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jackhammer 11-05-2009 03:45 PM

Keep your spirits high and best wishes to your family mate.

right-track 11-05-2009 03:49 PM

Thanks guys.

What I want to know is...did Marijan apply for a job because he wanted one, or did he do it cos he just thought it's about time he did?

adidasss 11-05-2009 04:31 PM

Marijan was peer pressured into it! What I wanted was a nice safe job in the administration, but it turns out it's a fucked year for that what with the cutbacks and the recession and all. The only other option was to go into private practice which tends to blow because you have to work 12 hours a day for next to nothing. Plus, I never thought or wanted to actually practice law, this was just another generalized form of education which I enrolled into because I didn't, and still don't know what I want to do...but shit hit the fan and I had to face the facts. The worst part of it was that I had to rely on my family to "grovel" (asking random people for favors is like groveling to me, but that's the way the cookie crumbled in this day and age and in this country). So, yeah, not please with how things turned out but that's real life I suppose....hopefully I'll be able to do the job I'm required to do, even though my education didn't prepare me for it AT FUCKING ALL. :\

adidasss 11-05-2009 04:35 PM

Oh yeah, and to add to the stress, I have to move to the capital...NEXT WEEK! :|

adidasss 11-05-2009 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 763241)
It depends on the job you got.

As for me I never searched for a job, or ever worked anywhere. I'm not into talking to people, so never got to ask for a job.

Anyway, I was offered to do the storyboard of a long feature animation movie, which may need over 1000 A4 drawings. The problem is (returning to the "talking with people" part) I don't know if it's paid ... I don't even know who's making the movie.

I think I should be asking soon, seems I'll be working from January till July. Plus I may do the character designs of the animation. (I should stop accepting working for free, if this one is also the case)

I totally understand with regards to communicating with others but at some point you have to, as is the case with me...

I didn't know you could draw well, do you have any samples to show?

FETCHER. 11-05-2009 05:18 PM

Sorry RT, I give my full respect to you. I hope things all work out.

Today was wonderful. I went to collect my iPod and they said it still hadn't been delivered cause of the Royal Mail strike. So I was pretty raging. They said I'd be getting vouchers in a few weeks (I gave my iPod in on the 28th Sept, and told I would be getting it back 10 days later this is now november obviously) so I told them I wasn't happy, and after many phonecalls to Apple, she said I could have the new model that doesn't come in 16gb, which mines was. So I got the new 32gb iPod, a deal was on that you get a case and a £25 itunes card, and I went and seen the most awesome fireworks display ever, and had the best laugh's ever. This Guy Fawkes night has been really good :D

NumberNineDream 11-05-2009 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 763324)
I totally understand with regards to communicating with others but at some point you have to, as is the case with me...

I didn't know you could draw well, do you have any samples to show?

you can check this if you're interested, it's everything downloaded to the net.

and how is the capital like, btw?

Laces Out Dan! 11-05-2009 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 763225)
It was more a contracting thing,they haven't been able to start whatever project they've been given, or so I've been told.

Buunk, Ive worked a month now with the contracting company Im with. I love it man. Reaal shit day to land the trusses though, it was raining buckets and had big time wind. Rain + wind + 2x4 top plates is sketch haha.

Farfisa 11-05-2009 08:17 PM

My day was all good till I heard that my sister's friends saw me walking home in a white sweater and that somehow made them think less of me, I'll never understand today's youth. I don't even know why I care but, that was the lowest point of my day i guess and I found it slightly amusing.


Originally Posted by Laces Out Dan! (Post 763395)
Buunk, Ive worked a month now with the contracting company Im with. I love it man. Reaal shit day to land the trusses though, it was raining buckets and had big time wind. Rain + wind + 2x4 top plates is sketch haha.

That sounds pretty draining man, boy this job is going to take awhile to get used to.

Laces Out Dan! 11-05-2009 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 763430)
My day was all good till I heard that my sister's friends saw me walking home in a white sweater and that somehow made them think less of me, I'll never understand today's youth. I don't even know why I care but, that was the lowest point of my day i guess and I found it slightly amusing.

That sounds pretty draining man, boy this job is going to take awhile to get used to.

Working hard is the only way to go right now man. The day flys, you learn so much too. It definitely takes like one solid day of landing trusses to get your top plate legs though haha. Just gotta not look down, more confidence the better too.

music_phantom13 11-05-2009 10:08 PM

My day went pretty well, and then about an hour ago I decided to come upstairs. Picked up my external hard drive and leaned over the couch to unplug it, hit my head, and dropped it on the hardwood floor, cracking the case. In the process of this, I leaned forward to grab it, kicking my laptop off the couch into the table... I'm a ****ing disaster. On the bright side, I got a new 160 GB iPod to fill up.

adidasss 11-06-2009 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 763335)
you can check this if you're interested, it's everything downloaded to the net.

and how is the capital like, btw?

