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debaserr 08-20-2019 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2073546)
too busy ****ing and working

that's the answer to why people don't know things

they aint got the time or priority

and Civics is what, a one time half semester easy A in all of primary education

electoral politics is usually a retired person's game, like baseball

If this is the F word it's not very accurate. We don't have enough money to support a family.

Anteater 08-20-2019 06:21 PM

I'm struggling a little to understand Biden's appeal unless you just love him sniffing Pepe The Frog or something.

The Batlord 08-20-2019 06:28 PM

Why do people like Guns N Roses? Because they already know about them.

jwb 08-20-2019 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2073547)
Probably because political talk is filtered through middle class CNN speak.

Used to be. That's changing via the Internet.


Originally Posted by debaserr (Post 2073548)
If this is the F word it's not very accurate. We don't have enough money to support a family.

heh. That didn't stop my parents.

jwb 08-20-2019 06:53 PM

Nah it's the smart phones, the use of social media, the alienation, the general lack of IRL social skills. Imo.

Nobody I know ever had to be financially stable to get laid. Maybe to find a long term mate and settle down. But again, that was the last thing on a 20 year olds mind when I was younger.

The Batlord 08-20-2019 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2073559)
Nah it's the smart phones, the use of social media, the alienation, the general lack of IRL social skills. Imo.

Nobody I know ever had to be financially stable to get laid. Maybe to find a long term mate and settle down. But again, that was the last thing on a 20 year olds mind when I was younger.

Don't forget TV and video games. Generations of kids who spent their time in front of a TV rather than socializing does not increase ****ability.

Lucem Ferre 08-20-2019 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2073563)
Don't forget TV and video games. Generations of kids who spent their time in front of a TV rather than socializing does not increase ****ability.

Nah, those stereotypes are not true.

The Batlord 08-20-2019 07:08 PM

Not even talking about violent TV or video games. That's boomer fear mongering. Just the general trend of kids staying inside rather than being outside with other people. With many kids the effect might be minimal, but with kids who are prone to isolation I'm sure it's a multiplier.

jwb 08-20-2019 07:10 PM

It's all relevant but TV and video games have been around since before I was born. Yet when I was in high school you still mostly had to learn how to socialize irl. By the time I was 20 Myspace and Facebook were just new avenues to meet women but it wasn't like you learned how to socialize from these platforms. Now we're dealing with a generation that grows up in an era where face to face socializing is less common than the electronic form. So maybe they don't exactly know what to say or do irl approaching a girl. And things like tinder don't exactly help as a replacement.

jwb 08-20-2019 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2073571)
how long has Dungeons and Dragons been around though?

I've never met anyone IRL who played that

The Batlord 08-20-2019 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2073570)
It's all relevant but TV and video games have been around since before I was born. Yet when I was in high school you still mostly had to learn how to socialize irl. By the time I was 20 Myspace and Facebook were just new avenues to meet women but it wasn't like you learned how to socialize from these platforms. Now we're dealing with a generation that grows up in an era where face to face socializing is less common than the electronic form. So maybe they don't exactly know what to say or do irl approaching a girl. And things like tinder don't exactly help as a replacement.

I think you're underestimating the effect on our generation. It was the 90s when school shootings became the hot rage after all. I think there's a lot of stuff to look at for that, but the increased isolation caused by TV and **** for those naturally prone to being isolated doesn't exactly sound innocent.

Lucem Ferre 08-20-2019 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2073573)
I've never met anyone IRL who played that

I've met several and majority had no problem getting laid and definitely didn't fit the stereotype.

jwb 08-20-2019 07:23 PM

@ Batlord

IIRC it was Columbine that set it off

A whole generation of homicidal maniacs were inspired by them

As more shootings happen, you see the influence this sort of act creates on other alienated and hopeless souls.

That's one thing I always think about. We've had guns capable of this sort of thing for a long long time. We've had mental health problems for even longer. The one new ingredient is the sort of folklore and legacy these shooters create them selves via the modern press.

