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Freebase Dali 03-19-2013 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1298891)
If you and your partner both have mono, does that make it stereo?


Necromancer 03-19-2013 08:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1298891)
If you and your partner both have mono, does that make it stereo?

COBY CX-CD241 - boombox - CD. ($19.08)

Janszoon 03-19-2013 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1299052)


Sequoioideae 03-19-2013 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1299052)

CAN YA TAKE ME HIAAAH *guitar riff*

Scarlett O'Hara 03-19-2013 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1299049)
I mentioned a page ago that I had a more detailed update coming. Here it is...

Last week Ryan went to the hospital with what was considered a bladder infection. He got a weeks worth of 10 mg pain percocets and was for the most part okay. Like his regular medicine...the pain killers were to be administered by us twice a day. He complained of pain and he ended up getting three or four a day. When he wouldn't give him one he would pout and eventually give up but we started noticing he would go into the bathroom multiple times a day and stay in there going through drawers for 20 minutes at a time. Every time we asked him about it he'd deny doing anything.

The day we got our puppy which was three days ago he left without telling us and didn't come home until two in the morning. He was high and I was disgusted. Yesterday he spent the whole day with the puppy and around five o'clock he asked for a percocet. We told him that he didn't have any left and that he wasn't getting any more. He then starting wincing in pain complaining of sharp pain. He apparently asked my mom to bring him to the hospital and she said no.

I had no idea this happened. I was downstairs. The doorbell rings. It's the cops. Ryan called himself an ambulance and didn't tell us about it. The cops know my dad who has been a volunteer fireman for 30 years in our town. They asked if Ryan really needed to go and we told them if he did we would take him and to call off the ambulance. They left and we dug into Ryan. He kept begging us to bring him and we kept screaming at him that all going to the hospital would do is waste seven more hours and waste a hundred dollars for them to say the same thing last week. He cried and begged. It was strange. He wasn't even listening to us. Just kept saying he needed to go. Just kept repeating it. Very strange.

Twenty minutes later he put on a coat and boots and walked out the door. It snowed seven inches last night. He walked out into it with no phone and no money. He never came back.

I called everywhere and finally found out he had hitchhiked to the hospital. He talked to me and told me that the doctors said he had kidney stones. I actually ****ing apologized to him.

Today my parents went to the hospital. There's nothing wrong with Ryan. He made the whole thing up. The nurses said he asked for drugs all night. They had to actually tell him they couldn't give him any more because all the tests were negative.

They called a social worker and a psych doctor. Ryan is a drug addict. He told them he's been snorting heroin and that he has voices in his head telling him to hurt people. Now he has security in his room 24 hours a day and he's being admitted to a psych ward. I won't be seeing him for a while. We finally found out what happened. And now it's being taken care of.

I'm actually happy. He's safe and being protected by professionals and now I can sleep. What a ****ing month.

I know they'll be more responses and and replies from me but I just wanted to tell all of you who have been actively following this story and providing support that I thank you from the deepest depths of myself. Really. Herm, Troll, Vanilla...everybody guys are really good people and I'm happy to say I know people like you even though it's on the internet. Thank you.

Wow. Wow, wow, wow. I am in a way not surprised that he was doing heavier drugs, it makes a lot of sense for his behaviour, because weed generally doesn't change people so aggressively. It's really great that you know the situation now. At the end of the day, he wanted more because of the side effects he will get from the withdrawls. They are pretty nasty, like Restless Leg Syndrome and runny poos.

It's excellent that you can finally get him psychological treatment and rehab. I really am praying for it to work so he can be back to normal for not only his family but for himself. He will be able to have a positive life and maybe even start a career.

Plankton 03-20-2013 11:16 AM

Definitely a downward spiral, and hopefully this is his bottom. I salute you and your family members for being strong and not giving in. I know it's a hard road to take.

Sansa Stark 03-20-2013 11:27 AM

Ah man opiate addiction + bipolar are for real the worst. I don't have any advice cause I'm still dealing with my own addiction (and have been for the past 8 years) , but I hope your brother gets better help than I did.

Trollheart 03-20-2013 12:46 PM

I'm glad you finally got to the bottom of things, Exo. Jesus it must have been scary when he just disappeared into the snow. So it's heroin then? I know nothing of such addictions, thankfully, but I do know it's one of the major ones, so it's great that you have him finally where he can get some help, and almost as importantly, the rest of your family can catch a breather, not have to keep jumping at every noise and wondering where he is and what he's doing. A time of peace for all the family, including him. God knows you all deserve it.

Great to hear, though it sucks he's an addict; but these things can be cured I believe or at least controlled. Anyway he's in the right place, and I'm sure you can now sleep at night for the first time in a long while.

