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vaultrodo 08-29-2013 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Psychedub Dude (Post 1362601)
Last game I played through and finished was the new Tomb Raider, and I loved it. The gameplay was awesome, really fluid shooting and controls were perfect. The storyline was just okay, but it was so much fun I didn't mind.

I couldn't agree more.

LoathsomePete 09-01-2013 01:29 PM


A game I care so little about I'm not even going to bother finding the box art picture. For the uninitiated the game is a 2.5D sidescroller/puzzle platformer during a zombie apocalypse. The only thing it has going for it is that it looks pretty and it accurately depicts the Seattle skyline. That's not fair actually, the first 1/3rd of the game is great, but as soon as the stupid sewer level/obstacle course starts the game just devolves into frustration and tedium. None of the puzzles are particular hard but you'll die a lot because of the clunky controls and because the game can't decide if it's a tense survival-horror or action. Usually towards the end of each act there's a big dramatic escape but because you never quite know if you have to just run or fight your way out of it you can usually never get through on the first try, which really diminishes the tension. The game is also really poorly written, even by video game standards (as low as they are), for instance there's this big spanning view of the ruined city and the character narrates how mankind went to war against the zombies, but it didn't end well. No shit! I'm not blind, I can quite clearly see the ruined city, so there's no real need for you to tell me things that the game is showing me. There's enough here to recommend playing the first 1/3 of the game if it shows up on sale for under $5, but I really can't justify telling someone to go out and pay full price for a 3 hour game where 2 hours are just frustrating and stupid.

LoathsomePete 09-04-2013 11:15 AM

Unmechanical (2012)

A cute little puzzle game where you play a robot helicopter thing and solve puzzles. That's it really, as far as I can tell there's no story and I've only seen a handful of other robots, but I think it's kind of left ambiguous for the player to make their own story. The puzzles are all pretty straight-forward, but in a good way. Unless you're very thick I don't think any puzzle will take you more than 20 minutes to solve and it is cute how some puzzles are connected to others later down the line. Visuals are quite well done but the game is quite short so I'd suggest picking it up on sale, which it is right now, $2.50 on Steam. Well worth the money if you're in-between games right now and just want something short and easy to kill some time.

Psychedub Dude 09-04-2013 06:57 PM

I've been on a SNES kick since I finished Tomb Raider, just quick sessions of SMB World and Donkey Kong.

My friend offered to let me borrow Dante's Inferno yesterday but I forgot to grab it before I left her house. Anybody here that would recommend it?

LoathsomePete 09-05-2013 11:08 AM

If you've played every single God of War, the new Devil May Cry, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and every other hack and slasher to come out since 2005 then by all means have at Dante's Inferno.


If you like horror games and have a PC capable of running this game then you owe it to yourself to give this game a go. It's only $20 on Steam but it looks just as good as any $60 AAA game. Gameplay wise it's like a cross between Condemned: Criminal Origins and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. The contemporary setting, insane enemies, and crumbling infrastructure really capture the essence of the two Condemned games while it removes the combat and forces you to run away and hide from enemies while also trying to conserve battery power to use for your camcorders night vision.

While I'll wait till Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs comes out to make a comparison, I have a feeling there's a new sheriff in horrorsville, population my cack stained boxers.

The Batlord 09-07-2013 08:59 AM

My friend let me borrow his 360 and Sacred 2 has my soul. I've been playing for over fifteen hours and don't even have five percent of the map uncovered. It could be because I insist on running along the sides of mountains and beaches to uncover every last little bit of map possible, but I wouldn't have it any other way. This is also why I haven't been on here much. What use have I for the likes of you people when I can hang with elves instead?

Psychedub Dude 09-07-2013 08:27 PM


If you've played every single God of War, the new Devil May Cry, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and every other hack and slasher to come out since 2005 then by all means have at Dante's Inferno.
So you're saying pretty much it doesn't do anything new for the genre? But that's all good, I'm down for some mindless fun for a bit.

And out of that list I have only played the original God Of War.