Lucem Ferre 08-20-2019 07:28 PM

My friend that has the biggest problems getting laid is actually extremely social and hates social media. He's not really that awkward either outside of his narcolepsy caused by sleep apnea where he'll just randomly fall asleep mid conversation if he's sitting down. He's just the guy that falls for any girl that shows him the slightest bit of attention and I guess that's off putting to most girls he's tried to get with.

jwb 08-20-2019 07:30 PM

We're taking general rules, it's not going to apply to everyone. There have always been people who can't/don't get laid. The new thing is a rising % of virgins.

jwb 08-20-2019 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2073580)
He's just the guy that falls for any girl that shows him the slightest bit of attention and I guess that's off putting to most girls he's tried to get with.

This will turn virtually any girl off.

The Batlord 08-20-2019 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2073579)
@ Batlord

IIRC it was Columbine that set it off

A whole generation of homicidal maniacs were inspired by them

As more shootings happen, you see the influence this sort of act creates on other alienated and hopeless souls.

That's one thing I always think about. We've had guns capable of this sort of thing for a long long time. We've had mental health problems for even longer. The one new ingredient is the sort of folklore and legacy these shooters create them selves via the modern press.

Yeah that's what I was referring to. 90s. I'm not putting that solely at the feet of TV and video games as the social upheavals of the past few decades have been crazy but I think TV and video games and now social media and the internet and iPhones are part of a perfect storm. Throw in out of whack gender roles for men, capitalism and constant TV advertising dehumanizing people into living commodities, and an ever worsening American dream and you get more and more school shootings as young men are overwhelmed by a world that no longer makes sense or cares for them (or anyone else for that matter but the girls aren't shooting up schools so that's not really the point).

jwb 08-20-2019 07:38 PM

I know it happened in the 90s but I think it had more to do with their resentment for how they were treated at school than TV and video games. Though I remember part of the press did blame Marilyn Manson.

jwb 08-20-2019 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2073588)
is it entirely accounted for with incel men?

or are a significant portion of young women choosing voluntarily to put off sex

I don't remember the stats but it's obviously more men than women but women are also trending in the same direction, IIRC.

Lucem Ferre 08-20-2019 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2073583)
men often do have the problem of being way too far ahead of themselves myself included at times

the anxiety isn't so high if a relationship is naturally developed on an equal level every step of the way, but often the guy is going in already on the relationship level before he's so much as shared a laugh with the woman

The sad part is these girls are typically interested in him at first. Maybe he should just order a back page prostitute.

Then there's this one dude living at the neighboring friend's house who's ugly as ****, literally brain damaged and getting pussy every night. They say he was bringing home some pretty nasty looking girls though. Theory is that since he was working at the downtown library he was picking up homeless girls. Ahh Magna, you never cease.

The Batlord 08-20-2019 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2073590)
I know it happened in the 90s but I think it had more to do with their resentment for how they were treated at school than TV and video games. Though I remember part of the press did blame Marilyn Manson.

Yeah like I said I'm not laying it entirely at the feet of TV and video games. I'm just saying that I think it's one part of youth society that's been growing over the decades that contributes to the growing alienation and malaise of young people that makes them feel that the world isn't real and doesn't mean anything and doesn't care about them. I mean throw in rising college costs in there too with all the other things I listed. Wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't some percentage of the problem.

jwb 08-20-2019 07:45 PM

They're interested until they realize he's not only attainable, but desperate.

Basically when you meet a girl it's a job interview and she's the employer. How far will fawning over how much you'd like to work there without bringing leverage to the table get you?

jwb 08-20-2019 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2073593)
Yeah like I said I'm not laying it entirely at the feet of TV and video games. I'm just saying that I think it's one part of youth society that's been growing over the decades that contributes to the growing alienation and malaise of young people that makes them feel that the world isn't real and doesn't mean anything and doesn't care about them. I mean throw in rising college costs in there too with all the other things I listed. Wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't some percentage of the problem.

I hear what you're saying. But I also see a fundamental difference between that and actual socialization being mediated by technology. If anything the telephone is more of a precursor to Facebook than video games.

Lucem Ferre 08-20-2019 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2073595)
They're interested until they realize he's not only attainable, but desperate.

Basically when you meet a girl it's a job interview and she's the employer. How far will fawning over how much you'd like to work there without bringing leverage to the table get you?

It's always a lack of confidence that screws people over. Wreaking of desperation is just a piece of it.

The Batlord 08-20-2019 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2073596)
I hear what you're saying. But I also see a fundamental difference between that and actual socialization being mediated by technology. If anything the telephone is more of a precursor to Facebook than video games.