Stephen 03-23-2013 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1299250)
So it's heroin then?... these things can be cured I believe or at least controlled.

Only if his bro wants to control it. Nobody else can make it happen. Also a pretty dangerous time. I don't know how many times I've heard of people ODing on a relapse.

Trollheart 03-28-2013 04:19 PM

Once again I'm just bumping this up before it falls off page one, to ask how things are going now? I'm sure you're probably busy but I'm still thinking of ya as Easter approaches and hoping it'll be a more relaxing one than you've had in a while.

Chocolate frenzy! :D

Exo 03-28-2013 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1301652)
Once again I'm just bumping this up before it falls off page one, to ask how things are going now? I'm sure you're probably busy but I'm still thinking of ya as Easter approaches and hoping it'll be a more relaxing one than you've had in a while.

Chocolate frenzy! :D

You're a good person Trollheart. I was actually thinking of updating you guys but haven't had the time to so so.

Ryan has been in a psychiatric ward for about ten days now. He comes home tomorrow. He's going to be going to therapy sessions five times a week for a good amount of time to help him come to terms with what he's going through in his head. I think the last two weeks have been an eye opening experience for him and it's been showing when I go visit. Hopefully he'll decide to change his life for good instead of for a short amount of time like this past winter.

It took a toll on our family for good and bad. My mother and I have stayed strong but my father took some serious shots to his mental health as well. He's a very deeply emotional person and this almost killed him. I've been spending time with him giving him advice as best as I can to get him thinking better. He'll be okay.

Tomorrow is a big day. I'll update in a week to let you know how he's doing once he spends a whole week at home.

Thanks again for asking Troll....

Trollheart 03-28-2013 06:06 PM

That's great to hear, Exo. See this is (I know you know) why I was reluctantly advocating what seemed like harsh advice to some people. While I know you love your brother (and I'm sure deep down under all that messed-up drug stuff he loves you too) I was concerned about how this was affecting you and your parents. Sometimes it's the hard choices that have to be made, but I'm delighted it didn't have to come to that, and that things are slowly working out for you now.

Hope your dad will be okay. How's your mother by the way?

Hope you all have a great Easter.

Exo 06-05-2014 06:15 PM

I felt the need to update certain people who cared enough on what is going on with my brother.

Some of you may know what he has been in trouble with the law recently. In short, he was arrested for attempting to rob a gas station with a machete for drug money. He turned 21 years old today. Well, he's in jail.

His big court date was on Monday. They were deciding whether or not he was eligible for drug court which would have led to him missing jail time. The jail time he would have served if he had not gotten in would be close to five years. He was given drug court but was ordered to pass weekly drug tests until they could get him into rehab on July 2nd. If he failed a test, they would revoke his bail and stick him in county lockup so that he could be safe and not OD on drugs. Well, he failed the first test he was given. He tested positive for heroin, weed, and crack cocaine. The crack was a real shocker to me but I knew of the heroin use.

For months my brother has been claiming he has been clean but over the last couple weeks things started disappearing again and he would disappear for hours only to return a zombie. He would fall asleep with cigarettes in his hand and almost light the house on fire. Now, I moved out two months ago so I've been steering clear of the destruction but my parents are spent. My dad is severely depressed and my mother, while strong as ever, is getting tired.

Oh, I forgot about this. Three weeks ago my brother stopped breathing because he took eight percocet at once. My mother had to give him CPR and ultimately saved his life. He got arrested with possession of heroin, xanax, and weed a week and a half later.

So, now he's in jail until June 23rd by which he'll be transferred to a long term rehab, perhaps being there for a couple months I hope. When he gets out his drug probation starts and if he fails a drug test he goes to jail for his original crime, the robbery, and will be in jail for five years.

So it's up to him. I am all over the place with it. I think I'm fine and then I'll just start crying out of nowhere. I did it the other day when I got pulled over by cops. I started arguing with them about how I didn't do anything wrong. I never do this. I'm always polite. One of the cops spotted something was wrong and asked me if I was okay and I just started losing it. They let me go. Other times I'm very angry at him, like when I talk to my dad and see wgat he has done to him. I know I'll be enjoying the time off from him and so will my parents whether they like it or not.

Well, there you have it. It's in his hands now. Hopefully he doesn't spend the rest of his life in jail or in a casket. It's all on him.

Carpe Mortem 06-05-2014 06:30 PM

As someone who has dealt with family going to jail and dying due to drugs, I can tell you right now that it's best to assume he won't be around much longer. I know that's really negative but unfortunately its the way the cookie crumbles. If he ends up having the motivation to get better, which can only come from within, that's great. I wish the best for your situation.

