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*Josie* 12-21-2004 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Yellow Card
i thought rugby was heaps popular in melbourne, maybe its just league.
hmm yes lets do look at all the other sports, like cricket, gee last time england were actually good was back when.......................gee, a long time ago

I had no idea what rugby was, it was only when I moved to Queensland that I saw it on TV and it suxs. It’s just a bunch of fat guys with no necks runny into each other. Didn't a player get banned from playing because he stuck his finger up another guys butt hole?

covle 12-21-2004 09:49 PM

^very well said. it is a **** game. and no theres about 3 people in melbourne that like rugby. thats why the melbourne storms home ground is a training oval accross the road from the mcg.

rise_above 12-22-2004 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Oi_To_The_World
^^ i agree covle, the biggest stereotypical problem with the average american is self-indulgence and arrogance, which is something that is known globally. average america is so ignorant about other people's cultures and history, and is so self absorbed that they dont even care to learn. i find it funny that so many americans hate the french, simply because they did not support the iraq invasion and are jokingly labeled as "war losers"

didn't i state that earlier?

Oi_To_The_World 12-22-2004 11:35 AM

^ wow you really had to do some research to dig that post out of the grave. but no, you did not state that earlier, as far as i know. and if you did, i did not pay attention to it. and no, i did not rip yer idea so dont flatter yerself.

franscar 12-22-2004 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Yellow Card
i thought rugby was heaps popular in melbourne, maybe its just league.
hmm yes lets do look at all the other sports, like cricket, gee last time england were actually good was back when.......................gee, a long time ago

Hey, I resent that somewhat. I'm pretty confident that we might even win a match in the next Ashes. Might.

droogpirate 12-22-2004 12:08 PM

...i think that that whole "stereotypical american thing" is a really loose assumption. afterall, combining things into heaps of stereotypes is what leads people to be ignorant about cultures anyway. also, america is made up of all of these cultures that we are talking any point based on a "stereotypical american" is a moot point in the first place.

davidMC1982 12-22-2004 01:18 PM

Most people don't hate America, most people couldn't care less. Just like America, the vast majority of people everywhere are ignorant, caring only about the small piece of world around them. The people you hear complaining about America are the vocal minority. The informed among them don't hate Americans or America, but hate its questionable foreign policy. The rest are just the uninformed followers (those that 'hate' America but buy into American culture).

America has done a lot of good and a lot of bad, name a country that hasn't?


Fenixpunk 12-22-2004 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by davidMC1982
Most people don't hate America, most people couldn't care less. Just like America, the vast majority of people everywhere are ignorant, caring only about the small piece of world around them. The people you hear complaining about America are the vocal minority. The informed among them don't hate Americans or America, but hate its questionable foreign policy. The rest are just the uninformed followers (those that 'hate' America but buy into American culture).

America has done a lot of good and a lot of bad, name a country that hasn't?


I think Dave summed it up best..End of discussion.

rise_above 12-23-2004 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Oi_To_The_World
^ wow you really had to do some research to dig that post out of the grave. but no, you did not state that earlier, as far as i know. and if you did, i did not pay attention to it. and no, i did not rip yer idea so dont flatter yerself.

i wasn't trying to offend. and maybe you shouldn't get so mad for pointing it out for you. maybe you should pay attention to other peoples posts

Sweet Jane 12-29-2004 05:04 PM

People always hate the superpower. Thats how is goes and always will. There are more reasons for this, including a lot of stereotypes but I dont want to offend anyone on here with that sort of talk.

covle 12-29-2004 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by franscar
Hey, I resent that somewhat. I'm pretty confident that we might even win a match in the next Ashes. Might.

eyah iv got familyin london. apparently theres a lot of hype that your going to break waugh's team record of test wins. hahaha that is a bit keen dont you thihnk? you have no chance of winning the ashes, unless all the australians wheels fell off. which, i think it safe to say, isnt going to happen. for 15 years you pommie types have been claiming that "this is the ashes that we crush australia". 15 years. america dominates the world. australia dominates the world at cricket. its the way it is. sorry franscar but a 4-0 victory to the aussies.

(by the way, if all the australians lose their wheels and england, by some freakish twist win, i expect il be seeing this post again. still, wont happen.)

staywell, franscar

franscar 01-05-2005 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by covle
eyah iv got familyin london. apparently theres a lot of hype that your going to break waugh's team record of test wins. hahaha that is a bit keen dont you thihnk? you have no chance of winning the ashes, unless all the australians wheels fell off. which, i think it safe to say, isnt going to happen. for 15 years you pommie types have been claiming that "this is the ashes that we crush australia". 15 years. america dominates the world. australia dominates the world at cricket. its the way it is. sorry franscar but a 4-0 victory to the aussies.

(by the way, if all the australians lose their wheels and england, by some freakish twist win, i expect il be seeing this post again. still, wont happen.)

staywell, franscar

Flintoff is the new Botham. England to win. In one match.

