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Cinnamonics 01-13-2013 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by OOS (Post 1273752)
Yeah, I really did find the production lacking on TKoL, which is odd since I usually love Nigel Godrich. The songs really came alive in their live arrangements, though; I'd recommend listening to their From The Basement session from 2011 if you haven't already, it really does show how great some of the songs could be.

I haven't listened to the Basement thingy, though I've heard some TKOL tracks live, and they didn't really impress there either, so as much I as I don't like the production, I think the songs are really not to my taste. But maybe I should check it out anyway.

wiggums 01-17-2013 02:06 PM

"Thom Yorke has threatened to "sue the living ****" out of David Cameron if the prime minister uses a Radiohead song in a future election campaign."


debaserr 02-16-2013 11:48 AM

Radiohead to regroup for new album at the 'end of summer' | News | NME.COM

Justthefacts 02-16-2013 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1287143)


Unhinged Reviews 02-16-2013 10:02 PM

OK Computer is a great album, it's the first one I heard from Radiohead. First song off of the album I heard was "Let Down", I was hooked after that.

debaserr 02-17-2013 03:47 PM

Sorry I was so late; AMOK has leaked. I'm making my final preparations for my first listen right now.

SGR 02-18-2013 05:35 AM

My body is ready

emalvick 02-19-2013 02:02 PM

A newer member here, and without reading the thread, it seems I am one of the few that actually like TKOL, although with the caveat that I listen to it on my home system cranked up. I hated the album when I first got it listening in my car and PMP only to discover it came to life (for me) when given the benefit of my home system.

It showed me just how much of a difference a good amp, good speakers, and lossless audio can make.

TKOL is more than sound, too, but when I bundle it with the extra tracks they've put out since its release, it makes for a nice album and a fairly radical departure from what In Rainbows had been and similar to the way Kid A departed from the OK Computer sound. Then again, I've always been considered weird by friends who don't understand why my favorite Radiohead albums are Kid A and Amnesiac (and TKOL now) rather than the Bends, OK Computer, or In Rainbows.

Kid A and Amnesiac have never gotten old to me while the other three albums have not aged well for my ears. The Bends and OK Computer sound a bit dated to me now. My brother-in-law thinks TKOL, Kid A, and Amnesiac will only appeal to people who like Electronic or Jazz music. He may be right.

Cinnamonics 02-20-2013 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by emalvick (Post 1288046)

Kid A and Amnesiac have never gotten old to me while the other three albums have not aged well for my ears. The Bends and OK Computer sound a bit dated to me now. My brother-in-law thinks TKOL, Kid A, and Amnesiac will only appeal to people who like Electronic or Jazz music. He may be right.

Nah, I don't listen to electronic music or jazz, and I love Kid A, so he's wrong. :p What do you mean by dated, though? I find both The Bends and Kid A to be kind of timeless. Great production and sweet songs can never grow old, in my opinion.

Surell 02-20-2013 05:06 PM

OKC drags for me, but the Bends is just a nice, fun album, good for road trips and such. I agree that TKOL was a pretty nice departure; some critics complained that it just wasn't different enough, but I thin they were just caught off guard by it. I mean, it's pretty hard to be as radical as Kid A, but it only had one song that really resembled anything of the past, and that was Codex. IR, on the other hand, sounded very much like upbeat HTTT, yet it garnered great acclaim, especially over TKOL.

i probably already said this

larcha 02-20-2013 05:16 PM

OK Computer no doubt. Listen to that album every weekend at my cousins house.

Alice in Chains 03-13-2013 02:55 PM

God damn it, this was hard.

Oh well, I picked Kid A because it had most of my favorite tracks on it.

Thinkofthechildren 03-14-2013 04:58 PM

Thom Yorke and his annoying singing ruins Idioteque. Sometimes, he is so detrimental to the band.

Thinkofthechildren 03-25-2013 10:07 AM

Is it me, or does No Surprises and Fake Plastic Trees sound exactly the same? I think its the vocal melody.

Zer0 03-25-2013 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Thinkofthechildren (Post 1300523)
Is it me, or does No Surprises and Fake Plastic Trees sound exactly the same? I think its the vocal melody.

They don't sound exactly the same at all, the vocal melody and the mood are different to me. If they do sound similar it's because they are both made by the same band.

khfreek 05-02-2013 11:18 PM

Mad props.

