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Trollheart 02-28-2023 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2228872)
What on earth is wrong with your reading comprehension?

Not a thing. You're talking about rape in prison, for some reason. I'm talking about the word transgender being deliberately - and incorrectly - juxtaposed beside the word rapist. If you're agreeing with me that that is wrong, then you have a funny way of showing it.

The Batlord 02-28-2023 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2228884)
Not a thing. You're talking about rape in prison, for some reason. I'm talking about the word transgender being deliberately - and incorrectly - juxtaposed beside the word rapist. If you're agreeing with me that that is wrong, then you have a funny way of showing it.

Now stay with me. The thing the article is pearl clutching about is the possibility of this trans woman raping other women in prison. If pressed the writer would presumably claim she was not bigoted towards trans people and only concerned with public safety. Therefore for them to not just be a bigot they should also be concerned with rape in prison in general.

Trollheart 02-28-2023 07:47 PM

I agree, as I said. I'm just saying that the title, the headline, misrepresents the actual crime. I don't have an opinion on whether trans people who commit crimes should be incarcerated in men's or women's prisons - I really don't know, and I agree with you that it could be problematical either way. All I'm concerned with though is that the headline is clickbait and will attract the far right crowd and the hatemongers and they'll all point the finger.

SGR 02-28-2023 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2228885)
Now stay with me. The thing the article is pearl clutching about is the possibility of this trans woman raping other women in prison. If pressed the writer would presumably claim she was not bigoted towards trans people and only concerned with public safety. Therefore for them to not just be a bigot they should also be concerned with rape in prison in general.

yeah, my money's on the writer doesn't give a **** about dudes raping other dudes in prison.

jwb 03-05-2023 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2228854)
My point is that if they're so concerned with prison rape and not just fear mongering about trans people that they should also care about rape in men's prisons.

isn't the entire reason they segregate the prisons into different sexes based on the presumption that the men pose a threat to the women?

jwb 03-05-2023 11:51 PM

I feel like the prison thing is somewhat reasonable especially since you are dealing with criminals. They shouldn't go to men's prison either though. We need to build a new trans only super-prison with separate wingsv for all 72+ genders and send all of the nation's trans convicts to that one facility. It's the only reasonable solution.

I do think with the bathroom thing though l feel like people are full of **** when they pretend it's about safety since if it was we would have young boys use the women's room since it's obviously safer. Instead we send them into the piss soaked lion's den that is the public men's room.

WWWP 03-05-2023 11:54 PM

I remember my little cousin’s were timed when they went to the bathroom at McDonalds or something. My aunt was like “if they’re not back in five minutes I’m going in.” Even then I remember thinking about all that could happen in five minutes in a men’s room.

jwb 03-06-2023 01:33 AM

The Batlord 03-06-2023 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2229234)
isn't the entire reason they segregate the prisons into different sexes based on the presumption that the men pose a threat to the women?

I'd be willing to put $5 down on it being a Victorian era prude thing about fraternization.

jwb 03-06-2023 01:03 PM

Big spender over here.

The Batlord 03-06-2023 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2229274)
Big spender over here.

I mean come on they invented Corn Flakes to stop mental patients from masturbating cause that was apparently the most pressing concern. Do you really think the people who created the modern prison system were more concerned with safety than regulating the morality of the underclasses?

jwb 03-06-2023 02:04 PM

Maybe not but i just think all those forms of sexual segregation are in place to protect women, not men. Maybe the original rationale was different but if we were to debate getting rid of those forms of segregation today the arguments in favor of not doing so would all center around either protecting women from men physically or giving them their own sports leagues so they can compete, etc.

The Batlord 03-06-2023 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2229277)
Maybe not but i just think all those forms of sexual segregation are in place to protect women, not men. Maybe the original rationale was different but if we were to debate getting rid of those forms of segregation today the arguments in favor of not doing so would all center around either protecting women from men physically or giving them their own sports leagues so they can compete, etc.

And my point is that regardless, "protecting women" is either a post-hoc rationalization or a feint to cover for more insidious pseudo-moralizing. If there's an actual problem then it can be dealt with as an actual problem rather than concern trolling about imaginary boogeymen.

SGR 03-06-2023 02:18 PM

Corn flakes were invented in Victorian England?

jwb 03-06-2023 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2229279)
And my point is that regardless, "protecting women" is either a post-hoc rationalization or a feint to cover for more insidious pseudo-moralizing. If there's an actual problem then it can be dealt with as an actual problem rather than concern trolling about imaginary boogeymen.

I don't think it's as important as you do what the original rationale was. What's more important to me is the pragmatic purpose it currently serves. I'm sure there are all sorts of things we still use that were created based on outdated thinking but we still use them if they work.

So the more interesting question is what are you saying, that there's better ways to organize it and address those problems than sexual segregation? I can't really tell where you stand.

I think like I said they only protect women so it won't affect me if they integrate any of this ****, but I can see why they might want to keep it separate.

But it depends on which issue we mean. I think the bathroom thing could fairly easily be integrated if we had a less prudish society but again, I also think it would be primarily women who have a problem with it.

