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mosesandtherubberducky 04-03-2006 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
I hate to get this technical but;

If when you piss sitting down, the piss gets on your balls, it only stands to reason that your penis doesn't hang below your balls, since piss usually flows out of the penis in a southward direction. So, if when the urine leaves the urethra, and makes its way down to your balls, one can only conclude that you have a ridiculously small penis.

That is pure fucking brilliance

explosions-in-my-pants 04-03-2006 09:30 PM

i second that...

under 04-03-2006 09:41 PM

I call girls porn stars when they walk by sometimes for no reason(mostly because I hate them)

bungalow 04-03-2006 09:45 PM


I am not sure what you are trying to say in that post

Do you hate porn stars....
Or just girls in general?

Either way you answer, it isnt looking too good for you.

explosions-in-my-pants 04-03-2006 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by H.I.M
I call girls porn stars when they walk by sometimes for no reason(mostly because I hate them)

i'm really confused.. for two reasons.. what you just said doesn't make much sense... and another because what does it have to do with anything? or is your answer for bill going to make sense with this thread?

MURDER JUNKIE 04-03-2006 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
I hate to get this technical but;

If when you piss sitting down, the piss gets on your balls, it only stands to reason that your penis doesn't hang below your balls, since piss usually flows out of the penis in a southward direction. So, if when the urine leaves the urethra, and makes its way down to your balls, one can only conclude that you have a ridiculously small penis.

There is a certain amount of mechanics to this practice, the balls need to be temporarily relocated. I am 32, I need to move 'em just to keep 'em out of the water

adidasss 04-04-2006 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by the death of capitilism
well yah cause when i piss sittin down it goes on my nuts and it pisse me off and why are nuts hairy ok they itch and its not cool

this confused me takes some skill to piss on your balls....

mosesandtherubberducky 04-04-2006 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss
this confused me takes some skill to piss on your balls....

True dat. I think I'm supposed to be embarrassed by what I do when I'm bored.

adidasss 04-04-2006 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
True dat. I think I'm supposed to be embarrassed by what I do when I'm bored.

what would that be i wonder.....a teenager...boredom....hmmm....

mosesandtherubberducky 04-04-2006 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss
what would that be i wonder.....a teenager...boredom....hmmm....

I don't wank when I'm bored. I take stuff apart and try to put it back together. Right now I'm working on taking my mini apart because I want the battery and hard drive in it. I wank when there is nothing to do.

adidasss 04-04-2006 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
I don't wank when I'm bored. I take stuff apart and try to put it back together. Right now I'm working on taking my mini apart because I want the battery and hard drive in it. I wank when there is nothing to do.

so you preffer taking stuff apart to masturbating??:usehead: :wavey:

Crowe 04-04-2006 02:28 AM

Haha, oh man. Great thread. Er, lets see.

I hate tomatoes, yet I eat ketchup on everything.

I share pretty well except when it comes to Diet Coke. My girlfriend has to beg me for one... and even then I get a little angry.

I have a remarkable ability to know exactly where everything is if my living space is messy. If it is clean. I tend to get creeped out a little.

I can improvise Shakespeare. (this is because I'm an actor and have read it time and time again... also a little gloating here)

When my ears itch inside... I use a pencap to get out the earwax... furthermore I put the earwax in a little pile until I am finished. I don't know why. I also do this with the hair that falls out of my scalp during class.

I'm a closet nerd.

If I don't know something, it bothers me and I will go out and research it until I could hold my own in a conversation about it. Wikipedia is always where I start.

My memory is not something to be desired. If I am not concentrating I will not remember something that happened a minute ago. When I lived at home my mom would tell me to go upstairs and do something and I'd go upstairs, forget what I was doing, and do something else. This pissed my old mum off quite a bit. I do not remember extraneous conversation points. I do remember everything I read, I learn languages quickly, but use this power for evil.

My mind is constantly in the gutter.

I read quickly. So when I read out loud - I read faster than I talk and when I get lost I swear accidently... this has gotten me in trouble in school and at a wedding.

I say horrible things jokingly (think dead baby jokes) and then think about what I said for an inappropriate amount of time.

I do funny things to my girlfriend during intimate moments, because I know she can't stay mad at me for long. That's another thread, though.

My temper doesn't make sense. Big things that would normally piss someone off do not piss me off. Little things will set me off in a heartbeat. When I get mad I don't yell - I am sarcastic and an as-hole. It worries me because I don't know what makes me mad and what doesn't - so when I do get mad, it surprises me, too. IE: A friend was in my car once and was talking during one of my favorite songs. I am like, hold on let me listen to this song real quick... she does so but we pass someone we know and she goes, HEY LOOK IT'S SARAH during the chorus of the song, and I go "F-CK WHAT DID I JUST SAY?" - I apologized for 20 minutes after that. I'm not violent though.

