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right-track 10-29-2010 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 949932)

If you take the plunge and it falls to bits, I'm sure you can always move back with your folks.
They're getting a house by next July? 8ish months to find a job.
Go for it.

This is good advice downspiral.

Although I don't encourage the migration of scousers to anywhere (apart from Wales) the advice is sound.
What have you got to lose?

TheCunningStunt 10-29-2010 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by downwardspiral (Post 949934)
I don't know if I'm bothered or what still about my friends all ****ing off and not speaking to me over some ridiculous lies. I'm not sure. I spoke to one of my friends the other day for the first time in two years on Facebook, it was odd.

Why did you not go to Uni Michael?

I'd imagine so, if you're that type of person.
I'm the type of person who isn't really bothered if I lose people, other than deaths in the family of course.
But I've found friends come and go and I just don't feel particularly bothered.
I've only ever had 1 friend who we've been on the same wave length, our sense of humours are exactly alike.
Even if our music and film tastes aren't, I'd be gutted if we weren't friends anymore. But they're the only exception to the rule.
Most people are just people to go out for a drink with, I don't expect friendships to last forever. I think I'm dead inside, but I generally don't need people. :(

I didn't go to Uni because I couldn't be arsed with a load of self-richeous cunts living the uni life.
My friends have pissed me off.
They're all in Uni living this crazy life where they get drunk at 2AM and don't go to sleep until 5AM when they have a lecture at 9AM.
I had no interest in taking part in any of that bullshit, I have no interest in taking a course like law or another course a friend of mine is doing, involving the EU. I didn't want to do something where I pretend like I can make a difference.
I just want to do as little as possible and still get paid.


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 949935)
This is good advice downspiral.

Although I don't encourage the migration of scousers to anywhere (apart from Wales) the advice is sound.
What have you got to lose?


I have friends in North Wales.
Flint is practically Liverpool laa

duga 10-29-2010 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 949928)
Well that's the thing... I know there's no pressure, and there are outs, and that I would like to be in a relationship with someone who isn't either a slut, nor a slut who cheats on you with a fry cook while you're in Iraq, nor a Dirty Gertrude McHelga. So in this scenario, it's very likely to be a win.

So why am I finding the idea both compelling and repulsive, for lack of a better word? I know I'm not afraid of commitment, as I was engaged to a woman who, afterward, cheated on me with a fry cook while I was in Iraq... So could it be that? Or have I just grown too fond of being free to do what I want, even though it's neither emotionally nor physically healthy in any way when it comes down to how I spend my free time?
Or am I just thinking?
I gotta say, I never thought my way into a relationship before. They all just kinda happened before I knew they were happening, over the course of being intoxicated. Maybe that's my problem. Being sober... (as an alcoholic, this is awesome news)

Honestly, I would find relationships repulsive if someone did something like that to me. I've been ****ing around for a good while now since I broke up with my ex. I dated that girl for 4 years. I'm also the kind of guy that likes to be in relationships, I'm kind of looking around myself. At the same time, even if I really like a girl I end up imagining the relationship ending the same way my last one did and I become very apprehensive. If I'm having these kinds of concerns while my break up was relatively calm, I can't even imagine what you must be thinking.

I think the key has to be to just stop thinking so much about what something could become and just focus on what it is. Just go with it and take it day by day. My ex was the first really serious relationship I ever had, and I remember when I started dating her I just went with it. I didn't have these concerns, and I really didn't think about the future so much. I went with it and we had 3 really great years. I definitely don't regret those years. I think we have to try to start new relationships the same way as that.

Now, I'm going to do something really corny...but this is MB and music has definitely helped me with a lot of issues. One day when I was thinking about all this relationship crap, I played this and it really fit:

Freebase Dali 10-29-2010 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 949941)
Honestly, I would find relationships repulsive if someone did something like that to me. I've been ****ing around for a good while now since I broke up with my ex. I dated that girl for 4 years. I'm also the kind of guy that likes to be in relationships, I'm kind of looking around myself. At the same time, even if I really like a girl I end up imagining the relationship ending the same way my last one did and I become very apprehensive. If I'm having these kinds of concerns while my break up was relatively calm, I can't even imagine what you must be thinking.

