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Raine 10-16-2006 09:32 PM

I watched the Candidates for PA senator debate. Rick Santorum the incumbent seems to be all for going into North Korea. Bob Casey, didn't seem to be aware that North Korea was launching nukes.

Just thought I'd add that since Santorum will most likely win and supports Bush in all things.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295608)
I watched the Candidates for PA senator debate. Rick Santorum the incumbent seems to be all for going into North Korea. Bob Casey, didn't seem to be aware that North Korea was launching nukes.

Just thought I'd add that since Santorum will most likely win and supports Bush in all things.

well most republicans do agree with each other (with a few large and austrian, and AZ governor-ish exceptions). and bob casey not knowing anything about the NK ordeal is hilarious. "Hi, im a politician. where do i stand on North Korea?...umm...North who?":laughing:

Raine 10-16-2006 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 295612)
well most republicans do agree with each other (with a few large and austrian, and AZ governor-ish exceptions). and bob casey not knowing anything about the NK ordeal is hilarious. "Hi, im a politician. where do i stand on North Korea?...umm...North who?":laughing:

half the time he was silent. There's no way he has a shot at winning.
At one point, Rick corrected him and told him "get your facts straight." He was owned horribly.

And there are a lot of members of Bush's own party that don't like some of Bush's actions here lately. That's when you know things are bad.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 09:43 PM

im a conservative (hate to use the word "republican"...its so 1864) and i try to keep an open mind. for the most part i do support Bush, but when he fux up i call it. like trying to outsource our port securit to a Dubai company was absurd. i think he may still have some of that coke from the 70's in his system:laughing:

Raine 10-16-2006 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 295618)
im a conservative (hate to use the word "republican"...its so 1864) and i try to keep an open mind. for the most part i do support Bush, but when he fux up i call it. like trying to outsource our port securit to a Dubai company was absurd. i think he may still have some of that coke from the 70's in his system:laughing:

it feels like he's abusing his powers.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 09:50 PM

how so?

boo boo 10-16-2006 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver (Post 295376)
A bit slow to notice this, but just to point out, whether or not its relevant to your argument, that North Korea and Iran are also part of the UN. As far as I know, every country apart from Vatican City, Western Sahara and Palestine or something like that (and maybe some other random African country) are members of the UN. So your idea that a country being part of the UN means it must be acting in the benefit of 'the world' wouldn't be consistent with your idea that Iran sponsoring terrorism and North Korea having nuclear capabilites were not benefitting the world.

Regardless, the people who run the UN and many other countries have threatened to act out if NK continue making nukes, so you don't have to make it out like it was all our idea.


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295623)
it feels like he's abusing his powers.

Many world leaders abuse their powers, nothing new.

Not that it makes an excuse for Bush, whom I have trust issues with, he's not very good with speechs (where's slick willy when you need em? ;)) and overall he seems to always have an agenda about something, especially Iraq... But I don't like it when people demonize him as an evil whoremonger and compare him to Hitler, I don't think he's that way, but I do agree, he is pretty dumb a lot of times, and he's known for carrying things out before even considering the validity of his sources, hence Iraq.

And I think Bush's decision to invade Iraq has more to do with his Intelligence than him having some sinister plan to have all the Oil in the world or something stupid like that.

However, I think Cheney and Rummys intentions may have been different, I'm paticularlly suspicious of Cheney, you know, because of the whole Halliburton thing.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 295626)
Regardless, the people who run the UN and many other countries have threatened to act out if NK continue making nukes, so you don't have to make it out like it was all our idea.

thats exactly what i was trying to convey earlier to *insert british names here.* but the UN making threats is quite comical. they dont even have an army to enforce their sanctions.

Raine 10-16-2006 09:55 PM

The patriot Act for one thing. It's like he's going through the constitution and trying to find more laws and rights of ours to violate.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295630)
The patriot Act for one thing. It's like he's going through the ocnstitution and trying to find more laws and rights of ours to violate.

are you serious? everyone talks about the patriot act violating our civil liberties and such but 99.9% of them have never taken the time to actually read it. its provisions are designed to keep us safe, and if that means a few extra hours at the airport or someone keeping track of what books i check out at the local library then so be it. and its not like Bush just wrote the patriot act and made it law. it was created and voted in by many bi-partisan committes and groups, including republicans, as well as democrats and independants. so we cant put all of our problems off onto 'ol W.

boo boo 10-16-2006 10:05 PM

Go ahead and call me a racist or whatever, I'm all for profiling.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 295640)
Go ahead and call me a racist or whatever, I'm all for profiling.

same here. i dont recall the last time any whites, blacks, or asians hijacked 4 planes and flew them into a couple skyscrapers or the pentagon for that matter.

