Music Banter

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Goofle 11-21-2014 07:45 PM

An artist of any kind with whom you would have a romantic, intellectual, or just friendly date?

Rachel Goswell for sure. She's a member of one of my favourite bands and super hot.

What would you do on this date?

Discuss Slowdive in immense detail. Anything else would be a huge plus.

Most pleasant and unpleasant sensory (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell) experiences you've ever had?

This was recent actually. I came home from work and I had left my keys inside. We have a copy of the back door key stick away in the hole of a brick in the back yard so I went to look for that. It was dark, my phone was pretty much useless as a light resource. So I just stuck my finger into as many brick holes as possible. Snails, spiders, slime and grassy mess. No fun at all. Found it eventually though.

Biggest accomplishment of the year so far?

I honestly don't have one. I'd probably have to go with getting out of overdraft, but I was given the money to do so. Man, I have done nothing of note this year.

Biggest letdown of the year so far?

The new Beck album.

What are you most thankful for right this moment?

That I have friends to talk to in person and online.

Edit: Just read #3 properly. Will add my pleasant experience soon.

ladyislingering 11-21-2014 07:47 PM

An artist of any kind with whom you would have a romantic, intellectual, or just friendly date?

George Harrison, circa mid-1970s. He was an especially bright man, soft-spoken, very kind. I'd love just to sit down and hear him talk about life and what he thought of it, or just to hear him tell jokes or stories about his childhood. I'd just want the incomparable privilege of hearing him speak.

What would you do on this date?

(See above.) Is there an afterlife? Because I'm thinking this could happen in some other dimension and that makes me happy.

Most pleasant and unpleasant sensory (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell) experiences you've ever had?

Making love with my sweetheart is definitely at the top of the list, but on the side of modesty, I'll describe the second-best most pleasant sensory experience I've ever had:

Spoiler for The famed "Hamre House":
In the town I grew up in, there's an incredible tourist attraction with a bunch of cabins, places of businesses, and large rooms full of historic items from a pioneer's everyday life. Within this tiny village is a large Victorian house (I actually met the woman who lived there when she was a little girl - she's like 90 years old now and her hands are all fucked up from polio) that's completely furnished with antiques from that time period. I'd visited many times during my life there, and always felt at home.

Everything within the house is absolutely original, including the rugs, wallpaper, staircase, closets - even the bathroom fixtures are still intact. This house is completely marvelous. There are even dishes on the kitchen table, assorted creature comforts in the parlor room, personal effects on the dressers in the bedrooms, clothing in the closets, hand-embroidered towels in the kitchen.... it's really such an outstanding experience.

As for the most unpleasant sensory experience, I'd say every day is an unpleasant sensory experience when I'm around too many people, too much noise, too much of this or that - I much prefer my solitude, peace and quiet.

Biggest accomplishment of the year so far?

Well, this year I finally got health insurance and full-time status at work, which are two things I'd been longing for.

Biggest letdown of the year so far?

When our car died. RIP 'Laura Ingalls', you crybaby bitch.

What are you most thankful for right this moment?

Tomorrow's my Friday. :)

Chula Vista 11-21-2014 08:07 PM

An artist of any kind with whom you would have a romantic, intellectual, or just friendly date?[/B]

What would you do on this date?

Amber Heard. I'd get her buzzed and then on her knees and elbows and do all sorts of stuff to her with my hands and mouth.

Most pleasant and unpleasant sensory (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell) experiences you've ever had?

Aside from sex, the smell of a tube amplifier all warmed up and ready to rock.

Biggest accomplishment of the year so far?

I'm still here.

Biggest letdown of the year so far?

What's going on with the company I work for.

What are you most thankful for right this moment?

My family and friends.

GuD 11-21-2014 08:16 PM

An artist of any kind with whom you would have a romantic, intellectual, or just friendly date?
I'll just be a total creep about it- I have been all over Kathleen Hannah lately.

What would you do on this date?
Suck her left one. And whatever she wants.

But first, maybe prepare her a picnic during which we'd talk about whatever. I haven't seen many interviews with her so all I know about her is what I've heard in her totally rad songs.

Most pleasant and unpleasant sensory (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell) experiences you've ever had?

Spoiler for stuff:
+Sight: I recently went to a Keith Herring exhibit and it was awesome. I always loved his style, I remember seeing his drawings everywhere in the 90s.
-Sight: Those horrifyingly gruesome pictures Fartlord keeps posting.

+Touch: I'll just be hella lame and say that a while ago I got the best weed I've ever had in my life. And now I can't find the guy who sold it to me :(.
-Touch: I have a strange aversion to suede-like textures. I had to pull my landlords laundry out of the dryer and he had a suede coat that just made me flip my lid.

