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Freebase Dali 03-20-2013 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1298611)
Cool, looks like I will be getting BF3 for free (SimCity). I also just realized that my internet got buffed by 100% sometime in the last few days. I'm now downloading at about 5mb/s :)

I'm also getting a new video card: Radeon 7850 1gb

I have a Radeon 5770, so it should be about twice as fast. I hear that some can OC to 7870 level without modifying the voltage.

If you have Cox, they just raised mine from 17 Mb to 25 Mb for no reason at all. Sent me a letter about it in my email and everything. Thanks, d*cks! :D

Anyway, I'm currently playing the Arma 3 alpha. Pretty great so far. Getting into mission editing and modding for it.

thedon89 03-21-2013 02:28 AM

The game I am currently playing final fantasy 7 :)

Rjinn 03-21-2013 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by thedon89 (Post 1299468)
The game I am currently playing final fantasy 7 :)

I still have 3 copies of that game.

Yac 03-21-2013 08:31 AM

Since my power supply burned down (as it turns out, you do have to clean up the filters from time to time!) and the spare one I had lying around is not compatible with my graphics card (but will be once I find an adapter), I've been using the graphics chip integrated into my i7 processor... Since it's rather limiting, I currently play Baldurs gate 2: Throne of Bhaal and pretend I really enjoy it :D (it's a great game, but I just finished the original and wanted a break .. tough luck)

thedon89 03-21-2013 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Rjinn (Post 1299471)
I still have 3 copies of that game.

I did have copies but they stopped working due to being scratched like hell when I moves house but bought it on the playstation store :) great game!

Psychedub Dude 03-21-2013 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by thedon89 (Post 1299468)
The game I am currently playing final fantasy 7 :)

Aww yeah the game is a classic, man that game was so ahead of it's time. I poured way to many hours into that.

And to this day, Fat Chocobo is still the greatest Summon creature ever.

Rjinn 03-21-2013 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by thedon89 (Post 1299505)
I did have copies but they stopped working due to being scratched like hell when I moves house but bought it on the playstation store :) great game!

All my copies are working. It's a good thing considering the price gamers will buy for them.

HoonIgan 03-21-2013 03:41 PM

Minecraft. Its so addicting

Chives 03-21-2013 10:45 PM

I've been playing Super Mario All-stars lately. Already beat Super Mario Bros 1 and the Lost Levels, might work on the others over Spring break. I've also been playing Fallout 3 but I'm at the end of playing's just so glitchy on my computer that it loses some of the fun.

Thom Yorke 03-23-2013 01:22 PM

Playing God of War: Ascension right now. Eh, it is what it is. A fun game to just pick up and play which has great boss fights and set pieces. I could not be less interested in the story (despite being very interested in Greek Mythology), and it's the same old formula of fight this mob, move into the next area, fight another mob, solve a puzzle, fight another mob, etc., etc. I know it's a game that wants to stick to the formula that made it popular in the first place, but it's almost shocking how little they've changed.

And it has to be said that this series has nowhere to go now. We already offed all of the gods and fought tons of the famous heroes and monsters in the first 3 games, so you can't really up or even match the wow factor of the original trilogy, not in this game and especially not in any games they plan on doing down the road.

LoathsomePete 03-25-2013 08:56 AM

God of War: Ascension looks like something that was put together to squeeze the final few pennies out of the franchise before they make a God of War 4 for the Playstation 4. I kind of got the same impression from the new Gears of War: Judgement game, an attempt to keep the property fresh in the minds of audiences while they wait for the next "real" game. Which kind of makes sense in a way considering how long this console generation has lasted, and it makes me wonder if people would have been kinder to Crysis 3 if it had been released on the next generation of consoles.

Anyhow, I just have one more day to wait till I can play this:

First game I've pre-ordered since 2010's Heavy Rain.

ThePhanastasio 03-26-2013 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1300510)
God of War: Ascension looks like something that was put together to squeeze the final few pennies out of the franchise before they make a God of War 4 for the Playstation 4. I kind of got the same impression from the new Gears of War: Judgement game, an attempt to keep the property fresh in the minds of audiences while they wait for the next "real" game. Which kind of makes sense in a way considering how long this console generation has lasted, and it makes me wonder if people would have been kinder to Crysis 3 if it had been released on the next generation of consoles.

Anyhow, I just have one more day to wait till I can play this:

First game I've pre-ordered since 2010's Heavy Rain.