Raine 10-16-2006 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 295638)
are you serious? everyone talks about the patriot act violating our civil liberties and such but 99.9% of them have never taken the time to actually read it. its provisions are designed to keep us safe, and if that means a few extra hours at the airport or someone keeping track of what books i check out at the local library then so be it. and its not like Bush just wrote the patriot act and made it law. it was created and voted in by many bi-partisan committes and groups, including republicans, as well as democrats and independants. so we cant put all of our problems off onto 'ol W.

The purpose of government is to maintain order and protect citizens. i do not feel protected with the patriot act in place.

Think of doctors that talk to patients over the phone. Does this not defy the whole patient doctor confidentiality?
or how about lawyers talking over the phone to a client?

And even if I was supportive of the patriot act, what's to say that the government was listening tin to a conversation that would've perhaps made it so that Foley's actions were brought to light sooner?

And even if I did support the patriot act, i just don't have enough faith in the US government that they'd know what to do with the info.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295644)
The purpose of government is to maintain order and protect citizens. i do not feel protected with the patriot act in place.
Think of doctors that talk to patients over the phone. Does this not defy the whole patient doctor confidentiality?or how about lawyers talking over the phone to a client?

And even if I was supportive of the patriot act, what's to say that the government was listening tin to a conversation that would've perhaps made it so that Foley's actions were brought to light sooner?

And even if I did support the patriot act, i just don't have enough faith in the US government that they'd know what to do with the info.

so would you feel more protected w/o the patriot act in place? and im pretty sure that you refilling your flonase prescription over the phone isnt very high on the government's threat list.

Raine 10-16-2006 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 295651)
so would you feel more protected w/o the patriot act in place? and im pretty sure that you refilling your flonase prescription over the phone isnt very high on the government's threat list.

I'd feel comfortable knowing the government wasn't wasting money funding this act, looking for info that they wouldn't know what to do with anyway.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295655)
I'd feel comfortable knowing the government wasn't wasting money funding this act, looking for info that they wouldn't know what to do with anyway.

so your willing to risk this country's safety just to save a buck or two?

Raine 10-16-2006 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 295657)
so your willing to risk this country's safety just to save a buck or two?

I don't need the money. I've got plenty of it.

I just don't like the idea of people listening in on my conversations.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295665)
I don't need the money. I've got plenty of it.

I just don't like the idea of people listening in on my conversations.

yeah i know what you mean. but its not like they just tap random phones. so i dont think we have anything to worry about.

Raine 10-16-2006 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 295676)
yeah i know what you mean. but its not like they just tap random phones. so i dont think we have anything to worry about.

Think of it like this.

The Constitution does not clearly state that all people are entitled to privacy but it's implied. The fact that any one person's phone is being tapped means that their rights are being violated. if any one eprson's right are violated it leaves room for someone else (like me) to have their rights violated.

And I can't imagine the government tapping justa nyone's phone. So maybe people that leave the country frequently (like me) or people who might have ties or share cultural backgrounds with al qaida. But that's discriminatory if you ask me.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295677)
Think of it like this.

The Constitution does not clearly state that all people are entitled to privacy but it's implied. The fact that any one person's phone is being tapped means that their rights are being violated. if any one eprson's right are violated it leaves room for someone else (like me) to have their rights violated.

And I can't imagine the government tapping justa nyone's phone. So maybe people that leave the country frequently (like me) or people who might have ties or share cultural backgrounds with al qaida. But that's discriminatory if you ask me.

well you dont have anything to you? and youve gotta see the picture as a whole. if a few people rights are "violated" to protect the other 300 million citizens, im personally ok with that.

Raine 10-16-2006 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 295679)
well you dont have anything to you? and youve gotta see the picture as a whole. if a few people rights are "violated" to protect the other 300 million citizens, im personally ok with that.

i'm selfish. i could care less about the other 300 million.
besides some of those people voted for bush anyway

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295689)
i'm selfish. i could care less about the other 300 million.
besides some of those people voted for bush anyway

:laughing: i knew i liked you:laughing: anyway im tired of talking politics, my head hurts:(

Raine 10-16-2006 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 295691)
:laughing: i knew i liked you:laughing: anyway im tired of talking politics, my head hurts:(

seriously. i have a right to complain. i didn't vote because i couldn't (not of age) and I havea r igth complain and bitch all i want. those other red necks don't.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295695)
seriously. i have a right to complain. i didn't vote because i couldn't (not of age) and I havea r igth complain and bitch all i want. those other red necks don't.

i kinda agree that those who voted for bush dont have as mush room to complain, but it was impossible to forsee the complications that he would face as president, and his reaction to them, so its not as cut and dry as it may seem.

Raine 10-16-2006 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 295699)
i kinda agree that those who voted for bush dont have as mush room to complain, but it was impossible to forsee the complications that he would face as president, and his reaction to them, so its not as cut and dry as it may seem.

