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jr. 04-07-2006 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by the death of capitilism
i hate to many people

I suffer from a strong aversion to people who infringe on what I feel is my own personal space. They commit humanus interruptus on my peace. LOL.

tdoc210 04-07-2006 08:40 PM

^ hah thats what i was getting at

jibber 04-07-2006 08:40 PM

random obsessive compulsive things, if i'm sitting at a restaurant with friends, i'll spin my coffee cup incessantly until i get it refilled, or i'll rip up my napkin into tiny little bits. also, if it's been a while since i've been skiing, when im walking around i'll randomly jump up and rebound off of walls, rails, anything solid and vertical really, apparently it's wierd to do that....

explosions-in-my-pants 04-08-2006 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE
I also failed to mention that I have the smallest bladder in the entire world, I quite literally take a piss every half hour. If I am at a bar drinking beer none of my friends will sit beside me because I have to get up to piss so often.

When I drink Whiskey I have a tendancy to piss everywhere but the bathroom, one time my wife caught me holding my hand in the shape of a circle and when she asked what I was doing I looked at her like she was stupid and said " I'm pissing into a cup "

haha.. i've never done that before... but when i read this i couldn't help but laugh.. haha now i'm wide awake again.. :)

Originally Posted by rudgrljungalist
I'd say the worst for me is I laugh at the wrong things. My sense of humour is pretty twisted. For example, I was at a friends' and she was changing the water in her fish tank. When she went to transfer the fish to the clean tank, it flipped out, landing on the floor. Before she could see it to pick it up, she stepped on it, squashing it DEAD. I had to cover my mouth and leave the room, because I couldn't help bursting into laughter. Ironically, her son and I bought it as a gift for her about 2 weeks b4 it happened. Oh, and continuing with the theme, I thoroughly enjoy disturbing scenes in movies. (ex: The Cell -intestine scene; American Psycho -sex w coathanger scene) Anyone share my neuroses???? (lol)

I'm like that.. the sad thing is when friends need me like after they've lost someone.. if they cry infront of me i get nervous and want to joke around.. and i know its not right so they i need to laugh and still its wrong.. but i can't help it... i'm not sure if i'm evil or just really nervous.

Originally Posted by Vanilla
I make lame jokes and laugh way too hard at them!

I also do this.. when i make a joke and i laugh depending on how funny i thought i was i don't notice till afterwords if anyone else is laughing or not.

Originally Posted by jibber
random obsessive compulsive things, if i'm sitting at a restaurant with friends, i'll spin my coffee cup incessantly until i get it refilled, or i'll rip up my napkin into tiny little bits. also, if it's been a while since i've been skiing, when im walking around i'll randomly jump up and rebound off of walls, rails, anything solid and vertical really, apparently it's wierd to do that....

non of them seem obsessive compulsive disorder type things..

after getting on the computer i'll open up msn then close it to the bottem of the page.. as people do.. but then five minutes later i'll do this again.. and i'll do this at least 5 times.. and take maybe a one hour break from doing it.

when i'm in a bath room.. before i go to pee i'll look in the shower to see if theres anything/anyone there.. i think maybe some tried scaring me like that as child.. now i have a fear in the back of my mind.

I can't pee in Hospitals when i need to for like test's and whatever..

I can't pee in any pubic places... it might happen every blue moon, but there's more of a chance i'll pee in the woods before a dirty public bathroom.

when i go to sleep at night the first 3 times my screen saver comes on i'll hit the mouse so it goes off.. the dark creeps me out so i do this till i know i'll fall to sleep as soon as i do it the last time.

Music Is Pwnage 04-17-2006 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla
Seriously, I have the stupidest comebacks and jokes ever....we will have to agree to disagree on this one...:D

Yeah, well you're a big blue bus!!!

tdoc210 04-17-2006 04:42 PM

^ but i ride the blue bus

bungalow 04-17-2006 04:53 PM

Me too :pimp:

ArmyofMe 04-17-2006 05:11 PM

nice avatar (bungalow)

explosions-in-my-pants 04-17-2006 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by ArmyofMe
nice avatar (bungalow)

i disagree.. after a while looking at that chick do the same thing over and over.. makes me well annoyed..

bungalow 04-17-2006 06:10 PM

Why do you stare at it? Quit staring at it if it annoys you. I don't sit and stare at things that piss me off. I worry about other things.

under 04-17-2006 10:09 PM

I sometimes scratch myself insanely when im talking to people and not even notice it and whenever i do that i will preferably scratch myself in places that I rather would not talk about in this forum, if you catch my drift.

