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adidasss 08-16-2007 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Sam Rye (Post 388634)
Sometimes I sit on my hand and wait for it to go numb, then I masturbate with it. I call it the stranger. Have you ever gien yourself a stranger?

Gone is 60 seconds?:yeah:

Son of JayJamJah 08-16-2007 10:41 AM

@ Alexander the Grape
I don't think there are any points made by that post that you could counterpoint. Again it's a joke post. There are more and more left wing liberals who are falling into that category is the only commentary and I don't know if you can argue that. Either way it is what it is and this is just another example of how difficult it is for people to objective when discussing politics online. Simply not worth the headaches.

i get high sometimes 08-16-2007 02:06 PM

Ahah. If you disagree politically with JayJamJah, he puts you on ignore list.

But wait a minute..LIBERALS are narrow-minded. I understand his logic.

Alexander the Grape 08-16-2007 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by JayJamJah (Post 388729)
@ Alexander the Grape
I don't think there are any points made by that post that you could counterpoint. Again it's a joke post. There are more and more left wing liberals who are falling into that category is the only commentary and I don't know if you can argue that. Either way it is what it is and this is just another example of how difficult it is for people to objective when discussing politics online. Simply not worth the headaches.

I don't know, it does say:

welfare and other entitlement programs are life-crippling.
While some people do abuse the system, some people genuinely need it while they try and get back on their feet. I wouldn't want to leave those people out in the cold (possibly literally) just because a few bad people ruin the system.

if you criticize Bush you hate America: already addressed this

animals that are raised for meat and dairy are treated humanely.
This is simply false, and its the only reason I would become vegan (I'm not right now). I don't believe its wrong to kill an animal and eat it, thats just nature. However, most of the meat and dairy that Americans consume comes from animals who are, to put it frankly, tortured their entire lives. I'll kill an animal to eat it, but I won't torture it.

liberals are intolerant and narrow minded.
I already said some stuff about this. Most conservatives I know are far less tolerant of liberals than vice versa. I'm sure that their are some intolerant liberals, but there are still plenty of intolerant conservatives. It goes both ways, and no one can realistically say which group is worse about it.

if the bold statements aren't commentary I don't know what is. I guess my responses weren't necessary, but I get annoyed by strawman arguments and ignorant generalizations.

you can call it a joke post, but its nothing more than spouting narrow minded generalizations and stating them as fact. Its really no different than a racist joke (not trying to be overly PC here) because the humor is supposed to come from falsely generalizing a group of people. Like the hilarious "liberals are dirty hippies lollolollloool!!" part. Gee, I've never heard that one before.:rolleyes:

On a side note, I don't believe in affirmative action, yet I'm a liberal. Affirmative action isn't necessarily a liberal idea, its a Democratic one. In my opinion it goes against the very basis of liberalism: the preservation of personal liberties and the ensurance of equal rights. I think we should just try harder to enforce current anti-discrimination laws instead of relying on discriminatory laws to "level the playing field."

oh well, at least this helped me blow off some steam from the work week so that now I can relax on my early weekend.

Voice_of_the_Soul12,13,01 08-16-2007 09:03 PM

Apparently this topic expanded from I Get High A Lot disagreeing with Inuzuka's Religious beliefs..... or someone disagreeing with someone about someones relgious somethings. Since I'm too lazy to read what is being discussed now, and since this thread is all about God, I think I'll chip in EVERYTHING I can think of about me and the subject of God. Pick out what you want to debate.

And to point out, this is what I BELIEVE!
I may state them like I'm say "This is what it is and nothing you say can change it." It's just stupid to keep saying "This is what I believe" after every ****ing thing. So I'm saying it now.


I read a little bit of the Bible a long time ago, when religion in school wasn't a big deal as it is now. They didn't force me to read it, I read it by my own free will. I never got passed Genesis. SO BORING! I'm sorry, but when I'm reading a book, I want Lightsabers and X-wings, or Witches and People-who's-names-are-not-meant-to-be-said-or-mentioned-of-as-is.

I believe there is a God. I'm open to the possibility there isn't one, but as far as I want to know, there is a God. I don't follow Him. He gave me free will for me to use, and I believe it's an insult to not use it.

