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RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 06:26 AM

Oooo ok Imma try steering the conversation now...

Im not going back to the hotel facebook.

Dre dont make me go on a "new" black rant.

djchameleon 06-11-2016 06:58 AM

Yes, please. Ain't nobody got time for that new black rant. Plus apparently people want to steer away from the discussion of race because they are tired of it. So why continue and say things that I have already heard you say.

Oh can you post that spotify list that you had, possibly in this thread.

Xurtio 06-11-2016 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by 1blankmind (Post 1708209)
Instead you sit here and discuss race. Racism is wrong. That's all that needs to be said.

That's not all that needs to be said, racism is practiced in many unconscious ways and its practiced systematically by our judicial and financial system. So it's easy to be part of the problem and casually say "yeah, racism is bad, next!", but solutions are going to require talking about it.

RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1708228)
Yes, please. Ain't nobody got time for that new black rant. Plus apparently people want to steer away from the discussion of race because they are tired of it. So why continue and say things that I have already heard you say.

Oh can you post that spotify list that you had, possibly in this thread.

Fight the power?👊

Xurtio 06-11-2016 07:57 AM

djchameleon 06-11-2016 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Xurtio (Post 1708237)
That's not all that needs to be said, racism is practiced in many unconscious ways and its practiced systematically by our judicial and financial system. So it's easy to be part of the problem and casually say "yeah, racism is bad, next!", but solutions are going to require talking about it.

This is true but talking about it to help create solutions is only going to work with willing participants. If the participants just view every single conversation about race as race baiting then they aren't going to be open to discuss anything.

It is kind of funny the same people that constantly scream that others are race baiting are the same ones that are all about the free speech and screaming that they should be able to talk about unpopular ideas but fuck race though. Fucking hypocrits


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1708239)
Fight the power?��

Yes that one because I believe that. I have some of the same songs that you do on that. On my Negus playlist.

RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 07:58 AM

Its kinda funny that I can be both apocalyptic grandma and new black woman....That's it! I shall run for president.

You crazy kids and your N.W.O..... and Conspiracies that BLM is not communist porpaganda ushered in on the backs of blacks..

djchameleon 06-11-2016 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1708242)
Its kinda funny that I can be both apocalyptic grandma and new black woman....That's it! I shall run for president.

Go for it and play the oppressed black woman card. You will get sympathy votes for it.

Even though you aren't fully black but neither was Barry.

RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1708243)
Go for it and play the oppressed black woman card. You will get sympathy votes for it.

Even though you aren't fully black but neither was Barry.

And look how everyone flocked.... Move over Hitlery Im black and a woman....if only I identifed as a tree with blue leaves I wouldn't even need to run .....
Read my lips... Bilderberg

djchameleon 06-11-2016 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1708251)
And look how everyone flocked.... Move over Hitlery Im black and a woman....if only I identifed as a tree with blue leaves I wouldn't even need to run .....
Read my lips... Bilderberg

Playlist woman.

I missed the conversation on BLM but I won't bring that up again. You already know my opinions/thoughts on them.

RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 08:27 AM

Im at work patience ninja patience.

djchameleon 06-11-2016 08:29 AM

ooh okay, no problem. I didn't know.

kibbeh 06-11-2016 09:21 AM

Chula Vista 06-11-2016 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by 1blankmind (Post 1708199)
He hates mexicans? Uh.... no. He dislikes illegal aliens. He wants people to come into our country legally. And why would you want someone to come into this country when the first thing they do is break it's laws.

Wow. Just wow. Boy this sound exactly like something Trump would say.

The vast majority of illegal aliens from Mexico come here to get work. And as others have pointed out they'll gladly take the worst paying jobs because it's better they can get in their own country. Plus they know how to work their asses off.

I say this as someone who lives less than 5 miles from Mexico. We are in the neighborhood Eastlake Greens in the center towards the right on this map.

RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 11:31 AM

Hes right chula. Theres nothing wrong with imigrating here legally. Yall yell at me enough to pay my taxes n ****. I mean where is the ****in line man. I was born here and get faced ****ed by the government daily. But let me be born in "Mexico" and well I can do just about anything I want criminally and not suffer any punishment. **** that noise. The government doesnt actually give a **** that they are letting in people from all over and not making sure that they are oh I dunno ill, insane, or criminally insane yeah just lets take everybody c'mon in Murica. You dont have to want to actually adopt our culture or anything. Actually we prefer if you come here and self segrate that we we can prey on the altruism of the American public, and when those white privlaged sons of bitches whine well call em racist.

Key 06-11-2016 11:36 AM

^I can't be the only one unable to comprehend Roxys posts.

RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 11:40 AM

Dw your not.Oracles dont use punctuation its beneth us.
.you a damn lie ki you speak Roxy.

Chula Vista 06-11-2016 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1708304)
The government doesn't actually give a **** that they are letting in people from all over and not making sure that they are oh I dunno ill, insane, or criminally insane.

Bull****. Ever hear of the Border Patrol? They are everywhere around here. Their job is to round up any illegals they catch and to bring them back.


San Diego Sector's Operation Gatekeeper

San Diego Sector tried Silvestre Reyes' approach of forward deploying agents to deter illegal entries into the country. Congress authorized the hiring of thousands of new agents, and many were sent to San Diego Sector. In addition, Congressman Duncan Hunter became a major proponent of border fencing; surplus military landing mats were obtained to use as an initial border fence. Stadium lighting, ground sensors and infra-red cameras were also placed in the area. Eventually the primitive landing mat fence was replaced with a modern triple fence line that begins over one hundred yards into the Pacific Ocean at Imperial Beach, CA and ends more than 13 miles inland on Otay Mesa where the mountains begin. Apprehensions decreased dramatically in that area as the illegal entrant alien traffic was pushed further east into the mountains and desert in eastern San Diego County and beyond.
They have their own patrol cars, vans, paddy wagons, helicopters, etc. It's very common to hear a helicopter flying low, going outside and seeing it's a border patrol chopper flying in a small circle herding up a group of illegals who will then have their hands tie wrapped, loaded into a paddy wagon, and driven back across the border.

It's a Federally funded agency so don't spout off the Government doesn't give a crap BS.

But much like the war on drugs coming in from Mexico, the illegals problem is too big to completely eradicate. And the majority of them that are here are hard workers looking for a better lot in life than they have back in Mexico. I've seen it everyday since we've been here. I've worked with some of these people. I know a lot of them.

The broad brush painting of them a druggies, rapists, criminals, etc. is total BS. It's 500% easier to get away with that **** in Mexico than it is here in the US so that logic makes no sense.

RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 11:57 AM

I dont understand why making the illegals legal is bad.
I dont understsnd why closing the borders and sorting out **** is a bad thing.ITS ****ING NOT. YOU CANT JUST SLIDE INTO ANY COUNTRY YOU ****ING WANT AND NOT EXSPECT TO ABIDE BY THE LAWS OF THE LAND.


Border patrol.Ahaha

Chula Vista 06-11-2016 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1708310)
I dont understand why making the illegals legal is bad.
I dont understsnd why closing the borders and sorting out **** is a bad thing.ITS ****ING NOT. YOU CANT JUST SLIDE INTO ANY COUNTRY YOU ****ING WANT AND NOT EXSPECT TO ABIDE BY THE LAWS OF THE LAND.


Did you not read what I just posted???????

The Batlord 06-11-2016 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1708307)
Dw your not.Oracles dont use punctuation its beneth us.
.you a damn lie ki you speak Roxy.

*claims she doesn't use punctuation

*starts a sentence with a period


Goofle 06-11-2016 01:41 PM


Key 06-11-2016 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1708318)
*claims she doesn't use punctuation

*starts a sentence with a period



Zhanteimi 06-11-2016 03:47 PM

So, is Trump gonna be president or what?

Psy-Fi 06-11-2016 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by mordwyr (Post 1708355)
So, is Trump gonna be president or what?

Xurtio 06-11-2016 05:15 PM


The Batlord 06-11-2016 05:16 PM

Oh for the love of ****ing Jesus Christ. This is turning into Roxy levels of paranoia.

Xurtio 06-11-2016 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1708378)
Oh for the love of ****ing Jesus Christ. This is turning into Roxy levels of paranoia.

