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TheCunningStunt 07-03-2010 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 893990)
I don't think I've ever done one of these before but I'm giving it a shot.

You ask really odd questions, but here we go..

1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?
I'm boring, I just like plain ol' sex.

2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?
Capable, but I don't play and try and get better on guitar like I used to. I'm just content with being decent.

3. Do you have any kind of mental disorder?

4. What is your favorite art movement?
I don't really know.

5. If you were a movie director what would your style be like?
I actually have made a couple of movies, only short no-budget things. They had a very dark style to them, very urban (because that's the only thing we really had available to us.) we used a non-linear style once (the opening scene was a body on the floor and then it went back in time and showed events leading up to it.) so I suppose that would be like Christopher Nolan. We did one about stalking, which tried to incorporate shock and tension, so Hitchcock/Fincher?

If I was a proper movie director, with money.. I don't really know. I'd have lots of different influences. Scorsese, Tarantino, Fincher, Hitchcock, Aronofsky influences would probably surface.

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?
None, I don't watch TV.

Bulldog 07-03-2010 03:41 PM

Thanks BooBoo :thumb:

1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?
What Mr Stunt just said.

2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?
I'm not really that good at any of them. I know my way around the mandolin and alto sax best though.

3. Do you have any kind of mental disorder?
Aspergers. I've grown out of virtually all the symptoms though, although I do still feel a bit awkward socialising in groups larger than 4 or 5 people.

4. What is your favorite art movement?
Not really so sure. I do love all the Italian neo-realist films I've seen though, so that one if it counts.

5. If you were a movie director what would your style be like?
Nothing too extravagant - I'm a huge fan of the more gritty, dialogue-centric style of films like Glengarry Glen Ross, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, Alfie, the Bicycle Thieves and so on.

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?
One word - Friends.

Arya Stark 07-03-2010 03:49 PM

2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?

I'm not a master at any of them but I'm best at Marimba.

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?


boo boo 07-03-2010 03:52 PM

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey now. You didn't answer all of them.

That's against the rules. :p:

Arya Stark 07-03-2010 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 894009)
Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey now. You didn't answer all of them.

That's against the rules. :p:

D: Not trueeee

TheCunningStunt 07-03-2010 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Bulldog (Post 894004)
6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?
One word - Friends.

Friends would be mine as well, except I'm not ashamed of it. It's a great series, the writing in the first 4 seasons was top notch stuff.

bob. 07-03-2010 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by AwwSugar (Post 894008)

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?

V. - V - Home

i really enjoyed the remake....i thought for sure going in i would hate it....but i felt they did a good job

1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?
not really sure if it classifies as "sexual" but i find women dressed in suits to be very attractive

2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?
zero....i cannot play anything

3. Do you have any kind of mental disorder?
i've been diagnosed as clinical depressive....i stopped taking meds years ago and seem to be doing ok

4. What is your favorite art movement?
Futurism.....Futurist Manifesto

5. If you were a movie director what would your style be like?
i love it when film makers are able to show just how surreal reality is without transgressing into full blown surrealism...i think both Scorsese (most notably in Taxi Driver) and Kubrick (Eyes Wide Shut) were/are masters at this....i also love it when much of the film is in first person point of combine those ideas

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?
American Idol

Tea Supremacist 07-03-2010 04:21 PM

1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?
Erm, I'm not sure I have one. The sight of a nice pair of shoulders/shoulder blades is a win. Slightly muscley. With freckles. I could spend hours giving massages to a nice set of shoulders... Mmmmm

2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?
Alright I s'pose.

3. Do you have any kind of mental disorder?
Yep, but getting on with it.

4. What is your favorite art movement?
Phfff, don't really have one.

5. If you were a movie director what would your style be like?
Hitchcock. The Birds.

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?
Come dine with me. Because I'm a bit sad like that.

Bulldog 07-03-2010 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 894013)
Friends would be mine as well, except I'm not ashamed of it. It's a great series, the writing in the first 4 seasons was top notch stuff.

Ashamed's a bit of a strong word really - I just know a lot of people who despise it. As you say, the writing is straight out of the top drawer.

glastonelle 07-03-2010 04:49 PM

1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?
None, got to go with just classic sex. Im open to new things, but its classic for me.

2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?
I used to play the flute and the violin a few years back, but my violin playing was absolutely rubbish and the flute was pretty measly. I can play a few songs on the piano, but Im completely lost once it comes to two hands. And I had a short encounter with a guitar aswell - I tried, I injured, I failed.