I think you're underestimating TV. I don't think it was until the 80s and 90s until households generally had more than one TV, with kids having a TV in their room. Just constant stimulation to keep them in the house and away from other kids. That's about when I remember playing outside the home becoming endangered.

Lucem Ferre 08-20-2019 07:59 PM

I played outside a lot as a kid with TV and Videogames. I knew all the other children on the block. I think overprotective parents sheltering kids became the precursor. Most of the time it was video games or TV that we'd bond over. I think it's the internet. The internet has created an epidemic of social anxiety because you're putting your life up in front of millions of people that will judge it 10X more harsh than they do in person and people confuse that with real life.

Edit: People with more real life experience were less effected by it because they knew how different interacting with people on the internet was from interacting with people in person. Most kids aren't going to brag about ****ing your mom in person. Most huge political debates don't get as nasty and personal in person either.

jwb 08-20-2019 08:00 PM

I do think you have a point, it's just different from mine. There is a definite trend towards staying inside, which TV and video games help foster.

But like I said you still needed to actually deal with people IRL in some level to socialize.

Now you have far less need to do so. Whether you're in the home or out and about you can socialize via social media.

Also, I really didn't have many video games or cable TV growing up. I spent most of my childhood outside. I could roam free around the neighborhood by the time I was 5, and could go literally anywhere I wanted as long as I could get myself there and back the time I was 11. So maybe we also just had different experiences.

The Batlord 08-20-2019 08:05 PM

And don't forget the pedo panics of the 80s and 90s. Kids couldn't be let outside without supervision and certainly not after dark. It's like the world has been conspiring to keep kids away from other kids for the past few decades.

And I understand and agree with your point, jwb, I'm just saying that it didn't start with the internet and smart phones. Just like Columbine didn't happen because of smart phones. This is an epidemic of isolation that's been building for a long time.

Lucem Ferre 08-20-2019 08:09 PM

I also wonder if income makes a difference because I don't think the lower class is as isolated.

Edit: Or was as isolated growing up.

jwb 08-20-2019 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2073602)
And don't forget the pedo panics of the 80s and 90s. Kids couldn't be let outside without supervision and certainly not after dark. It's like the world has been conspiring to keep kids away from other kids for the past few decades.

Thank God my parents were irresponsible. I distinctly remember being 5 years old and hanging out with a group of kids on some weird 2 story machine/vehicle my neighbor had and my friend Steven somehow managed to put it in neutral and it started rolling down his driveway. We all scattered and he came out screaming at us and grabbed my friend Steven and started shaking him. It was classic.

Oriphiel 08-21-2019 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2073601)
There is a definite trend towards staying inside, which TV and video games help foster.

The Batlord 08-21-2019 11:47 AM

tbh handheld gaming mostly just means i can take my game to the bathroom.

Oriphiel 08-21-2019 12:46 PM

Speaking of which, I've been replaying Fire Emblem on the GBA, and I totally forgot that you can just turn the game off mid-battle and it'll automatically bookmark your progress for the next time you play. Now I have absolutely no reason to not vanquish bitches while I drop deuces.

The Batlord 08-21-2019 04:02 PM

It also makes rage quitting useless since it saves the fight you just lost.

Mindfulness 08-23-2019 07:17 AM


Published on Aug 23, 2019

OccultHawk 08-23-2019 07:25 AM

She’s a war criminal.

Mindfulness 08-23-2019 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2074077)
She’s a war criminal.

:love: drink some coffee grumpy, two threads with a negative tone this morning :o:

OccultHawk 08-23-2019 07:56 AM

Have you been reading my music posts

It’s a great day bro!!!!

PS I love MINDFULNESS (and it’s sexual!!!)

Mindfulness 08-23-2019 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2074089)
Have you been reading my music posts

It’s a great day bro!!!!

PS I love MINDFULNESS (and it’s sexual!!!)

I saw you posted the BrockHampton album :beer: that No Halo song has been on repeat over here, ill branch out into the album too today probably :basketbal

i love you too :love:

glad you're in a good mood then too :beer:

OccultHawk 08-24-2019 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2074496)
"Capitalism may want to rank you, but you are an individual"

he hardcore dunks on public education here OH

You can’t get any truer than what he said right there son

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