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Cuthbert 02-05-2013 12:42 PM

My Dad showed me a vinyl earlier as he'd moved some stuff around the loft. It was an Aston Villa vinyl, and I said to him that I didn't think he had any vinyls as he'd told me years ago that he'd thrown all his vinyls away or something similar and he goes "no, I've still got most of them" :eek: He wanted me to see if I could help him sell them on Ebay.

Anyway I kept nagging him to let me go in the loft and have a look at the vinyls. Found these:

I feel like a child at Christmas x 10. And I don't even have a record player. Will try and talk him into not getting rid of these. I want them :o:

ThePhanastasio 02-06-2013 10:00 PM

At my work, we have 10 "occurrences" per calendar year. These aren't just days you've called off; you get a quarter of an occurrence for being more than 7 but less than 15 minutes late, half an occurrence for more than 15 but less than half an hour late, and a full occurrence for anything beyond that - be it going home sick, whatever.

And I work about an hour away from my house, so you can imagine that it's a little hard to get there when it's snowy or a little frustrating to drive that distance when I'm not feeling well.

Anyway, I'd accumulated 7.5 occurrences and was kind of bummed out, but for whatever reason (out of the goodness of their hearts?) they took one of my occurrences off and I only have 6.5.

Most of mine were when I kept having to go to the doctor in September and October, so those will roll off. But I was still very thrilled to realize that I've still got a little wiggle I've now got 6 hours of paid personal time and 24 hours of vacation time at my disposal.

Thank the Jesus.

Flyingpig437 02-07-2013 08:11 AM

Derek has moved out. He's been vanquished. I am the victor! :)

Janszoon 02-07-2013 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Flyingpig437 (Post 1283556)
Derek has moved out. He's been vanquished. I am the victor! :)

The news we've all been waiting for!

The Batlord 02-07-2013 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Flyingpig437 (Post 1283556)
Derek has moved out. He's been vanquished. I am the victor! :)

By "has moved out", do you mean "is lying in a dumpster in several trash bags"?

Flyingpig437 02-07-2013 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1283568)
By "has moved out", do you mean "is lying in a dumpster in several trash bags"?

I wish.

Bw I've sold my laptop so do t post much lucky people.

FETCHER. 02-07-2013 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Flyingpig437 (Post 1283580)
I wish.

Bw I've sold my laptop so do t post much lucky people.

You have no idea.

gunnels 02-07-2013 11:00 AM

I finally found a new apartment. Rent's cheap, but I'm going to miss fucking with my old neighbor. He was such a tight-ass.

Burning Down 02-07-2013 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by gunnels (Post 1283603)
I finally found a new apartment. Rent's cheap, but I'm going to miss fucking with my old neighbor. He was such a tight-ass.

Send him some annoying mail or something.

FETCHER. 02-07-2013 11:25 AM

**** in a bag and leave it in his mail.

Plankton 02-07-2013 11:36 AM

7 projects on my list, and I don't feel like doin nunuvit.

Scarlett O'Hara 02-07-2013 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1283615)
7 projects on my list, and I don't feel like doin nunuvit.

I have one project about making a database from scratch and it's hard work!

FETCHER. 02-07-2013 03:53 PM

Bought a book on how to knit dinosaurs, my life is complete.

Ghostony 02-07-2013 04:07 PM

Pretty lax.. was bored most of the day with nothing to do.. almost kinda how I ended up here XD.. But I might become a regular here if I like it enough..

Freebase Dali 02-07-2013 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Flyingpig437 (Post 1283556)
Derek has moved out. He's been vanquished. I am the victor! :)


Plankton 02-07-2013 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1283715)
I have one project about making a database from scratch and it's hard work!

Are you creating container like objects in C++/.NET kinda thing or just using SQL/MS Access?

Scarlett O'Hara 02-07-2013 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1283793)
Are you creating container like objects in C++/.NET kinda thing or just using SQL/MS Access?

I'm just using MS Access, have you made one before? It's funny, lots of guys can't believe I study IT. It's like, modern times!

Freebase Dali 02-07-2013 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1283811)
I'm just using MS Access, have you made one before? It's funny, lots of guys can't believe I study IT. It's like, modern times!

Are you using SQL server as a back end?

LoathsomePete 02-07-2013 09:11 PM

As the actress said to the bishop.

Janszoon 02-07-2013 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1283828)
As the actress said to the bishop.


ThePhanastasio 02-07-2013 11:07 PM

I apparently volunteered for overtime. What the **** is wrong with me?

I mean, it IS time and a half, plus incentive (so, for example, if I get all of my incentive, it's that as my 'base pay' and then time and a half on top of that) but seriously. I'm going in an hour early tomorrow, and I highly doubt that I'll be motivated to stay later than my scheduled shift closing.

No amount of money is worth sitting with several hundred callers in queue for hours on end while they bitch about how they waited 20 minutes to an hour to speak with an associate.

Plankton 02-08-2013 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1283811)
I'm just using MS Access, have you made one before? It's funny, lots of guys can't believe I study IT. It's like, modern times!