I don't know... tons more like everyone else... just little things I guess.

adidasss 04-04-2006 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Crowe
My temper doesn't make sense. Big things that would normally piss someone off do not piss me off. Little things will set me off in a heartbeat. When I get mad I don't yell - I am sarcastic and an as-hole. It worries me because I don't know what makes me mad and what doesn't - so when I do get mad, it surprises me, too. IE: A friend was in my car once and was talking during one of my favorite songs. I am like, hold on let me listen to this song real quick... she does so but we pass someone we know and she goes, HEY LOOK IT'S SARAH during the chorus of the song, and I go "F-CK WHAT DID I JUST SAY?" - I apologized for 20 minutes after that. I'm not violent though.

so what you're saying is that you're an asshole? if you did that to me, it would definetly end our friendship and i might even slug you just for the fuck of it....

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 04-04-2006 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE
There is a certain amount of mechanics to this practice, the balls need to be temporarily relocated. I am 32, I need to move 'em just to keep 'em out of the water

thats fool.

hmm....embarassing things......

i play with my hair when im bored...because i always need something to do with my hands. other than that....i cant think of anything right now.

DontRunMeOver 04-04-2006 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Crowe
My temper doesn't make sense. Big things that would normally piss someone off do not piss me off. Little things will set me off in a heartbeat. When I get mad I don't yell - I am sarcastic and an as-hole. It worries me because I don't know what makes me mad and what doesn't - so when I do get mad, it surprises me, too. IE: A friend was in my car once and was talking during one of my favorite songs. I am like, hold on let me listen to this song real quick... she does so but we pass someone we know and she goes, HEY LOOK IT'S SARAH during the chorus of the song, and I go "F-CK WHAT DID I JUST SAY?" - I apologized for 20 minutes after that. I'm not violent though.

He's the quiet type. Keeps himself to himself. Is polite to the neighbours and always takes the trash out on time. Everybody will be surprised the day that the police show up at his door and start digging in the back garden...

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-04-2006 12:51 PM

I put my I Pod in the fridge a couple of weeks ago :confused:

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 04-04-2006 12:59 PM

what the hell?

dare i ask why? or under what circumstances?

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-04-2006 01:04 PM

i have no idea

right-track 04-04-2006 01:09 PM

Sleep depravation, perhaps.
Those kind of things, I did all the time when the kids were babies.
Milk in the cupboard, coffee in the fridge, shaving gell in my hair etc...

mosesandtherubberducky 04-04-2006 01:16 PM

I took my iPod apart at 5 in the morning today. And I put it back together and it works fine :D

DontRunMeOver 04-04-2006 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I put my I Pod in the fridge a couple of weeks ago :confused:

I expect that Moses did this too at one point, in an attempt to supercool it for improved performance.

tdoc210 04-04-2006 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
this confused me takes some skill to piss on your balls....

ehhh not when the toilet seat inhibits ur balls from entering in the deginated ball drop area and ur **** pisse on the toulet saet and voilla piss on ur nuts (CHURCH toilets go to hell) public toilets have appropriate ball dropage areas:wavey:

mosesandtherubberducky 04-04-2006 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver
I expect that Moses did this too at one point, in an attempt to supercool it for improved performance.

That made me giggle. But no I hate the fucking things. My battery ran out of charge cycles in less than a year.

I pick my nose.

adidasss 04-04-2006 04:45 PM

i also get a bit carried away when i listen to some really bitchin music whilst going through town....i may or may not start to actually dance to it....:(...i can't help it!!

Crowe 04-04-2006 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
so what you're saying is that you're an asshole? if you did that to me, it would definetly end our friendship and i might even slug you just for the fuck of it....

Well, to define it a little more. I would have to be in a bad mood to go off as bad as I did. I know immediately after I flip out that I am wrong and apologize. Reading it is probably bad, but my friends just kinda laugh. I do not stay angry for long. I usually have to be in a bad mood to YELL at someone. Normally if I get angry, noone can tell. That was one of my more extreme moments. My friends don't care though - and it takes a LOT to make me angry - so in order to have a bad day, a lot of events have to occur perfectly in order for it to turn bad. I'm a happy person.

Laces Out Dan! 04-04-2006 10:08 PM

I Listen to G-Unit on occasion

Music Is Pwnage 04-04-2006 10:51 PM

I cause the destruction of bobby pins.

Music Is Pwnage 04-04-2006 11:11 PM

i should continue now that im remembering more.