+Taste: This is a really tough one. I had an excellent Pinot the other night but I'm gonna hafta hand it to Beachside Cafe, I've yet to have a better cup of coffee than theirs.
-Taste: Indigestion after having too many jaggerbombs.

+Sound: The opening riff to "Sun Medallion" by King Tuff makes me feel stoned when I'm straight sober
-Sound: I tried to listen to Merzbow again. Nope.

+Smell: Total cliche but the smell of rain at the beach, early in the morning... :)
-Smell: Someone forgot to throw out an old container of crab salad at work last weekend. I literally puked in my mouth a little.

Biggest accomplishment of the year so far?
Cut back on the drinking. A lot. Consequently, I got a new job that I like. Working with people I relate to. Not sexist, homophobic, racist, sportsjockbros. I think workin in that environment for so long might have given me brain damage.

Oh, and I just found out that in the three days I've worked at the new job we got two 5-star reviews on yelp, possibly over things I prepared. They had me working breakfast pretty much all day and that's what the reviews were for! :)

Biggest letdown of the year so far?
Haven't really had any. Aside from not getting that job at the restaurant in my old job's neighborhood. But I kinda dodged a bullet with that, I'd have been getting home at like 1:30 in the morning.

What are you most thankful for right this moment?
My dog, Corona. No matter where I'm at mentally she's always with me, by my side or resting in my lap, assuring me that I am loved.

The Batlord 11-22-2014 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1511168)
This was recent actually. I came home from work and I had left my keys inside. We have a copy of the back door key stick away in the hole of a brick in the back yard so I went to look for that. It was dark, my phone was pretty much useless as a light resource. So I just stuck my finger into as many brick holes as possible. Snails, spiders, slime and grassy mess. No fun at all. Found it eventually though.

You know, putting it out there online where you put your spare key probably isn't the best idea.

Goofle 11-22-2014 06:21 AM

It's not like I've told everyone where I live or anything.

Pet_Sounds 11-22-2014 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1511398)
It's not like I've told everyone where I live or anything.

No, only your postal code.

WWWP 11-22-2014 05:58 PM

An artist of any kind with whom you would have a romantic, intellectual, or just friendly date?

David Sedaris

What would you do on this date?

Eat Thai food and talk **** about everyone and everything.

Most pleasant and unpleasant sensory (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell) experiences you've ever had?

Pleasant: The scent and texture of the air just before it snows.

Unpleasant: The sound of people crying.

Biggest accomplishment of the year so far?

Developing a stronger will and sense of dignity in regard to personal relationships and boundaries.

Biggest letdown of the year so far?

Learning that someone I thought I loved was in fact unworthy of any efforts.

What are you most thankful for right this moment?

Good weed and a steadily increasing fan base.

Frownland 11-27-2014 05:07 PM

An artist of any kind with whom you would have a romantic, intellectual, or just friendly date?

I'd love to hang out with John Cage.

What would you do on this date?

I'd pick his brain about music, life, mushrooms, philosophy. See where it goes. Play him in a game of chess since neither of us are very good.

Most pleasant and unpleasant sensory (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell) experiences you've ever had?

Pleasant: jamming with my friend after a long break, gushing with happiness.
Unpleasant: Having to take a **** really bad on my drive down to SD and it took us 20 minutes to find a place with a bathroom.

Biggest accomplishment of the year so far?

My band put out one of our best albums.

Biggest letdown of the year so far?

I really thought my sister would like Of Montreal, but she didn't. Maybe it'll grow on her.

What are you most thankful for right this moment?

Family, my dogs, music, friends.

Freebase Dali 11-27-2014 06:19 PM

An artist of any kind with whom you would have a romantic, intellectual, or just friendly date?

Beethoven, by far.

What would you do on this date?

Repeat my questions over and over.

Most pleasant and unpleasant sensory (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell) experiences you've ever had?

Shitting. This covers both categories.

Biggest accomplishment of the year so far?

Got another big raise (7k more) at year 2.

Biggest letdown of the year so far?

Visited my sister in prison recently. I realized that she has no soul and is just existing as a manipulative entity, there to get what she wants. She was like that before prison 16 years ago. Now, she has perfected it. When I look at her, I don't really see a person anymore. I see an opportunist.

What are you most thankful for right this moment?


Scarlett O'Hara 11-28-2014 09:04 PM

An artist of any kind with whom you would have a romantic, intellectual, or just friendly date?

I would like to get romantic with Lady Gaga.

What would you do on this date?