The Batlord 09-09-2013 04:44 PM

I just started a high elf sorceress on Sacred 2 and it's amazing. Fiery meteor showers of death FTW.

LoathsomePete 09-09-2013 11:10 PM


Sorry Ki, this game is fucking atrocious. It's not scary in the slightest with the exception of a few jump scares and the character animations just don't work at all. It's been a long time since I've played a game from the First person perspective where I've felt like a camera mounted on one of those wooden dolls. Slender: The Eight Pages was a good game but this really just pisses on the goodwill that little free gem garnished. If I didn't get this game for $2 I'd probably be a little upset.

Good thing Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs comes out tomorrow and Outlast showed how to do the first person perspective and jump scares right.

Key 09-10-2013 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1365335)

Sorry Ki, this game is fucking atrocious. It's not scary in the slightest with the exception of a few jump scares and the character animations just don't work at all. It's been a long time since I've played a game from the First person perspective where I've felt like a camera mounted on one of those wooden dolls. Slender: The Eight Pages was a good game but this really just pisses on the goodwill that little free gem garnished. If I didn't get this game for $2 I'd probably be a little upset.

Good thing Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs comes out tomorrow and Outlast showed how to do the first person perspective and jump scares right.

Aw man. I had a feeling you'd like it. Oh well.

Key 09-10-2013 02:40 PM

Been playing this sooooo much. I never actually had a chance to play through Emerald when they were released. I remember Ruby and Sapphire very clearly, but Emerald is like a much better more improved version of those games. My team currently consists of (and keep in mind, I don't usually change my party too often, these are the results of the pokemon I caught throughout the game and evolved them, etc.)

Rayquaza (always good to have in tough situations)

I just got to the Elite Four a day or two ago and so i've been grinding for experience on Victory Road while fighting trainers to get money to get hp potions and revives and things of that sort. Been having a blast,

Unknown Soldier 09-10-2013 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1364728)
My friend let me borrow his 360 and Sacred 2 has my soul. I've been playing for over fifteen hours and don't even have five percent of the map uncovered. It could be because I insist on running along the sides of mountains and beaches to uncover every last little bit of map possible, but I wouldn't have it any other way. This is also why I haven't been on here much. What use have I for the likes of you people when I can hang with elves instead?

So this explains why you've hardly been working on your journals!

Never heard of this game before but looked at this video and it has impressed me

Sacred 2 Fallen Angel Gameplay Video - YouTube

How does it compare to say Skyrim?

Unknown Soldier 09-10-2013 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1365423)
Aw man. I had a feeling you'd like it. Oh well.

This picture reminds of a really scary Japanese based horror game that came out back in the 00's, the problem is I can't remember what it was called.

LoathsomePete 09-10-2013 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1365428)
This picture reminds of a really scary Japanese based horror game that came out back in the 00's, the problem is I can't remember what it was called.

Fatal Frame?

djchameleon 09-10-2013 10:46 PM

I picked up the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX today. Something tells me that this wasn't a great place to start for someone who has never played a Kingdom Hearts game before.

misspoptart 09-11-2013 06:31 AM

Definitely not, bro. Get KH1.

Deviouz 09-11-2013 07:14 AM

Tekken Tag 2, bro.

LoathsomePete 09-11-2013 09:41 AM

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs

Not a direct sequel to 2010's Amnesia: the Dark Descent but a game set in the same universe. This game wasn't actually developed by Frictional Games, but instead by thechineseroom, who did the retail version of Dear Esther and it seems like some of their design choices from that game have leaked into this one. This game is far more focused on telling you a story rather than you trying to piece it together bit by bit. They've removed the tinder boxes and lantern fuel so you never have to worry about running out, and there's no sanity meter so you don't have to worry about weird camera filters when confronted with monsters. I'm not really sure why the developers decided to ditch the limited light sources as managing your limited supplies is pretty much a staple of the survival-horror genre and giving us the comfort that we will never be stuck in the dark does a lot to negate the self-created horror that our minds conjure.