3. Do you have any kind of mental disorder?
Not that I know of, but I'll ask my therapist.

4. What is your favorite art movement?

Andy Warhol I guess, if he counts as an art movement. He was a bit of a ****, but I do like his artwork. The short films he made, on the other hand, absolutely suck.

5. If you were a movie director what would your style be like?

Danny Boyle, Trainspotting.

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?
Id have to say Corrie. My Mum got me into it from a young age so I've grown up with it really, and while it just gradually gets worse and worse, I still hold a soft spot for it. Also, people have said Friends. I love Friends, and I'm not ashamed of it, so technically its not really a guilty pleasure for me.

ribbons 07-03-2010 05:12 PM

1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?
Just classic sex for me too. Romance is really my "fetish".

2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?
Fairly good on piano and guitar (though not formally trained).

3. Do you have any kind of mental disorder?
Yes, I've been diagnosed as clinically depressed with anxiety. Have been struggling with this for the past couple of years. I take an antidepressant, and anti-anxiety medication as needed.

4. What is your favorite art movement?
Vincent van Gogh. He was a movement unto himself. His textures, colors, and the emotional power of his paintings really speak to me.

5. If you were a movie director what would your style be like?
I'm not really educated enough about film to make an informed decision on this. But I guess my style would be a poetic style, in terms of script and cinematography. A style that is occasionally stream-of-consciousness, but not over the top.

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?
Sometimes I watch horrible reality shows late at night when I can't sleep.

ribbons 07-03-2010 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 894068)
1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?
Wow noones admitting to sexual fetishes? I don't think I have any explicit ones but I like it when guys take control.

* Raises hand * OK, I admit it! ;)
I like when the guy takes control in the bedroom, but is super-nice in everyday life.

Scarlett O'Hara 07-03-2010 08:13 PM

1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?

Rough sex is my bag baby, in addition to having my hair pulled and ass spanked.

2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?

I played the flute when I was younger and got quite good, but quit due to a poorly behaved teacher. I would love to pick up piano I believe I would have great hands for it.

3. Do you have any kind of mental disorder?

Depression. Comes and goes.

4. What is your favorite art movement?

This is typical of me, but Lady Gaga's art movement. She has influenced fashion and lifestyle for the past 2 years now, she's extremely innovative and forward thinking.

5. If you were a movie director what would your style be like?

Intense film festival style, for example External Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. And Victorian style classics.

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?

Coronation Street :D

boo boo 07-03-2010 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 894023)
1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?
not really sure if it classifies as "sexual" but i find women dressed in suits to be very attractive

And they say my main fetish is a sign of repressed homosexuality. :p:

Ah I keed, I agree with you... provided you're talking about bodysuits. :pimp:

Burning Down 07-03-2010 08:18 PM

1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?
Keeping socks on. Doesn't always happen though.

2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?
Well, I've been playing flute for 15 years (yeah I started young!), and I can get through Cécile Chaminade's Concertino for flute (one of the most challenging pieces!) at a fairly fast tempo, so I'll say I'm pretty good! Guitar = good, piano = okay, bass = okay.

3. Do you have any kind of mental disorder?
I'm dyslexic and I also have anxiety. I control everything without those horrible, debilitating psych meds though. They don't work for me and they only mask the problem.

4. What is your favorite art movement?
Impressionism and post-modern art.

5. If you were a movie director what would your style be like?
I don't really know enough about the art of making films to know for sure.

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?
I don't have one because I don't watch a lot of TV.

TheCunningStunt 07-03-2010 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 894099)
And they say my main fetish is a sign of repressed homosexuality. :p:

Ah I keed, I agree with you... provided you're talking about bodysuits. :pimp:

Women in suits could be an office fetish, a strong woman with a bit of power usually wear suits.

You like bald chicks..

boo boo 07-03-2010 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 894068)
2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?
I'd say my technical ability at piano is very good. Guitar, I'm not that great at, all I can do pretty much are chords. Bass, I think I'm alright, but still learning!

I've seen your bass video on youtube, you certainly do slap bass better than I do. :(


4. What is your favorite art movement?
Same for me. :thumb:


5. If you were a movie director what would your style be like?
I don't think I'd have a signature style, I'd probably be diverse. But I like quirky weird things/ films. Arthousey.
In the grand tradition of my musical interests if I made films they would be considered really pretentious. My themes of interest would be social stigma, conformity, nhilism, misanthropy, escapism, idealism, mortality. It wouldn't be something that would put you in a good mood but it wouldn't be outrageously emo or anything. My main influences would be Miyazaki, Kubrick, Scorsese, Chaplin, Gilliam, Coens, Tarantino, Lynch, Altman, Burton, etc.

ribbons 07-03-2010 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 894102)
[B]I control everything without those horrible, debilitating psych meds though. They don't work for me and they only mask the problem.

