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rostasi 12-20-2021 08:29 AM

North Korea bans laughing for 11 days during mourning for anniversary of Kim Jong-il's death – video.

rubber soul 12-20-2021 08:43 AM

I thought laughing was illegal in North Korea anyway :drummer:

rostasi 12-21-2021 05:27 PM

Government official swims 12 hours to shore after helicopter crash off Madagascar: "My time to die hasn't come yet"

rostasi 12-21-2021 05:48 PM

Perfectly preserved baby dinosaur discovered curled up inside its egg.

rostasi 12-21-2021 05:54 PM

Barrister who sued after colleague asked him to stop farting loses case.

Trollheart 12-21-2021 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by rubber soul (Post 2194527)
I thought laughing was illegal in North Korea anyway :drummer:

Everything's illegal in North Korea.

Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 2194696)

* Jurassic Park theme music *

Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 2194697)

Defence got wind of it.

rostasi 12-21-2021 09:26 PM

odor in the court!

Psy-Fi 12-22-2021 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 2194717)
odour in the court!

ftfy. :D

rostasi 12-22-2021 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Psy-Fi (Post 2194731)
ftfy. :D

I actually thought about that,
but stayed true to my own lack
of Commonwealth. :D

Trollheart 12-22-2021 08:45 AM

Now, now, no need to kick up a stink.

Trollheart 12-22-2021 01:04 PM

Swedish scientist comes up with ID chip that can be implanted in humans

The Batlord 12-22-2021 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2194806)


Trollheart 12-22-2021 07:14 PM

Your Alex Jones gifs do not compute with me. I barely know who he is.

The Batlord 12-22-2021 07:25 PM

I'm sure he will use this article or one like it to claim (((the globalists))) are going to implant chips in Americans as a Satanist plot to control and/or kill The Patriots and he has a whole stack of classified documents that prove it *audibly shakes handful of blank paper*.

Trollheart 12-22-2021 07:32 PM

Well that's a given, not to mention he and his buddies (assuming this is all QAnon ****) will be screaming "SEE! SEE? WE TOLD YOU! CHIPS IN THE VACCINE MAN, CHIPS IN THE VACCINE!"

Gonna be a long year...

The Batlord 12-22-2021 08:08 PM

Nah he's kinda anti-QAnon. Probably cause they're moving in on his right wing grift. I think he tried to be Q-pilled but it was too much it's own thing for him to co-opt so he just declared it to be a globalist op even though there isn't any fundamental difference between what he spouts and what QAnon spouts. It's really dumb basically.

He is super anti-vax though. A globalist plot to murder everyone.

The Batlord 12-22-2021 08:22 PM

rostasi 12-26-2021 08:19 PM

Iranian parliament proposes legislation to ban pets.


In November of this year, the Iranian government proposed a law that would ban pets in the country. The Protection of the Public’s Right Against Animals was introduced by a group of 75 legislators who described pet owners as “a destructive social problem.” The new law would ban the breeding, buying, and selling of wild, exotic, and dangerous animals. The problem is the definition of these animals extends beyond the animals that might typically fall into that category.
In addition to objectively exotic or dangerous animals like monkeys and crocodiles, the ban would apply to cats, mice, rabbits, and dogs. If passed into law, the ban would result in pet owners facing fines equivalent to 10 to 30 times the monthly minimum working wage in addition to the loss of the animal and (for three months) the vehicle used to transport it.
Some suggest the idea behind the law is rooted in Islamic law which considered dogs to be impure. When it comes to cats and other pets, however, the waters are muddied. Cats have long been beloved in the Muslim faith. In fact, according to some myths, the prophet Muhammad himself outlawed the killing or persecuting of cats. As such, the proposed ban has sparked outrage among pet owners and animal lovers alike. Only time will tell what fate awaits felines and their friends in Iran.

Trollheart 12-27-2021 05:20 AM

So now they can ignore what their prophet said - specifically ordered - if it's inconvenient? Sounds like right-wing Christians to me. Where does this go next I wonder? Fullscale animal hunts, culling strays, festivals of slaughter of pets? And what happens to those who have pets? Are they to be surrendered and euthanised? And will such mass killings not cost their revenue more than if people had just kept their pets? ****s.

rubber soul 12-27-2021 06:02 AM

Well, I guess it's proof that you get what you vote for, or in Iran's case, overthrow for.