Get stoned, drunk and have sex. In the lead up to that obviously have intellectual discussions about music, art and life.

Most pleasant and unpleasant sensory (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell) experiences you've ever had?

Eating certain food makes me almost orgasmic. I love smelling the Vanilla and Raspberry shower gel when I'm showering, it's incredible. I also love my rose incense, having my hair played with and my back stratched lightly. Sounds obviously relate to my favourite music and I love seeing my family and friends as well as nature. Unpleasant is seeing animal abuse on YouTube, hearing something disappointing, smelling someone else's dump in the toilet, feeling ill and touching the rubbish bin.

Biggest accomplishment of the year so far?

Getting put forward to do a project as part of an internship which could get me a job if I'm successful. I was the only one picked out of 7 people (who got through the second round) apparently because of my personality and enthusiasm.

Biggest letdown of the year so far?

My Endometriosis flaring up big time (might be due for a surgery again).

What are you most thankful for right this moment?

My family/friends and my darling cat Summer.

Pet_Sounds 11-29-2014 09:51 AM

I'll try to come up with six for this week.
  1. Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?
  2. What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?
  3. What's your favourite movie franchise?
  4. What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?
  5. Do you consider yourself patriotic?
  6. Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

The Batlord 11-29-2014 10:05 AM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

Hire someone to beat Bill Gates' ass for only giving me $1000.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?


What's your favourite movie franchise?

Marvel Cinematic Universe.

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?

I always like 1986. It's the year I was born and also the year so many of my fav thrash metal bands released what are some of their best albums: Metallica Master Of Puppets, Slayer Reign In Blood, Megadeth Peace Sells... But Who's Buying, Dark Angel Darkness Descends, etc.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?

Patriotism is just another word for nationalism. **** that.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

Indifferent slacker.

GuD 11-29-2014 10:07 AM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

Lots of weed. Lots of booze. Maybe some other stuff. Some new clothes (I desperately need some). A plane ticket to Portland, Oregon.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

The 5 minute increments I don't have to deal with my family cracking jokes about my being a vegetarian and not eating turkey.

What's your favourite movie franchise?


What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?

I don't generally pay attention to the exact years my favorite music comes out. I have 50s music, 60s music, 70s music, and so on until today. But most of my favorite music is either from the past 4 years or the 90s.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?

I like what America stands for but I don't think we live up to entirely. I'm also a pretty complacent person and don't really enjoy being involved in government but it beats living in North Korea or something.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

Flannels, hats, sneakers, sweaters/hoodies/shirts with fun prints, cut off shorts when it's warm enough, bulky jackets. Big hair.

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-29-2014 10:19 AM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?
As compensation for Vista

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?
Never had one

What's your favourite movie franchise?
The Cornetto Trilogy
I don't think you can really call 1970s disaster movies a franchise as such, otherwise it would be those.

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?
I remember that whole post-Britpop era from 1996-98 being pretty great (Apart from The Verve) although I don't know how much of that had to do with the quality of the music or how often I was getting loaded on pussy & booze during that time. I also think it was a lot to me discovering Krautrock & Post Punk around that time too.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?
Only when surrounded by whooping & hollering Americans and thinking how vulgar such behaviour is.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?
Never wear sportswear, other than that anything is fair game.

Cuthbert 11-29-2014 10:23 AM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

Nexus 6, some Adidas Stockholms and then use the rest to bet with.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?


The turkey?

What's your favourite movie franchise?

Not a big film nerd tbh, but the last film I watched was Boys in the Hood. Really enjoyed it.

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?

No real answer but I'll go with 2002, the year Grime became a thing.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?

Yes. I love England and the UK & I love being a Brit.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

Not sure about distinct, but I would say my dress sense is quite smart. I like smart well fitting polos, nice golf jumpers, slim fit jeans, Adidas Originals shoes, parkas. I'm into that sort of thing.

Beanie in the winter to keep my head warm :cool:

LoathsomePete 11-29-2014 10:51 AM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

Pay down some student loan debt.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

Pumpkin pie.

What's your favourite movie franchise?

Easily the Marvel Cinematic Universe

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?

I'm going to go by years where I was musically active and say 2010, just a fucking amazing year for all genre.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?

