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Urban Hat€monger ? 11-22-2011 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by eraser.time206 (Post 1122408)

I've had the misfortune of reading some of your posts and that's all I'm getting from them.
But don't worry I won't make the mistake reading them again.

Phantom Limb 11-22-2011 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1122695)
Was IQ tested several years ago. WAIS-III, I believe. It may have been IV, but I think I remember it being III. Scored 167, which I was told was the second highest the doctor had ever seen. Never bothered with it. Got some pamphlets about Mensa and Prometheus, but was too busy drinking and partying to give a ****.

How do you go about getting an IQ test? I've always been curious about it. Do they have them online somewhere?

eraser.time206 11-22-2011 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 1122888)
I've had the misfortune of reading some of your posts and that's all I'm getting from them.
But don't worry I won't make the mistake reading them again.

ThePhanastasio 11-22-2011 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Phantom Limb (Post 1122896)
How do you go about getting an IQ test? I've always been curious about it. Do they have them online somewhere?

I guess they have them online, but I took one on my psychiatrist's recommendation a few years ago, when I still went to him. I think you really need to take them in person, though, because the online tests don't have the physical things you have to do, like assembling pictures and stuff.

14232949 11-22-2011 04:48 PM

I spent half an hour trying to open a tin of tuna today.

Paedantic Basterd 11-22-2011 04:55 PM

And online tests are extremely mixed in their results. I have no idea what my IQ is, because over the years and tests I've done online I've received scores anywhere from 115 to 145.

Farfisa 11-22-2011 05:12 PM

I think maybe my IQ is below average. I don't know for sure, but if I actually took an IQ test and got a score below average I would feel awful, and I might not ever get out of bed.

Paedantic Basterd 11-22-2011 05:13 PM

The only thing below average about you Alex, is your self-esteem.

Sansa Stark 11-22-2011 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1122938)
The only thing below average about you Alex, is your self-esteem.


Zer0 11-22-2011 06:04 PM

My cat bit my hand. I think it was a sign of affection though.

Sneer 11-22-2011 07:16 PM

My driving license split in half whilst I was out... And would you believe it, the barmaid at the pub I entered asks for ID, the first time this has happened to me in about a year.

Upon concluding that she was quite hot, and considering the state of my license, I made the seemingly misinformed decision that the situation called for a joke. So I gave her one half of said ID and, with my head turned to the side, quipped, 'that's my good side'. As soon as those words left my mouth, I had the sudden realisation that the 'joke' just wasn't funny. I wasn't even drunk. Madness.

She gave me a look that succinctly communicated without the need for words her opinion on my attempt at humour, and I can tell you it wasn't flattering. An awkward silence ensued, mostly on my part, and after collecting the pint that apparently took 8 years to be poured, went and joined my sniggering friends (who had heard/seen everything)... The idea of myself as this witty, engaging individual in flames.

Heed my words, a broken driving license is not a laughing matter.

Howard the Duck 11-22-2011 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1122933)
And online tests are extremely mixed in their results. I have no idea what my IQ is, because over the years and tests I've done online I've received scores anywhere from 115 to 145.

all the IQ tests i've done range from 80 to 90 so I guess I'm a retard


Originally Posted by mankycaaant (Post 1122931)
I spent half an hour trying to open a tin of tuna today.

i spend hours trying to unwrap my cigarette packets

Salami 11-22-2011 10:32 PM

What can really annoy me is when some kid tells me he took an IQ test comprising of about four questions and says that he's got a higher IQ than Steven Hawking. Yeah, he's totally going to be more intelligent than him. This is why I think that they can be so deceptive and don't really indicate how intelligent that person is.

Odyshape 11-22-2011 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 1122509)
Am I offended? Not really, I think it's hilarious and sad.

Also, you concede, therefore I am superior.




Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1122990)
all the IQ tests i've done range from 80 to 90 so I guess I'm a retard

i spend hours trying to unwrap my cigarette packets

Me too :) don't think it means all that much. In the end its more effort than anything else that determines success.

Salami 11-23-2011 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by Odyshape (Post 1123037)

There only was ever going to be one outcome. He was fighting against his intellectual superior.

s_k 11-23-2011 08:46 AM

Just went to the shops.
Got an onboard camera, so I have footage anyhow.
Not much happened on this ride, but I still got some footage.
And err... well here:

You sometimes wonder what... no, I mean, IF people are thinking and if people are paying attention to their surroundings at all. Strange.

