daddy issues yo. Not all girls are like me, I've been told most Hooter waitresses are though.


Originally Posted by Aurora (Post 1098046)
Douches don't take girls on dates in my experience.

I dunno, it's not like they buy me anything or take me anywhere. I've never dated a boy with money or a car. And I really don't want that. It's not important to me. If I wanted to see a movie, I'd pay for it myself. I guess it's cool that they look at me as a sexual object and a spill tray for every thought that pops into their heads rather than just a sexual object and I shouldn't be complaining so much because I have had some nice boyfriends but I really wish I had more people (not just romantic interests) in my life that valued the things I have to say and didn't just take advantage of my submissive instincts.

Farfisa 08-23-2011 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Aurora (Post 1098046)
Douches don't take girls on dates in my experience.

Well, excuse me for getting to know a girl and then having things develop. Maybe I should change that, it hasn't gotten me much sex lately.

Dayvan Cowboy 08-23-2011 08:24 PM

sometimes I dress up all fancy which is something I do when I go out in hopes of getting someone's attention. unfortunately, my idea of dressing up fancy never works because no matter what, I always look like a boy. Sometimes I purposely look like a boy because some people might be into it but that never works :(.

I wish I was the irresistible type :( I try but I never succeed.

Mykonos 08-24-2011 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by Tumor (Post 1098051)
I really wish I had more people (not just romantic interests) in my life that valued the things I have to say and didn't just take advantage of my submissive instincts.

I'd say you have everyone on this site, but I realise that's not what you're talking about. If you're careful and get to know every boy you go out with before you dedicate yourself to them, then I'm sure you'll eventually find someone who you really like.

Howard the Duck 08-24-2011 02:27 AM

i just try to look as shambolic as I can

sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

14232949 08-24-2011 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by EvilChuck (Post 1032867)
About 11 years ago (I'd have only been 11) there was a girl who used to live across the street from me, she and her family moved in about a month after we did and their background was similar to ours; they came from the same areas and knew alot of the same people we did, she in fact went to school with alot of people I hung around with but somehow we'd never met. She was 13, and I swear was the sexiest thing my young eyes had ever seen.

I had no game whatsoever. I was still in the mindset that you are when you're young, I just went up to her and asked if she wanted to be friends and that was how we started talking. She introduced me to music as a pastime really, before that I'd always only listened to the radio in the car, or whatever my parents were listening to. She showed me what music was cool at the time, and what she liked, stuff like Craig David and Eminem.

I listened and learned about the music, and more importantly her, for months. This is where it gets really bad though. I started watching the music channels... and taping songs that she liked onto VHS, so I could re watch them and try to learn the words.... to then sing them when she was around to get her attention more. The worst part was that I never knew what song was going to be next, so I'd sit around for hours watching the music channels for these songs, and then press record. I eventually built up an hour or more of her songs (none of which had the start of the song where I didnt react to the opening in time) and learned the words to them.

Then in some awkward Romeo and Juliet type scenario, we'd be watching her tv... her from inside and me outside the house with her shouting to me from where she was sitting, and when a song that she liked came on I was able to sing it for her as well as it being on tv.

I also saved up pocket money for weeks and built up to asking her out to eat somewhere, which wasnt made easy by the fact that SOMEHOW her parents and my parents knew I fancied her, and were teasing me about her non stop. I eventually did ask her out, I was shítting bricks though. I have never been so nervous about a girl in my life, she said yes though, and I took her to McDonalds (:afro:).

I got my first kiss from her shortly after my 12th birthday, that was a disaster as well though. We went to the park around the corner from where we lived and played basketball (I have no idea why). On the walk home she started holding my hand, then stopped me walking when there was no one around and we started kissing. I had no idea what I was doing really, there is the possibility I puckered , and may have got a boner as well :(.

Cheers for the read man. Good story.
So, how did the story progress after the first kiss?

Sorry, if you've already posted the answer, but I'm genuinely interested.

The Batlord 08-24-2011 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Tumor (Post 1098051)
I really wish I had more people (not just romantic interests) in my life that valued the things I have to say and didn't just take advantage of my submissive instincts.

It's not gonna happen till you stop being so submissive. I have the same problem. I never really speak my mind and I'm easily manipulated, so I generally attract those who are looking for someone to manipulate. In the last couple years I basically had to break off contact with most of my friends because I just realized how shitty they all were.

Queen Boo 08-24-2011 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1098207)
It's not gonna happen till you stop being so submissive. I have the same problem. I never really speak my mind and I'm easily manipulated, so I generally attract those who are looking for someone to manipulate. In the last couple years I basically had to break off contact with most of my friends because I just realized how shitty they all were.

This is the best advice I've been given in years.

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-24-2011 03:24 PM

As we're talking about dates I figure i'll tell you what happened on the one & only what you would call real date I've ever been on which was a blind date set up by my best friend.
Anyway here's what happened.

I'm lazing around at home one Saturday afternoon watching the football results come in to kill time until I go to the pub later that evening. The phone rings and it's my best friend (We'll call him Paul) telling me that there's been a change of plan and we're going to hit the town instead and he asks me if i'm up for it. So I say yes and we arrange to meet at our usual place at our usual time, A French bistro called Dix Neuf where we usually start the evening off with a steak baguette to line our stomachs & a couple of cocktails. Then he says to me 'Sarah's ( His fiancée) coming tonight, oh and look your best tonight'

I knew something was up because he's never told me to make an effort before and Sarah NEVER came out with us, so I got to work picking out my wardrobe.

Jet black crushed velvet jacket (£300) - Check
Tight metallic silver jeans (£100) - Check
The most expensive looking black shirt I could find out of my collection of about 50 black shirts - Check
Biker boots (£175)
Hair looking like somebody just dragged Bobby Gillespie out of bed - Check
I was ready.