I think the key has to be to just stop thinking so much about what something could become and just focus on what it is. Just go with it and take it day by day. My ex was the first really serious relationship I ever had, and I remember when I started dating her I just went with it. I didn't have these concerns, and I really didn't think about the future so much. I went with it and we had 3 really great years. I definitely don't regret those years. I think we have to try to start new relationships the same way as that.

Now, I'm going to do something really corny...but this is MB and music has definitely helped me with a lot of issues. One day when I was thinking about all this relationship crap, I played this and it really fit:

I don't think I'm traumatized by it or anything... I just think it's hilarious because of the situation, and I have no problem mentioning it. And I totally forgot to add the part about the fry cook appearing as though he had a slight touch of Down's syndrome. I'm talking like... maybe a little bit of his DNA was mutated, but not enough to be a full fledged Corky. Real morale booster right there.. I know...

Yea, maybe I am still hung up on that. I realize that that broad was just a really dirty slut. But I guess I just end up questioning whether my judgment should be trusted, seeing as how I almost married a Corky fucker.

FaSho 02-01-2011 07:42 PM

I need new shoes.
What should I get?

Burning Down 02-01-2011 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 996247)
I need new shoes.
What should I get?

They would totally suit you

FaSho 02-01-2011 08:20 PM

Yeah, that's totally my style.

Burning Down 02-01-2011 08:28 PM

Just kidding :D

s_k 02-02-2011 06:33 AM

Vans :D.

(come to think of it, I don't like boots or high heels on girls)

Burning Down 02-02-2011 06:46 AM

Vans are great. I still have a pair from four years ago. And they're cheaper then a good pair of running shoes, usually.

Dirty 02-02-2011 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 996247)
I need new shoes.
What should I get?

Timberland boat shoes.

I got me some. Mad comfy, bro.

ThePhanastasio 02-02-2011 06:49 AM

How about these?

s_k 02-02-2011 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 996507)
Vans are great. I still have a pair from four years ago. And they're cheaper then a good pair of running shoes, usually.

Well actually, they suck.
They walk just fine and they look great. But I pay about 50 dollars for a pair of checkered vans classic slip ons every year. It's knackered after half a year and after that I just keep walking on them for another half year. But there's hole in them in no time.

It's partly because I have my feet bent when I take pictures, pet animals and connect audio equipment. That's all I do, mainly :D.

I keep buying them though. This is my sixth pair. I don't like clothing/shoeshops, so I buy these at my record store :D.

Burning Down 02-02-2011 06:54 AM

I don't like the slip ons for that reason. I like the regular lace up shoes.

djchameleon 02-02-2011 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 996511)
Timberland boat shoes.

I got me some. Mad comfy, bro.

I need some new ones. The ones that I have now are more like sneaker soles and they suck when it comes to gripping the snow/ice.

s_k 02-02-2011 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 996518)
I don't like the slip ons for that reason. I like the regular lace up shoes.

I like being lazy :)

James 05-23-2011 04:04 PM

Have feelings for my best friend, anyone been in a situation like this before? What should I do?

s_k 05-23-2011 04:16 PM

Well... Take your time.
And perhaps read this through:

FRED HALE SR. 05-23-2011 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1058430)
Have feelings for my best friend, anyone been in a situation like this before? What should I do?

EvilChuck 05-23-2011 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1058430)
Have feelings for my best friend, anyone been in a situation like this before? What should I do?

We've all been in this situation. How likely is it she feels the same way (I'm assuming its a she, it was when it happened to me).

Bloozcrooz 05-23-2011 04:45 PM

Friends with benefits can still stll be friends. Id recommend at at least giving it a shot man.