I love my countries, so yes.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

Not really, right now I'm pretty much either in blue jeans or khakis, a hoodie of some variety, and then either my light brown sherpa lined denim jacket, or my blue sherpa lined denim jacket. As for shoes, it's either a pair of leather black and white converse I found at a thrift store, or grey Nike Air Force Ones.

bob. 11-29-2014 12:20 PM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?
I'd do it in 20 minutes on eBay.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

my mother and sister getting drunk and dealing with a year of aggressions towards each other

What's your favourite movie franchise?
Hands down....Marvel

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?
1991.....i mean Unsane releases their first, Jesus Lizard release Goat, obviously My Bloody Valentine, Current 93 greatest live album, Cows first EP, Swervedrivers first just goes on and on

Do you consider yourself patriotic?
not in the slightest

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

i wear a lot of black

Pet_Sounds 11-29-2014 12:24 PM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

I'd buy a 120 gallon aquarium and some discus.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

Stuffing. Not stuffing myself, the dressing.

What's your favourite movie franchise?

Bond, of course. Honourable mention to the Pink Panther series with Peter Sellers.

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?

I haven't been exposed to enough music to judge that, but my favourite right now is 1967.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?

Quite. I'm proud of my country and its history.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

Jeans and a button-up short sleeved shirt. Occasionally a leather jacket. People have remarked that I almost always wear sunglasses, so that too.

The Batlord 11-29-2014 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? (Post 1515235)
Do you consider yourself patriotic?
Only when surrounded by whooping & hollering Americans and thinking how vulgar such behaviour is.


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1515241)
What's your favourite movie franchise?

Easily the Marvel Cinematic Universe


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1515283)
What's your favourite movie franchise?
Hands down....Marvel

bob. 11-29-2014 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? (Post 1515235)

Do you consider yourself patriotic?
Only when surrounded by whooping & hollering Americans and thinking how vulgar such behaviour is.

[QUOTE=The Batlord;1515287]

Josef K 11-29-2014 03:48 PM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

Buy music that I can't find online?

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?


What's your favourite movie franchise?

Urban's pick of the Cornetto Trilogy unless all Tarantino movies count as one franchise.

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?

This is a cop-out, but I'd pick 2014 - now more than ever we are capable of listening to great music from the past, and now more than ever artists are capable of putting their music out there. If I'm answering the question of "What year have the best/your favorite albums come out?" I guess I pick 1997. Great stuff by Spiritualized, Radiohead, Sleater-Kinney, Built to Spill, Old 97s, Teenage Fanclub, Modest Mouse, Mogwai, Yo La Tengo. But I can't really choose.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?

No, I'm fundamentally opposed to any form of nationalism.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

I wear cardigans, band t-shirts, Oxford shirts, some flannel, dark jeans, and corduroy pants. That is my entire range.

Machine 11-29-2014 04:20 PM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

Most likely vinyl cause I'm a selfish prick who loves music

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

Getting to ignore much of my family on the Internet.

What's your favourite movie franchise?

Godzilla nothing will ever beat Godzilla

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?

A popular one is '67 but I'm going to go with '97 you have OK Computer, Blur, Ladies And Gentlemen..., Morning Glory great albums.
Do you consider yourself patriotic

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

Flannel, beanie, jeans, t-shirt (most likely a band), socks and shoes, and prescription glasses

Josef K 11-29-2014 04:23 PM

Um, the Oasis album that came out that year was Be Here Now, which is my favorite of theirs because it's hilarious and I can't stand their "good" stuff, but presumably it isn't yours.

The Batlord 11-29-2014 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Josef K (Post 1515377)
Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

I wear cardigans, band t-shirts, Oxford shirts, some flannel, dark jeans, and corduroy pants. That is my entire range.

I love corduroy!

Machine 11-29-2014 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Josef K (Post 1515387)
Um, the Oasis album that came out that year was Be Here Now, which is my favorite of theirs because it's hilarious and I can't stand their "good" stuff, but presumably it isn't yours.

Ah **** I always forget Morning Glory was the album before :laughing:

Exo 11-29-2014 05:01 PM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

I shall write a rent cheque early for $925 and take the remaining $75 and put it in the savings. I'm not a fun person when it comes to money.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

It was always the stuffing but recently I've grown fond of sweet potatoes. I couldn't care less about turkey.

What's your favourite movie franchise?

Hmmmm, well Star Wars although the prequels sucked. I'll have to go with the Cornetto trilogy. Shaun of the Dead is one of my favorite films and I enjoyed the other two a lot.

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?

I have no f*cking idea.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?

I'm proud of and support certain American aspects. I support the troops but not the military. American food is amazing. I enjoy certain politicians such as Bill Clinton, Cory Booker, and Ron Paul. Our country is one of the most beautiful and unique countries on the planet. I just hate the state of our government and there are plenty of American people factions that need to o away. I'm 50/50 patriotic.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

Totally. I dress almost purely Northwestern hipster mixed with generic plain tees and jeans. The hipster part mostly consists of flannel shirts, band/nerd tees, glasses/beard combo (although this is more of a genetic thing), and of course the hipster beanie hat. I do NOT indulge on V-necks, anything with a bright color, tank tops, flood shorts, jean shorts, scarves, or vests. It's been this way for a long time.

ladyislingering 11-29-2014 06:12 PM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

I'd use it on a vacation for two, in a warm climate.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

The part where I get drunk.