Key 05-03-2013 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Thinkofthechildren (Post 1297526)
Thom Yorke and his annoying singing ruins Idioteque. Sometimes, he is so detrimental to the band.

Not to mention he can't sing his way out of a paper bag to begin with.

debaserr 05-03-2013 09:51 AM

Whoa this thread went over a month without a bump.

Nurse Duckett 05-03-2013 10:51 AM

They've made two very good albums, the obvious two, and after that they just get progressively worse.

The Bends and OK Computer are both very good albums, Kid A has its moments but it never really gets off the ground, Amnesiac is so dull the wall paper leaves the room, Hail to the Thief is an embarrassment to everyone and anyone concerned, In Rainbows is the musical equivalent of watching your entire family being murdered and The King of Limbs doesn't even class as music.

TAXI FOR RADIOHEAD. They should call it a day and do themselves and everyone else a favour, its becoming painful to watch/listen to.

wiggums 05-03-2013 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Nurse Duckett (Post 1315204)
They've made two very good albums, the obvious two, and after that they just get progressively worse.

The Bends and OK Computer are both very good albums, Kid A has its moments but it never really gets off the ground, Amnesiac is so dull the wall paper leaves the room, Hail to the Thief is an embarrassment to everyone and anyone concerned, In Rainbows is the musical equivalent of watching your entire family being murdered and The King of Limbs doesn't even class as music.

TAXI FOR RADIOHEAD. They should call it a day and do themselves and everyone else a favour, its becoming painful to watch/listen to.

You're obnoxious.

Nurse Duckett 05-03-2013 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by wiggums (Post 1315214)
You're obnoxious.

So, thinking that Radiohead lost it years ago makes a person obnoxious does it. I could start lying if that helps.

On second thoughts I'd rather be obnoxious than gullible.


Zer0 05-03-2013 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Nurse Duckett (Post 1315204)
They've made two very good albums, the obvious two, and after that they just get progressively worse.

The Bends and OK Computer are both very good albums, Kid A has its moments but it never really gets off the ground, Amnesiac is so dull the wall paper leaves the room, Hail to the Thief is an embarrassment to everyone and anyone concerned, In Rainbows is the musical equivalent of watching your entire family being murdered and The King of Limbs doesn't even class as music.

TAXI FOR RADIOHEAD. They should call it a day and do themselves and everyone else a favour, its becoming painful to watch/listen to.

I think Hail To The Thief and In Rainbows are great albums. 'There There' and 'Videotape' are two of my favourite Radiohead songs. Make what you want out of that.

Cinnamonics 05-04-2013 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Nurse Duckett (Post 1315222)
So, thinking that Radiohead lost it years ago makes a person obnoxious does it. I could start lying if that helps.

On second thoughts I'd rather be obnoxious than gullible.


I'm surprised you don't like "In Rainbows" at all, though, it's maybe their best, and has elements from most of their eras.

Surell 05-05-2013 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Nurse Duckett (Post 1315222)
So, thinking that Radiohead lost it years ago makes a person obnoxious does it. I could start lying if that helps.

On second thoughts I'd rather be obnoxious than gullible.


Nobody asked you to lie, just that you not be so dramatic about opinions that haven't even been supplied reason. If you're going to equate In Rainbows to the death of your whole family with no reason, I'm going to call you a liar, and gullible, and obnoxious. Also, OKC can't be an "obviously" good album when half of it isn't very interesting, or just drags along. HTTT is guilty of that as well, I admit, though I wouldn't say so for the interesting factor, just that it drags.

Surell 10-21-2013 11:51 PM


debaserr 09-26-2014 09:59 AM



Tomorrow's Modern Boxes

As an experiment we are using a new version of BitTorrent to distribute a new Thom Yorke record.

The new Torrent files have a pay gate to access a bundle of files..

The files can be anything, but in this case is an 'album'.

It's an experiment to see if the mechanics of the system are something that the general public can get its head around ...

If it works well it could be an effective way of handing some control of internet commerce back to people who are creating the work.

Enabling those people who make either music, video or any other kind of digital content to sell it themselves.

Bypassing the self elected gate-keepers.

If it works anyone can do this exactly as we have done.

The torrent mechanism does not require any server uploading or hosting costs or 'cloud' malarkey.

It's a self-contained embeddable shop front...

