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grindy 02-06-2019 03:29 AM

It's really hard to find fitting dresses when you're 6'4".

grindy 02-06-2019 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by windsock (Post 2041157)
I was planning on posting this tomorrow but honestly **** it, we'll do it live.

Merit sent me an email about a half-hour ago containing an open letter that I'm "free to share with everyone". I don't see a problem with doing so seeing as he isn't here to defend himself, and this thread seems like the appropriate place to post it. It's unedited other than a shrinking down of the text for space's sake.

Also please remember these words are not my own, so if you've got a problem with anything don't shoot the messenger. Kthx.


To Whom It May Concern,

[MERIT] here. Hope you're all well!

I have been banned for 6 MONTHS [yes, you read that right!] following a discussion last night in the "What Are You Watching Right Now?" thread. I was watching PRIDE 17, a Japanese MMA event. I did an internet search for "PRIDE 17" to find an image of it to post and, due to how the search algorithms work, the results that came up were pretty much all related to gay pride [rainbows, flags, parades, etc.]. I finally found an image of the MMA event and posted it, along with the message "TFW you Google 'Pride' and a bunch of rainbow propaganda pops up …"


debaserr responded by giving me the definition of the word "propaganda."


grindy then quoted my post, calling it “homophobic” and gave me a "warning." If it was flagged as being homophobic and offensive, it would have been removed. It was NOT removed, as it was NOT homophobic nor offensive in ANY way and did not violate ANY rules, whatsoever.


I assured everyone that I was being facetious in calling rainbow flags and gay pride parades "propaganda." I went on to say that other sexual persuasions don't hold pride parades, despite also being historically looked down upon or persecuted by society, and that I didn't see why homosexuals feel the need to do so. I also mentioned the detriment that such parades could cause by exposing innocent children to the adult participants who run around nude and in BDSM gear, flaunting their genitals in childrens' faces. I DID NOT equate homosexuality to necrophilia, as was erroneously stated in another thread; I simply listed other sexual orientations [polygamists, necrophiliacs, etc.] who DON'T feel the need to hold parades celebrating who they like to have sex with, and said that if someone chooses to so openly and blatantly define their self SOLELY based upon who they are attracted to, rather than focusing on more important factors, then they are inviting criticism. This post was subsequently removed by WWWP.


debaserr commented that it's not "propaganda" if it's true, as homosexuality and gay pride is a real thing that exists. I never denied that, despite said comment not being all that coherent nor cogent to the conversation.


I replied, assuring everyone that I was being facetious in describing rainbow flags and gay pride parades as "propaganda." I went on to say that I felt that I was purposely being singled out by grindy [a moderator], who historically has had a fervent personal vendetta against me simply because I exercise my right to speak out against Israeli and zionist war crimes against the Palestinians, as grindy is Jewish and somehow fails to comprehend the differentiation between Judaism and Israel from the indisputably evil crimes of zionism and the IDF. I further pointed out how I get along just fine with other Jews on the forum [especially windsock, who is cooler than the other side of the pillow], but it was to no avail. I also pointed out how grindy chooses to take any mention of homosexuality by me and twist it into a negative slight against him, simply because he is a cross-dresser, which has been evidenced by him posting images of himself wearing makeup, fake breasts and womens clothes.

I also mentioned how other members of the forum FREQUENTLY say things that are MUCH worse, and get away with it, simply because they are cliqued up with certain moderators. Batty [Dharma & Greg] OPENLY talks about his fantasies of raping aborted babies and urges other members [Mord / Zhanteimi] to MURDER their children because they are “too much of a strain on the environment and society.” grindy talks bad about Muslims and Arabs, calling them dogs. OccultHawk calls black people n*ggers all the time. Yet, I'm the bad guy?

I went on to address the libelous and erroneous claims of homophobia that were thrown at me, saying that as long as the parties are of legal age, mentally-capable and consenting, then I 100% support their right to have sex with whomever they please. I further addressed the slanderous claims of antisemitism, saying that I support the right for ANYONE to practice ANY belief system that they choose, as long as it doesn't infringe on the freedoms of others. I then expressed that I felt that any religion which believes that its members are superior to the rest of society is wrong in my opinion, BUT still has the right to exist and practice their beliefs. This post was also removed by WWWP.


debaserr went on to say to me: "f*ck you for perpetuating a society where people are treated like sh*t for being different." The words “f*ck you” sure sound like a personal attack. Where were the mods on that one? But I digress ...


