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bob. 10-02-2011 08:47 PM

i think it wondrous that while looking on rateyourmusic for an instrumental album to nominate for the General Album Club....i just happen to come across a list by someone of all the band he's played with......and in that list come across this band whose album cover struck me as interesting.....dowloaded it and loved and already at least two people are looking into them

just puts a smile on my face :)

i guess according to this is the band from San Diego not from Bristol and they spell their name in all caps.....i hope you both enjoy it.....

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 10-03-2011 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1108348)
alright Ska.....i was listening to this last night and thought it may fit your need for noise, avant, and maybe even metal (kind of)....if anything it is chock full of misanthropic weirdness.....and is one HELL of an album

Firstly, I'd like to point out, this is very VERY 1991 in both sound, and humor. Brought me a nice little bit of nostalgic joy for the era I barely remember.

Secondly, I liked it. Especially the song 'Automaker'. Mostly a rather straight noise metal type band, but I liked the little jumps here, and there, and the odd strangely transposed prerecorded clips.

My only major gripe is the production was piss poor. Very staticy, but not abrasive enough to justify such a flat timbre. In one hand, it adds to the cynical attitude, on another, it waters it down. Not enough for me to enjoy it as I did, though.

Once I get things sorted out, I'll send another to somebody. I'm looking at Mondo Bungle because I think I get his tastes, and feel I could open his world a bit.

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 10-11-2011 11:48 PM

Always wanted to send something over to this Mondo Bungle character. If Zappa, and Bungle are your tastes, no reason not to enjoy Thinking Plague's 'In This Life...'. By far one of the most excellently crafted 'Avant-Prog' albums in the history of man.


Thinking Plague - In This Life... - 1989

CanwllCorfe 10-12-2011 08:18 PM

I'm having a hard time finding some stuff I really enjoy, so I'm putting on all of you to help me out. I really wish I was able to say specifically what I like, but I honestly have no idea. I mean, today I listened to Das Racist, Burial, The Saddest Landscape, and Max Richter, which are four of my absolute favorite artists. I hope that helps. I also enjoy stuff like:

But didn't enjoy the whole album. This specific song on the other hand, could end up being one of my all time favorites. I knew it from the first time I heard it. The vocal samples, the tone, and the imagery it evokes are just so beautiful. For whatever reason, I hear a similarity in tone to another one of my favorite songs:

It could just be me though. I think what I'd like is something warm, something soft, but not overly so. I don't wanna be put to sleep. I want some kind of energy or emotion or drama or... something. Help me out friends!

Paedantic Basterd 10-12-2011 08:49 PM

For CanwllCorfe then!

My album of the year so far, seems like something you may have an interest in. It's got soft, dreamy qualities, but at the same time, trembles with rage. Somewhere between These New Puritans' Hidden and Dead Can Dance's Spiritchaser.

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 10-15-2011 06:42 PM

For Mr.D00D who I know would appreciate this:


Happy Family - Happy Family
Perfectionists in Japanese Zeuhl.

Also, can anybody supply me with an album that sounds like this:

Mrd00d 10-15-2011 10:02 PM

Thank you so much Skali...

I'll be sure to dig in tomorrow when I'm not using a crappy public wifi connection!

As per your Bill Laswell request, are you looking for more Bill Laswell like that or other artists albums like that one?

I'm not particularly familiar with that album, but I have a couple nice Bill Laswell involved albums. I'll probably check out the Laswell you posted tomorrow as well and see if I can get back to you with a recc.

Also gotta check out your recc to Mondo Bungle, Thinking Plague. I've heard about them a few times. It's high time I check them out.

Thanks again for thinking of me by the way :D

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 10-16-2011 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1111481)
As per your Bill Laswell request, are you looking for more Bill Laswell like that or other artists albums like that one?

Albums like that. Laswell himself is too all over the place to request recommendation.

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 10-16-2011 11:58 PM

Since I'm in a giving mood:

To Vegangelica:

This album is a tough sell with most MBers, but seems like it might be right up your alley. It's one I truly cherish:

To Janszoon:

I know you're a fan of long extended chaotic instrumental pieces, but tire of he sanitation of the more Yes-derrived world of prog. Not sure if you'll enjoy this, or not, but it's worth a shot:

To DoctorSoft:

Know you like metal, here's some metal.

I'll send more if I can think of them.

TockTockTock 10-17-2011 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra (Post 1107987)
Send me something, somebody.

Anarchist Republic of Bzzz (2009) by Anarchist Republic of Bzzz

Alright... I know that you struggle a bit with enjoying hip hop, and I also know you're a fan of the No Wave scene. So... you could always give this album a shot. Both Arto Lindsay and Marc Ribot played a huge part in the creation of it. :)

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 10-17-2011 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Jack Pat (Post 1111714)

Anarchist Republic of Bzzz (2009) by Anarchist Republic of Bzzz

Alright... I know that you struggle a bit with enjoying hip hop, and I also know you're a fan of the No Wave scene. So... you could always give this album a shot. Both Arto Lindsay and Marc Ribot played a huge part in the creation of it. :)

Marc Ribot = genius, so I'm happy. Albeit, I found I have a penchant for Immortal Technique lately, but generally, Hip-Hop has to be done a certain way for me to appreciate it(even the ever so strange Aesop Rock has failed to keep my interest), so I'll be interested to give anything a shot.

VEGANGELICA 10-17-2011 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra (Post 1111713)
Since I'm in a giving mood:

To Vegangelica:

This album is a tough sell with most MBers, but seems like it might be right up your alley. It's one I truly cherish:

Thank you, Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra, for thinking of me and providing the download of Lacey Cooper's "Rags" album!

