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Key 09-13-2015 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1634633)
The graphics card is a AMD Radeon HD6670, I think it's kind of an average graphics card so don't know how well it would play a game like that.

Upgrade to a GTX 960 or 980. The minute I upgraded to a 960, I've never looked back.

Unknown Soldier 09-13-2015 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1634649)
Upgrade to a GTX 960 or 980. The minute I upgraded to a 960, I've never looked back.

Hell the 960 is around £160 here and the 980 is almost £400 :confused:

The Batlord 09-13-2015 03:18 PM

I barely had the fortitude to make it through the evil space zombie androids, but now I'm at the medical center and I don't wanna play anymore. The alien just dropped from the ceiling and I think I'm gonna just spend the next five minutes or so hiding under a bed to try and figure out if the alien has some kind of pattern. Really though I'm just cowering in terror.

Unknown Soldier 09-13-2015 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1634622)
I'd say the PS4 but that's because none of the exclusives to the Xbone interest me in the slightest whereas the PS4 (or as it will be known in my house, the Bloodborne machine) has 4. Sony also didn't fuck around with their announcement, tripping over their words and then announcing all those bullshit DRM always-online "features". Also the PS4 is objectively more powerful but I don't really know if that matters.

All that said though, if the Xbone has the titles that interest you then you might as well get that, I mean there's no point in buying a console and not playing any games for it because none of them interest you.

Are you thinking of the 500GB or the 1TB PS4?

The Batlord 09-13-2015 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1634674)
I barely had the fortitude to make it through the evil space zombie androids, but now I'm at the medical center and I don't wanna play anymore. The alien just dropped from the ceiling and I think I'm gonna just spend the next five minutes or so hiding under a bed to try and figure out if the alien has some kind of pattern. Really though I'm just cowering in terror.

Update: TFW there's a vent right under you, but it needs power to open, and there are no Rewire Systems anywhere on the map. **** you, game designers.

5 seconds after the first update: And I am dead. The safety of the bed lulled me into a false sense of security.

Unknown Soldier 09-13-2015 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1634691)
Update: TFW there's a vent right under you, but it needs power to open, and there are no Rewire Systems anywhere on the map. **** you, game designers.

5 seconds after the first update: And I am dead. The safety of the bed lulled me into a false sense of security.

Ranting to yourself is not helping either.

The Batlord 09-13-2015 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1634695)
Ranting to yourself is not helping either.

It comforts me to keep everyone up-to-date on my ordeal. I really think I could get into doing Youtube playthroughs for horror games, as I could pretend I'm talking to someone while playing. And I already have my own built-in schtick.

Last save was before the plot point that summons the alien, so I am now exploring the area where I died, whereas I had previously just gone to where I was going without deviating from my course at all. I have now powered the vents and prepared the area for war, with escape routes plotted out in my mind. In a few minutes, it's gonna be on. Hold me.

Unknown Soldier 09-13-2015 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1634697)
It comforts me to keep everyone up-to-date on my ordeal. I really think I could get into doing Youtube playthroughs for horror games, as I could pretend I'm talking to someone while playing. And I already have my own built-in schtick.

Last save was before the plot point that summons the alien, so I am now exploring the area where I died, whereas I had previously just gone to where I was going without deviating from my course at all. I have now powered the vents and prepared the area for war, with escape routes plotted out in my mind. In a few minutes, it's gonna be on. Hold me.

I think you'd be great doing youtube walkthroughs and I strongly recommend giving it go.

The Batlord 09-13-2015 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1634702)
I think you'd be great doing youtube walkthroughs and I strongly recommend giving it go.

I would honestly totally give it a shot, but the hardware for recording that **** (game video recording hardware, a decent mic for audio commentary, and preferably a better camera than my ****ty laptop one, since I'm too narcissistic to do all of that and not put my face up on the screen) would run me probably between $250-$300 at least. Unfortunately, even if I had that kinda dough, I would have other things I needed to spend it on. I suppose I could just do some ghetto **** where I point my laptop camera at the screen, but that would suck and I wouldn't be able to use headphones, which would blow.

The Batlord 09-13-2015 07:04 PM

Holy ****ing god. I was hanging out in the vents under the floor of the medical center for like twenty minutes, looking for a perfect opportunity to come out and make a crouched run for it that never occurred. So I waited until the alien was semi-far away, but still in line of sight of where I wanted it to look, and threw a flare through the open vent door... which hit the side of the vent and landed right on the main floor next to the vent door.