Janszoon 05-23-2011 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1058464)
Friends with benefits can still stll be friends. Id recommend at at least giving it a shot man.

Yes, everyone.

djchameleon 05-23-2011 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1058430)
Have feelings for my best friend, anyone been in a situation like this before? What should I do?

you would know your best friend better than us.

Is she the type that would date a friend, has she in the past? you have to play it by ear and pick the right time to bring it up to her if she has.

Some girls don't like to date friends because if it turns out bad they think they will lose the friendship, which is stupid imo.

Dating a friend is the best thing because if it doesn't work out you can just transition back to being friends again. I have done it three times before.

Bloozcrooz 05-23-2011 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1058473)

:laughing: I wont make judment of your personal prefference of who you like to befriend Jans lol.

ThePhanastasio 05-23-2011 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1058430)
Have feelings for my best friend, anyone been in a situation like this before? What should I do?

I've had crushes on my good friends before, in addition to some of my best friends having crushes on me. Neither situation has ended badly; the worst case scenario was like a week of me being like, "Oh, shit, I'm going to act awkward around them and they can't see me acting awkward!" which led to about a week of semi-awkwardness. It wasn't devastating, just uncomfortable, and for a very brief time.

The thing is, usually if you're really close friends with someone, it's not going to come between you two. The worst that I've seen happen between close friends, like I said, is a brief period of awkwardness just because one or both of the people were concerned that things would be weird, when they really weren't; it was just psyching themselves out.

Also, as best friends, she will be concerned about your feelings, even if the feelings aren't returned. From my own personal experience, this isn't something which causes complete devastation. Like I said, again, just a little bit of awkwardness.

It basically comes down to, "Oh, they don't have the same feelings, and that blows, but I still like chilling with this person," and it was easier to get over because I was already their friend and content with that on some level.

And keep in mind, that's only if the feelings aren't returned, and it's still not complete devastation. If the feelings are returned, then KICK ASS! You've got a thing with someone with whom you actually like to talk and hang out!

Basically I guess what I'm saying is that if you really are that tight, the odds of it legitimately ending badly are probably one in a million. And the payoff if she digs you too - so worth it.

Dirty 05-23-2011 11:38 PM

James let me throw some golden knowledge your way since I am a genius

be realistic, do you have a real shot with her? if the answer is no, dont waste your time trying to win her over or impress her because you'll just dig deeper and depper into the friend zone until you can never climb out.

if the answer is yes, become slightly distant from her. and by that I mean don't always jump at the chance to hang out whenever she asks. it's like, if she asks you to go shopping or something 'friendly' decline. when you get a crush on someone you want to make a good impression on them and basically make them happy so you end up trying too hard and she realizes how happy she is with you... as a friend.

that was not golden advice, i lied, but there may be a small nugget of solid advice in there somewhere. im trying to tell you to be careful to not bury yourself in the friendzone cause it can sneak up on you like that. im saying dont do stuff like talk on facebook chat for 3 hours every night and dont ever give any advice on anything having to do with her relationships or previous relationships or anything to do with guys she likes.

i am dead serious right now when i tell you to start drinking. drink with her sometime, and see what happens. you're young enough where you can get drunk and act totally ridiculous or be fake drunk and make a move and blame it completely on the booze.

tl;dr get hammered around her, kiss her, dont become best friend

Howard the Duck 05-23-2011 11:57 PM

my best fren ended up getting me smashed and half-raping me

Bloozcrooz 05-24-2011 12:00 AM

I was waiting on that response from duce

Howard the Duck 05-24-2011 12:11 AM

^^she was a chubby chick BTW

Bloozcrooz 05-24-2011 12:17 AM

Fat chick...oh well thats terrible Duce im sorry to hear that

Howard the Duck 05-24-2011 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1058790)
Fat chick...oh well thats terrible Duce im sorry to hear that

nah it wasn't too bad - i didn't enter her, flaccid from all the drinking

she jacked me off

James 05-24-2011 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1058436)
Well... Take your time.
And perhaps read this through:

Female friend :|

James 05-24-2011 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by EvilChuck (Post 1058456)
We've all been in this situation. How likely is it she feels the same way (I'm assuming its a she, it was when it happened to me).

