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boo boo 08-20-2009 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 721566)
Someone liked Career girls? :|

The African Queen (1951) - John Huston - 8/10 - It's just a treat to see two of the greatest and most lovable actors of the last century doing their thing. Everything else is secondary.

The Killing (1956) - Stanley Kubrick - 7/10 - The ending really ruined it for me (I mean, c'mon!) but pretty good nonetheless. Sterling Hayden is pretty great, I've been intrigued by this man ever since I saw The long goodbye (he's fantastic in it), I've read up a bit about his life and wow...respect.

Paths of glory (1957) - Stanley Kubrick - 9/10 - One of the best (anti-)war films out there. Outstandingly realistic performances from the cast (especially the scene in the holding place
). I couldn't believe this was filmed only a year after The Killing. It's an entirely different sort of film.

The Shining (1980) - Stanley Kubrick - 7/10 - Loved some bits, but the downside to watching such pop-culture classics is that you know a lot of the scenes already which takes away some of their power. Other than that, horror just isn't my genre of choice so this film probably has the least replay value of all of his films I've seen so far. :\

The graduate (1967) - Mike Nichols - 8/10 - Great fun. Laughed my ass of at certain scenes. Hoffman was absolutely perfect(ly awkward), so was the soundtrack. Oh and my God, Ann Bancroft has an amazingly commanding presence doesn't she? Dayum...Will add to my library a-sap. (:

Battle of Algiers (1966) - Gillo Pontecorvo - 8.5/10 - Pretty spectacular considering when it was made (years ahead of its time methinks in the documentary style). And surprisingly enough, given that it was financed by Algeria, it's very even handed in that none of the sides come out looking particularly good but you get a great insight into their struggle. I don't think it has much replay value for me though...:\

Persona (1966) - Ingmar Bergman - 7.5/10 I liked and understood most of it, which is why I like his brand of art film, he does actually try and spell it out for you. I didn't understand the opening or closing sequences though but it doesn't matter much I figure. Very good idea, but spectacular performances from the two leads. It was a pleasure to watch great acting...

Psycho (1960) - Albert Hitchcock - 7/10 It was all pretty good, but as I mentioned in The Shining, too much of it has been exploited indefinitely in the last 50 years so pretty much all of the initial impact is gone, I knew what happens in the end. The half nekkid guy at the begging. plays in Spartak too *downloads*

Vertigo (1958) - Alfred Hitchcock - 6.5/10 Probably the most languid of the films I've seen by him. It does force the psychological issues too much, but Hitch has had that problem in many a film (remember Spellbound? *shudders*) any case, pretty enjoyable experience...

Oh yeah, and Breaking away (1979) - Peter Yates - 5/10 - pretty average post highschool bs in small town america. But dayum, Dennis Quaid was RIPPED in his younger days...

Ok, now I'm starting to understand where Bungalow was coming from.

I know it's annoying when people are too generous with their reviews, but I find it just as annoying when people refuse to give anything higher than a 8.

Bulldog 08-20-2009 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 721985)

I had to watch that when I was doing Government & Politics at A-level - probably the highlight of two years if I'm honest.
^ My joint-favourite Ealing comedy, and as such one that still endures today. Superb film.

adidasss 08-20-2009 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 722161)
Ok, now I'm starting to understand where Bungalow was coming from.

I know it's annoying when people are too generous with their reviews, but I find it just as annoying when people refuse to give anything higher than a 8.

Um, there's a 9 in the very post you quoted. :\ But I sorta understand where you're coming from as I tend to get annoyed when someone dislikes (or doesn't like them enough) some of my favorite films. What can I tell you, I'm just rating my personal reaction to the film more than anything. Sorry we have different tastes. I'll try to do better next time..:,(

boo boo 08-20-2009 05:29 AM

Coraline - ****

You know, I haven't seen Up yet but y'know what? F*ck Pixar, they always get the Oscars, and I don't know how anything could possibly beat this for the best animated film of 09.

Even though he only has 4 films in his resume, I think this solidifies Henry Selick's placement as one of the great animators of our time, in terms of both technical animation skill and pure imagination, he's on par with the Pixar team and dare I say it? Miyazaki himself.

Nightmare Before Christmas was amazing, and so was James & The Giant Peach. Monkeybone of course blew major ass but I think Selick has redeemed himself with this adaptation of the Neil Gaiman novel. And god this film makes me wish Selick was more prolific, though I know the kinda thing he does takes a lot of time and effort, and I've never seen so much effort put into a non Pixar/Miyazaki film since, well, A Nightmare Before Christmas.

This time around Selick dosen't have Tim Burton to collaborate with, nonetheless Burton's style is all over this film. So if you're a Burton fan you'll eat this one up for sure. It's probably the best film he wish he made.

Just about everything is worth raving about here. The animation is top notch, the colorful visuals are stunning and it's surprisingly well written. This is a really fascinating world Gaiman and Selick have created here, the characters are very interesting and original.