Molasses 01-05-2005 12:52 PM

Why everyone hates America? Because the country is overexposed! Every other western country is constantly reminded it exists, with your Jay Leno and Jerry Springer and other annoying celebrities. And when it's involved in a war somehow everyone else is involved, but yet most Americans are ignorant of what goes on anywhere else, how many of you have heard of the tidal wave that wiped out thousands of people in south-east Asia? America is the loud mouth in the group who everyone else has to put up with.

However this only the media I'm talking about, I'm sure you're all nice people and I do love most american music.

hookers with machineguns 01-05-2005 12:56 PM

Haha, I am so surprised you thought of Jay Leno when it comes to annoying celebrities. For someone that lives in the thick of it all, Leno is rather anti-Hollywood, and he comes out with fresh material every night. Oh, and no one considers Springer a celebrity. ;)

Molasses 01-05-2005 01:00 PM

Yet still annoying, actually Conan O'brian is the worst, who the **** let him get on TV.

hookers with machineguns 01-05-2005 01:13 PM

Wow, Conan is one of the only "celebrities" I actually like. When it comes to annoying celebrities, I think of Oprah, Friends cast, American Pie cast, Dr. Phil, Carson Daly, Dustin Hoffman, Drew Barrymore, Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, etc etc. My point: there are millions and millions of other better examples. Guys like Conan and Leno aren't even Hollywood.

Molasses 01-05-2005 01:27 PM

It's the shows they are telecasted in every single western country that aren't even good that I hate. It's like someone over there says "Oh it's big in US, so it's gotta be good where ever the hell you are too." I love The Simpsons and Futurma and South Park, but thats about it. I hate sitcoms and SNL.

hookers with machineguns 01-05-2005 01:33 PM

They don't show american reality shows in Australia do they? I hope not.
And, I don't even consider SNL to be comedy. And, f*ck cheesy sitcoms, still I prefer scripted comedy over reality mumbo jumbo.
And of course, how can anyone hate Simpsons or Futurama? (you do know that Conan used to write for the Simpsons, right?) To believe the corporate whores at FOX axed Futurama...

Molasses 01-05-2005 01:43 PM

Reality shows as in MTV's Real world or like Survivor and crap? Well anyway, we basically get ALL your american "reality". Reality is cheap and disgustingly over-taking. I think that's another reason why so many people hate americans because of the load of **** reality shows. It's kinda funny how they exist, people who lack reality only have to turn on the TV!

hookers with machineguns 01-05-2005 01:46 PM

"people who lack reality only have to turn on the TV"

well put. that is the quote of the day.

IamAlejo 01-05-2005 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
Wow, Conan is one of the only "celebrities" I actually like. When it comes to annoying celebrities, I think of Oprah, Friends cast, American Pie cast, Dr. Phil, Carson Daly, Dustin Hoffman, Drew Barrymore, Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, etc etc. My point: there are millions and millions of other better examples. Guys like Conan and Leno aren't even Hollywood.

Man, if we gave Jon Stewart a bigger show, I'm sure the world would love us.

Molasses 01-05-2005 02:21 PM

How about no shows, then we'd love you.

hookers with machineguns 01-05-2005 02:30 PM

I like the Daily Show...

^But you should blame the major networks, cause the fatcat executives are the ones that are internationalizing this filth.

franscar 01-05-2005 03:09 PM

I thought it was slightly incredible that I had to point out to a friend living in San Francisco that the Cuban military were undertaking their biggest exercises in forty years by using the BBC (British) news website, because nowhere in America was giving any sort of coverage to the event.

A lot of people see this as an indication of how America is an ignorant country with regards to the wider world. I see it as an indication of how the American mass media is ignorant with regards to the outside world.

hookers with machineguns 01-05-2005 03:32 PM

Well the media is giving what the american people want. It's really f*cking sad too, any time there is an international tragedy (such as the recent tsunami disaster) the media here likes to focus on how many *american tragedies there are. Like with Iraq, they never talk about iraqi civilian casualties. Sometimes I feel its more than just ignorance, perhaps it is racism as well.

franscar 01-05-2005 04:25 PM

That saddens me. Over here the news started on BBC one at 10pm, and it spent the first 15 minutes of the programme focussing on the relief effort in South East Asia, as is only right in such a time of tragedy.

covle 01-06-2005 08:52 AM

as previously stated, all nations do this self-dignifying. i say i couldnt care less how many people died from which country. the sad part is that the poeple died, and their families have to bear.
sitcoms are the lowest form of entertainment available to the media, and are no better than such "reality" shows such as the batchelor, or outback jack and such.

franscar, your next botham can kiss my arse. there will be victory for the poms

MUSE girl 01-06-2005 09:59 AM

i live in england but i think america totally rocks, me and my boyfriend should be moving out there in about a year!

franscar 01-06-2005 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by covle
franscar, your next botham can kiss my arse. there will be victory for the poms

I think you missed a word out there, although I hope not. Victory for the poms sounds nice, a bunch of limeys dancing through the streets of Melbourne, warms the heart doesn't it? Well, probably not yours, but it does mine.