I dunno, I need to play this game more but it's not really lighting the same fire under my ass that its predecessor did, and after staining every pair of boxers I own with Outlast I can't help but feel a little underwhelmed.

Unknown Soldier 09-11-2013 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1365486)
Fatal Frame?

The name Fatal Frame meant nothing to me but then I saw the game was known as Project Zero in Europe, so yes that was the game;)

I didn't know there were more games in the series either.

Key 09-11-2013 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1365576)

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs

Not a direct sequel to 2010's Amnesia: the Dark Descent but a game set in the same universe. This game wasn't actually developed by Frictional Games, but instead by thechineseroom, who did the retail version of Dear Esther and it seems like some of their design choices from that game have leaked into this one. This game is far more focused on telling you a story rather than you trying to piece it together bit by bit. They've removed the tinder boxes and lantern fuel so you never have to worry about running out, and there's no sanity meter so you don't have to worry about weird camera filters when confronted with monsters. I'm not really sure why the developers decided to ditch the limited light sources as managing your limited supplies is pretty much a staple of the survival-horror genre and giving us the comfort that we will never be stuck in the dark does a lot to negate the self-created horror that our minds conjure.

I dunno, I need to play this game more but it's not really lighting the same fire under my ass that its predecessor did, and after staining every pair of boxers I own with Outlast I can't help but feel a little underwhelmed.

That's rather disappointing to hear. Part of the scare factor for me in the The Dark Descent was the insanity and not having enough tinderboxes to light up hallways. Now that those are gone, I feel like the game won't be as suspenseful. I'll give it a play whenever I get around to it, but it's a shame to already hear that it's a bit underwhelming.

Key 09-11-2013 06:34 PM


Just started playing this today. It's an indie game but it's very fun. It was free and I was curious. So far, it's pretty good. Not a whole lot of jump scares just yet, but the suspense comes from only having the light from the cell phone you are holding. It also takes place in an abandoned mental asylum which is also pretty cool. It's all in Portuguese so I don't understand the story at all, however the gameplay is good enough to just keep playing without really knowing the story.

Like I said, it's free. Just search on Google for a download and you'll probably find it. I'd recommend it for anyone who's looking for a survival horror that will kill some time.

Key 09-11-2013 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1365424)

Been playing this sooooo much. I never actually had a chance to play through Emerald when they were released. I remember Ruby and Sapphire very clearly, but Emerald is like a much better more improved version of those games. My team currently consists of (and keep in mind, I don't usually change my party too often, these are the results of the pokemon I caught throughout the game and evolved them, etc.)

Rayquaza (always good to have in tough situations)

I just got to the Elite Four a day or two ago and so i've been grinding for experience on Victory Road while fighting trainers to get money to get hp potions and revives and things of that sort. Been having a blast,

Apparently the ROM I was using to play this corrupts once you beat the Elite Four, so my file was erased. Well...:(

LoathsomePete 09-12-2013 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1365713)
That's rather disappointing to hear. Part of the scare factor for me in the The Dark Descent was the insanity and not having enough tinderboxes to light up hallways. Now that those are gone, I feel like the game won't be as suspenseful. I'll give it a play whenever I get around to it, but it's a shame to already hear that it's a bit underwhelming.

More of an effort was put into the story part of the game, which was easily the weakest aspect of The Dark Descent. Here though the story is quite well told and interesting and it keeps on inviting you to make predictions and then proves you wrong. I will admit that the game would have been more tense if they had kept the tinderboxes and lantern oil, but the game we have is the game we have. Overall it's a fun little 4-5 hour diversion but if you want something as scary as its predecessor then you're better off playing Outlast.