Batty then used a series of images to convey his feeling that we need gay pride parades to counter-balance the actions of white supremacists.


I replied to debaserr, assuring him/her that I have never perpetuated ANYTHING against ANYONE in a harmful way, and pointed out how I CLEARLY was advocating for people to have the right to do WHATEVER they want, as long as they aren't hurting others. I expressed my personal opinion that I didn't want to hear about it [i.e. gay pride parades], because I felt that there were more pressing issues in the world than who people like to have sex with. I then responded to Batty, saying that gay pride parades and racist neo-NAZI marches are BOTH eye sores in my personal opinion. My post was then edited and censored by WWWP.


Batty then called me a “repressed refugee from a Christian cult.”


Key chimed in, conveying that I supposedly said that people should not have the right to freely express themselves, simply because I didn't want to hear about it.


I assured him that I NEVER said that nor intended for my words to be taken that way, going as far as saying: "I will openly advocate for your right to say and do things that offend me, because freedom is more important than peoples' feelings. That freedom also allots me the right to voice my disdain for the way that you choose to exercise your freedoms, without advocating for your freedoms to be infringed or revoked."


I was advocating for personal liberty and freedom. How is that in any way "homophobic"?

ANSWER: It's not!

How is that in any way "antisemitic"?

ANSWER: It's not!

Key realized what I was saying, and we went on to agree that everyone has the right to express themselves in the manner of their choosing.


I said that in the future, I would just keep my comments to myself.


Batty went on to tell me that he felt that my freedom to disagree was tantamount to me actively and purposely oppressing certain people or groups.


I explained to Batty how that was incorrect, and posited that we are all entitled to our own personal opinions.


Batty went on to falsely equate my previous comments to a redneck curb-stomping a homosexual to death.


I went on to say that people have the right to exercise free will and that I am not personally responsible for others' personal behavior, further injecting that I do realize that some people in the world DO hold certain degrees of influence over others, due to their positions in society. I then conveyed that everyone should have the right to freely speak their mind without the threat of violent recourse. I reiterated that I would wholeheartedly fight for the right of others to disagree with me, because personal freedom and liberty is more important than any set of beliefs. This was an attempt to show Batty that the logic which he was using to attack me was incorrect.


WWWP chimed in that there was too much “cishet” energy in the room, a term referring to people who are not transexual. I find that offensive. If someone had said : “There's too much transexual energy in here for my liking!” they would be called a homophobe and a bigot and been banned. But apparently, if you're a straight female with a liberal ideology and you username is in blue, then it's perfectly acceptable to insult other people for their sexual preferences, without recourse.


Batty went on to talk about how people in power [i.e. NOT ME] have historically oppressed the freedoms of those with whom they disagreed.


Batty went on to express his views that Republicans are responsible for the atrocities committed against minorities.


I attempted to correct his erroneous view by posting a YouTube video detailing how the Democratic Party has been the one who has historically disenfranchised minorities, NOT the Republicans.


That is the story in its entirety. If you hear ANYTHING different from what I have documented above, it is an outright LIE [such as Batty and Key saying that it was a "Top 10 most homophobic / racist rant of all time" or that you should thank yourself lucky that you didn't witness it firsthand].

And the next thing you, I'm BANNED for 6 MONTHS!

So, let's talk about THAT. Whatever happened to 24 hours, or even a week? SIX MONTHS?! Chula got banned for 6 months for [supposedly] threatening to shoot someone, yet Batty can threaten to poison me and my 8 year old son without recourse. I make 1 comment about the incongruity of an internet search algorithm and get banned for 6 months. Batty threatens to kill me and my son? NOTHING. Are you kidding me?

I STRONGLY urge the moderators [especially Exo] to reconsider this 6-month ban, as it was CLEARLY a knee-jerk overreaction and a MISTAKE.

I can be reached via email at [REMOVED]



And what the hell is that part about me referring to Muslims as dogs? That's some seriously slanderous ****.

Marie Monday 02-06-2019 03:39 AM

A friend once gave me a fake moustache, maybe I should see if I still have it

MicShazam 02-06-2019 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 2041178)
And what the hell is that part about me referring to Muslims as dogs? That's some seriously slanderous ****.

I did wonder what that was all about. He's been insinuating that you hate muslims at least a few times before. I don't know what he's basing that on.

grindy 02-06-2019 05:00 AM

I have voiced a strong opposition to religion in general and Islam especially in the past. I obviously don't have anything against Muslims and certainly don't refer to them as 'dogs'.