It's not that hard for me to wrap my head around. I've worked with some incredibly knowledgeable women in my travels. I'm not your typical male chauvinist.

Yes, I've created DB's before. I created a drawing tracker program for GEIS/ComEd using VB/Lisp with a MS Access DB that tracks drawing revisions, plotting, attribute data, etc., some years back that's still in place, I've been using modified versions of that same base program for other clients too. Been away from the programming end of things for a while now at my current employer since I'm needed in the advert/engineering/proposal side of things.

But yeah, keep on keepin on 'Nilla!

The Batlord 02-08-2013 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1283906)
But yeah, keep on keepin on 'Nilla!

I thought you'd said something else at first. :laughing:

Justthefacts 02-08-2013 10:06 PM

Today was beautiful. Came home from school with a gorgeous friend of mine and watched a movie and both really appreciated it and had an intellectual conversation with her about it. Then, we went to the an art gallery show at my school and then to the movies and watched Side Effects, pretty good film. I'm honestly falling for this chick, it's a nice feeling

ThePhanastasio 02-08-2013 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Slow Groove (Post 1284148)
Today was beautiful. Came home from school with a gorgeous friend of mine and watched a movie and both really appreciated it and had an intellectual conversation with her about it. Then, we went to the an art gallery show at my school and then to the movies and watched Side Effects, pretty good film. I'm honestly falling for this chick, it's a nice feeling

Very cool to hear. Happy for you, dude! She sounds like a keeper, for serious.

Scarlett O'Hara 02-09-2013 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1283827)
Are you using SQL server as a back end?

Yip, sure am! :)

Scarlett O'Hara 02-09-2013 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1283906)
It's not that hard for me to wrap my head around. I've worked with some incredibly knowledgeable women in my travels. I'm not your typical male chauvinist.

Yes, I've created DB's before. I created a drawing tracker program for GEIS/ComEd using VB/Lisp with a MS Access DB that tracks drawing revisions, plotting, attribute data, etc., some years back that's still in place, I've been using modified versions of that same base program for other clients too. Been away from the programming end of things for a while now at my current employer since I'm needed in the advert/engineering/proposal side of things.

But yeah, keep on keepin on 'Nilla!

That's awesome, I can't wait to be an expert in all of this! :D

ThePhanastasio 02-10-2013 01:37 AM

I've been working on my sister's tattoo design. It's supposed to be two "sea stars," as my youngest sister and other sister call each other "seastar," with an infinity symbol incorporated.

I don't want to say anything and cause a stir, because I'm hella peaceful, but one sister being all, "Design my tattoo for me for our sister and me," seems kind of frowny face. I mean, I tried to justify it to myself, like, "It's a tattoo designed by me, for BOTH of my sisters," but I still feel weirdly excluded.

SO yeah. Been working on that today, and feeling kind of bummed out. It's like, I always have to do art for everything, but I'm always kind of detached from it in a way, because it's not me that's doing whatever; it's what I draw. I feel like I'm drawing for a client instead of making something substantial for a family member. I'm just the artist; I'm not a real part of the work itself. I'm making something for other people and that's it.

Bums me out.

jackhammer 02-10-2013 07:46 PM

This pertains to the last week or so but our regular pot washer at work didn't turn up on the Friday before last and he didn't contact work but we took this as normal as Friday is payday and he sometimes got wasted on his wages and went AWOL.

However he has been the pot wash for over 15 years and by Wednesday the following week we still had no contact from him which wasn't right and I talked to the general manager to seriously look into this as he wouldn't have left it this long to make contact.

We even got a member of staff to visit his home to see what was going to no avail so we contacted his family on Thursday last week to contact the police. The police had to break down the door of his home that day to find him passed away.

We are all hoping that the first day he wasn't in work was his last but the fact that he wasn't found for 5 days is upsetting but I am glad that I pressed my concerns to management when I did as it could have been many more days before he was found.

Miss you Graham and we are working on a plaque for you above the dishwasher machine to honour you within the ****hole I work in.

PoorOldPo 02-10-2013 08:11 PM

Finally able to drive.]

Seeing a cairopracter(can't be arsed checkin the spelling) tomorrow. Gonna **** with mah neck.

Janszoon 02-10-2013 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1284743)
This pertains to the last week or so but our regular pot washer at work didn't turn up on the Friday before last and he didn't contact work but we took this as normal as Friday is payday and he sometimes got wasted on his wages and went AWOL.

However he has been the pot wash for over 15 years and by Wednesday the following week we still had no contact from him which wasn't right and I talked to the general manager to seriously look into this as he wouldn't have left it this long to make contact.

We even got a member of staff to visit his home to see what was going to no avail so we contacted his family on Thursday last week to contact the police. The police had to break down the door of his home that day to find him passed away.

We are all hoping that the first day he wasn't in work was his last but the fact that he wasn't found for 5 days is upsetting but I am glad that I pressed my concerns to management when I did as it could have been many more days before he was found.

Miss you Graham and we are working on a plaque for you above the dishwasher machine to honour you within the ****hole I work in.