Not very likely tbh :(


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1058482)
you would know your best friend better than us.

Is she the type that would date a friend, has she in the past? you have to play it by ear and pick the right time to bring it up to her if she has.

Some girls don't like to date friends because if it turns out bad they think they will lose the friendship, which is stupid imo.

Dating a friend is the best thing because if it doesn't work out you can just transition back to being friends again. I have done it three times before.

I think there was a situation like this in the past with one of her old friends and she said no but I have some information from another friend of ors that makes it seem like she sort of feels a similiar way, but it might not be too reliable.


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1058570)
I've had crushes on my good friends before, in addition to some of my best friends having crushes on me. Neither situation has ended badly; the worst case scenario was like a week of me being like, "Oh, shit, I'm going to act awkward around them and they can't see me acting awkward!" which led to about a week of semi-awkwardness. It wasn't devastating, just uncomfortable, and for a very brief time.

The thing is, usually if you're really close friends with someone, it's not going to come between you two. The worst that I've seen happen between close friends, like I said, is a brief period of awkwardness just because one or both of the people were concerned that things would be weird, when they really weren't; it was just psyching themselves out.

Also, as best friends, she will be concerned about your feelings, even if the feelings aren't returned. From my own personal experience, this isn't something which causes complete devastation. Like I said, again, just a little bit of awkwardness.

It basically comes down to, "Oh, they don't have the same feelings, and that blows, but I still like chilling with this person," and it was easier to get over because I was already their friend and content with that on some level.

And keep in mind, that's only if the feelings aren't returned, and it's still not complete devastation. If the feelings are returned, then KICK ASS! You've got a thing with someone with whom you actually like to talk and hang out!

Basically I guess what I'm saying is that if you really are that tight, the odds of it legitimately ending badly are probably one in a million. And the payoff if she digs you too - so worth it.

Thanks, this really helped :)

s_k 05-24-2011 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1058805)
Female friend :|


Howard the Duck 05-24-2011 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1058814)

i don't think he's either gay or bi

djchameleon 05-24-2011 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1058780)
my best fren ended up getting me smashed and half-raping me

you can't rape the willing

James 05-24-2011 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1058814)

The friend I like is a girl. I'm not gay.

s_k 05-24-2011 08:44 AM

And how is that a responce to what I said?

James 05-24-2011 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1058925)
And how is that a responce to what I said?

You told me to read a thread about sexual orientation?

Anyway guys, what do you take from this kind of jokish thing like what happened today....
We both had a geography exam and when I got out she was standing outside with her friend. I walk past and she calls me back.
Her:You're just going to walk past without asking how my exam went and hugging me?
Me:Oops, sorry. How'd it go.
Her:It was okay thanks, what about you?
Me:Same, I think I did alright.
Her:Oh you have a loose thread on your jumper *reaches down and grabs it*
Me:Oh I know, I need to give it a cut
Her:You know anyone behind us is going to think I am playing with your cock
Her friend:That's probably what you want them to think, actually that's probably what you want to do
Her:Obviously, haha.
Me:*laughs* bye *leaves*

Is that flirty? Or am I looking too far into these things?

s_k 05-24-2011 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1058929)
You told me to read a thread about sexual orientation?

You might want to click the link mate. It's linking to a posting in which I tell how I usually tell my female friends what I feel for them.


Originally Posted by James (Post 1058929)
Is that flirty? Or am I looking too far into these things?

Well maybe I'm looking too far into these things, but if you were to ask me I'd say you're friggin' blind.
Anyway, if stuff keeps going at this rate you won't have to ask anything. Seems this is heading in the right direction anyways. Just keep in touch, make clear you're interested in her person and it should work out just fine.

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