MicShazam 02-06-2019 06:28 AM

Maybe he's trying to equivoate that with how he's criticizing Zionism and gets called an anti-Semite.

It's hard to tell what the aim is when people aren't being straight forward.

grindy 02-06-2019 06:43 AM

Nobody gives a **** about Zionism anyway.
I don't think anyone on this forum ever had any problems with people criticising Israeli politics. I sure never did.
Israel is ****ed up in lots of ways.
Which makes calling me a Zionist even weirder.
But I guess speaking out against someone saying that sinister Jews control the world, orchestrated and/or faked the Holocaust and kill babies as part of satanic rituals makes me a Zionist somehow.

Frownland 02-06-2019 07:46 AM

I wonder if there's footage of Merit defending himself in court.

WWWP 02-06-2019 07:52 AM

The decision was unanimous amongst the mod squad, not even exo can save him from the consequences of his actions.

Exo 02-06-2019 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by WWWP (Post 2041200)
The decision was unanimous amongst the mod squad, not even exo can save him from the consequences of his actions.

I don't really want to though.

Cuthbert 02-06-2019 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 2041183)
I have voiced a strong opposition to religion in general and Islam especially in the past. I obviously don't have anything against Muslims and certainly don't refer to them as 'dogs'.

Agree, same here.

MicShazam 02-06-2019 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 2041189)
Nobody gives a **** about Zionism anyway.
I don't think anyone on this forum ever had any problems with people criticising Israeli politics. I sure never did.
Israel is ****ed up in lots of ways.
Which makes calling me a Zionist even weirder.
But I guess speaking out against someone saying that sinister Jews control the world, orchestrated and/or faked the Holocaust and kill babies as part of satanic rituals makes me a Zionist somehow.

lol he did bring up satanic rituals and baby killings up recently. I can't figure out if he's for real or not.

Frownland 02-06-2019 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 2041211)
I don't really want to though.

Evident mod bias!

Key 02-06-2019 10:56 AM

Are we still doing cartwheels? I practiced

The Batlord 02-06-2019 11:10 AM

I'm gonna stock up on dead baby jokes for whenever he comes back.

rostasi 02-06-2019 11:24 AM

Has anyone been bitch jockey'd off this forum for actual musical reasons?

windsock 02-06-2019 11:26 AM

Fairly certain the mods gave a little trill before giving Chula the boot.

OccultHawk 02-06-2019 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 2041268)
Has anyone been bitch jockey'd off this forum for actual musical reasons?

Rubber Soul

rostasi 02-06-2019 11:30 AM

I thought he left on his own.

Frownland 02-06-2019 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 2041268)
Has anyone been bitch jockey'd off this forum for actual musical reasons?

Hey guys! Just stopping by to tell you about my new solo album Suburban Dream by The Tepidites. Even though it's called the Tepidites it's a one man band haha. It's a cool mix of indie, indie rock, indie folk, indie, and alternative music. Can't post links yet for some weird reason, but you can find it at youtube . com /watch?= 06s05R089 (no spaces). Let me know what you think!

Exo 02-06-2019 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 2041268)
Has anyone been bitch jockey'd off this forum for actual musical reasons?


rostasi 02-06-2019 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2041279)
Hey guys!

Yeah, there's those people.
I was talking more about people who'd been here
longer than an overnight stay at the Promo Hotel.

Frownland 02-06-2019 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 2041281)
Yeah, there's those people.
I was talking more about people who'd been here
longer than an overnight stay at the Promo Hotel.

Then no. I mean there was one guy who made like 10 exceedingly racist rap=crap threads who got banned and there have been loads of people who were banned for over-the-top behaviour in music discussions, but we don't really have rules that would ban someone for music-related reasons.

Oriphiel 02-06-2019 12:01 PM

Rap = crap
Rock = cock
Electro = elecno
Jazz = a sock

rostasi 02-06-2019 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2041282)
... loads of people who were banned for over-the-top behaviour in music discussions, but we don't really have rules that would ban someone for music-related reasons.

Yeah. Just wondering if people would just leave it to the "music" part
(like so many other music forums do), then we would be having less
people having to defend/accuse other folks and their social stances.

MicShazam 02-06-2019 12:07 PM

It's not like people can't think of ways of being dicks about music.

Frownland 02-06-2019 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 2041285)
Yeah. Just wondering if people would just leave it to the "music" part
(like so many other music forums do), then we would be having less
people having to defend/accuse other folks and their social stances.