I ran like a bitch to the other side of the vents, only to find that I had gone the wrong way, making me go BACK under the fail vent, and then over to the other side of the map, where I YOLO'd it and just made for the door I had been aiming for this whole time.

Made it... somehow.

And now I can feel my heartbeat. Even though I never even saw the alien after it first dropped from the ceiling all those minutes ago. **** me, this game is so stressful.

The Batlord 09-13-2015 09:21 PM

Just FYI, I know I'm talking a lot about how miserable I am playing Alien: Isolation (and I am totally, completely miserable), but I'm so into playing it, that the fact that I'm not having fun in the conventional sense is irrelevant. It's like Metal Machine Music or some other kind of unpleasant music: it's not "enjoyable", but's it's such an immersive and intense experience that I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's all about feeling something more than what boring, day-to-day life zaps from you.

God I hate this game in the best possible way, and I can't wait to beat it and play survival mode just so I can play around with the alien without the distractions of "plot".

Edit: God dam it, I just realized that I'd been procrastinating at a very hateful part of the game, and now I have nothing else to do but hit "Resume Game". I only went for a cigarette break not even an hour ago, but I want another one all the same. I think I'll go for one anyway, just to psyche myself up.

And yeah, I'm not at all ashamed to admit I'm a ****ing pussy. But at least I'm not LiL's purse holder.

LoathsomePete 09-13-2015 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1634650)
Hell the 960 is around £160 here and the 980 is almost £400 :confused:

The 980 has a higher core/boost clock speed and is 256 bit. The 980 is made for very intensive gaming, especially at higher than 1080p resolution. If you want to game at 1080 than the 960 or even 950 are probably the better bets for price-to-performance. Just gotta make sure your PSU and motherboard can handle them.


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1634677)
Are you thinking of the 500GB or the 1TB PS4?

Apparently I bought one on Wednesday when I was drunk, and settled on the 500GB one. I don't plan on using it for much outside of a few specific games a year and if I need to I can always buy a new hard drive for it.

If you were to get one I'd wait for the Christmas release and see about getting the 1TB one, or to get a sweet deal on a 500GB one.

The Batlord 09-13-2015 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1634734)
If you were to get one I'd wait for the Christmas release and see about getting the 1TB one, or to get a sweet deal on a 500GB one.

I think I might take this advice and wait for a Black Friday/Christmas Eve sale. Saving up for an XBone at this point is a bit late in the game (a PS4 is unthinkable due to Arkham Knight) but I can't see myself waiting an entire year for one, and I'm not about to pony up $500 dollars.

Also, I've been wondering forever, but is that a Judge Dredd avatar?

LoathsomePete 09-13-2015 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1634736)
I think I might take this advice and wait for a Black Friday/Christmas Eve sale. Saving up for an XBone at this point is a bit late in the game (a PS4 is unthinkable due to Arkham Knight) but I can't see myself waiting an entire year for one, and I'm not about to pony up $500 dollars.

If you're feeling gambly you can take a chance on CL around the end of/ beginning of the month. I see a lot of people selling them to make ends meet so you can save and not have to pay tax. If you go this route I would highly recommend trying to put some kind of warranty plan on it though because if it dies you're fucked.

The Batlord 09-13-2015 10:35 PM

Don't care if people are sick of my A:I talk, but I just need to get this **** out due to stress and, you guessed it, isolation...

TFW you finally decide to make that beeline for your objective after five minutes of dubious safety, only to hear, *thump, thump, thump* and then frantically make for the only "safety" possible: the notoriously unsafe locker. Worked, but I hated every second of it.

But dear god was I grateful afterward to make a pussyass detour into a random room out of pure fear of continuing straight on, only to find an unexpected save point. I hadn't saved in so long that a death would have been like a kick to the nuts. Like, rage quit kind of game hate.

I don't know how I've made it this long with only one death (all those Youtube vids from Markiplier and Pewdiepie in the medical station clearly showed at least five deaths a piece on this one part alone) so I'm feeling pretty good about my vaginal hiding in one spot for five/ten/??? minutes before venturing out like a scared rabbit.