Bought and started playing Bioshock: Infinite today. I'm loving it. It's gorgeous, well-paced, and pretty intense. The action starts very abruptly, too. The story is wonderful, it does a really good job about not just starting with a large cutscene; it's got time to explore between them, and the combat is noice.

I'm going in next check so I can remember to preorder The Last of Us. I totally spaced it today, even though that and buying Bioshock: Infinite were my whole reason for trekking to the mall.

Yac 03-27-2013 02:30 AM

I almost bought Bioshock: infinite yesterday. Almost. I remember how I couldn't get through the 1st part, despite being a huge System Shock fan... The combat was clunky, action was chaotic, I played maybe 2 hours of it and that's it. I might come back to it one day...
Anyway, I got an almost 15$ cheaper Assassins Creed 3, and so far it's a great game. Finally a game where the plot and the way it's presented (at least in the 1st hour or so) doesn't make me feel like skipping it completely. I'll wait with my final judgment until I'm done with the game though.

debaserr 03-27-2013 02:41 AM

The combat in Infinite is good.

LoathsomePete 03-27-2013 08:33 AM

I enjoyed the hell out of it for about 5 hours yesterday, well paced story, likable characters whose arcs drive the plot, and a great combat system that allows for some great combinations of vigors and guns. I really wish my PC could handle it though, because the 360 version does feature some rather ugly textures, but that's nothing a new video card can't fix so I'll probably end up buying it again on Steam during a sale sometime in the future.

All in all this is really the only AAA game I've actually been excited for since... uh.. L.A. Noire I guess and the fact that it delivers in every way where it counts has me more than content.

Sparky 03-27-2013 11:54 AM

god damn this bioshock game is good.

where the old bioshock's felt more grounded this one is more ethereal and out-there. Subject matter has racism,neo patriotism and religous bigotry all wrapped up and its just so enticing. Few games manage to be so interpretive, a lot of the metaphors are obvious but it's a testament to the narrative that so much of it isn't explicitly told to you, if you wanna unravel more your free to do so at your discretion, and its actually rewarding.

Mechanically its a feat too. Seeing the city from various heights is really cool. I wholly expected a 5 gig install or some ish but the game runs great with few loading times. Only gripe is i miss the weapon wheel, it just feels missing.

Key 03-27-2013 06:47 PM

Just got my copy of Slender: The Arrival in my email last night. Been playing it a lot today. Really well done game. The picture is from my phone.

duga 03-30-2013 11:04 AM

I got God of War: Ascension yesterday. I actually think these guys are really good at tweaking the system just enough in each game to keep it fresh while still giving people a God of War game. I always have to spend the first couple hours getting the hang of the minor tweaks, mastering it, and then feeling like a badass all over again. While I can tell the rage meter is going to produce some problems later in the game (I use the hell out of combos and not having them by getting knocked around once is kind of annoying), I think it added enough change to keep me interested and challenged. Plus, it fits...Kratos isn't exactly rage-filled just yet like in the main games so you have to get him that way. My only other problem with it is the just kinda...started. Every GoW game has started with something freaking EPIC and this is the first one (PSP games included) that didn't. By the end of his escape with that battle with the Aegean, though, I was fully immersed. I love the scale these games have.

Also found a used copy of the Metal Gear Solid HD collection. After playing through 4, I wanted to go back and play all of them over again. Plus, I never played Peace Walker so that should be fun. I can't wait to hear more about MGS V...although I'm a little upset David Hayter won't be the voice of Snake.

Stephen 03-31-2013 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1294106)
Can someone explain this game to me? I downloaded the free version to my phone to check it out and don't have the slightest clue what I'm supposed to be doing.

Came across this XBOX Minecraft creation. Can't do anywhere near this in pocket edition but it's pretty cool.

Thom Yorke 03-31-2013 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 1302220)
I got God of War: Ascension yesterday. I actually think these guys are really good at tweaking the system just enough in each game to keep it fresh while still giving people a God of War game. I always have to spend the first couple hours getting the hang of the minor tweaks, mastering it, and then feeling like a badass all over again. While I can tell the rage meter is going to produce some problems later in the game (I use the hell out of combos and not having them by getting knocked around once is kind of annoying), I think it added enough change to keep me interested and challenged. Plus, it fits...Kratos isn't exactly rage-filled just yet like in the main games so you have to get him that way. My only other problem with it is the just kinda...started. Every GoW game has started with something freaking EPIC and this is the first one (PSP games included) that didn't. By the end of his escape with that battle with the Aegean, though, I was fully immersed. I love the scale these games have.