We have a lot of...noble members. There will always be something to defend.

rostasi 02-06-2019 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 2041287)
It's not like people can't think of ways of being dicks about music.

That's true ... if you're dickish.

Just noticed the long, exhausting message from Merit
and my mind was saying, "Where's the music?"
So, I thought I'd ask. I don't see this crap on other
music forums I've been a part of. One jazz forum cut their
"politics/religion" years ago and it's been a whole lot better
with actual focus on music ... and a favorite that I go to
regularly has so much new modern music to talk about that
I have no idea what they think socially/politically about
practically anything. It's pretty glorious.

Lucem Ferre 02-06-2019 12:24 PM

Windsock, you just don't understand.

Merit has said misogynistic and homophobic **** for years. He's gotten the reputation of using personal insults and attacking people over debates rather than debating. This history builds the context to why he got banned, why we call him a bigot, etc.

This despicable persona he's built is the reason why people pick on him. Because people like seeing despicable people get pissed off. It's entertaining. That's also why the moderators have a double standard whether they realize it or not. Why people can say **** about his son or insult him for hours but the moment HE says something they all of a sudden enforce rules. That's politics though. You can't escape biased moderation. In this case, at least the bias wasn't petty.

Most of the rest is playful banter, except when they let Bat or OH do that thing where they look for a loose thread to pull so they can watch people unravel.

The complaint, WWWP, isn't that they want strict moderation, it's that they want FAIR moderation. You know that wasn't a luxury given to merit.

MicShazam 02-06-2019 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 2041292)
That's true ... if you're dickish.

I'm totally not insinuating that many MB members like to be dicks. I would never do such a thing.


Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 2041292)
Just noticed the long, exhausting message from Merit
and my mind was saying, "Where's the music?"
So, I thought I'd ask. I don't see this crap on other
music forums I've been a part of. One jazz forum cut their
"politics/religion" years ago and it's been a whole lot better
with actual focus on music ... and a favorite that I go to
regularly has so much new modern music to talk about that
I have no idea what they think socially/politically about
practically anything. It's pretty glorious.

I never really saw Merit talk about music. But this forum in general is a bit heavy on the lounge drama. I've pointed that out before, but I'm free to leave and join a better forum if I wanted to I guess. Anyway, I think what I wanna do now is actually post some music.

Frownland 02-06-2019 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2041293)
Windsock, you just don't understand.

Merit has said misogynistic and homophobic **** for years. He's gotten the reputation of using personal insults and attacking people over debates rather than debating. This history builds the context to why he got banned, why we call him a bigot, etc.

This despicable persona he's built is the reason why people pick on him. Because people like seeing despicable people get pissed off. It's entertaining. That's also why the moderators have a double standard whether they realize it or not. Why people can say **** about his son or insult him for hours but the moment HE says something they all of a sudden enforce rules. That's politics though. You can't escape biased moderation. In this case, at least the bias wasn't petty.

Most of the rest is playful banter, except when they let Bat or OH do that thing where they look for a loose thread to pull so they can watch people unravel.

The complaint, WWWP, isn't that they want strict moderation, it's that they want FAIR moderation. You know that wasn't a luxury given to merit.

Report posts that you think should be moderated to help us see through our bias. Thanks.

Lucem Ferre 02-06-2019 12:31 PM

I'm not going to snitch.

Frownland 02-06-2019 12:32 PM

Then you git watchu git and you don't throw a homophobic fit.

Lucem Ferre 02-06-2019 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by frownland (Post 2041300)
then you git watchu git and you don't throw a homophobic fit.


Cuthbert 02-06-2019 12:39 PM

What was actually said about his son?

rostasi 02-06-2019 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Fluff (Post 2041304)
What was actually said about his son?

That he listened to too much music.

Frownland 02-06-2019 12:41 PM

Nothing was said. It's the principle.

Exo 02-06-2019 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2041293)
The complaint, WWWP, isn't that they want strict moderation, it's that they want FAIR moderation. You know that wasn't a luxury given to merit.

I try that route but end up getting called fascist in recent polls.

windsock 02-06-2019 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2041293)
Windsock, you just don't understand.

Man that never gets old.

The Batlord 02-06-2019 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Fluff (Post 2041304)
What was actually said about his son?

He was talking something about not tipping a waiter over some petty bull**** while at dinner with his son and I said if I was the waiter I'd poison his food or something and Merit took that to mean I'd poison his son too so I responded that I'd have to get to know his son better before I poisoned him too. I think that's basically how it went.

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