Salami 11-23-2011 08:50 AM

You must know the drill by now. Get out the camera, capture some careless drivers on film, post it here and I'll head over and thumb it up for you!!! I'll be back in a moment...

s_k 11-23-2011 08:58 AM

Hahaha, I'm sure there's some people who think 'who gives a ****!'.
But that's why I post it here.
Don't thumb up if you think it's boring. This one isn't particularly interesting :D.
Hope to see some more action this winter. There's some really, really stupid drivers out here when there's a little bit of snow on the road... People just don't get it...
Stay of the brakes, easy on the throttle and for ****s sake look aheaaaaad.
You won't believe how many times someone decided 'oh that guy is still far away, I can cross the road'. They slam down the throttle, keep spinning and slowly get onto the road. Where I have to break. And I cannot break, because I'm on ice.
Some people are lucky I know how to handle a car on slippery roads because dayum... I prevented quite some accidents last two winters

Which were great by the way.
Look at it:

Salami 11-23-2011 09:10 AM

I thumb them up because I think they are hilarious!!!

Here in England, we've had some great laughs over snow. The farmer who lives next door has a catterpillar tractor which he uses to help us out when we get huge snowfall, but being a lazy man he won't get up until about 10:30. Hence, we get the amusement of watching the wealthy and the keen residents of our village slide around everywhere (the hills often have a 20% gradient) as they try and negotiate their way through drifts for a good few hours. I'll post some videos if anything really funny happens this year.

s_k 11-23-2011 09:48 AM

The Netherlands don't do hills, haha.
You might want to put a webcam to your window and install some software that keeps looping three hours of video or something. Used to have something like that, really practical :D

Salami 11-23-2011 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1123159)
The Netherlands don't do hills, haha.
You might want to put a webcam to your window and install some software that keeps looping three hours of video or something. Used to have something like that, really practical :D

Interesting idea. I live quite a way from the road, though. I'll probably just head out in the late mornings to film some unfortunate commuters who thought that they had to get to work by any means, even if that meant driving through four foot drifts up really steep roads!

s_k 11-23-2011 10:17 AM

Hahaha, god I'd love to join you doing so :D.
Be sure to bring a tripod as you'll nog be able to hold the camera laughing :D

Salami 11-23-2011 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1123165)
Hahaha, god I'd love to join you doing so :D.
Be sure to bring a tripod as you'll nog be able to hold the camera laughing :D

Haha! These are the kinds of people who like to use our road as a rat run and splash us through puddles. I think they deserve all that they get! And yes, it can get very funny at times. I remember when even a landrover turned around at one point, but some bloke in a toyota was so desperate he carried straight on. He very nearly overturned, and it took about five of us to pull him out of his car. That's when someone says "I told you so!" :D

s_k 11-23-2011 10:34 AM

Hahaha, hate to say I told you so, but err... :D.
Typical. Yes.
They should spend more time learning people to drive in the snow though.
My ex-girlfriend used to live in Amsterdam while she was studying there. At one point there was so much snowfall that there was a 55 mile (literally) traffic jam on the road to Amsterdam. I live about 2,5 hours driving from Amsterdam. Left here at 4pm, got back at 5am. I loved the ride, it was epic. But the things you see people doing... Here I was in a Citroën Saxo, no problem at all. And all the guys in their big 4wd's were all over the place... "I've got ABS, I've got TC, I've got Winter tyres, I can conquer anything".
No you can't.

Here's two pictures of that epic night:

lucifer_sam 11-23-2011 11:13 AM

s_k when you've got lemons...

Pittsburgh 2010 Snowstorm Edit - YouTube

I've posted this before here but this is so many bucketloads of awesome it needs a repost.

Salami 11-23-2011 11:16 AM

Wow. Amazing night! I'm impressed how you see the traffic jam as a good thing! It's amazing how much one's self confidence rises when one buys snow chains, isn't it?
We have a Defender 110, which, gas guzzler or not, will invariably get us around. I have somewhere an epic picture of it towing my dad's little hatchback out of a really thick drift. But even it gets defeated sometimes, and when that time comes, we'll just head back indoors for a good old day off and hot chocolate.