I wouldn't worry about the rage meter. I think this game gets progressively more easy as you go through it with all of the upgrades you can get, even relative to the other games. I've nearly beaten the game (it's going to have to wait awhile as GoW has taken a backseat to Bioshock for the time being) and find that I'm just breezing through the later parts of the game, where as early on I found myself dying much more frequently. Apparently there's a part right before the end that is just brutal though, so I may have to reserve my judgement.

As for starting off with something epic, I think that's more just a by-product of the series really doing everything it can do in the previous games. This game still features awesome set pieces and cool boss fights, but it's tough to better or duplicate fighting a hydra for the first time, the Colossus of Rhodes come to life, or fighting Poseiden while on the back of a Titan scaling Mount Olympus, not to mention all of the other things that this series has done.

Janszoon 03-31-2013 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by stp (Post 1302429)
Came across this XBOX Minecraft creation. Can't do anywhere near this in pocket edition but it's pretty cool.

That is definitely cool. I'm still kind of lost with the game though I have to admit.

duga 03-31-2013 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 1302495)
I wouldn't worry about the rage meter. I think this game gets progressively more easy as you go through it with all of the upgrades you can get, even relative to the other games. I've nearly beaten the game (it's going to have to wait awhile as GoW has taken a backseat to Bioshock for the time being) and find that I'm just breezing through the later parts of the game, where as early on I found myself dying much more frequently. Apparently there's a part right before the end that is just brutal though, so I may have to reserve my judgement.

As for starting off with something epic, I think that's more just a by-product of the series really doing everything it can do in the previous games. This game still features awesome set pieces and cool boss fights, but it's tough to better or duplicate fighting a hydra for the first time, the Colossus of Rhodes come to life, or fighting Poseiden while on the back of a Titan scaling Mount Olympus, not to mention all of the other things that this series has done.

Yeah, I was worried about them running out of ideas. I think they've done well considering. Again, the first boss battle was pretty cool so I'll give them a pass.

I've also heard about that part at the end you are talking about...I'm kinda worried about it because if one battle can get everyone complaining about it, it must be really damn hard. And I'm playing on hard, so this might not be good. The GoW games can produce some controller-breaking-rage-filled moments for me so I'm really dreading that battle...

Sparky 04-01-2013 10:32 PM

anybody beat bioshock: infinite yet? maaan that ending is cray

i wonder what the dlc will be about assuming they don't add multiplayer

ZiggyStardust 04-02-2013 03:44 AM

Having a Thief marathon to prepare myself to the newest one.

Key 04-02-2013 05:27 PM

Two games I have thoroughly enjoyed although they make me want to punch things:

The Binding of Isaac


Super Meat Boy

I then realized that both these games are made my the same person. One skilled developer who knows how to put a difficult game together while making the soundtrack amazing so the game doesn't get stale.

Guybrush 04-03-2013 03:49 AM

^Binding of Isaac is one of the games I've spent the most time with since its release. Just great fun and I often see it on sale for like one and a half euro, which is nothing. A real steal!

Key 04-03-2013 11:59 AM

^Absolutely. It's fun, and with the difficulty being what it is, it makes for great replay value, especially since the rooms change each time you start a new run through.

Thom Yorke 04-03-2013 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1302996)
anybody beat bioshock: infinite yet? maaan that ending is cray

i wonder what the dlc will be about assuming they don't add multiplayer

********This will contain spoilers for Bioshock: Infinite********

Spoiler for Spoilers for Bioshock: Infinite:
Just beat it. You up for discussing that mind ****, Sparky?

I went into this game with expectations set so high that I'd be disappointed if it didn't turn out to be a top 10 game of all time for me, and I think it lived up to expectations.

First off I just want to say how refreshing it is to see how ambitious this game was. A lot of times if I see a movie trying to be overly ambitious I'll more often than not just roll my eyes, but it's so incredibly refreshing to see someone put this much thought into a video game. And not only that, but for the most part I think they were able to tell a fairly logical story (or at least as logical of a story as you can regarding alternate dimensions and time travel). There are still some things that don't make complete sense to me, but them telling a very engaging story with some epic twists thrown in didn't really come at the expense of just coming up with random BS to make it all work. You could tell it was very clearly thought out and the amount of foreshadowing in the game really makes me want to play it again.