I don't pray, or ask for anything from God. I don't believe he does anything for me or anyone. I don't really think he should. I only will ever look to him for guidance if I need it (so far so good). I think it's pathetic to pray for things that you need to get for yourself. The greatest thing about free will is it gives you the ability to become stronger, and when life hands you obstacles, you overcome them yourself. God doesn't do it for you, and he shouldn't. By praying to him you're asking for a life of decadence. I'm not going to pray to God that my band will get anywhere. I'm going to work hard to earn my time on the stage. God won't do that for me, and that's ok with me.

NOW, my FAVORITE PART! *Orgasmic moan* The bad stuff that happens!!! Ooh, how I love bad stuff that happens. Utter chaos, destruction, total collapse of society as we know it.

Every natural disaster, worldwide mass extinction, and every universal catastrophe that has happened was caused by God. God created the universe and lets it go it's course. But whenever a world, or at the very least our world (dunno about life out there ;) ), is teeming with too much life, God will intervene with the course of the universe to exterminate that which weakens us. This is usually in the form of giant asteroids, methane gas rising instantly form the bottom of the ocean floor and killing everything on the surface, or more recently, in the form of hurricanes that cause more damage than we would like, like, oh say, Katrina. Eliminate the weak to make room for the strong.

Now I know what you're probably thinking; "Gee, then I guess you must think that 9/11 is justifiable. Alot of people were killed then. I guess all those people were weak. I guess God was also responsible. Same with even little things, like when a person kills a person, or when someone rapes someone."

You're half right. The people who died in 9/11 died because they were weak, but who the hell do you know is strong enough to survive two big planes crashing into a building you are in? They were weaker than a plane crashing into them.

I'd like to pause for as second and take the time to clarify something; when I refer to people as "weak," I don't mean it as a way of say they are bad or anything insulting. It's just what people are or aren't; we have strengths and we have weaknesses, and those who are weak have more of the latter.

NOW, back to the show! As I said before you'd be half right. BUT, atrocities like 9/11, suicide bombings, rape, and murder, etc, even though they elminate life (except for rape), aren't justified because humans have no right do so (with the exception of war, but I won't get into that unless you REALLY REALLY want to). One of the few commandments I do follow, "Thou Shalt Not Murder." God has the right to take life because his power overwhelms ours. Hitler had no right to kill 6 million jews because he was human, and no position of political power will outweigh God's power.

God will not just decide to take someone's life. He provides obstacles in life, as I said, that we must overcome, some big, some small. The big ones, the life threatening ones, such as famine, genocide, or the ever-terrifying mass extinctions that have happened over the course of Earth's existence. Those who are strong enough will overcome the obstacles, and those who are weaker will perish.

I do believe there is a heaven and a hell. I just choose to believe this. I have no proof of it's existence. It's alot better than thinking that I'll just die and be buried in the ground and my consciousness will cease to exist. I will go through life as I see fit. If I am wrong, I am sorry. I will forgive those I feel deserve it and hope that God will return me the same favor, and if I have to work for forgiveness, I will do it. I think there are some things that can't be forgiven; Rape, Murder, and Beating most definitely.

As far as organized religion goes; I never could get into the whole going to church, conversing with those who believe as I do, and all that stuff. One, can't find anyone who believes EXACTLY the same stuff I do, and I'd be surprised if there was someone like me. Two, I think I should be able to use the free will given to me to come up with my own beliefs and not what some book says. If others want to, they can. I won't stop them..... just don't try to sell me one of them. <_<

that's all I can think of right now. May add in some other stuff later.

i get high sometimes 08-16-2007 09:07 PM

Your whole post (I didn't read it all), you keep mentioning that it is what you 'want' to believe or that believing in eternal life is 'better than' believing that when you die, its over. And its all well and good for you to think that eternal life is better than ephermeal life, I think that too, but it doesn't in any way validify the claim that eternal life actually exists.