I'm sorry to hear man. That's really sad. :(

Freebase Dali 02-10-2013 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1284287)
Yip, sure am! :)

So then you surely know how to create a query using TSQL. Tell me how you would change all the passwords of users in a database in which a website relied on for logon purposes.

Let's say you are tasked to changing everyone's password to "BetterPassword". How would you go about that?

Exo 02-11-2013 04:36 PM

So I witnessed an "assault" today. I put that in quotes because while technically it is an punches were thrown. I had literally just pulled up to this when it happened and the guy who drove off will be getting his ass arrested or at least summoned to court. The guy in the BMW wanted to press charges so I stayed and gave a statement to the police.

Why am I not describing what happened? Because I have a dashboard cam silly and I caught all the **** on tape. Check er out...

That ******* hocked a huge loogie in the other guys face by the way. You can't tell from the video, but he was making threatening remarks as well. The guy in the bmw ended up being an older gentlemen.

Janszoon 02-11-2013 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1285205)
So I witnessed an "assault" today. I put that in quotes because while technically it is an punches were thrown. I had literally just pulled up to this when it happened and the guy who drove off will be getting his ass arrested or at least summoned to court. The guy in the BMW wanted to press charges so I stayed and gave a statement to the police.

Why am I not describing what happened? Because I have a dashboard cam silly and I caught all the **** on tape. Check er out...

Holy shit. Your dashboard cam videos might just become my favorite thing on the internet.

Exo 02-11-2013 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1285208)
Holy shit. Your dashboard cam videos might just become my favorite thing on the internet.

Ever since I bought it **** has been happening. I'm just glad that this time it had nothing really to do with me. I have some other funny videos of me and my friends in the car that I saved. I've been thinking about loading them up.

FRED HALE SR. 02-11-2013 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1285205)
So I witnessed an "assault" today. I put that in quotes because while technically it is an punches were thrown. I had literally just pulled up to this when it happened and the guy who drove off will be getting his ass arrested or at least summoned to court. The guy in the BMW wanted to press charges so I stayed and gave a statement to the police.

Why am I not describing what happened? Because I have a dashboard cam silly and I caught all the **** on tape. Check er out...

You need to slow down there turbo. :p: Pretty good stuff, but what a pansy the guy in the BMW is. He didn't even kick his rig, I would have caved that fender in with one kick.

Exo 02-11-2013 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1285220)
You need to slow down there turbo. :p: Pretty good stuff, but what a pansy the guy in the BMW is. He didn't even kick his rig, I would have caved that fender in with one kick.

I edited the post for context. The guy in the bmw must have been at least 60. He could not have taken that guy on. The ******* doing all the threatening was a lunatic. He's the kind of guy that would put an old man in the hospital for no reason other than to show he's tough. I know I was driving a bit too fast in the residential but I didn't want to lose the guy. I actually ended up losing him after the video cuts out because they were FLYING doing about 50 in a residential and spilling out onto a main road. The guy in the white focus ended up whipping a 180 and booking it out of there and that's when BMW gave up and I found him on the side of the road calling the fuzz. It was pretty intense. I envy cops who get to drive like that every day.

Janszoon 02-11-2013 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1285224)
I edited the post for context. The guy in the bmw must have been at least 60. He could not have taken that guy on. The ******* doing all the threatening was a lunatic. He's the kind of guy that would put an old man in the hospital for no reason other than to show he's tough. I know I was driving a bit too fast in the residential but I didn't want to lose the guy. I actually ended up losing him after the video cuts out because they were FLYING doing about 50 in a residential and spilling out onto a main road. The guy in the white focus ended up whipping a 180 and booking it out of there and that's when BMW gave up and I found him on the side of the road calling the fuzz. It was pretty intense. I envy cops who get to drive like that every day.

Do you have any idea what sparked the confrontation?

Exo 02-11-2013 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1285227)
Do you have any idea what sparked the confrontation?

BMW pulled out in front of assh*le. Assh*le went completely crazy and tried to pass BMW on the right when there was clearly no room to do so. Assh*le then proceeds to cross the double yellow and overtake BMW and then they hit the red light.

BMW said that he might have pulled out too soon (TWSS) but even if he did assh*les reaction was WAY too much. I didn't know that spitting on somebody is a minor assault. Today I learned...

Flyingpig437 02-12-2013 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1285205)
So I witnessed an "assault" today. I put that in quotes because while technically it is an punches were thrown. I had literally just pulled up to this when it happened and the guy who drove off will be getting his ass arrested or at least summoned to court. The guy in the BMW wanted to press charges so I stayed and gave a statement to the police.

Why am I not describing what happened? Because I have a dashboard cam silly and I caught all the **** on tape. Check er out...

That ******* hocked a huge loogie in the other guys face by the way. You can't tell from the video, but he was making threatening remarks as well. The guy in the bmw ended up being an older gentlemen.

Ive been getting that **** off Derek and the guy upstairs, both with a considerable size advantage over me. Some people need to get taught how to be civilised...knuckle dragging idiots.

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