Salami 11-23-2011 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 1123184)
s_k when you've got lemons...
I've posted this before here but this is so many bucketloads of awesome it needs a repost.

I truly wish I was out there at the time having immense fun whilst the rest of the populace were trying to get into work on time.

lucifer_sam 11-23-2011 11:38 AM

Almost nobody went to work those three days. People were still digging each other out of their driveways before electricity got restored.

Salami 11-23-2011 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 1123190)
Almost nobody went to work those three days. People were still digging each other out of their driveways before electricity got restored.

Funny how people always think that shortages of electricity are terrible things. If you think about it, a large proportion of the world never have access to electricity, and live in similar conditions. I know it must be a bit of a downer not to be able to have central heating, cook your food, or update your facebook profile, but these things are minor inconveniences compared to the way people have to live in some places, such as Hamilton, Scotland.

s_k 11-23-2011 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 1123184)
s_k when you've got lemons...
I've posted this before here but this is so many bucketloads of awesome it needs a repost.

It is! :D.
Not enough snow here for that, I reckon.


Originally Posted by Mighty Salami (Post 1123186)
Wow. Amazing night! I'm impressed how you see the traffic jam as a good thing! It's amazing how much one's self confidence rises when one buys snow chains, isn't it?

No one ever buys snow chains here. There's not enough days of snow in the Netherlands for them to be useful. I'm not even sure if they're allowed here!
The jam was epic. Had a lot of fun sliding around for a bit looking at cars failing. The car was warm, the music was good, we had drinks and food. It really was a nice night, in a twisted way


We have a Defender 110, which, gas guzzler or not, will invariably get us around. I have somewhere an epic picture of it towing my dad's little hatchback out of a really thick drift. But even it gets defeated sometimes, and when that time comes, we'll just head back indoors for a good old day off and hot chocolate.
Got to love the defender. It's one of these terrain vehicles that actually makes sense. Never drove one, unfortunately. Only Land Rover I drove is a Freelander. It drives quite well, but I somehow felt ashamed of driving in it.

Salami 11-23-2011 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1123213)
It is! :D.
Not enough snow here for that, I reckon.

No one ever buys snow chains here. There's not enough days of snow in the Netherlands for them to be useful. I'm not even sure if they're allowed here!
The jam was epic. Had a lot of fun sliding around for a bit looking at cars failing. The car was warm, the music was good, we had drinks and food. It really was a nice night, in a twisted way

Got to love the defender. It's one of these terrain vehicles that actually makes sense. Never drove one, unfortunately. Only Land Rover I drove is a Freelander. It drives quite well, but I somehow felt ashamed of driving in it.

Ah, well, I feel somehow a sense of national pride in owning one. The Freelander is one of the nicer looking ones, but the engines weren't that relaible on the first range. You'd love a defender. They will beast everything in front of them.
It actually sounded like a nice evening, good company, warm car, drinks etc. And watching other drivers get themselves into messes.... they make films about that, don't they?

Sansa Stark 11-24-2011 02:46 AM

loling to death

s_k 11-24-2011 03:26 AM

Who... is that idiot and where are you talking to him? ;D

Sansa Stark 11-24-2011 03:38 AM

Some dude from OkCupid, lol. I just think it's hilarious he'll own up to being racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic but here go hell come when I tell him his music taste sucks


s_k 11-24-2011 11:56 AM

Haha, what are you doing on OkCupid anyway? :D

Farfisa 11-24-2011 07:45 PM

I'm pretty sure she is there to troll people. Anyway, I have too much dignity to join a dating site for the sake of getting a girlfriend.

Paedantic Basterd 11-24-2011 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 1123651)
I'm pretty sure she is there to troll people. Anyway, I have too much dignity to join a dating site for the sake of getting a girlfriend.

Good for you. It's a terrible way to get to know someone. The internet can't prepare you for a partner who doesn't trim their toenails or brush their teeth, and blows their nose in a disgusting and ineffective manner.

s_k 11-25-2011 03:49 AM

With the amount of people I met through the internet I can say it's a brilliant way to get to know someone. Just probably not through a dating site...

Howard the Duck 11-25-2011 03:52 AM

most of my previous few exes i met through the Net

s_k 11-25-2011 03:54 AM

Haha, that's not really a good sign I guess :D.

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