Psy-Fi 12-27-2021 08:14 AM

My enraged boyfriend threw acid in my face — but I still married him

Tristan_Geoff 12-27-2021 09:01 PM

Wow! I can't believe that news story (butter)

Psy-Fi 12-28-2021 05:37 AM

Accused cannibal charged with eating Grindr date’s genitals

rostasi 12-28-2021 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Psy-Fi (Post 2195327)

Otherwise known as "425° of Kevin Bacon."

The Batlord 12-28-2021 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Psy-Fi (Post 2195327)

Isn't that the idea?

rostasi 12-28-2021 07:32 PM

Alexa tells 10-year-old girl to touch live plug with penny.

Trollheart 12-28-2021 07:52 PM

Always knew those things were evil.

Hold on: people need to be TOLD this?
Metals conduct electricity and inserting them into live electrical sockets can cause electric shocks, fires and other damage.

And now Amazon have switched all their Alexas from EVIL back to GOOD... :rolleyes:
"As soon as we realised our Alexas were challenging people to risk their lives we changed them immediately. Well, as soon as we were told and worried it might impact our sales. We wouldn't do something like that off our own bat."

rostasi 12-28-2021 08:11 PM

The Batlord 12-28-2021 08:36 PM

Alexa should start giving out people's credit info for the lulz.

DianneW 01-01-2022 03:38 PM

Might be just another Murder to many
But that Park was my Playground to growing up from a mere kid to a female, my memories are not of Murder but other

DianneW 01-01-2022 03:44 PM

just doubled up that post...again

Psy-Fi 01-05-2022 08:01 AM

Ex-reality star who made $200,000 selling her farts in jars reveals she was rushed to the ER with HEART ATTACK symptoms - only to learn severe chest pains were caused by excess gas


Steph Matto, 31, from Connecticut, recently found herself in the emergency room after experiencing shooting pains in her chest.

Concerned doctors ran tests but later told the 90 Day Fiancé star that the symptoms were actually caused by excess gas.

She began selling her farts back in November, after receiving requests on the adult-content site Unfiltrd.

She charged $1,000 for the unique product, and made $200,000 in total from the business venture.

To keep up with demand – which saw her producing up to 50 jars worth of farts a week – the self-proclaimed 'fartrepreneur' opted for a high-fiber diet.

She lived off mostly beans and eggs, and later added protein shakes to the mix after discovering it made the farts smell worse.

In the end, doctors told her she was experiencing 'very intense gas pains' and was advised to change her diet, which in turn ended her business.

The Batlord 01-05-2022 08:22 AM

Help the needy. Fart on a homeless person.

Psy-Fi 01-10-2022 08:03 AM

Ritzy San Francisco condo tower is now leaning 26 INCHES with tilt set to progress three inches a year after attempts to stabilize it made it WORSE


Structural engineer Ronald O. Hamburger is now suggesting to decrease the 52 support beams to 18 to minimize building settlement to continue construction

jadis 01-10-2022 10:58 AM

Apparently she switched to making NFTs of farts, which is perfect

Norg 01-10-2022 04:36 PM

so the facebook metaverse is like the RIP Playstation home ???? lol

Psy-Fi 01-11-2022 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by jadis (Post 2196448)
Apparently she switched to making NFTs of farts, which is perfect

And she's selling them for crypto. Might make more money if she just created her own crypto.

She could call it "$hitcoin."

Mindy 01-11-2022 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Psy-Fi (Post 2196534)
And she's selling them for crypto. Might make more money if she just created her own crypto.

She could call it "$hitcoin."

Lisnaholic 01-13-2022 06:51 PM

Not an unbelievable news story, but I thought some of you might enjoy this headline from tomorrow's newspaper:-

Psy-Fi 01-14-2022 05:34 AM

Italian far-right extremist's funeral with Nazi flag coffin and fascist-saluting mourners sparks fury among Catholic and Jewish leaders in Rome

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