Laces Out Dan! 04-17-2006 10:11 PM

Penis?...ass?...Belly button?

MURDER JUNKIE 04-17-2006 11:04 PM


shandapanda 04-18-2006 02:54 PM

i think i'm a mizture of most of your little things

i too cannot have one kind of food touch the other..i hate tomatoes but i like ketchup and bitter tomato pureé
i bite people all the used to be just ears...
i jump onto friends and pull out their eyebrow's hilarious
i have a SERIOUS neck phobia...i will kill and i almost have
i love eating jam,'s sooo good
i use dry macaroni as a straw to suck the jam..mmm
i tell people off for no reason, especially when they're being suer nice to me
i whine and scratch people for some reason...
i spoil people's stories with stupid anecdotes and make it a giant anticlimax
i repeat things for months and do a strange public
not that special..

explosions-in-my-pants 04-18-2006 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
Why do you stare at it? Quit staring at it if it annoys you. I don't sit and stare at things that piss me off. I worry about other things.

but she moves... and where your avr is always moving my eyes tend to drift over to it.. and i can't help it.. but trust me i don't try to look at it.. and i wouldn't call 1 second look starring.. sorry my eyes would fall out of head if i looked at that chick do the same boop thing over and over...

ladyluckrules 04-18-2006 03:12 PM

I won't use a spoon once someone has touched it.
I have to wash each fruit I eat, this includes grapes.
Once I've washed the fruit I use kitchen roll and dry it one by one.
I also like my apples warm so if they're too cold I put them under the hot tap.
I end up falling asleep quite a bit in school in school, particularly in science but it doesn't happen that much now.
I impersonate Zoidberg because my friends peer-pressure me.
I laugh at the most unfunny things, and I can't stop it. So sometimes I actually beg my friends to stop cracking jokes.
I buy earrings for myself, but I can't actually be bothered to get my ears peirced, because it's too much effort.
I don't like to turn on my mobile phone on too much or put it on my lap because I think I'll get CaNCER of ThE 0VarIES!!1!!
If I write something in ballpoint pen, I go back to the page and fill in miliscuuule parts where the line has faded one by one.
I can't stand the red biro the teachers use. I once got so annoyed I tip-exxed all of the red even if it was a tick out of my maths book.
I don't like holding a book in front of me in bed, if I do I have to lift it up at least every minute to check for...intruders...or monster or something :\

blackTshirt 04-18-2006 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by ladyluckrules
I won't use a spoon once someone has touched it.
I have to wash each fruit I eat, this includes grapes.
Once I've washed the fruit I use kitchen roll and dry it one by one.
I also like my apples warm so if they're too cold I put them under the hot tap.

If I write something in ballpoint pen, I go back to the page and fill in miliscuuule parts where the line has faded one by one.

oh man
i do those too

TrampInaTux 04-19-2006 04:02 AM

I grab onto things as if I'm going to fall over when I'm not. I don't make myself do it like an OCD, it just happens. My mate commented on it yesterday, and I just realised.
I cross my toes constantly, which has caused a bump in my school shoes where my big toe is when I cross them.
I move the ring on my finger around with my thumb.
I can't stay still for to long. It bores me.
I hate to fall asleep in my bed. I like to fall asleep elsewhere, then head off to bed without realising because I'm so tired.
I drink WAY to much (I don't mean booze and that, I mean anything I can get my hands on)
I have a tendency to forget what I was talking about halfway through a conversation and then convincing myself that I won't remember it again, so I never do.
I laugh at everything and forget to stop smiling. If someone makes a joke I might still be smiling 10 minutes later. This leads to me walking around with a smile on my face everywhere.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-19-2006 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by the death of capitilism
^ but i ride the blue bus

Lolz! Actually I'm a pink bus, but that's ok, I forgive you.