Meds have helped my depression and anxiety somewhat, but have just about totally decimated my creativity. I used to write, play music, was an avid reader. Now I can barely focus or string words together. It's upsetting but there is really no alternative as I must work every day and stay on an even keel.

boo boo 07-03-2010 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 894103)
You like bald chicks..

And? Try thinking about the pros for once, she wouldn't be using up all your good shampoo.

TheCunningStunt 07-03-2010 08:35 PM

I wish I carried on with the Media, well, I wish the opportunity to do it came around now. Back then I didn't really have the passion for films as I do now. I'd love to really focus on making a film about somebody with depression/having a mental breakdown. I'd either have someone really sad and struggling with aspects of their life, or I'd get someone to play a Jack Nicholson esque nut. The short films we did were too armature, even though we had no money. We made simple mistakes like reflections and different camera shots, I'd be SO much better at doing it now. Damn.

Burning Down 07-03-2010 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by ribbons (Post 894109)
Meds have helped my depression and anxiety somewhat, but have just about totally decimated my creativity. I used to write, play music, was an avid reader. Now I can barely focus or string words together. It's upsetting but there is really no alternative as I must work every day and stay on an even keel.

I'm guessing you weren't totally happy with the results of taking medication?

ribbons 07-03-2010 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 894108)
I've seen your bass video on youtube, you certainly do slap bass better than I do. :(

Lateralus, I agree with boo boo - I viewed your videos and you are doing really well on bass. Also, you are excellent on piano, and guitar as well. :)

DoctorSoft 07-03-2010 08:43 PM

1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?

This isn't really a fetish, but I love a girl who can play an instrument. Rawr.

2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?

I'm pretty damn good at guitar, alright at piano, alright at drums, and kind of **** at bass.

3. Do you have any kind of mental disorder?


4. What is your favorite art movement?

I don't know... surrealism is pretty cool, let's go with that.

5. If you were a movie director what would your style be like?

Fincher probably.

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?

I don't really watch TV.

TheCunningStunt 07-03-2010 08:44 PM


How can you be good at guitar and shit at bass? They kind of go hand in hand. Unless you mean you're better at writing songs on guitar than you are at coming up with basslines.

ribbons 07-03-2010 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 894113)
I'm guessing you weren't totally happy with the results of taking medication?

No, not totally - but they've helped in that I'm not crippled by the depression. The meds have propped me up so I can "function".

DoctorSoft 07-03-2010 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 894117)

How can you be good at guitar and shit at bass? They kind of go hand in hand. Unless you mean you're better at writing songs on guitar than you are at coming up with basslines.

I don't really play bass that much so my fingers aren't really that good with the bigger frets and whatnot.

TheCunningStunt 07-03-2010 08:50 PM

I don't really know when you cross the line from being a healthy everyday person, to being bi-polar, to having mild depression, to having full blown depression.

I don't know how to tell whether you're just grumpy cynical and unhappy with life, or whether it's something that's medical.

Astronomer 07-03-2010 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 894102)
1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?
Keeping socks on. Doesn't always happen though.

Omg... I love leaving my socks on. Mainly due to the fact that I have bad circulation and really cold feet all the time. It never happens though, I always end up taking them off to not be... a weirdo.


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 894108)
I've seen your bass video on youtube, you certainly do slap bass better than I do. :(

Same for me. :thumb:

In the grand tradition of my musical interests if I made films they would be considered really pretentious. My themes of interest would be social stigma, conformity, nhilism, misanthropy, escapism, idealism, mortality. It wouldn't be something that would put you in a good mood but it wouldn't be outrageously emo or anything. My main influences would be Miyazaki, Kubrick, Scorsese, Chaplin, Gilliam, Coens, Tarantino, Lynch, Altman, Burton, etc.

I would probably like your films, I love the sound of all that. I don't necessarily think they would be considered pretentious - I don't think I'd consider them that anyway.

And yeah, surrealism is definitely my favourite movement. Are you a Dali fan? Earlier this year I went to his exhibition which was in Melbourne and it was pretty amazing.


Originally Posted by ribbons (Post 894114)
Lateralus, I agree with boo boo - I viewed your videos and you are doing really well on bass. Also, you are excellent on piano, and guitar as well. :)

Aww well shucks you guys :o: I still think I'm pretty sucky... but practice makes perfect I s'pose!