I rip my skin off and eat it. unintentionally. Then I start bleeding and I'm like F*CK I ATE MY SKIN AGAIN!!!! it's a big problem and nobody knows about it except you guys.

I started yelling at some black kid for no reason and then walked away. 5 minutes later i was like "why the hell was i yelling at him? and what did i even say? why can't i remember!!" i guess im subconciously racist.

My mind can think about 4 things at once, it's usually 3 but then i start noticing im thinking about 3 things at once and then i start thinking about it and it becomes a fourth. it's really annoying.

I never use my cell phone for the right reason.

Sometimes I just don't feel like doing the right thing. Afterwards I regret it.

I NEVER do homework. I'm pretty much ****ed and I'm scared of my future. I just can't do it. Pure impossible for me. (See the 4 thing mind thinker thingy)

I despise crayon boxes.

I have an extreme bizarre sense of humor. Mostly non-sequitur. I even make my own comic series of non-sequitur jokes.

When I bring a drink or ice cream to my room, I never put the glass/bowl back in the kitchen. I let it sit in my room.

I talk to a toy dragon that I got from Jack In The Box.

i HATE Jack In The Box.

I once won one of those claw-toy-grabbing things, but for some reason I get depressed whenever I remember that.

I like reading about insane psychos killing people, but it disgusts me seeing it acted out by people.

I piss off my dog.

I get unnecessarliy happy when AFI gets involved with anything.

I laughed when the news announced that someone was being executed.


I start yelling like an idiot when someone brings up Kidz Bop.

rudgrljungalist 04-05-2006 01:00 AM

I'd say the worst for me is I laugh at the wrong things. My sense of humour is pretty twisted. For example, I was at a friends' and she was changing the water in her fish tank. When she went to transfer the fish to the clean tank, it flipped out, landing on the floor. Before she could see it to pick it up, she stepped on it, squashing it DEAD. I had to cover my mouth and leave the room, because I couldn't help bursting into laughter. Ironically, her son and I bought it as a gift for her about 2 weeks b4 it happened. Oh, and continuing with the theme, I thoroughly enjoy disturbing scenes in movies. (ex: The Cell -intestine scene; American Psycho -sex w coathanger scene) Anyone share my neuroses???? (lol)

MURDER JUNKIE 04-05-2006 02:09 AM

I also failed to mention that I have the smallest bladder in the entire world, I quite literally take a piss every half hour. If I am at a bar drinking beer none of my friends will sit beside me because I have to get up to piss so often.

When I drink Whiskey I have a tendancy to piss everywhere but the bathroom, one time my wife caught me holding my hand in the shape of a circle and when she asked what I was doing I looked at her like she was stupid and said " I'm pissing into a cup "

rudgrljungalist 04-05-2006 02:45 AM

Others are: sometimes using the clean ashtray gives me anxiety, escalators scare me, worms FREAK me out, (but not snakes...) And my friend & I waxed our arms when I was 17, and I still remove the hair. Oh right, I recently went through alopecia, and I have literally 3+ft. of hair (hows that 4 irony...) I like others like to be able to control what (if any) of my food touches -FYI Dixie paper plates with dividers. Everyone has their neurotic tendencies. I wouldn't call that OCD, save that term for the real crazies...(kidding har,har).

MURDER JUNKIE 04-05-2006 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by rudgrljungalist
And my friend & I waxed our arms when I was 17, and I still remove the hair. Oh right, I recently went through alopecia, and I have literally 3+ft. of hair

Don 04-05-2006 03:16 AM

I secretly love boo boo, but no one believes me :(

DarkMortar 04-06-2006 12:34 AM

1. i wear a blanket a lot
2. i constantly get up to hear different places of bass respone from subwoofers
3. i bite my nails and fingers

Mama Booze 04-06-2006 06:37 AM

yee, I bite my fingers too, DM. They start to hurt after a while, aye? :/


Originally Posted by DarkMortar
1. i wear a blanket a lot a cape? Are you superman?

Scarlett O'Hara 04-07-2006 03:54 PM

I make lame jokes and laugh way too hard at them.

But to be really honest I have no shame so it could be anything. I don't get embarrassed, I embarrass other people around me!

Music Is Pwnage 04-07-2006 06:40 PM

you don't know lame jokes till you see my comic series.

Mama Booze 04-07-2006 06:45 PM

I laugh really loud late at night when I'm listening to really happy love songs.


Scarlett O'Hara 04-07-2006 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Music Is Pwnage
you don't know lame jokes till you see my comic series.

Seriously, I have the stupidest comebacks and jokes ever....we will have to agree to disagree on this one...:D

tdoc210 04-07-2006 07:32 PM

i hate to many people

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