That's very good, I like your style...(:

The capital is a horrifying cesspool of human waste collected from the worst parts of Croatia, an overcrowded, brooding, faceless, soulless, unscrupulous middle-European metropolis, consumed by capitalism and the hunt for profit.

It also has nice malls...:|

Mojo 11-06-2009 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 763335)
you can check this if you're interested, it's everything downloaded to the net.

and how is the capital like, btw?

I knew you were talented but obviously i hadnt seen most of these. Im impressed.

music_phantom13 11-06-2009 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 763500)
That's very good, I like your style...(:

The capital is a horrifying cesspool of human waste collected from the worst parts of Croatia, an overcrowded, brooding, faceless, soulless, unscrupulous middle-European metropolis, consumed by capitalism and the hunt for profit.

It also has nice malls...:|

I take it you don't like cities :( Is there a neighborhood you could live in that isn't all money grabbing douches? Perhaps an artistic neighborhood... I don't know anything about Croatia. And that sounds like where I live, but out in the suburbs so you don't have anything interesting going on. Surrounded by golfers, suits and ties, businessmen and lawyers, and every house on my street is essentially the same, with one tree planted in the middle of every front yard. Talk about lame.

Number Nine, those are amazing. I particularly love the first 2 on the third page, one's called Fire and I forget what the second one was. Excellent work :thumb:

NumberNineDream 11-06-2009 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by music_phantom13 (Post 763581)
Number Nine, those are amazing. I particularly love the first 2 on the third page, one's called Fire and I forget what the second one was. Excellent work :thumb:


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 763514)
I knew you were talented but obviously i hadnt seen most of these. Im impressed.


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 763500)
That's very good, I like your style...(:

Thank you all :D
I don't know how every human being in the university knows that I draw. Last year I succeeded to keep it a secret, so I wouldn't relive the school's "Can you draw me?" experience, but now the truth is out.


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 763500)
The capital is a horrifying cesspool of human waste collected from the worst parts of Croatia, an overcrowded, brooding, faceless, soulless, unscrupulous middle-European metropolis, consumed by capitalism and the hunt for profit.

It also has nice malls...:|

I guess all capitals are like that. Still you got a job (Congrats), and good luck with the malls.

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-06-2009 01:39 PM

The guy who works next to me kept farting all day.

It was so bad it was like having your nose permanently jammed up someones arse.

Mind you a few of the people I work with are used to that.

ElephantSack 11-06-2009 05:46 PM

I spent my weekday like I usually spend my weekdays. I got up at 6 A.M., got dressed, ate breakfast, made my lunch, walked my dogs and went off to work. Arrived at work and got busy sanding down cabinet doors. Not interesting. Fast forward.
Got off of work at around 3:30 and hit the road. About 500 yards from my house, an old man and his wife decided to pull into my lane. I didn't have any time to avoid, and being blocked in from the other lane, I crunched his passenger-side rear wheel well. This was my first car accident with me behind the wheel. It wasn't my fault, but you know what? He wanted to act like it was. All I can say is, "STUPID ****ING OLD MAN!". I've never been so close to hitting an old dude. Luckily, my boss just happened to be coming down the other side of the street when it happened.
And now? I find myself: all dressed up and no place to go. I couldn't get a ticket to the Mastodon show tonight, and I couldn't swing the $35 for the door, so **** it. I'm gonna go have a few over at my buddy's new place.

****in' Friday nights.

delieterkop 11-07-2009 12:38 PM

watch luminous titties drift from my floor, rise to the sky, soft purple and pink envelop my living room.

Mojo 11-07-2009 12:44 PM

Well yesterday i had my first seizure in a long time, after months of being in pretty good health and feeling optimistic. So, that kinda sucked. I wouldn't say my optimism has quite disappeared just yet though despite this.

Today i just messed around a bit, didn't really do anything. I'm skint so i have nothing to do really. Watched the football, played online for a bit and in a bit i will settle down to Football First. I don't mind occasional Saturdays like this but i wish i had some money to go out.

loveissucide 11-07-2009 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 764111)
Well yesterday i had my first seizure in a long time, after months of being in pretty good health and feeling optimistic. So, that kinda sucked. I wouldn't say my optimism has quite disappeared just yet though despite this.

Sorry to hear that man.

Well,after my Da took apart my latop we found the source of the problem.It was irreperable.So as an early Christmas present I've a new one.i feel somewhat spoiled and didn't wanna take it,but I'm skint and sorely need it for college work.