LoathsomePete 09-14-2013 09:01 PM

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Redundant title aside this is probably going to be within my top 5 games of 2013 and maybe even this generation. It's a full 3D puzzle platformer about two brothers who go out on a quest to find the Water of Life to help cure their sick father of his mysterious ailment. It's been described as a single player co-op game because you control both brothers to help solve puzzles, and I have to say there are some really well designed puzzles, that while not being all that challenging do just enough to help keep the pace of the game going and never get frustrating. Actually the only frustrating aspect of the game comes down to controlling the brothers, but as there's no combat and plenty of checkpoints it's not that bad. They don't actually speak any English or in fact any known language, but despite that their tone and expressions do more to convey emotional weight than most AAA cut scenes with big name voice actions and millions of dollars spent on facial recognition technology. Definitely a game that's worth the $14.99 so check it out on XBLA, PSN, or Steam.

Guacamelee! Gold Edition

A little action platformer/metroidvania game from the PSN that was ported to PC back in August. I have to say there's a lot to like about this game from its gorgeous art style, great music, engaging combat and platforming, and humor. At times it feels like the old 2D Zelda games with its dungeons and bosses and it gets a lot right, which is pretty hard to do. The platforming can get a little frustrating in spots but not to the level of throwing the controller across the room. This is another $14.99 game and it's well worth your time.

djchameleon 09-15-2013 08:13 AM

dammit Pete. I'm going broke getting these indie games that you keep reviewing lol

Or will be going broke. They are on a list for the time being.

LoathsomePete 09-15-2013 09:43 AM

Believe me I know, there's so many indie games being released this year. My wishlist on Steam is getting pretty full and I'm tempted to get a few of the ones that are out on Early Access. I don't think there's been a year with this many quality indie releases.

Unknown Soldier 09-16-2013 02:56 AM

I'd never heard of indie games until I saw this thread so without reading this thread through are they games made by real gaming fans and sold at a cheaper price? Also I'm guessing they kind of pay tribute to the older more classic era of games? Also are they available on any gaming platform or just certain ones?

LoathsomePete 09-16-2013 09:45 AM

Pretty much yes to both of your questions. Most indie games cost somewhere between $5-$20 USD and are generally made with smaller budgets from independent investors, fans, or their own money, so they are not beholden to the demands of publishers. As for paying tribute, that's kind of more ambiguous, some of them are like in Guacamelee or Braid there are numerous references to Super Mario Bros., but that's not indicative of it entirely. As for gaming platforms, pretty much PS3, XBox 360, PC, mobile and tablet devices are the most widely used platforms.

debaserr 09-16-2013 10:38 PM

Installing GTA5!

Key 09-17-2013 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1365748)
Apparently the ROM I was using to play this corrupts once you beat the Elite Four, so my file was erased. Well...:(

I fixed the file on this and was able to continue playing. But now i'm bored of it and decided to get another pokemon ROM:

I've played through Black 2 and absolutely loved it, but I never actually played through this one, so the story will make a lot more sense to me knowing what happened in this game going toward Black 2. I've been on an enormous Pokemon kick lately because (it can't have anything to do with the new pokemon games coming out in less than a month) I like playing Pokemon and it's a lot of fun for me.

I started out with Snivy, as I found his final evolution looks badass.

The Batlord 09-17-2013 03:32 PM

Jesus Christ. At eleven pm on Wednesday night I started playing the first Mass Effect and didn't stop until four or five pm the next day (I'm pretty sure that means I was up for thirty-three hours straight). Then I slept for six hours, woke up at ten thirty, watched the rest of Elementary, and then did it again, going to sleep at five o'clock the next day. By the early morning hours of Sunday when I beat it I had put almost seventy hours into that game. I did everything too. Even the tedious-as-hell ore-finding missions where I had to search every single world in a grid pattern for hidden deposits of ore. I've barely been sleeping. I eat only when I can be bothered. And now I'm doing the same thing with the second one and I've got three lined up after that. Yesterday was the first time since Wednesday that I actually came up for air and left the house. I honestly debated with myself whether I even wanted to get on Musicbanter or keep playing Mass Effect. I think I'm gonna die.


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1365427)
So this explains why you've hardly been working on your journals!