So i'm walking into town catching my reflection in a few shop windows and for the first and only time in my entire life I look at myself and think damn I look good. I get to the bistro and I see Paul & Sarah sitting there with big grins on their faces. I sit down and Paul orders me a Jack Daniels & Coke. Paul looks me in the eye & says 'We've got a guest tonight'

He goes on to explain to me that Sarah's best friend was around their house a few days earlier and she noticed a picture of myself & Paul on some hedonistic weekend we had in Amsterdam that he had displayed somewhere in the house and apparently she'd seen this picture of me and had taken a bit of a shine to me and asked if they could set us up to meet, so they did.
I just looked at him, swallowed a mouthful of JD and told him I'd go along with it.

A few minutes later this goth girl with an arse the size of Belgium walks in and Sarah stands up to greet her, Paul just smiles at me while I sit there trying to look enthusiastic and say hello to her. I figure she's not really that unattractive so i'll at least try to give her a good night out if nothing else. Sarah squeals excitedly that today is goth girl's birthday today.

Oh Great!

She sits down, I buy her a drink (because it's her birthday) and she then proceeds to spend the next hour totally ignoring myself and Paul and spends it telling Sarah about some guy she fucked that previous Sunday. I just sit there knocking back more booze while Paul does his best to make it look like he's not laughing at me.

We go to another bar and Paul & Sarah go to chat to a couple of their friends in there leaving me alone with goth girl.
I buy her another drink (Because it's her birthday) and try to start a conversation but it goes nowhere. After 15 minutes of busting a gut trying to find something I have in common with this girl I just give up. It seems the only interests this girl has is reality TV shows, soap operas & drinking, we both sit in silence waiting for Paul & Sarah to come back. When they do we decide to go to another bar. I choose which bar to go next knowing full well that my Sister was out that night and would probably be there.

We get to the other bar and it's jam packed full of people. I use this to lose goth girl and eventually find my sister with all her friends.
One of my sister's friends is a girl called Claire
Claire is really really hot
Claire flirts like hell with me whenever I see her.
They invite me to join them so I get them all a round of drinks and sit down with them for a while, with Claire obviously offering me the seat next to her.
Whenever I talk to Claire she will do 2 things.
She will either put her face about 3 inches in front of mine & look right into my eyes when I talk to her, or if it's somewhere noisy she'll sort of lean into my shoulder, press her body up against me and put her ear so close to my mouth that my lips practically touching it.
We're in a noisy bar so she goes for option 2.
While i'm sitting down there I see goth girl walk past to go to the ladies, she sees me surrounded by about 8 girls all drinking and laughing with the hottest one all but sitting on my lap and looks suitably unimpressed.
She also looks suitably unimpressed on the way back as well.

I see goth girl and Sarah waiting by the door and Paul tells me that we're off to the next bar, So I finish my drink and get up to leave, not before Claire decides to jump up, give me a crushing hug & shower me with kisses on my way out.
We walk silently to the next bar, it's almost empty. The four of us sit there silently drinking, after what seems like forever Paul asks me if i'm up for going to a club, so I say yes.

Goth girl decides that she wants to go home, she hugs Sarah and says goodbye totally blanking myself & Paul. I wish her a happy birthday which was probably the wrong thing to do at this point because it just came across as being the most sarcastic thing I could have ever come out with. She didn't even look back to acknowledge me.
I was drunk & really didn't care by then, Sarah by this point was in a foul mood and then announced abruptly that she was going home too so myself & Paul went to a club and was finally able to laugh out loud at how fucked up and pathetic this whole idea was.

EvilChuck 08-24-2011 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by mankycaaant (Post 1098182)
Cheers for the read man. Good story.
So, how did the story progress after the first kiss?

Sorry, if you've already posted the answer, but I'm genuinely interested.

Nothing really changed. I still used to hang outside her house talking to her while she leaned out of her window, singing songs that I knew (although I didnt go to the effort of learning new ones) and she'd take me to the park, or to the fields near our road every so often so we could kiss. Eventually she started going out with a boy she went to school with though, and just sort of ignored me completely.

Queen Boo 08-24-2011 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 1098286)

I summarized it for you.

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-24-2011 03:40 PM

Cheers doll :thumb:

Mykonos 08-24-2011 03:56 PM

I hope you don't mind, but when you mentioned Bobby Gillespie I imagined you as him for the entire story. Not really a bad thing in my eyes.

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-24-2011 04:00 PM

hence the tight silver jeans & biker boots:D

FETCHER. 08-25-2011 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 1098053)
Well, excuse me for getting to know a girl and then having things develop. Maybe I should change that, it hasn't gotten me much sex lately.

I didn't mean it that way. I meant that only good guys generally make an effort with girls. Which is ofcourse a great thing. I wish I knew more non-douches.

Howard the Duck 08-25-2011 06:22 AM

we should start a thread on "things you've done to repulse the opposite sex when you're not interested in them"

i discuss quantum mechanics

edit:- eigenstates - they make a hasty exit after 5 or 6 sentences

Mykonos 08-25-2011 06:30 AM

Got one that just happened today: I used to be friendly with a girl in my History lessons who I'm madly attracted to, although she probably doesn't think of us as anything more than History buddies. I saw her today at the results podium and she told me her results, feeling towards them etc. I could have opened mine with her and felt great about being able to have one happy moment with her, but instead I tried to look above it all (probably to try and look good in front of her) and just went 'I'll look at them later'. To make it worse, I woke up this morning with a really croaky throat that made me sound like Tom Waits (which would be amazing if it was permanent, but sadly it's not) so I probably had a squeaky voiced teen trying to sound cool moment in front of her.

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