The story here follows that old traditional premise of a young girl whisked away to a magical fantasy land. Easy to say you could draw a few paralels between this and all those other stories, especially Lewis Carrol's Alice and Miyazaki's Spirited Away.

The story begins with the title character and her parents moving into an old flathouse. She soon finds a secret door that then takes her to a world paralel to her own.

Like Spirited Away it's basically about a spoiled and cynical little girl (though Coraline is a LOT more spoiled and cynical than Chihiro was) who of course becomes immersed into another world, a world where it's always night, everything is lush and colorful and the people have buttons for eyes. But unlike Dorothy or Alice or Chihiro who wished they were at home almost immediately after arriving in their fantasy land, Coraline actually prefers this paralel world to her real life, can't blame her. In real life her parents are boring and unattentive, but her "other" parents are almost perfect, they pamper Coraline and give her almost everything she wants. If she could have her way she would stay with her "other" parents forever.

But of course, not everything is what it seems. Well f*cking duh. This is when the film takes a completely different direction from all the other "girl goes to a fantasy land" tales and it pretty much turns into what basically resembles one f*cked up LSD trip. Suddenly Coraline's real parents don't seem so bad.

The animation is fantastic, so is the Danny Elfman-ish score and the voice acting (I know people hate Dakota Fanning and I dunno why, but whatever). Selick brings us into a world that is both beautiful and f*cking scary at the same time. The protagonist is especially well developed and I like how her character builds throughout the story. Selick like Miyazaki knows how kids actually act, and thus makes their adventures no matter how bizarre and fantastial, all the more plausable and immersing. And it's these kinda films that no matter how old you are, make you feel like a kid again.

If there's one negative thing to say, it's that this film is probably a bit too scary for it's target audience of children. In fact this film will f*ck them up. The scenes where Coraline's fantastical world devolves into a hellhole is pretty frightening, especially when the villianous "other" mother begins to turn Coraline's "other" father and her "other" neighbors into deformed monsters, or when she wants to gouse Coraline's eyes out and replace them with buttons. Holy sh*t that's f*cked up.

Also, there's a scene with a half naked old fat lady, WTF? Seriously wtf. They give out their PG ratings with a lot more generosity these days don't they? :laughing:

Anyway. Awesome movie, check it out.

Astronomer 08-20-2009 06:33 AM

^ Can't WAIT to see this. I'm a huge fan of Tim Burton and held lots of admiration for Selick after Nightmare Before Christmas which was amazing. I love fucked up/ creepy stuff in this kind-of genre.

At the moment a lot of theatres here are showing Coraline in 3D which I don't think would be as rewarding so I'm waiting until I can go see it in a normal cinema. Highly looking forward to it, especially after that great review boobs!

Guybrush 08-20-2009 06:38 AM

I've seen Coraline and like Boo, I liked it - a lot! The movie certainly is scary, but I actually think the kids can take it. I was quite the little horror buff when I was a kid and at least it's not entirely malicious .. Possibly as good as Nightmare Before Christmas although the soundtrack is not quite as good (few are) and of course it doesn't have the same sentimental value, but I guess it will for some in a few years time. :)

boo boo 08-20-2009 06:42 AM

It's a pretty satisfying experience, it surpassed my expectations which were already very high to begin with. For an animated kids film it's very well paced, smart and the effort is unbelievable. The story doesn't get too caught up in the frenzied chaos and actually allows for you to get lost in it's world and absorb the surroundings, which is a big problem with most kids films these days which are so f*cking fast paced they always seem to be tailor made for kids with ADD.

NumberNineDream 08-20-2009 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 722175)
Coraline - ****

You know, I haven't seen Up yet but y'know what? F*ck Pixar, they always get the Oscars, and I don't know how anything could possibly beat this for the best animated film of 09.

^Pixar has totally lost the concept of animation ... why are they struggling so much to get everything so real, when the best thing in animation is that your imagination doesn't have any technical boundaries.

"Fantasia" is so much better than any of those 3D stuff.

boo boo 08-21-2009 12:02 AM

Now now, let's not bash Pixar. I love Pixar, but I will say that they're the only people that really excell at CGI animation films, Dreamworks are very hit and miss and there's certainly more sh*tty and medicore CGI films than good ones. But Pixar have yet to do a movie I didn't like.

Overall, I think CGI is really ruining the magic of cinema though. Not just for animation but films in general. What happened to stop motion, animatronics, makeup, pyrotechnics, stunt actors, real props and real live sets? These days for the sake of convenience (and money) the majority of that stuff is now done on computer and greenscreen, overall good CGI is harder to pull off than any other kind of special effect, because it doesn't have any real organic quality to it and thus it's harder to make you believe it could be real. A lot of it nowadays just looks cartoonish and unauthentic, I miss the organic aspect that special effects used to have.

I mean imagine how awesome it must have been to work on the set of Jurassic Park? Being on set with what to you looks like real f*cking dinosaurs. Nowadays that stuff is done on greenscreen and the dinosaurs are added later, it makes the human interaction a lot less convincing.

sidewinder 08-21-2009 12:39 AM


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