Cheese 04-20-2006 02:17 AM

I'm a compulsive neat freak
If anyone rides in my car, they must take their shoes off first and put them in the boot.
My lawns are mowed twice a week
I wash my car at exactly 11am every Saturday, even if it's raining.Can't handle it if it gets dirt on it.
I have an extreme aversion to kids.

right-track 04-20-2006 04:32 AM

I cross my arms when someone is talking to me, then stroke my left eye brow with the middle finger of my right hand, while I'm listening. (so I've been told).
Similar to hobo, only instead of smiling for ages afterwards I continue frowning, after somebody has pissed me off. I'm constantly being asked "what the fuckss up with you?", because of it.
I stare into space for ages when I'm thinking and am unaware of people trying to get my attention. It's embarrassing because I know I must look retarded while I'm doing it.
If I've had to much to drink I tend to be too honest, it continues to get me in a lot of trouble. In the morning I remember what I've said to a person from the previous night and feel like shit.

adidasss 04-20-2006 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by right-track
I cross my arms when someone is talking to me, then stroke my left eye brow with the middle finger of my right hand, while I'm listening. (so I've been told).
Similar to hobo, only instead of smiling for ages afterwards I continue frowning, after somebody has pissed me off. I'm constantly being asked "what the fuckss up with you?", because of it.
I stare into space for ages when I'm thinking and am unaware of people trying to get my attention. It's embarrassing because I know I must look retarded while I'm doing it.
If I've had to much to drink I tend to be too honest, it continues to get me in a lot of trouble. In the morning I remember what I've said to a person from the previous night and feel like shit.

damn , this caused some embaressment for me aswell....damn the liquor!!

MURDER JUNKIE 04-20-2006 07:19 AM

Don't EVER speak badly about the liquor again!!!!!

adidasss 04-20-2006 08:53 AM

^^shut up rummy!!

did i mention that me and me sis have a tendancy to speak english amongst ourselves when we're out and about? well, this tends to get us into akward situations, for example, just last week, we went shopping, and we started speaking english in a store, and the clerk actually asked us if we were visiting family and if we like it if we were tourists.....other times, they start speaking english because they assume we're foreign....and one incredible incident from my very own village, we went swimming one day, and i went to check out the relics of an antiant basilica that was recently renewed, and i must have commented in english because a local man ( who obviously doesn't know me....well ok, noone knows me because i rarely show my face arround the village ) says to me "you like?" and, seeing as how it would have been more embaressing to say i'm actually a local boy i just said " yeah, it's wonderful" in english, turned red and ran away as fast as i could.......:(

DearJenny 04-20-2006 10:13 AM

here are a few regular embarrassments:

1.I binge drink and I never just drink, I DRINK. And I often make an ass outta my self, like making out with everyone at the party, kissing a dog, chasing after my shoes, getting in a hottub with all my clothes on, etc.

2.I drive down the road with Lacuna Coil playing loudly with the windows down....and coming from an area outside of detroit, it's out of the ordinary to hear anything besides hip hop and rap in a car.

3.I hate phones, and I hate talking on phones(I'm very much face to face because I'm an action person), so when I'm talking on the phone, I cannot communicate too well. And I have bad hearing(thanks dad lol) in my right ear, so if the phone is on my right I'm always asking "what!?"

4.I ghetto dance randomly

5.I say "I know, right?" and everyone thinks its funny

6.I alphabetize movies and cds, or at least catagorize them in some way.

7.When walking the streets at night, I pretend I'm badass, lol.

8.When bored in class, I play sudoku.

9.I'm just an all-around awkward person sometimes

Laces Out Dan! 04-20-2006 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by PipersLabyrinthX

8.When bored in class, I play sudoku.

No Game annoys me more that than...its soo frustrating when you get soo close...and BAM! fuc.ked up

DearJenny 04-20-2006 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by _LesPaul43_
No Game annoys me more that than...its soo frustrating when you get soo close...and BAM! fuc.ked up

Well, I'm a pretty organized person, so to make myself look like more of a dork, I go through and list in each little box the possible numbers, than I go through and play a little elimination game. That way, it's never wrong, because I did it systematically. lol.