When I compare it to the first Bioshock, I definitely prefer the story of Infinite, just due to how ambitous and engaging it was.

The atmosphere in the two games was fairly comparable, but I'd give the edge to the first Bioshock mainly due to the fact that the audio logs were far better. I felt the voxophones in Infinite could have been better utilized. It just didn't feel like there was enough meat there. You'd just get small tidbits that didn't add all that much to either the story or the atmosphere. Those kinetoscopes were a nice touch though.

That being said, the atmosphere in this game was still great and there were many memorable moments. I thought the whole Monument Tower sequence was awesome, from the creepy diagrams of experiments on the first floor to the viewing chambers set up around Elizabeth's tower. And it was pretty cool when some of the time travel aspects started seeping in. You hear "God Only Knows" and "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" renditions and you kind of do a double take, and then you hear "Fortunate Son" come in through one of those tears and it kind of hits you.

From a gameplay perspective, it was fantastic. Similar mechanics to the original, but I think I preferred the vigors this time around. And some may consider this a novelty, but I thought the skylines added so much to the game. They were such a cool feature to add in, and the mechanics behind it were set up perfectly. It just made you feel like such a boss in combat.

I did play the game on medium so I can't really say much but I felt the game was unbelievably easy on that difficulty. Honestly, the only part I had even a little bit of trouble with was the final fight on Comstock's Airship, only because the songbird kept dying before I could kill all the Vox. I'm not really sure if that was a bad thing though. It let me focus on the story more, and never caused me to become frustrated with the game.

I don't think it's any coincidence that Bioshock and Bioshock: Infinite may be the two games I've immersed myself the most in out of any game I've ever played. This series really is the pinnacle for storytelling in video games IMO.

Sparky 04-04-2013 11:11 AM

[QUOTE=Thom Yorke;1303672]********This will contain spoilers for Bioshock: Infinite********

Spoiler for Spoilers for Bioshock: Infinite:
Just beat it. You up for discussing that mind ****, Sparky?


The atmosphere in the two games was fairly comparable, but I'd give the edge to the first Bioshock mainly due to the fact that the audio logs were far better. I felt the voxophones in Infinite could have been better utilized. It just didn't feel like there was enough meat there. You'd just get small tidbits that didn't add all that much to either the story or the atmosphere. Those kinetoscopes were a nice touch though.
Yeah i agree, though i did love the kinetoscope's in infinite. My favorite being the "no thankyou, were quite alright" and he takes his city to the sky lol.

Here's my thoughts:

In terms of characterization i still prefer Andrew Ryan as the antagonist. The orson wells-inspired voicework and dialogue for Ryan was a lot more interesting, and place-able in real life. Zachary Comstock just felt slightly more hallow, and you never had the same closure with his character as you did ryan, even though you being him was a really great twist.

I wish the game hadn't been quite so linear. A couple of the sniper sections felt eerily quintessential shooter, something the first bioshock never felt like. Disliked the lack of emphasis on using vigors, you can easily shoot your way through the entire game. It's good to allow multiple play styles, but i missed some of the my old techniques, wasn't as much room to be creative. Besides bucking bronco and possession all of them boiled down to shoot x at the dudes.

Have you read any of the ending interpretations? Specifically rapture being an alternate version/dimension of columbia? Instead of the little girls you have elizabeth, instead of the big daddy you have the bird. You and comstock are alike, just like you and ryan. Instead of Atlas controlling your actions you have the two physicist twins/one person or whatever.

I'm playing through it again knowing the ending just to pick up on any tidbits i missed. It's great the game keeps track of all the audio logs so you can just pick up the ones you missed on the first playthrough.

Thom Yorke 04-06-2013 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1303902)
********This will contain spoilers for Bioshock: Infinite********

Spoiler for Spoilers for Bioshock: Infinite:
Yeah, I can see what you're saying in terms of gameplay, and I've heard a lot of similar complaints. Honestly though, I didn't mind it. While the vigors weren't a necessity to killing enemies, I still loved that the choice was provided. The game itself was so easy that I kind of just enjoyed taking out the enemies in various ways. And I felt undertow was actually extremely useful if I ever got bogged down at all.

As for the game being linear, wasn't the first one similar to that? It's been a while since I played it but I don't believe it had anything similar to the "sidequests" in Infinite (not to say these were anything substantial, but there was some room to go off the beaten path in this game that I can't really remember in the first game).

