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Old 05-31-2018, 08:10 PM   #51601 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I don't know, maybe the therapist or parents or whoever relayed this information to you just doesn't want to be honest and tell you the truth that this kid has serious issues.
I went back and read the original post

The 4yo I nanny had a big meltdown tantrum today, which happens almost daily with his parents, but has only happened a few times with me. He does get aggressive - kicking, scratching, etc., but while his parents put up with it (and in many ways enable it) I do not. So today after he had done his damage to me I told him I wasn't going to let him hurt my body, so he screams at me "if I can't do it to you I'll do it to myself!" He then drops trou, pulls out his baby penis, and just goes to down on it, pinching and scratching and pulling on it violently.

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Old 05-31-2018, 08:48 PM   #51602 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lisnaholic View Post
^ Yeah, x2 on that Trollheart. Sometimes it's difficult to know which is worse; being the sick person drugged up to the eyeballs or being the relative-in-waiting.
Also ghastly before reaching the hospital when it's down to you to make the call and decide, Yes, this is an emergency... just horrible. I'm so glad that you and Karen have pulled through.
Thanks Lisna. It's really more you have to make the call to, um, call the ambulance. That's when you think: oh ****! Here we go again! Another [insert a number of hours not less than ten here] of waiting and getting nothing done. But we had to go. And then it was ANOTHER full day there the second time. Not to mention the three hours wait for the ambulance to arrive (did I mention it was three hours wait for the ambulance? Three solid hours!) and when, on the second day, I called her GP to see if he could do anything, considering the pain she was in, his attitude was "so what do you want me to do? We close at seven, I'll be up after that." This was at just before four o'clock. I phoned back and said, don't bother, we're going back to the hospital.

In retrospect, everyone but me was right, and if they had just given us the pain meds then it might not have been as bad. But with the information I had, that was the call I had to make.

^ That sounds pretty awful too, Qwerty. I hope you are eating carefully and that you get some appropriate treatment soon. In the end, (oops, sorry about that), in the end some unpleasant probing is a price worth paying, right?

Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
Glad things worked out for the best Troll!
Thanks man.
Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post
GSM? Isn't that something to do with phones?
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Old 05-31-2018, 08:50 PM   #51603 (permalink)
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Troll, sorry I haven't read the origin post of what happened, but I'm sending my regards regardless. I'll read the post when I'm on a computer but I genuinely hope things are at least going in the right direction. You're a saint when it comes to your sister, I know that much based on other replies I saw. And just in general tbf.
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Old 05-31-2018, 08:56 PM   #51604 (permalink)
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Oh man! I forgot the postscript!
Karen comes home, looking a lot better (second day, well, third really as it was Wednesday morning) and the nurses, and the doctor I spoke to, have promised they'll give me a prescription for Tramadol, great for the pain. I sign the form and ask the ambulance guy where's the prescription, he says no, they asked THREE TIMES was there any prescription to bring back and were told no. I ring the nurse, she says oh **** we forgot it (how can you forget when someone has ASKED YOU THREE ****ING TIMES???) so we'll fax it to her GP. GP don't have fax (they're living in the 21st century, while the hospital thinks it's the 1980s). Email it to us, the doc says, but no, the hospital don't have or use email with attachments.

So this is what you have: one entity completely outdated trying to communicate with another who is totally up to date, then the up to date one trying to communicate with the one that is outdated. The final suggestion? We can post it. POST IT?? (Mail it, for you Americans) - that could take two days! I need it NOW!

So in the end, I have to get on a bus, go pick the prescription up from the hospital, go to the chemist, get it filled, bring it back. Oh, and they forgot to send home her fan too, so I had to pick that up also. Not the first time that's happened!
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Old 05-31-2018, 08:57 PM   #51605 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kiiii View Post
Troll, sorry I haven't read the origin post of what happened, but I'm sending my regards regardless. I'll read the post when I'm on a computer but I genuinely hope things are at least going in the right direction. You're a saint when it comes to your sister, I know that much based on other replies I saw. And just in general tbf.
Thanks Ki. Always appreciated. And if I'm a saint, well all I can say is they must be having some real fire sale on them there halos!
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Old 05-31-2018, 09:00 PM   #51606 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Oh man! I forgot the postscript!
Karen comes home, looking a lot better (second day, well, third really as it was Wednesday morning) and the nurses, and the doctor I spoke to, have promised they'll give me a prescription for Tramadol, great for the pain. I sign the form and ask the ambulance guy where's the prescription, he says no, they asked THREE TIMES was there any prescription to bring back and were told no. I ring the nurse, she says oh **** we forgot it (how can you forget when someone has ASKED YOU THREE ****ING TIMES???) so we'll fax it to her GP. GP don't have fax (they're living in the 21st century, while the hospital thinks it's the 1980s). Email it to us, the doc says, but no, the hospital don't have or use email with attachments.