Astronomer 07-03-2010 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 894120)
I don't really know when you cross the line from being a healthy everyday person, to being bi-polar, to having mild depression, to having full blown depression.

I don't know how to tell whether you're just grumpy cynical and unhappy with life, or whether it's something that's medical.

There's a guide called DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. For each 'disorder' there is usually a list of symptoms or behaviours, and if you cover a certain number of those behaviours then you are considered to have that disorder and treatment is required. That's what I went through when I was having therapy for BPD. You'd find that a lot of people who are just grumpy and cynical and unhappy with life wouldn't cover the whole list of specific behaviours.

That being said I guess mental illness/ mental disorders is a very blurred territory and it is difficult to draw clear-cut lines.

boo boo 07-03-2010 09:09 PM

2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?

Poorly, I have a whole bunch of instruments. Electric and acoustic guitar, electric bass, keyboard, banjo, harmonica, recorder, lapharp. If I had to pick the ones I'm most competent at it would be keyboard and bass.

3. Do you have any kind of mental disorder?

Aspergers. I have extreme difficulty relating, emoting and communicating with other people and focusing on things outside of specific interests. People with aspergers can be very observant and know a lot of things but not be able to supplement this knowledge into social situations.

4. What is your favorite art movement?

Surrealism but I'm also quite into symbolism, romanticism, impressionism, post impressionism, expressionism and various other styles. I also like and am an avid defender of fantasy art and lowbrow art which are unfairly given the "kitsch" label that I hate so much.

There's only a few art movements I can't get any aesthetic satisfaction from at all. I dislike a lot of abstract expressionism but there is good stuff to come out of that movement. I find de stijl to be really bland and boring. And almost everything that falls under conceptual art is pretentuous bullf*ck.

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?

Don't know if I have one, I don't really watch TV beyond Law & Order SVU and Iron Chef America. And no I don't feel guilty about either. :laughing:

TheCunningStunt 07-03-2010 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 894126)
There's a guide called DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. For each 'disorder' there is usually a list of symptoms or behaviours, and if you cover a certain number of those behaviours then you are considered to have that disorder and treatment is required. That's what I went through when I was having therapy for BPD. You'd find that a lot of people who are just grumpy and cynical and unhappy with life wouldn't cover the whole list of specific behaviours.

That being said I guess mental illness/ mental disorders is a very blurred territory and it is difficult to draw clear-cut lines.

Ah, interesting. I must find the guide to have a read up. The thing with that is, people who want time off work with a sick note could just read up on it, recite it to a doctor and hey presto.

I myself am always up and down, I'm happy just pinning it on being a bit cynical and a bit moody and unhappy with the way things are. However I never used to be like that, my glass was always half full, so I dunno. I wouldn't ever say I was bi-polar, I wouldn't really want to know if I was. I'm happy just classing myself as a bit of a moody b*stard aat times. Everyone has their good days, and everyone has their bad days.

Astronomer 07-03-2010 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 894136)
Ah, interesting. I must find the guide to have a read up. The thing with that is, people who want time off work with a sick note could just read up on it, recite it to a doctor and hey presto.

It doesn't work that way unfortunately, the therapy I went through before I was diagnosed was much more intense than just reciting the list of symptoms and behaviours I could have picked out of a book. The therapy took weeks, months even, and I had to talk about specific examples in my life of times where I performed these things, and the therapist also spoke to my family about my behaviour and my family talked about things that I do. It's pretty intense, I don't think you could get time of work with a sick note/ doctor's certificate unless you were willing to invest your time in months of intensive therapy.

TheCunningStunt 07-03-2010 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 894137)
It doesn't work that way unfortunately, the therapy I went through before I was diagnosed was much more intense than just reciting the list of symptoms and behaviours I could have picked out of a book. The therapy took weeks, months even, and I had to talk about specific examples in my life of times where I performed these things, and the therapist also spoke to my family about my behaviour and my family talked about things that I do. It's pretty intense, I don't think you could get time of work with a sick note/ doctor's certificate unless you were willing to invest your time in months of intensive therapy.

Maybe over there? Someone at my sister's work had time off for depression and she really wasn't depressed. I think she just went to the doctor and he gave her a sick note, that seems to be how it works over here. But I wouldn't swear to it, I try and stay away from doctors/hospitals as much as I can.