Scarlett O'Hara 06-05-2014 06:58 PM

I hope you are okay Exo. I can't even imagine how hard it is for you and your family. I hope that with eventual rehab (and experiencing jail) he will realise drugs are ruining more than just his own life. It's hard though because people who go to rehab really need to go willfully or they can end back on the drugs again. I'm no expert though.

hate paper doll 06-05-2014 07:58 PM

You and your parents are really strong Exo, and you've handled the situation well if you don't mind me saying so. I hope you three will be able to use the time away from your brother to focus on your own health - maybe through therapy, maybe through Al Anon. Even if your brother gets sober there's a lot of work to be done as a family, and should he choose not to stay clean your parents will have the skills to stay strong and set boundaries.

DwnWthVwls 06-05-2014 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1457435)
As someone who has dealt with family going to jail and dying due to drugs, I can tell you right now that it's best to assume he won't be around much longer. I know that's really negative but unfortunately its the way the cookie crumbles. If he ends up having the motivation to get better, which can only come from within, that's great. I wish the best for your situation.


I'm from a small town and saw plenty of peoples' lives go down the drain due to heroin (lost a few along the way as well). If you do care best advice I can give is support him when he's doing well, and stay away when he isn't. You don't need to get dragged down with him or feel depressed.

If it was me, I wouldn't have a problem writing him off completely. I'm kinda dead inside with that kind of stuff. Not enough time to live to waste my life dealing with that non-sense.

FRED HALE SR. 06-06-2014 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1457431)
I felt the need to update certain people who cared enough on what is going on with my brother.

Some of you may know what he has been in trouble with the law recently. In short, he was arrested for attempting to rob a gas station with a machete for drug money. He turned 21 years old today. Well, he's in jail.

His big court date was on Monday. They were deciding whether or not he was eligible for drug court which would have led to him missing jail time. The jail time he would have served if he had not gotten in would be close to five years. He was given drug court but was ordered to pass weekly drug tests until they could get him into rehab on July 2nd. If he failed a test, they would revoke his bail and stick him in county lockup so that he could be safe and not OD on drugs. Well, he failed the first test he was given. He tested positive for heroin, weed, and crack cocaine. The crack was a real shocker to me but I knew of the heroin use.

For months my brother has been claiming he has been clean but over the last couple weeks things started disappearing again and he would disappear for hours only to return a zombie. He would fall asleep with cigarettes in his hand and almost light the house on fire. Now, I moved out two months ago so I've been steering clear of the destruction but my parents are spent. My dad is severely depressed and my mother, while strong as ever, is getting tired.

Oh, I forgot about this. Three weeks ago my brother stopped breathing because he took eight percocet at once. My mother had to give him CPR and ultimately saved his life. He got arrested with possession of heroin, xanax, and weed a week and a half later.

So, now he's in jail until June 23rd by which he'll be transferred to a long term rehab, perhaps being there for a couple months I hope. When he gets out his drug probation starts and if he fails a drug test he goes to jail for his original crime, the robbery, and will be in jail for five years.

So it's up to him. I am all over the place with it. I think I'm fine and then I'll just start crying out of nowhere. I did it the other day when I got pulled over by cops. I started arguing with them about how I didn't do anything wrong. I never do this. I'm always polite. One of the cops spotted something was wrong and asked me if I was okay and I just started losing it. They let me go. Other times I'm very angry at him, like when I talk to my dad and see wgat he has done to him. I know I'll be enjoying the time off from him and so will my parents whether they like it or not.

Well, there you have it. It's in his hands now. Hopefully he doesn't spend the rest of his life in jail or in a casket. It's all on him.

Wow thats pretty heavy man. I'm really sorry to hear about him failing the drug test man. I figured things had spiraled out of control enough for him to seek out help and want to do the right thing. I feel for you and you parents man thats something i've never had to deal with from a family standpoint. Friends have had these issues and me alike, but its somehow easier to take when its not your blood. I'll tell my family to pray for him in their prayer circles. Wish you guys the best man and I hope things can turn around for you soon.

Plankton 06-06-2014 08:47 AM

Hopefully this is his 'bottom', although some people don't have one. The thing is, you can't 'make' someone get off of drugs, they need to find that path on their own. The best way to look at it for now is that his life will be prolonged from being locked up, after that it's a slippery slope. I truly hope he finds the strength to make a new start after all is said and done.

Good luck, and god speed.

The Batlord 06-06-2014 12:08 PM

Bad as it sounds prison might be the best thing for him. If five years locked up can't scare you straight then I don't know what will.

hate paper doll 06-06-2014 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1457644)
Bad as it sounds prison might be the best thing for him. If five years locked up can't scare you straight then I don't know what will.