Alexander the Grape 08-16-2007 09:21 PM

OMG HOLY ****ING ****! i thought my post was excessively long....

back to religion: I'm a deist (which kinda sounds like what Voice of Soul is, but I only skimmed his novel), although I am slightly agnostic and will admit that there is no proof of God or an afterlife and it might be that neither exist.

I also disagree with deists who believe that God "designed" our world. I think he just got the ball rolling (with the big bang or whatever started the universe) and let things take its course from there.

Frances 08-16-2007 09:36 PM

Why don't you just go back to sitting on your hands and pulling yourselves.
Isn't that what this thread is supposed to be about?

Son of JayJamJah 08-16-2007 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Alexander the Grape (Post 388829)
I don't know, it does say:

welfare and other entitlement programs are life-crippling.
While some people do abuse the system, some people genuinely need it while they try and get back on their feet. I wouldn't want to leave those people out in the cold (possibly literally) just because a few bad people ruin the system.

if you criticize Bush you hate America: already addressed this

animals that are raised for meat and dairy are treated humanely.
This is simply false, and its the only reason I would become vegan (I'm not right now). I don't believe its wrong to kill an animal and eat it, thats just nature. However, most of the meat and dairy that Americans consume comes from animals who are, to put it frankly, tortured their entire lives. I'll kill an animal to eat it, but I won't torture it.

liberals are intolerant and narrow minded.
I already said some stuff about this. Most conservatives I know are far less tolerant of liberals than vice versa. I'm sure that their are some intolerant liberals, but there are still plenty of intolerant conservatives. It goes both ways, and no one can realistically say which group is worse about it.

if the bold statements aren't commentary I don't know what is. I guess my responses weren't necessary, but I get annoyed by strawman arguments and ignorant generalizations.

you can call it a joke post, but its nothing more than spouting narrow minded generalizations and stating them as fact. Its really no different than a racist joke (not trying to be overly PC here) because the humor is supposed to come from falsely generalizing a group of people. Like the hilarious "liberals are dirty hippies lollolollloool!!" part. Gee, I've never heard that one before.:rolleyes:

On a side note, I don't believe in affirmative action, yet I'm a liberal. Affirmative action isn't necessarily a liberal idea, its a Democratic one. In my opinion it goes against the very basis of liberalism: the preservation of personal liberties and the ensurance of equal rights. I think we should just try harder to enforce current anti-discrimination laws instead of relying on discriminatory laws to "level the playing field."

oh well, at least this helped me blow off some steam from the work week so that now I can relax on my early weekend.

Your fine by me, not that you need to be be but nonetheless. Listen, the little diddy I posted was clearly a joke. From the get it was riddled with stereotypes and quips that if made with any sort of seriousness would be as egregious as those alleged to his target. That's the ironic part of the joke.

You don't analyze jokes and break down their rational...If you're watching a sit-com do you stop and point out all the reasons it's obviously a TV show and not real?

That's my only point from the beginning; don't take it to heart or as anything you need to defend yourself, me or anyone else who would label themselves as liberal against. If you can't laugh at yourself you take yourself too seriously mate.

Alexander the Grape 08-16-2007 09:45 PM

no, its also about God and David Blaine.

read the goddamn thread title next time.

(this is also the "be an ******* to a random person over the internet" thread)

to J3, don't worry, like I said before I don't take anything on the internet seriously.

My point from the beginning was that the joke wasn't funny (not only because it didn't make sense).

If I got worked up everytime I got **** for being a liberal I would have gone insane by now

<--look at location

Frances 08-16-2007 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Alexander the Grape (Post 388863)

(this is also the "be an ******* to a random person over the internet" thread)


CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 08-16-2007 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Frances (Post 388865)

stfu ***.

Frances 08-16-2007 10:00 PM

Yeah, lay it on me b!tch!

Voice_of_the_Soul12,13,01 08-16-2007 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by i get high sometimes (Post 388842)
Your whole post (I didn't read it all), you keep mentioning that it is what you 'want' to believe or that believing in eternal life is 'better than' believing that when you die, its over. And its all well and good for you to think that eternal life is better than ephermeal life, I think that too, but it doesn't in any way validify the claim that eternal life actually exists.

Who said it did? I'm just saying what I believe.

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