So this is what you have: one entity completely outdated trying to communicate with another who is totally up to date, then the up to date one trying to communicate with the one that is outdated. The final suggestion? We can post it. POST IT?? (Mail it, for you Americans) - that could take two days! I need it NOW!

So in the end, I have to get on a bus, go pick the prescription up from the hospital, go to the chemist, get it filled, bring it back. Oh, and they forgot to send home her fan too, so I had to pick that up also. Not the first time that's happened!
How is chemistry going to help you? What you need is a pharmacist.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 05-31-2018, 09:00 PM   #51607 (permalink)
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I actually like that for recreation but it doesn’t do **** for pain (for me at least)

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Old 05-31-2018, 09:28 PM   #51608 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
How is chemistry going to help you? What you need is a pharmacist.

Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post
I actually like that for recreation but it doesn’t do **** for pain (for me at least)
Cleared her right up. That's all I care about.
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Old 05-31-2018, 09:31 PM   #51609 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post
I actually like that for recreation but it doesn’t do **** for pain (for me at least)
Lol I have a friend who's really into it and I've tried it 5-10 times but it just made me sleepy. I've fought the sleep and it was still boring.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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Old 05-31-2018, 09:33 PM   #51610 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Your Day? More like Your Week! Or almost. Anyway, we went up to vote Friday (YAY for the YES vote!) and on returning Karen felt iffy so I got her doctor to come up to see her. Meh, nothing wrong says he and off he goes. A few hours later she's feeling worse, so I summoned D-Doc, the out-of-hours emergency doctor service. This doctor says, well, might be a urinary tract infection (UTI – a kidney infection to you) but we can't get a urine sample as she's in bed and not catheterised, so sure we'll wait and see. Wait and see my arse. She was in pain. So I had to scour the city looking for a chemist (pharmacy to you) who stocked phosphate enemas. No, it's nothing to do with my sex life. Karen occasionally needs these when she's, well, blocked up, and the symptoms were all there. So after trying three chemists who hadn't got them, I finally managed to purchase the enemas. Cost me thirty quid on a taxi but there you go.

Went back and did the deed. Man, I do not want to have to clean that kind of thing up again! Usually I do the enema and her carers clean her up, but this was late at night (10 pm) so no dice. Down to me. I hadn't any facemask so I had to make one out of a pillowcase, and had it tied so tightly on my face that my nose was actually hurting. Hard to breathe too, but then I guess that's part of the point. Anyhoo, did that and she felt better right away. Next day, no problem. Come Sunday, she was feeling worse (again) so I got another doctor up. He prescribed her some antibiotics but the next morning there was no change, in fact she was worse, so hi ho hi ho it's off to A&E we go. About 12:30 in the day we left, and were in A&E till 11 pm – well, I was: I had to go home to get something to eat and get some sleep. They promised they'd call me to let me know what the deal was. And they did. 6:30 AM I get a call to say she's ok and she's ready to go home, can I come up and get her? So I tell them I've no transport, and I can't arrange any at half six in the morning; they'll have to arrange an ambulance to bring her home. 11 AM she arrives back, and she looks terrible! As she comes out of the ambulance she moans “I don't feel right” but what can I do? They won't take her back, so I have to have her brought in and put to bed.

For the next few hours she is in AGONY! I mean, she is CRYING with the pain, squeezing my hand, gasping, grimacing. Doesn't look better, in fact she looks worse. So I call the hospital and ask can she not be admitted, and they tell me look, you can bring her back but chances are they won't take her in. So I say let's see how she is for the afternoon. Anyone want to guess? Yeah, come 4 PM I'm calling an ambulance again. THREE HOURS later it arrives! We spend the next TWELVE HOURS in A&E with virtually no attention (they don't like people, it seems, who go back up after they've been discharged) and eventually a doctor sees us at 3:30 AM, tells us that she can give us some strong pain medication for Karen but that again it's highly unlikely that she will be admitted. They'll keep her overnight, she says, so I say right: I can't sleep on this chair with this blanket wrapped around me so I'm going home. Karen is at this point a good deal better due to the pain meds they've already given her, and she is basically asleep.

The next morning I check and I'm told, yeah, they're just waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Finally comes at 11:45 AM and she's looking so much better. From there on it's just a case of slow improvement and she's feeling much better now. The antibiotics kicked in, the pain is gone and now she's very much on the mend. So in the end I feel a bit foolish for having brought her back up to the hospital, but what could I do? She was in agony. I thought maybe they got it wrong, missed something you know? Still, all's well that ends down a well. But what a few days! Thank you, Irish health system.
You went with your instincts and that resulted in her eventually getting the care she needed. I think any of us that were in your shoes would have done or tried to do the very same thing you did. You were looking out for her well being and that counts a lot. So again, yes you're a saint. And send my good wishes to Karen as well. Hope she cotinues to do well.
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