This is very true. Mine's been there for seven years already and it's the only thing that's kept him sober.

Exo 06-06-2014 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by hate paper doll (Post 1457656)
This is very true. Mine's been there for seven years already and it's the only thing that's kept him sober.

My fear is that something will happen to me or my parents and that he'll have missed time with us going along with missing a funeral. You're not just locked up from freedom, you're locked up from your family too.

Thanks everybody for all the kind words. I'm glad you all still care.

hate paper doll 06-06-2014 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1457676)
My fear is that something will happen to me or my parents and that he'll have missed time with us going along with missing a funeral. You're not just locked up from freedom, you're locked up from your family too.

Thanks everybody for all the kind words. I'm glad you all still care.

Yeah, it's tough. He's missed two weddings, two births, and several funerals just in our family, not to mention the major life events of his friends and biological father's. Like he always says though, he hates where he is but at least he didn't miss these things because he OD'ed and died.

Exo 12-29-2014 06:01 PM


So, I just wanted to update this thread for anybody that still remembers the issues I had with my brother. For those of you who don't...

tldr; Younger brother does heroin for number of years, steals from me and my family, steals from friends, gets fired from numerous jobs, gets admitted to rehabs and mental facilities for months, drives my father to serious depression, causes my parents thousands, all culminating in an attempted robbery of a gas station that leads to him being in jail all of this summer. He is now enrolled in drug court and if he f*cks up he will be in prison for five years. He got out of jail on Halloween.

So, Ryan is doing f*cking awesome.

He's been home about two months now and the change in him is incredible. Sure, he isn't perfect. He is still jobless but I can't even explain how much of a different person he is. I have my brother back. Christmas Eve the four of us had one of the best nights together as a family, talking, laughing, for hours. His grip on his past and his future is encouraging and he's doing everything that the drug court is asking from him. He has passed all his drug tests and hasn't missed an outpatient program even though he has to take several buses past the area where he would get high, to get there.

Time will tell if this holds up, but I feel he's finally turning a new leaf.

Just wanted to update.

FETCHER. 12-29-2014 06:05 PM

That's absolutely amazing news Exo, I'm so pleased for you and your family. Hopefully he stays on this track and his old ways are truly behind him, I think jail has given him the fright he finally needed to sort himself out :).

Zhanteimi 12-29-2014 06:36 PM

Great news!! All the best!

GuD 12-29-2014 06:40 PM

That's really awesome to hear, Exo!


Originally Posted by Exo_ (Post 1530397)
He has passed all his drug tests and hasn't missed an outpatient program even though he has to take several buses past the area where he would get high, to get there.

Wow, that takes some serious commitment right there alone. That is not an easy thing to do.

Frownland 12-29-2014 07:01 PM

Awesome dude! Thanks for the update.

Trollheart 12-29-2014 07:51 PM

Best. Christmas. Present. Ever!
Excellent news Exo. Delighted for you and your family.
Have a great New Year!

Pet_Sounds 12-29-2014 08:33 PM

What everyone else said. Glad to hear it man.

DwnWthVwls 12-29-2014 10:38 PM

Proved me wrong. Hopefully he continues to keep on track.

Plankton 12-30-2014 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Exo_ (Post 1530397)
Time will tell if this holds up, but I feel he's finally turning a new leaf.

Just wanted to update.


I'm sure he's going to meetings, and has a sponsor and all that. I just hope he doesn't have any reservations of going back to heroine when the court isn't involved anymore. I know the sayings may seem a little trite, and some may not even understand the meanings, but yes, one day at a time.

Pick up "A New Pair Of Glasses" by Chuck C. for him if you get the chance.

James 12-30-2014 08:14 AM

Great news Exo, really made me happy to hear that.

Justthefacts 12-30-2014 10:49 AM

Makes me very pleased to know you have your brother back man, and to know you'll grow old with him. God I wish my brother would've realized how deep into his shit he was actually in. I couldn't tell you how many times I tried to beat sense into him, but at that point the drugs had him by the balls. If he had died any other way, I'd feel an exponential amount of sympathy, but it really leaves a dour taste in my mouth. Still love the man though, regardless of the poor decisions he made.

Anywho, I'm happy for you Exo, I hope you enjoy New Years all together.

Chula Vista 12-30-2014 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Exo_ (Post 1530397)
So, Ryan is doing f*cking awesome.

Very happy for you both. Reading this made my morning. Thanks for the big smile.

Exo 12-30-2014 01:54 PM

Thanks for everything everybody. I consider you all part of my external family. That's corny as sh*t but it's true. Hopefully he keeps it up, but I can't deny the immense sense of relief I feel right now.

Feels good.

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