As far as prisons go, men's prison is so much more of a violent place than women's prison. It feels like throwing lions and gazelles into the same prison.

As for sports, I really could care less. Do steroids. Take hormones. Get CTE. Anything to win!

djchameleon 03-06-2023 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 2228855)
What you've just described sounds almost as boring as American football.

not true :bonkhead:


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2228856)

Regardess of whether this person is incarcerated - even if this was the trial beforehand - my belief is the word "transgender" should not scream from the headline, certainly not right beside "rapist".

This is a similar tactic of like Fox News where they want to scare their audience and shock them with outrage. I agree with you that it TG doesn't need to be included but of course they want to rile up a certain audience.


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2228862)
soccer hockey lacrosse etc

I was in agreement until you mentioned hockey. Hockey is kind of exciting for all the rough checking that goes on but yeah other net sports are pretty boring/lame.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2228885)
Now stay with me. The thing the article is pearl clutching about is the possibility of this trans woman raping other women in prison. If pressed the writer would presumably claim she was not bigoted towards trans people and only concerned with public safety. Therefore for them to not just be a bigot they should also be concerned with rape in prison in general.

that's disingenuous and giving that writer more credit than it's worth. :nono:


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2228886)
I agree, as I said. I'm just saying that the title, the headline, misrepresents the actual crime. I don't have an opinion on whether trans people who commit crimes should be incarcerated in men's or women's prisons - I really don't know, and I agree with you that it could be problematical either way. All I'm concerned with though is that the headline is clickbait and will attract the far right crowd and the hatemongers and they'll all point the finger.

You are right to be concerned about that because that was their intention.

jwb 03-06-2023 06:48 PM

Patrice used to call hockey "snow soccer"

The Batlord 03-06-2023 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2229282)
I don't think it's as important as you do what the original rationale was. What's more important to me is the pragmatic purpose it currently serves. I'm sure there are all sorts of things we still use that were created based on outdated thinking but we still use them if they work.

So the more interesting question is what are you saying, that there's better ways to organize it and address those problems than sexual segregation? I can't really tell where you stand.

I think like I said they only protect women so it won't affect me if they integrate any of this ****, but I can see why they might want to keep it separate.

But it depends on which issue we mean. I think the bathroom thing could fairly easily be integrated if we had a less prudish society but again, I also think it would be primarily women who have a problem with it.

As far as prisons go, men's prison is so much more of a violent place than women's prison. It feels like throwing lions and gazelles into the same prison.

As for sports, I really could care less. Do steroids. Take hormones. Get CTE. Anything to win!

Again, you're assuming there's an issue in need of dealing with. Going on hormones has a massive effect on just about every part of a trans person, from their mental to their emotional to their physical state. The conservative narrative takes for granted that men and women are completely unchangeable and that therefore a trans woman is just a standard dude in drag, which is absolutely not the case.

jwb 03-06-2023 10:42 PM

So you're saying you agree with the segregation but not by sex but by gender identity instead? Or would you completely integrate any of these institutions?

Synthgirl 03-06-2023 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2229319)
Again, you're assuming there's an issue in need of dealing with. Going on hormones has a massive effect on just about every part of a trans person, from their mental to their emotional to their physical state. The conservative narrative takes for granted that men and women are completely unchangeable and that therefore a trans woman is just a standard dude in drag, which is absolutely not the case.

Yup. Even when I was living and presenting as male, I was never what anyone would call masculine. Trans healthcare and being able to exist as my real identity has completely removed everything about me that conservatives would consider to be masculine traits.* Obviously not every trans woman is me, but in my experience most of us want nothing to do with manhood.

Spoiler for “Secrets!”:

And even though I haven’t had bottom surgery yet, my downstairs is a shriveled up mess that barely works at all. I literally couldn’t assault a woman if I tried. Not sure if that’s the common experience though.

The Batlord 03-06-2023 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2229320)
So you're saying you agree with the segregation but not by sex but by gender identity instead? Or would you completely integrate any of these institutions?

I support the current societal arc of our gender segregation no longer being based on biological sex, but whatever comes beyond that I'm not currently super concerned with cause as a society we're barely at accepting trans people at all. But I am totally down with further gender abolition in whatever form that might take.

jwb 03-07-2023 12:21 AM

You have a very vague way of speaking.

To be clear the answer to my initial question was yes? You still think segregation is warranted but based on gender identity instead of sex? Or is the segregation itself just unnecessary?

The Batlord 03-07-2023 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2229324)
You have a very vague way of speaking.

To be clear the answer to my initial question was yes? You still think segregation is warranted but based on gender identity instead of sex? Or is the segregation itself just unnecessary?

Well the things you believe can be described by a monkey whereas I am a leftist talking to a monkey and have to worry about wild conspiratorial interpretations of ideas which are often abstract and/or non-traditional. Have a banana and stfu.