The network not only carries the traffic, it also hosts the file. The file is in the network.

Oh yes and it's called
Tomorrow's Modern Boxes.

Surell 09-26-2014 09:25 PM

That is so rad, and legit, I'm psyched

Surell 09-29-2014 12:31 AM

Guys this new Thom Yorke is pretty killer, def worth the 6 bucks

Surell 10-02-2014 11:28 PM

Thom Yorke: Tomorrow's Modern Boxes | Album Reviews | Pitchfork

I wanted to see what you guys thought of the album, and how accurate y'all thought this review was. I hardly find myself agreeing. Although it is pretty undeniable that this pushes the ambient/electronic elements even further to the forefront, I don't think it should be thought of as a poorer album for it. Mainly I take issue with the reviewer seeming to conflate "most Radiohead-like" with best, as this shouldn't be how we regard Yorke's solo material, as being good only when it sticks closest to Radiohead.

I like the album for what it is, which to me is a little experimental in the sense that it has a fairly neutral tone throughout, or at least doesn't bring the ominous or despairing nature to the forefront as Yorke/Radiohead usually do, and not relying on distinct melody throughout but still maintaining its own kind of hooks and charm. It also may not seem, especially in the second half, that it has a discernible direction it aims for, but I like this kind of ambiguity the album has, personally.

EDIT: There may be a discernible tone here in melancholy, but it feels pretty subtle to me, or maybe it's just that I'm not used to hearing something like a bit of ordinary sadness in a Radiohead/Yorke album. And this is not a bad thing, I love Yorke's use of mainly drum machines, piano, and effects here. It feels tight for it, the whole album just flows.

bluestate 01-07-2015 02:05 PM

I'm kinda ready for Thom Yorke to try something new. Yea, it's cool and all, but he's already been there done that, a thousand times over. I want something fresh and new. That's why Thom desperately needs Johnny.

debaserr 01-07-2015 06:47 PM

I think Atoms for Peace was the best thing he did since In Rainbows.

But I think I heard recently that Radiohead is back and recording. I'm not a huge fan of TKoL, but it had it's moments. I'm hoping for something dense and catchy, but either way, it will be done well.

Machine 01-17-2015 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1534761)
I think Atoms for Peace was the best thing he did since In Rainbows.

But I think I heard recently that Radiohead is back and recording. I'm not a huge fan of TKoL, but it had it's moments. I'm hoping for something dense and catchy, but either way, it will be done well.

Amok was great, not all the songs were perfect, but the sound it had was amazing imo. King Of Limbs was underrated Bloom, Codex, Little By Little, Give Up The Ghost, and Separator were all great tracks, I don't really see why it gets all the hate it does. It'd be cool with me if the new record went farther in the floating electronic sound, but just executed with a bit more expertise.

debaserr 01-17-2015 02:41 PM

I'm just hoping it's not like Tomorrow's Modern Boxes. I ended up liking one song, Brain in a Bottle.

JennyOndioline 01-18-2015 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1539551)
I'm just hoping it's not like Tomorrow's Modern Boxes. I ended up liking one song, Brain in a Bottle.

I thought Mother Lode was pretty good, but admittedly, I only ever listened to TMB once and promptly forgot it existed a week later.

Joakimm 02-17-2016 07:05 PM

OK Cumputer for sure.

TechnicLePanther 02-17-2016 07:25 PM

I'm a Bends kind of guy. I heard OK Computer at first, thought it was good, I preferred the poppier tracks. Then I heard some of the singles from The Bends, and started to get into their other work. Then I heard The Bends all the way through for the first time, and I was blown away. Every single song on that album is gold IMO. All of their others have their highs and lows.

Mr. Charlie 02-18-2016 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Joakimm (Post 1680751)
OK Cumputer for sure.


Plainview 07-12-2016 08:52 AM

You guys have some boring taste. OK Computer is a strong Alt Rock album, but Kid A and Amnesiac are far more interesting.

Tristan_Geoff 07-15-2016 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Plainview (Post 1719339)
You guys have some boring taste. OK Computer is a strong Alt Rock album, but Kid A and Amnesiac are far more interesting.

:yeah: 100%

Kid A is miles ahead of OKC.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 07-16-2016 06:40 AM

It's really hard for me to choose between OK Computer and Kid A, so I'm not going to.

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