I seriously spent at least five minutes under several desks in one room after I made it past the door *spoiler!* where I had to enter the code from Morley's office. Previously I'd spent several minutes under a bed in a room not twenty feet away, then made my way to the aforementioned room, only to camp for what seemed like forever (while being terrorized at least once by the feet of the alien approaching within two feet of my deskular hiding place) before continuing on to the next plot point.

After which my terror forced me to go all the way back to the room from the above paragraph (to of course be terrorized again by the feet of the alien) until I checked the map and realized that I'd forgotten an item/weapon of some sort and a map update. Thank god I found the courage to venture forth once again, as I'd previously missed the blueprint to the noisemaker in an earlier part of the game, and was blessed by the metal gods to find that the item/weapon was the noisemaker mark II.

I've watched enough Youtube playthroughs to know that this is the most important item in the game, and so I was feeling mighty exposed without it (no matter how many flashbangs and smoke bombs I'd constructed). So with the noisemaker and a save station, I'm feeling totally rejuvenated (i.e. marginally less liable to piss myself) and ready to do this ****.

Come on, you H.R. Geiger reject! I ain't scurred (I'm totally scurred).


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1634737)
If you're feeling gambly you can take a chance on CL around the end of/ beginning of the month. I see a lot of people selling them to make ends meet so you can save and not have to pay tax. If you go this route I would highly recommend trying to put some kind of warranty plan on it though because if it dies you're fucked.

CL? I haven't been keeping up with gaming ****, so I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Is the XBone unreliable hardware or something?

Edit: God damn it! I'm wearing headphones with the volume up as loud as the voice acting will allow, and the alien's footsteps are so loud I can feel them in my skull. I'd say I'm sick of hiding under desks, but that would be a lie.

LoathsomePete 09-13-2015 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1634739)

CL? I haven't been keeping up with gaming ****, so I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Is the XBone unreliable hardware or something?

Edit: God damn it! I'm wearing headphones with the volume up as loud as the voice acting will allow, and the alien's footsteps are so loud I can feel them in my skull. I'd say I'm sick of hiding under desks, but that would be a lie.


Key 09-14-2015 12:46 AM

I hopped into a 2v2 match on Rocket League and actually ended up adding all three people I was playing with to my friends list on Steam. It's not every day you get into a server where everybody is on their A-game. We all had a really good time, and every single game went into overtime, and even the overtime games were close games. Definitely a good 3-4 hours spent.

The Batlord 09-14-2015 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1634744)

**** you.

Mr. Charlie 09-14-2015 11:26 AM

Played Rez HD over the weekend. Had almost forgotten how good it is. And what an amazing soundtrack. It made me wanna drop shrooms.

Unknown Soldier 09-14-2015 02:13 PM

Currently playing these in an attempt to finish all the games I have before moving onto a next gen machine:

on 360- Mass Effect 3 and Gears of War Judgement Day

on PS3- GTA V and Battlefield 4

DwnWthVwls 09-14-2015 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie (Post 1634792)
Played Rez HD over the weekend. Had almost forgotten how good it is. And what an amazing soundtrack. It made me wanna drop shrooms.

Ever play Geometry Wars? Great game for that visual fuck.

I only played the first Geo Wars but apparently the third one is 3d and amazing.

The Batlord 09-15-2015 02:03 AM

HA! Finally made it through the first section of the medical facility. Never been so happy to see an elevator in my life. And I only died once, and that was at the very beginning. Booyah.

Unknown Soldier 09-15-2015 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1634950)
HA! Finally made it through the first section of the medical facility. Never been so happy to see an elevator in my life. And I only died once, and that was at the very beginning. Booyah.

Does your 360 have a hard drive? Because some of the more recent 360 releases need that you have to play the game. I recently bought Battlefield 4 for 360 but couldn't play it as my 360 didn't have a hard drive so just changed it for the PS3 version.

The Batlord 09-15-2015 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1634951)
Does your 360 have a hard drive? Because some of the more recent 360 releases need that you have to play the game. I recently bought Battlefield 4 for 360 but couldn't play it as my 360 didn't have a hard drive so just changed it for the PS3 version.

Yeah, you need a hard drive since the game requires a 6GB install on your system (a lot of newer games do, due to them being designed for the nex gen systems). Maybe if you have an external memory card that would work, but I don't know.