Now, to answer your question, I don't particularly value sex segregation in general but I also am not crusading against it, so McDonald's bathrooms are not really a concern for me aside from opposing anti-trans legislation about bathrooms, but if one day our culture changes to the point that people start asking if gender segregated bathrooms are necessary then I'm cool with that conversation so long as it's not a fascist dog whistle conversation.

djchameleon 03-07-2023 08:14 AM

Micheal Knowles this idiot. :bonkhead:


Michael Knowles, the host of ”The Michael Knowles Show” on The Daily Wire, gave a speech at CPAC that, at moments, sounded genocidal. “The problem with transgenderism is not that it’s inappropriate for children under the age of 9,” he said. “The problem with transgenderism is that it isn’t true.”

“If [transgenderism] is false, then for the good of society... transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely,” he said.

They are so fixated on making transgenders out to be like they are predators preying on children which is weird and speaks more about them. They are probably chasers in secret.


The Batlord 03-07-2023 09:50 AM

At least his friends probably call him a Mexican behind his back.

Janszoon 03-07-2023 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2229351)
Knowles: "being Mexican is false"


jwb 03-07-2023 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2229325)
Well the things you believe can be described by a monkey whereas I am a leftist talking to a monkey and have to worry about wild conspiratorial interpretations of ideas which are often abstract and/or non-traditional. Have a banana and stfu.

Now, to answer your question, I don't particularly value sex segregation in general but I also am not crusading against it, so McDonald's bathrooms are not really a concern for me aside from opposing anti-trans legislation about bathrooms, but if one day our culture changes to the point that people start asking if gender segregated bathrooms are necessary then I'm cool with that conversation so long as it's not a fascist dog whistle conversation.

1) one monkey stocks the bananas and another monkey eats them. Don't ever get the false impression that you can pose as an intellectual to me like I'm buying that **** for a second. You're just another **** slinger.

2) you picked the easiest example though. Plenty of countries have unisex bathrooms and I already said I agree that's not a crazy idea. I tried googling and I don't see any information on countries that have unisex prisons. Any comment on that topic?

You say you're theoretically ok with the discussion of its not couched in dog whistles but I haven't been dog whistling at all. I have been much more clear than you have. And it's not because you are being too nuanced it's because you're hiding behind vague answers for something you probably haven't even fleshed out your views on.

The Batlord 03-07-2023 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2229371)
1) one monkey stocks the bananas and another monkey eats them. Don't ever get the false impression that you can pose as an intellectual to me like I'm buying that **** for a second. You're just another **** slinger.

2) you picked the easiest example though. Plenty of countries have unisex bathrooms and I already said I agree that's not a crazy idea. I tried googling and I don't see any information on countries that have unisex prisons. Any comment on that topic?

You say you're theoretically ok with the discussion of its not couched in dog whistles but I haven't been dog whistling at all. I have been much more clear than you have. And it's not because you are being too nuanced it's because you're hiding behind vague answers for something you probably haven't even fleshed out your views on.

The opposite of a monkey isn't an intellectual and you keep proving my point that I can't say anything vaguely non-traditional (I.e. trans prisoners shouldn't be discriminated against via biological sex) without you leaping to conspiracies that I'm hellbent on abolishing anything based on gender cause you're too much of a monkey to contemplate any discussion about gender.

I mean the only way you can have any kind of nuanced position on this is for it not to affect you personally and therefore you don't care rather than having an actual nuanced thought cause you're a stupid monkey whose thoughts don't progress farther than your dip**** father.

WWWP 03-07-2023 10:56 PM


This is like watching toddlers have the “my mommy” fight.

“My mommy.”

“No MY mommy!”

Because they’re too stupid to realize they both have mommies

The Batlord 03-15-2023 09:10 AM

I'm not going to explain how I came upon an article on The American Conservative titled "If Lenin Had Been Trans" but it introduced to my lexicon the term "triple-Hitler move" and I am going to start using it extensively.

Marie Monday 03-15-2023 02:51 PM

I want to know what a triple-Hitler move is but I don't want to read the article. Please explain

The Batlord 03-15-2023 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Marie Monday (Post 2230091)
I want to know what a triple-Hitler move is but I don't want to read the article. Please explain

A thing Hitler would do. Googling leads only to this article so I guess the writer is some sort of genius.

Janszoon 03-15-2023 04:57 PM

Maybe it’s when you lose two world wars and an Olympics.

Trollheart 03-15-2023 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 2230104)
Maybe it’s when you lose two world wars and an Olympics.


Or when your art is so bad that the only way you can get it displayed is to invade the rest of Europe and force them to show it!

The Batlord 03-15-2023 08:29 PM

If I ever get rich I'm absolutely buying Hitler paintings to dodge taxes.

Edit: Wtf the highest a Hitler painting has ever sold for is 12k. That's mind boggling.

Janszoon 03-15-2023 08:54 PM

Bind moggling.

Psy-Fi 05-26-2023 06:04 AM

Malaysia raids Swatch stores and seizes rainbow pride watches

Concept-V 05-27-2023 10:38 PM

So are you wokesters happy about Perversion month coming up?

The Batlord 05-27-2023 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Concept-V (Post 2233024)
So are you wokesters happy about Perversion month coming up?

Dear mods,

Is this Norg?

Thank you, ***got

Psy-Fi 05-28-2023 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Concept-V (Post 2233024)
So are you wokesters happy about Perversion month coming up?

Kinky is using a feather during sex.

Perverted is using the entire bird.

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