Never heard of this game before but looked at this video and it has impressed me

Sacred 2 Fallen Angel Gameplay Video - YouTube

How does it compare to say Skyrim?

Aside from the massive open world and endless side quests it's not really much like it. It's much more like Diablo. Buy it. You'll love it.

Surell 09-18-2013 12:53 AM

I'm on the Anchorage mission in Fallout 3. I had to reinstall my DLC when i switched to the newer 360 so instead of going for the missions i've already done (did the Aliens on the last go round) I went for this one, unknowingly ushering myself to that god damned simulation. It's fun, i wish the tactical side was a bit more in depth, snipers seem to die like nothing which blows.

PaperGong 09-20-2013 08:50 AM

The music of Minecraft is amazing. If you are a fan of minimalist composers like Philip Glass you would enjoy it. The composer is C418 and his album "One" is very good as well if you like the Minecraft soundtrack.

Antonio 09-22-2013 09:17 AM

Finally finished Sleeping Dogs, a greatly satisfying game.

LoathsomePete 09-25-2013 11:48 AM

Decided to have a second go at Outlast because I didn't realize until late in my first game that if you had the camera recording certain events you'll trigger notes that help explain the plot a little better. Sadly because the game emphasized jump scares so much its lost a lot of its horror aspect. Now that I also know what I need to do and where to go I'm flying through this game, but for $20 I think it's one of the best games for the price and one of the best games of the year, just maybe not the best replay value.

Key 09-25-2013 02:02 PM

After a long wait, I decided to get back into Minecraft. There's really nothing better than the first days of Minecraft when you're trying to learn everything and everything feels brand new, but taking a break from it has brought some of the enjoyment back. With all the updates that I missed as well, it's like playing a completely different game.

I've also been looking to try out Pixelmon. It's basically Pokemon and Minecraft together, and it looks really really awesome.

Burning Down 09-26-2013 09:02 PM

I am nearly finished with Ocarina of Time on the 3DS, and I absolutely can't wait to finish so the Master Quest version can be unlocked. It's mirrored and there are new puzzles and dungeon enemies and all that.

Also almost finished with Paper Mario Sticker Star.

Sometimes I feel like the only 23 year old who still likes handheld video games.

djchameleon 09-27-2013 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1369281)
I am nearly finished with Ocarina of Time on the 3DS, and I absolutely can't wait to finish so the Master Quest version can be unlocked. It's mirrored and there are new puzzles and dungeon enemies and all that.

Also almost finished with Paper Mario Sticker Star.

Sometimes I feel like the only 23 year old who still likes handheld video games.

Idk why but Paper Mario Sticker Star seems so hard to me lol. I've gotten stuck in that game a few times already and that has just deterred me from plowing through it like I thought I would.

You shouldn't feel bad. The average age of people playing video games is 30 so I'm sure that a decent percentage are handheld gaming as well.

here are some stats: The Entertainment Software Association - Game Player Data

handheld stats weren't available but I'm sure it's out there if I looked hard enough.

The Batlord 09-27-2013 08:16 AM

Haven't posted for about a week just because Mass Effect has had my life. Seriously, the night before last I finally finished the series, and I did the math. I put at least, AT LEAST, one hundred and eighty hours into all three games in the past two weeks, and there are only one hundred and sixty-eight hours in a week. So for the last two weeks more than a week has been spent with a controller in my hands. And now I've got to play through the entire thing again as an evil chick. The only problem being that it is almost physically impossible to make a female character even halfway attractive in that game. That may sound shallow, but just ask yourself if you're capable of using a character, male or female, that looks like an inverted anal gland.


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1369281)
Sometimes I feel like the only 23 year old who still likes handheld video games.

Hell no. I was around twenty-three when I traded in my old 360 and became obsessed with my Gameboy Advanced. I don't know how I would have gotten through the past few years without the Fire Emblem series.

Burning Down 09-27-2013 10:11 AM

Do you guys know how to find out your friend code on the DS so that you can play games with people? I don't even know if that's what they're for, lol. My brother asked for mine.

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