What's your favourite movie franchise?

Well, I'm pretty excited about the new Star Wars chapter coming out next year.

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?

I'm undecided with 1967 and 1974.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?

LOL not in the least bit.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

I wouldn't call it a distinct dressing style but I strive to emulate women of the 1970s.

Zhanteimi 11-29-2014 06:28 PM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

I'd order some Magic the Gathering cards.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

The part where I don't have it.

What's your favourite movie franchise?

Toy Story.

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?


Do you consider yourself patriotic?

LOL not in the least bit.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

I wear jeans and T-shirts, even to work.

Chula Vista 11-29-2014 06:40 PM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

Pay of credit card debt.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

Watching family enjoy my cooking. And in family I'm talking just us. Everyone else is back east.

What's your favourite movie franchise?


What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?


Do you consider yourself patriotic?

LOL not in the least bit.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

I wear jeans and T-shirts at home, jeans and polo shirts to work.

Freebase Dali 11-30-2014 02:11 AM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

- Buy 1k worth of gas/petrol and containers in which to store it.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

- The part during.

What's your favourite movie franchise?

- I honestly don't feel qualified enough to answer this question.

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?

- To risk sounding at least mildly generic and uninteresting, every year.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?

- It sort of lends itself to a baseless idea, doesn't it? No. I'm not for an ideal based solely on the fact that I'm accustomed it culturally. I'm more interested in the value of an ideal.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

- I wear clothes that fit.

Isbjørn 11-30-2014 03:57 AM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?
I buy a couple of band t-shirts, some new pants, and spend the rest on CDs.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?
I'm not American enough to have Thanksgiving.

What's your favourite movie franchise?
I'm not a movie guy, but I like Dracula.

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?
No idea. I don't really think that much about release dates.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?
I love Norway, but I don't go out of my way to express that, and I realize that it has flaws.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?
Cuffed blue jeans, flannel, t-shirts (usually black), unkempt hair and maybe a knitted cap.

Plankton 11-30-2014 08:12 AM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?
Put it right into my daughters college tuition.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?
My family getting together. It's just about the only time it ever happens.

What's your favorite movie franchise?

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?
I couldn't possibly pick just one year.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?
Very much so.

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?
Dad jeans and jorts ftw.

Goofle 11-30-2014 08:41 AM

[*]Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

Buy a new iphone (lost mine last night), some jeand and shoes. Put the rest in the 'murica fund.

[*]What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

Same as Christmas so I will say cranberry sauce.

[*]What's your favourite movie franchise?

Harold and Kumar.

[*]What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?

[*]Do you consider yourself patriotic?


[*]Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

Not at all. Jeans, shirt.

bob. 12-01-2014 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Briks (Post 1515604)

Do you consider yourself patriotic?
I love Norway, but I don't go out of my way to express that, and I realize that it has flaws..

No church burnings? :(

The Batlord 12-01-2014 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1516332)
No church burnings? :(

He prefers to express his Asatru beliefs in a peaceful manner. Just like Odin, god of war, intended.

bob. 12-01-2014 08:40 AM

I would think church burning is more a testament to Forseti. And they didn't burn full one could say it is peaceful worship.....

Frownland 12-01-2014 08:46 AM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

Probably get a sitar, some other crazy instruments, and a couple of ounces.

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

Seeing my family, mostly my sister.

What's your favourite movie franchise?


What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?

I don't follow release dates much but 1969 had a lot of great albums.

Do you consider yourself patriotic?


Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

Jeans and a t shirt generally, sometimes I'll do a polo.

Isbjørn 12-01-2014 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1516342)
He prefers to express his Asatru beliefs in a peaceful manner. Just like Odin, god of war, intended.


Ninetales 12-01-2014 11:11 AM

Bill Gates gives you a certified cheque for one thousand dollars, which must be entirely spent within the next twenty-four hours. How do you use it?

Speakers for my record player, booze, Xmas gifts probs

What's your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

Pie by a mile

What's your favorite movie franchise?

Uhh I really don't know haha Star Wars maybe? Does Wes Anderson movies count if so then that

What do you feel has been the best year for music from 1915-2014?


Do you consider yourself patriotic?

Spreading the holy word of poutine of hockey

Do you have a distinct dressing style? If so, what is it?

Hoodies, sneaks, shades and snapbacks. Total bro

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