It's pretty cut and dry if you ask me.
eveyr one of civilians are expendable. For the time that we are alive and as long as we remain american citizens, they have to protect us from harm and that's it. but once we're dead that's one less person to worry about.

Bush doesn't have to give a damn about us.
As Hobbs would say: all people are selfish evil murderous bastards just trying to get ahead in life.
Bush is trying to get ahead in my life by doing nothing and getting paid lots of money for it. Although he's one talented guy. To look retarded that often all the time. . . .

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295702)
It's pretty cut and dry if you ask me.
eveyr one of civilians are expendable. For the time that we are alive and as long as we remain american citizens, they have to protect us from harm and that's it. but once we're dead that's one less person to worry about.

Bush doesn't have to give a damn about us.
As Hobbs would say: all people are selfish evil murderous bastards just trying to get ahead in life.
Bush is trying to get ahead in my life by doing nothing and getting paid lots of money for it. Although he's one talented guy. To look retarded that often all the time. . . .

if every civilian is expandable, then why did we go to war with afghanistan in retaliation for 9/11? and i agree that our slain troops arent given the respect that they deserve (i assume you were implying this), but this is mostly due to political and even celebrity left-wing bastards who have nothing better to do than bash our government and our troops, which, no matter what you tell, DOES get our troops killed.

Raine 10-16-2006 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 295706)
if every civilian is expandable, then why did we go to war with afghanistan in retaliation for 9/11? and i agree that our slain troops arent given the respect that they deserve (i assume you were implying this), but this is mostly due to political and even celebrity left-wing bastards who have nothing better to do than bash our government and our troops, which, no matter what you tell, DOES get our troops killed.

oil. Only reason why we're still in the middle east. I was watched the datbe tonight and santorum basically said this.

our troops shouldn't even be int he middle east if you ask me. but that's a whole seperate thing if you ask me.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295707)
oil. Only reason why we're still in the middle east. I was watched the datbe tonight and santorum basically said this.

our troops shouldn't even be int he middle east if you ask me. but that's a whole seperate thing if you ask me.

we went there for oil?! then why is gas $3.00/gallon?

Raine 10-16-2006 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 295709)
we went there for oil?! then why is gas $3.00/gallon?

gas stations are private indsutries. government oculd create gas stations that sell gas at a cheaper price. Gas station prices are not contolled by the government. The US has a fre market capital. people can sell and buy whatever they want at any price.

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295711)
gas stations are private indsutries. government oculd create gas stations that sell gas at a cheaper price. Gas station prices are not contolled by the government. The US has a fre market capital. people can sell and buy whatever they want at any price.

exactly! but if the US was stealing oil from countries weve "attacked" in the middle-east then we would have a larger supply of crude oil, thus (according to the law of supply and demand) have lower gasoline prices. while companies can sell gas at any price they please, if they want to stay in business they will be competetive and sell it as low as possible (while still making a nice little profit of course).

Raine 10-16-2006 11:20 PM

except that if all of them are selling their gas at high prices they're all mainitaing competitionAnd they're making one hell of a profit.

I have to goto bed now.
Night oojay. (new man of my dreams)

[MERIT] 10-16-2006 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Raine (Post 295717)
except that if all of them are selling their gas at high prices they're all mainitaing competitionAnd they're making one hell of a profit.

I have to goto bed now.
Night oojay. (new man of my dreams)


nexthendrix10 10-17-2006 01:04 AM

does anyone know much a company makes in profit from a gallon of gas? (i really don't know)

[MERIT] 10-17-2006 09:37 AM

i just heard that North Korea stated that they will "deal merciless blows against those who oppose them" in reference to their nuclear program. it is also rumored that Pyongyang has scheduled another nuclear test.

Merkaba 10-18-2006 02:44 PM

Did anyone see their huge celebratory parade last night on the news?

F*cking nuts, apparently they recruited so many people just by offering them one meal.

[MERIT] 10-18-2006 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Merkaba (Post 296166)
Did anyone see their huge celebratory parade last night on the news?

F*cking nuts, apparently they recruited so many people just by offering them one meal.

that "parade" was actually a celebration of the 55th aniversary of their ruling communist party.

DontRunMeOver 10-19-2006 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 296172)
that "parade" was actually a celebration of the 55th aniversary of their ruling communist party.

That one was from 2000. Was that really the one they showed last night on the news?

dirt mcgirt 10-19-2006 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver (Post 296374)
That one was from 2000. Was that really the one they showed last night on the news?

you aint gonna be gettin peeps doin special live reportz from nk right now son. they only play old sh*t on tha news.

[MERIT] 10-19-2006 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver (Post 296374)
That one was from 2000. Was that really the one they showed last night on the news?

no it wasnt that exact one, but basically the same thing, celebrating their anniversary of the ruling party.

[MERIT] 10-19-2006 02:59 PM

North Korea+ China=

And who's up for a little football?

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