Astronomer 07-03-2010 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 894140)
Maybe over there? Someone at my sister's work had time off for depression and she really wasn't depressed. I think she just went to the doctor and he gave her a sick note, that seems to be how it works over here. But I wouldn't swear to it, I try and stay away from doctors/hospitals as much as I can.

Yeah, see that just seems wrong to me. I do know people who have done that over here... just gone to doctors and gotten time off work for depression or whatnot, but the doctors often refer them to a mental health professional or make them come back to talk about medication etc. So it's more hassle than simply popping in for a sick note. Plus if you really had depression, I don't think you'd just want a note for time off work. You'd want serious help.

TheCunningStunt 07-03-2010 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 894143)
Yeah, see that just seems wrong to me. I do know people who have done that over here... just gone to doctors and gotten time off work for depression or whatnot, but the doctors often refer them to a mental health professional or make them come back to talk about medication etc. So it's more hassle than simply popping in for a sick note. Plus if you really had depression, I don't think you'd just want a note for time off work. You'd want serious help.

The NHS is fucked. I really don't think it's as complex as it is over there, though I might be wrong. Like you say a note and time off work wouldn't do much good, if you're depressed or down anyway.. it's difficult to get out of bed. If you're ALLOWED to stay in bed with no repercussions from not being in work then the depression would get worse, thus the time off really wouldn't help. I'd imagine HAVING to drag yourself out of bed, even though you're depressing and it's difficult - that'd be more beneficial than being in bed all day.

Alfred 07-03-2010 09:32 PM

1. What is your weirdest sexual fetish if any?

2. How do you rate your technical abillity at the instruments you play?
Screw technical ability, IT'S ABOUT THE PASSION.

3. Do you have any kind of mental disorder?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and it really pisses me off.

4. What is your favorite art movement?
I think surrealism is pretty cool.

5. If you were a movie director what would your style be like?
Loads and loads of references to music, video games, and films that I enjoy and I'd probably sneak a lot of odd props onto the set. I'd totally go over-the-top on special effects and slow-motion action sequences.

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?

TheCunningStunt 07-03-2010 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 894149)
3. Do you have any kind of mental disorder?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and it really pisses me off.

What OCD do you have?

Burning Down 07-03-2010 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 894149)
6. What is your guiltiest pleasure in TV viewing?

I always put Much Music on while I'm looking for something else to watch! I used to go to the MMVA's years ago when they had artists that I liked. And I liked Speaker's Corner when it was on that channel (or City, I don't remember). They don't have it anymore :(. I think I went in the booth a couple of times and paid a dollar or whatever it was to say something random for a few minutes in hopes of getting on TV :laughing:

Mojo 07-03-2010 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 894147)
The NHS is fucked. I really don't think it's as complex as it is over there, though I might be wrong. Like you say a note and time off work wouldn't do much good, if you're depressed or down anyway.. it's difficult to get out of bed. If you're ALLOWED to stay in bed with no repercussions from not being in work then the depression would get worse, thus the time off really wouldn't help. I'd imagine HAVING to drag yourself out of bed, even though you're depressing and it's difficult - that'd be more beneficial than being in bed all day.

I know people who have definitely abused the system when it comes to getting imaginary depression-related illnesses diagnosed by the doctor. I've considered going to a doctor in the past for depression and i know this makes no sense but these people have put me off doing it. It makes no sense because for those who are genuinely depressed, they can get help. I've never been 100% sure that ive been depressed but when it came to picking up the phone and making an appointment i just figured that if someone could con a doctor into diagnosing them as being depressed when there was nothing wrong with them then do i really want to go to a doctor, have them tell me im depressed and not really know whether i should believe them or not?

Astronomer 07-03-2010 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 894154)
I know people who have definitely abused the system when it comes to getting imaginary depression-related illnesses diagnosed by the doctor. I've considered going to a doctor in the past for depression and i know this makes no sense but these people have put me off doing it. It makes no sense because for those who are genuinely depressed, they can get help. I've never been 100% sure that ive been depressed but when it came to picking up the phone and making an appointment i just figured that if someone could con a doctor into diagnosing them as being depressed when there was nothing wrong with them then do i really want to go to a doctor, have them tell me im depressed and not really know whether i should believe them or not?

That's why if you seriously think you need help for a mental or emotional disorder, you need to go to a mental health professional, not a general practitioner. There are mental health doctors everywhere. If you are serious about getting help, you should really try to get the courage to go to a mental health professional, GPs don't do shit. And like discussed, they just diagnose everyone who comes in wanting a sick note - they don't really know a whole lot about mental illness. That's what I've found anyway.

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