Laces Out Dan! 04-20-2006 07:23 PM

I bet Seth from the OC plays that game as well
EDIT: and for embarassing...I watch that show weekly no matter what...and if im mom tapes it for me.

Mama Booze 04-20-2006 07:26 PM

I'll forget other people are around and yell strange things to my dog...

DearJenny 04-20-2006 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by some_exotic_booze
I'll forget other people are around and yell strange things to my dog...

lol, I work at a Pet Supplies Plus and people bring in their dogs and its funny how people treat and talk to their pets sometimes.

Mama Booze 04-20-2006 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by PipersLabyrinthX
lol, I work at a Pet Supplies Plus and people bring in their dogs and its funny how people treat and talk to their pets sometimes.

Yes, like little kids hehe.

explosions-in-my-pants 04-20-2006 08:09 PM

i have been known to have full on conversations with my cat and dog (they really tell it like it is..HA-HA!)
i always refer to myself as my dogs mom...when getting my dog to come to me, i say 'come to mommy' and she'll come and stand on her too back legs with her front two legs on my hips until i pick her up and walk around with her in my arms like a baby..
i share my queen size bed with my dog, she tends to take over most of the bed and leaves me almost falling off
i put girly hearts on my calender whenever i hang out with 'the man'
all my dvd's are in order from colour
all of my VHS's are in order from actor
i have a large number of mary-kate and ashley olsen movies
i always pick at my teeth
i can't sleep with a top sheet on my bed... if i do i rap up in it and or kick it out from under my other blankets
i don't like my toast on paper towels, they have to have there own little plate or be on the same one with the rest of my food (bacon, eggs)

Mama Booze 04-22-2006 09:31 PM

When I love a song, I listen to it over and over until I get sick of it...I hate when I do that :(

I also make huge hand gestures when I talk, and lots of facial know, like a true italian.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 04-22-2006 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by explosions-in-my-pants
i have been known to have full on conversations with my cat and dog (they really tell it like it is..HA-HA!)
i always refer to myself as my dogs mom...when getting my dog to come to me, i say 'come to mommy' and she'll come and stand on her too back legs with her front two legs on my hips until i pick her up and walk around with her in my arms like a baby..
i share my queen size bed with my dog, she tends to take over most of the bed and leaves me almost falling off
i put girly hearts on my calender whenever i hang out with 'the man'
all my dvd's are in order from colour
all of my VHS's are in order from actor
i have a large number of mary-kate and ashley olsen movies
i always pick at my teeth
i can't sleep with a top sheet on my bed... if i do i rap up in it and or kick it out from under my other blankets
i don't like my toast on paper towels, they have to have there own little plate or be on the same one with the rest of my food (bacon, eggs)

this isnt something i would normally do...but....


sorry...a few of those just cracked me up. nothing personal meant at all.

i just realized that i play with my hair a lot. when i actually realize that im doing's a little embarrasing.

MURDER JUNKIE 04-23-2006 09:45 AM

I am a fashion whore

I routinely buy clothes I don't need

I always wear something new to any event

I own 17 pairs of jeans that still have the tags on them and I have never worn, this goes for a lot of other things in my closet as well

I love American Menthol Cigarettes, my parents just came back from the Dominican Republic and brought me a carton of Kool's. I have been chain smoking ever since

I also own 118 t-shirts

I prefer American beer over Canadian

ladyluckrules 04-23-2006 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE
I also own 118 t-shirts

I thought I was bad, you even counted them.

swim 04-23-2006 10:04 AM

^ i own 11...

mosesandtherubberducky 04-23-2006 10:33 AM

I wear 6 or 7 on rotation regularly. I need some new shirts though.

Jayman64 04-23-2006 11:23 AM

I rub my nose so vigorously that the cartilige has broken I still continue to rub my nose and it makes a loud sickening clicking noise which makes everyone want to throw up.

bungalow 04-23-2006 11:32 AM


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