Mojo 11-07-2009 05:19 PM

Cheers man, i suppose its not such a big deal yet unless it happens again in the near future bud i hadnt had one for a few months and was optimistic that it was under control for the first time in over 5 years so its a little frustrating.

simplephysics 11-08-2009 09:42 AM

Nineteen years ago today the greatness known as dreadnaught was born into this world. i get to spent it at work with the old people too, but it really doesn't bother me because A.) I need the money and B.) 19 is a pretty useless age to begin with. :D

lucifer_sam 11-08-2009 09:45 AM

congrats smashley!

i'm not gonna lie about it though, the years between 18 and 21 are pretty much useless. being there myself, of course.

simplephysics 11-08-2009 09:55 AM

Thanks sam, I'll try to put up with the filler years. :D

Mojo 11-08-2009 09:56 AM

Happy birthday. I don't think i remember the years between 18 and 21 to be honest.

FETCHER. 11-08-2009 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 764489)
Nineteen years ago today the greatness known as dreadnaught was born into this world. i get to spent it at work with the old people too, but it really doesn't bother me because A.) I need the money and B.) 19 is a pretty useless age to begin with. :D

Happy Birthday :D!

BTown 11-08-2009 10:48 AM

Last night I went to a friend's with 5 other people and we played poker. One of them is so damn annoying and greedy and kept rushing through the game and it was annoying as all hell.

We all crashed there besides him so I guess he just wanted to try to finish although we played until like 3 am. It ended up coming down to me and another one of my friends and we splt it 45/50. We just hung out for a while after that and crashed around 5. Woke up a few hours ago and I'm home and I have showered. Listening to Choking Victim now. My parents just got home from my sisters soccer game and they brought food which I'll go eat. Now listening to INDK.

I'll go eat the food sleep some more most likely. wake up at around probably 6 PM (it's almost 1) and do my english speech which will be ten minutes long and I need to memorize.

Laces Out Dan! 11-08-2009 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 764489)
Nineteen years ago today the greatness known as dreadnaught was born into this world. i get to spent it at work with the old people too, but it really doesn't bother me because A.) I need the money and B.) 19 is a pretty useless age to begin with. :D

Move to Canada, that is THE year.

MURDER JUNKIE 11-08-2009 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Laces Out Dan! (Post 764589)
Move to Canada, that is THE year.

Really it depends where you are, if they make you drink that Lucky Lager rat piss then you're really not missing much :D

Laces Out Dan! 11-08-2009 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE (Post 764593)
Really it depends where you are, if they make you drink that Lucky Lager rat piss then you're really not missing much :D

Does it make you feel better that I drank Old Style Pilly all weekend while I was in Vic?

MURDER JUNKIE 11-08-2009 02:57 PM

no, not even a little :(

Laces Out Dan! 11-08-2009 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE (Post 764601)
no, not even a little :(

What are you drinkin now a days big smooth?

FETCHER. 11-08-2009 03:04 PM

Shes been legal for a whole year in UK :(

adidasss 11-08-2009 03:14 PM

Happy birthday Ash. (: You should've made your own thread commemorating this occasion, that's what the really cool kids do...namely, me...*smug*

OT: Went to Italy to shop today, found out most shops were closed or opening late in the afternoon. The fuck? And does any other country on the planet close its shops on a Monday?

The rest of the day I spent freaking out about tomorrow's job interview. Life has not prepared me for this! Why LIFE, WHYYYY????

NumberNineDream 11-08-2009 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 764608)
Happy birthday Ash. (: You should've made your own thread commemorating this occasion, that's what the really cool kids do...namely, me...*smug*

OT: Went to Italy to shop today, found out most shops were closed or opening late in the afternoon. The fuck? And does any other country on the planet close its shops on a Monday?

The rest of the day I spent freaking out about tomorrow's job interview. Life has not prepared me for this! Why LIFE, WHYYYY????

Today was Sunday :/

adidasss 11-08-2009 03:18 PM

Yah, I know, but they also close their shops on Monday. I haven't heard of that happening in any other country other than Italy.

MURDER JUNKIE 11-08-2009 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Laces Out Dan! (Post 764604)
What are you drinkin now a days big smooth?

When I got back from Vegas I loaded up with 3 cases of Miller High Life and 2 cases of Miller Chill at the Duty Free

5 cases for $50.00, can't complain :D

Necromancer 11-08-2009 03:30 PM

I went over to Camden, New Jersey today. Thought that Sunday would be a good day to check out the layout of the area since it has the highest murder rate in the states. going back next Saturday night & check out the the 'Crack', 'Rock', 'Hard'. Start out with a gram. Will go back for an 8-ball if everything is good, and I make it out alive. (What the hell, you only live once). :ar_15s:

Laces Out Dan! 11-08-2009 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE (Post 764615)
When I got back from Vegas I loaded up with 3 cases of Miller High Life and 2 cases of Miller Chill at the Duty Free

5 cases for $50.00, can't complain :D

Miller Chill is gaaaarbage.

MURDER JUNKIE 11-08-2009 03:50 PM

better than Bud Light Lime. that stuff tastes like urinal cakes

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