You don't think candidates manipulate media to make themselves more electable? Are your really that naive? You can double check everything in the video (check google auto-entry vs. google trends).

RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 05:28 PM

Take your blinders off...Big google blows too. I keep tellin all of us are paranoid? This is not the big brother you want to get to know....This is mental enslavement from things like smart phones facebook etc etc.

I mean you saw this on a tiny scale when they stripped a few of us of avatars a few years ago...Before Paul's labatomy... I mean we all find em from google in the first frigging place...that should have been a sign of the times Batlord.

Xurtio 06-11-2016 05:30 PM

I don't think google is trying to enslave us or anything, but they're in a position to collect some of the best intelligence in the world, having the world's most used search engine and most popular e-mail server. What state department wouldn't get chummy with them?

Goofle 06-11-2016 05:35 PM


Xurtio 06-11-2016 05:41 PM

Google's defense when confronted about this: "Our algorithm exlcudes disparaging things by default when associated with anyone's name"

So I go and start typing "Donal trump rac" and I get references to his racism in the autocomplete list. Hrmmm...

RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Xurtio (Post 1708382)
I don't think google is trying to enslave us or anything, but they're in a position to collect some of the best intelligence in the world, having the world's most used search engine and most popular e-mail server. What state department wouldn't get chummy with them?

You dont think when they make statements like we can predict where you are going to eat on any given day 1 month in advance its creepy? The growing smart phone addiction let me stop before I take yall to church.


RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Xurtio (Post 1708384)
Google's defense when confronted about this: "Our algorithm exlcudes disparaging things by default when associated with anyone's name"

So I go and start typing "Donal trump rac" and I get references to his racism in the autocomplete list. Hrmmm...


Xurtio 06-11-2016 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1708385)
You dont think when they make statements like we can predict where you are going to eat on any given day 1 month in advance its creepy? The growing smart phone addiction let me stop before I take yall to church.


No, I don't think it's particularly creepy, I think it's annoyingly intimate marketing research. What's creepy is that the government steps in and makes use of their data and abuses follow.

Chula Vista 06-11-2016 05:49 PM

So what? Google is a privately owned entity. They can have their bias just like Fox News, Brietbart, and MSNBC does. No conspiracy at all.

Talk about grasping at straws.

RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 05:57 PM

When they are using it to sway peoples opinons of hiltery yeah bro I mind. Its not like its a news website surpressing it you dig.This is the search engine. Be like looking in the encyclopedia for great white sharks only to find the pages missing....same premise just technologically. I do not feel that it is right for a massive company such as Google Facebook etc that store information about people and on people to cozy up to any federally funded organization or government. Because just because the people running Google might not be evil there isn't anything saying that there is isn't a possibility that this could turn tyrannical. Like China censors the internet I don't want the same thing here I don't want to be taxed way down at the bottom of my Comcast bill under and services and uses charges.

RoxyRollah 06-11-2016 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1708390)
So what? Google is a privately owned entity. They can have their bias just like Fox News, Brietbart, and MSNBC does. No conspiracy at all.

Talk about grasping at straws.

Those are media outlets Don this is a ****ing search engine. You're the news is biased propaganda either conspiracy there. But the engine it self no dude lets not go here because Ill take a dangerous freedom then locked down censorship any day.

kibbeh 06-11-2016 06:02 PM

i remember a few months ago watching a guy on youtube complaining about how when he made a video criticizing hillary, youtube took that video down. and his channels not even popular, hes just some random dude making videos about politics. honestly thats kind of ****ed up... what happened to 'free speech'?

*ACTUALLY they didn't take the video down... i remember now. he makes money off of his youtube videos and they made it so he would not be paid at all for that video. because they didn't like the content. something like that... either way its ****ed up.

The Batlord 06-11-2016 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Xurtio (Post 1708384)
Google's defense when confronted about this: "Our algorithm exlcudes disparaging things by default when associated with anyone's name"

So I go and start typing "Donal trump rac" and I get references to his racism in the autocomplete list. Hrmmm...

First thing I get when I type in "hillary clinton rac": "hillary clinton racist costume". Fifth down on the list: "hillary clinton racist kkk". You're grasping at straws, bro.

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