And why do you not have a hard drive? That's like living in the gaming ghetto.

Unknown Soldier 09-15-2015 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1634953)
Yeah, you need a hard drive since the game requires a 6GB install on your system (a lot of newer games do, due to them being designed for the nex gen systems). Maybe if you have an external memory card that would work, but I don't know.

And why do you not have a hard drive? That's like living in the gaming ghetto.

I have an external memory card and that only worked for some 360 games and not Battlefield 4 etc.

I have one of the older 360 machines and never bothered with a hardrive as I never needed it until recently, but as I'm on the verge of buying a next gen machine no point in wasting cash on one now. Which in hindsight I guess made the PS3 a better buy as it already came with a hard drive.

Btw just to let you know that I'm really digging Mass Effect 3 even if I think 2 is the best game overall of the three.

grindy 09-15-2015 07:40 AM

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

A little tedious at times, but overall pretty fun.
Great graphics for a game that runs smoothly on my crappy laptop.

Plankton 09-15-2015 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1634966)
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

A little tedious at times, but overall pretty fun.
Great graphics for a game that runs smoothly on my crappy laptop.

I loved that game. Played it first before I watched The Chronicles of Riddick, then Pitch Black. It probably should have went the other direction.

Mr. Charlie 09-15-2015 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1634890)
Ever play Geometry Wars? Great game for that visual fuck.

I only played the first Geo Wars but apparently the third one is 3d and amazing.

I'm a huge Geometry Wars fan. The third is indeed excellent, but the second is my favourite.

If you like Geometry wars, you might like Space Giraffe, one of the trippiest games I've ever played:

Plankton 09-15-2015 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie (Post 1635000)
I'm a huge Geometry Wars fan. The third is indeed excellent, but the second is my favourite.

If you like Geometry wars, you might like Space Giraffe, one of the trippiest games I've ever played:

That's like next level Tempest:

Mr. Charlie 09-15-2015 11:47 AM

Yeah, it's very Tempest-like and is made by the same guy who designed the Tempest games.

Plankton 09-15-2015 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie (Post 1635004)
Yeah, it's very Tempest-like and is made by the same guy who designed the Tempest games.

I was one of those early 80's kids that spent hours in the local arcade. That was my go-to game, although I never made it past level 50 or so. I gotta check out that Giraffe one.

Two Spirit 09-15-2015 12:42 PM

This game is killing me right now. I'm really close to the end at the Monastery, but I've never had this much trouble getting past a location in the first game.

Goofle 09-15-2015 12:44 PM

I got my new PC so i can finally play the Arkham Asylum and it's fucking glorious!

The Batlord 09-15-2015 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1635013)
I got my new PC so i can finally play the Arkham Asylum and it's fucking glorious!

Key 09-15-2015 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1635013)
I got my new PC so i can finally play the Arkham Asylum and it's fucking glorious!

Happy to see you enjoying a nice PC. It makes a world of difference when you have equipment that can run the games you want to play. I play almost everything in Ultra quality and its wonderful.

Sequoioideae 09-15-2015 11:38 PM

I finished MGSV. It is a really sad, dark, and ****ed up game, especially the "second episode".

Black Francis 09-16-2015 09:39 AM

Since i lost all my previous saved files im starting Skyrim again.

Ive never finished Skyrim cause i always get side tracked and this is like the 3rd time ive started this game but this time around im kinda digging it more than in previous playthroughs.

I intentionally let a vampire infect me cause ive never been a vampire in that game and once i turn into one im going full on evil and joining the dark brotherhood.

Mr. Charlie 09-16-2015 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sequoioideae (Post 1635146)
I finished MGSV. It is a really sad, dark, and ****ed up game, especially the "second episode".

Is it good? I've had my copy for a few days now but have absolutely no desire to play it. I blame the XB360 and its glut of first person shooters.

Black Francis 09-16-2015 10:02 AM

I don't own MGS V yet but i HAVE to get that game if only just to keep up with the MG timeline.

Plus from what ive seen from playthroughs it looks like a fun game.

Goofle 09-16-2015 10:51 AM

I was supposed to get the new MGS with my PC but they didn't send it. Was looking forward to it, but I've not really played the games since the early generation Playstations.

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