I do agree with you about Ryan being more of an interesting villain. At the same time though. Not to say Comstock wasn't interesting, but it's tough to beat Ryan in this regard. And as interesting as the twist was in Infinite, I still feel like the twist in the first game was better, and possibly the best turning point in gaming history. It came totally out of left field for me and managed to be a commentary on the nature of video games in general. It's just tough to equal that.

I have read up a bit on the ending and have heard that theory. It does make a lot of sense. Really impressed with how Levine managed to tie the two games together without it really seeming forced. I really don't think there are any series or games out there that can rival this storytelling ability, along with atmosphere. They really have something going here, and I'm interested to see where they go next, if they do decide to make a new game that isn't simply a rehash like Bioshock 2 was.

Sparky 04-09-2013 09:21 PM

[QUOTE=Thom Yorke;1304420]
Spoiler for Spoilers for Bioshock: Infinite:

Yeah, I can see what you're saying in terms of gameplay, and I've heard a lot of similar complaints. Honestly though, I didn't mind it. While the vigors weren't a necessity to killing enemies, I still loved that the choice was provided. The game itself was so easy that I kind of just enjoyed taking out the enemies in various ways. And I felt undertow was actually extremely useful if I ever got bogged down at all.
Yeah I'm on my second go-around and have been making an effort to mess around with the vigors more. I do wish they had done more interesting stuff with elizabeth's tears. Just getting hooks and med packs by pressing square seemed a little contrived. It would have been cool if she warped in a tornado or something to take out enemies, it would have made her appear as powerful in game as what she was capable of during cutscenes.


As for the game being linear, wasn't the first one similar to that? It's been a while since I played it but I don't believe it had anything similar to the "sidequests" in Infinite (not to say these were anything substantial, but there was some room to go off the beaten path in this game that I can't really remember in the first game).
yeah, i guess the first just did a better job of seeming like it wasn't as linear. Remember having to take pictures of the people? There was a map and it seemed like more backtracking, unlocking new areas. I remember having to come back and melt away ice to reach new paths, though i suppose bioshock infinite has similiar instances. I guess i felt the first bioshock was more metroid/castlevania-ish in design.

I have read up a bit on the ending and have heard that theory. It does make a lot of sense. Really impressed with how Levine managed to tie the two games together without it really seeming forced. I really don't think there are any series or games out there that can rival this storytelling ability, along with atmosphere. They really have something going here, and I'm interested to see where they go next, if they do decide to make a new game that isn't simply a rehash like Bioshock 2 was.
im really curious to see what they do in terms of dlc. Considering their selling a season pass you'd think the dlc will be substantial. I hope it's more single player story-driven stuff, not just some challenge rooms or some uninspired add-ons.

ThePhanastasio 04-09-2013 09:33 PM

I almost bought the season pass, but balked at the last minute. I'll pay for it if I hear that the DLC is absolutely phenomenal, but probably not otherwise. The game itself is more than good enough for me.

LoathsomePete 04-13-2013 06:12 PM

Anybody else excited for this?

djchameleon 04-13-2013 06:33 PM

I kind of regret buying Army of Two Devils Cartel blindly without renting/reading reviews. I wanted a 3rd person shooter so I picked it up but it seems like I got a fps type shooter that has little mini stages that are basically just waves of enemies coming out from different sides

XtremeEclectic 04-13-2013 07:02 PM

Right now watching my wife play Midnight Club LA

sedang1 04-13-2013 10:29 PM

I love metal gear rising and lara croft :)

Sparky 04-14-2013 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1306726)

Anybody else excited for this?

Looks cool. I just poked around the video but it seems more or less far cry 3 with a different skin? I mean that in a good way, assuming it has a new narrative and some new toys ill get it, I 100% far cry minus all the artifacts.:yeah:

LoathsomePete 04-14-2013 07:49 PM

Basically it's a reskinned Far Cry 3 with original story and campaign that's suppose to be around 8 hours or so. It's only $15 too (or at least it will be on Steam), I say it's a pretty sound investment considering pretty much every Call Of Duty game since 4 has been half that long and costs $60 US.

Yac 04-15-2013 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1306726)

Anybody else excited for this?

Oh yes. Great engine and gameplay combined with an absurd level of epic 80's silliness. I love games that don't take themselves too seriously.

Wanderr 04-18-2013 03:22 AM

Crysis 3 hehe

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