[ insert name here ] 01-06-2005 10:47 AM

Andrew (being me) 's Anayilse on Todays Society...

We Look to others... We look to others too much, we dont care how we feel about ourselves. Its always what other people's opionons will be and how they will view us. We know longer live life for our pleasure and do things for ourselves... The majority doesnt wake up at 2 in the afternoon walk down to the river feed the ducks, climb a tree and read a book up there.

And its because the world has got pre-conceived ideas on how life should be lived. Work 9-5, come home eat go to bed... sure they get money.... but what do they spend it on? Tv's, Cars and Houses... What does all thay amount to? Nothing! What does that amount to when your dead... When your dying and your life flashes before your eyes... what will you see... the joy on your face when u just buy a new TV or Car... No Not memories of you Climbing Mount Everest or falling out of trees... But watching TV.

A cheap way of entertainment... A cheap Unforfilling way of entertainment...

And i am basically contridicting everything i say, by riderculing the way people live there lives. The point i am trying to make is that nobody lives there life for them selves anymore... and what does that amount to, not a whole lot =(...

Oh and back on topic everybody hates America cause there jealous of its Fame and Celebrity (another pre conceived idea, what makes being a celebrity cool? There is no real reason there no different to the rest of society).

Most People will bitch and Moan about America... But if you offer them a place in America to live... they'll take it.

Andrew, The Aussie.

hookers with machineguns 01-06-2005 11:12 AM

^ Well it's America's obsession with sex, good looks, and Hollywood that creates this global image of the united states of filth. Or perhaps it is the total disregard of other country's religions, politics, societies, cultures, and history. Or perhaps it is the arrogant attitude of the average American, saying things like "if you offer them a place here, they'll take it." Americans are hated globally for thinking they are the ultimate nation, the world police, the God of all nations.
Think about it. If Americans hate the rest of the world, why should the world like Americans?

Molasses 01-06-2005 04:08 PM

"Oh because you give us so much media oh great one! ...arsehole"

SwitchFootRocks! 01-06-2005 08:00 PM

the US sucks. i hate it here............ and i hate GWB too. i hope he dies so i dont have to wait 4 more years. our music does suck ass. most of the music i own or like is brittish or canadian (a couple sweedish and australian). We are being blame for the tsumami in the indian ocean. thats how much middle eastern countries hate us. its not like we can be trusted.

hookers with machineguns 01-06-2005 09:11 PM

America being blamed for an inevitable natural disaster? Wow, that's news to me.
Theres an international detection center in Hawaii, they knew of the tsunami, but did not have specifics on when and where, so they didn't know who to tell. But, they did contact Indonesia, which was the country that was hit the worst, but the government did not put out the warning because the beach resort businesses did not want to scare away tourists and money. If anything these businesses are to blame.
Regardless, US can't be blamed for that in any way. Middle eastern countries have plenty of other reasons to hate the US.

Molasses 01-07-2005 01:27 AM

Thiland was the most effected country, not Indonesia. :) Write that one down Americans!

IamAlejo 01-07-2005 05:39 AM

It's actually called Thailand. Write that one down Australians. Just because one ignorant, hell, even 100 Americans think that it effected Indonesia the most, doesn't mean all of America thinks that way.

And please Hookers, you didn't know we knew about the Tsunami for ages? It was like 9/11...we just decided to let it happen after having known about it forever.

IamAlejo 01-07-2005 05:39 AM

And the last part of that was extremely sarcastic.

SwitchFootRocks! 01-07-2005 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
America being blamed for an inevitable natural disaster? Wow, that's news to me.
Theres an international detection center in Hawaii, they knew of the tsunami, but did not have specifics on when and where, so they didn't know who to tell. But, they did contact Indonesia, which was the country that was hit the worst, but the government did not put out the warning because the beach resort businesses did not want to scare away tourists and money. If anything these businesses are to blame.
Regardless, US can't be blamed for that in any way. Middle eastern countries have plenty of other reasons to hate the US.

Its nothing like that. we were blamed for testing nuclear wepons in the ocean. the fact that there is now homeless children being sold for prostitution more then ever in indonesia is terrible. And so many young girls are being raped in india.
Its not about who got hit the worst (indonesia) its about how terrible it is that this happened. i went throught tree hurricans and the damage done here all to gether wasnt even half as bad as what they have over there. i my self am sick of hearing about people here not have electricity and damage to there home. Most people over there dont have ANYTHING. Furthermore the US it terribly selfish. GWB only whants for more countries like us. thats the only reason hes giving all that money to them. :rolleyes:

Molasses 01-07-2005 09:08 AM

Give it up for the Aussies who've given $1Billion to the areas effected by the tidal wave.

hookers with machineguns 01-07-2005 10:18 AM

So are you guys still saying America is to be blamed for the >155,000 deaths?

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