I *do* like the the quirkiness of the songs with all their odd dissonances and interesting combinations of sounds and instruments. The music sometimes seems almost like modern classical, melancholy but light-hearted at the same time:

Lacey Cooper - Prostitution Song (from Rags)
The first song of hers that I heard. I like what I perceive as the song's irony.


Lacey Cooper - Women's Wrongs 1 (from Rags)
This instrumental piece is the one of several that made me think of modern classical music. It includes a sort of playful "oom-pah" band section that caught me by surprise. :)

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 10-18-2011 03:30 AM

Listened to the album JP sent. Wasn't bad. More sarcastic anti-music deconstructionist hip hop than hip hop, but still fun.

Janszoon 10-18-2011 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra (Post 1111713)
To Janszoon:

I know you're a fan of long extended chaotic instrumental pieces, but tire of he sanitation of the more Yes-derrived world of prog. Not sure if you'll enjoy this, or not, but it's worth a shot:

Thanks for thinking of me, man! I had a chance to listen to this album earlier today and really enjoyed it. I was actually a little surprised by what it sounds like to be honest. From your description I was expecting something very dissonant, I was shocked by how downright... funky... a lot of it was. I loved those analog keyboards and the bass especially, though the vocals—which are often a stumbling point for me with prog—are really great too. So far my favorite tracks are "Attente" and "Le Cri". Great find Ska!

CanwllCorfe 10-20-2011 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1110712)
For CanwllCorfe then!

My album of the year so far, seems like something you may have an interest in. It's got soft, dreamy qualities, but at the same time, trembles with rage. Somewhere between These New Puritans' Hidden and Dead Can Dance's Spiritchaser.

Thanks so much for this one! I like that it's dark, but it's not overwhelmingly so. The atmosphere is fantastic, and I love all the vocal treatments. I'm surprised I hadn't found this one myself!

Paedantic Basterd 10-20-2011 10:50 AM

I get a gold star! Welcome!

igornewok 05-09-2013 12:32 PM

Очевидная Ист
Истина проста и очевидна.
Причем настолько очевидна, что мы, ежедневно созерцая ее,
привычно не замечаем очевидное.
Не верите? А мне и не нужно верить. Просто подойдите к зеркалу.
Что вы видите?
- Глупый вопрос, - скажете вы, - разумеется, я вижу себя.
Вопрос совсем не глупый. Я же не спросил: "Кого вы видите?".
Я спросил: "Что вы видите?"
- А что я могу увидеть, кроме себя?
Да, вы видите себя, но разве вы не замечаете СИММЕТРИЮ?
Два одинаковых глаза, две одинаковых щеки, два одинаковых уха...
А под вашим симметричным лбом находятся два симметричных
полушария вашего мозга и вы находитесь на симметричной планете,
у которой два ПРОТИВОПОЛОЖНЫХ по своему значению полюса.
Даже когда под своими ногами вы видите якобы не симметричный
камень, не забывайте о том, как симметрична его кристаллическая
решетка. Симметрия повсюду. Только слепой не увидит ее, но он
обязательно обнаружит ее, потрогав своими симметричными руками.
Вот почему, когда вы видите симметрию, вы видите ЗАКОНОМЕРНОСТЬ,
а если вы видите закономерность - значит, вы видите ЗАКОН.
- Но как я могу увидеть Закон?
Неужели не ясно? У вас два ПРОТИВОПОЛОЖНЫХ (левый и правый)
глаза, две противоположных руки и так далее. И вы видите, что
ПРОТИВОПОЛОЖНОЕ ОДИНАКОВО - то есть (на языке науки)
КАЧЕСТВЕННО СООТВЕТСТВУЕТ друг другу. Другими словами,
когда вы видите симметрию, на самом деле вы видите
Закон Качественного Соответствия Противоположного и за
примерами ходить далеко не нужно - пример перед вами в зеркале.
Мы (познавшие Истину) называем этот Закон Принципом
Вы спросите - Этот Закон и есть Истина?
Отвечаю - Нет, этот Закон еще не Истина, но он является ее
ИСТИНООБРАЗУЮЩЕЙ - неотъемлемой частью: потому что этот Закон
также очевидно подразумевает другой.
Я же обещал вам, что вы увидите Истину ("лучше раз увидеть,
чем сто раз услышать") и сдержу свое слово.
На этот раз, предлагаю отойти от зеркала и отправиться
(мысленно, разумеется)... в цирк! :)
Почему в цирк? Потому что только там можно сегодня найти
"живого" канатоходца, который, демонстрируя на радость публике
свое искусство, покажет нам Истину. Я бы мог показать вам
Истину на чем угодно, но канатоходец - самый очевидный и всем
известный пример.
Если вы спросите нашего воображаемого канатоходца, который
балансирует над пропастью, что для него является ДОБРОМ, он
обязательно ответит - РАВНОВЕСИЕ. Почему? Потому что, утратив
равновесие, он неминуемо упадет и...
С помощью чего канатоходец поддерживает равновесие?
Ответ также очевиден - с помощью балансировочного шеста,
который он держит строго посередине. Вот она "Золотая Середина"
Гаутамы Будды, которая делит балансировочный шест на ДВЕ РАВНЫЕ
ПОЛОВИНЫ - Качественно Соответствующие друг другу (одинаковый
Другими словами, Закон Качественного Соответствия
Противоположного подразумевает Закон Тождества (РАВНОВЕСИЯ)
Противоположного. Если вы увидели СОСТОЯНИЕ РАВНОВЕСИЯ, в
котором находится канатоходец под куполом цирка, значит, вы
увидели Закон Тождества Противоположного, а еще увидели, что
это состояние достигается только с помощью Качественного
Соответствия Противоположного.
Этот Закон мы называем Принципом Существования: потому что
все существующее ТОЖДЕСТВЕННО и, наоборот, все, что прекращает
свое существование, ПРОТИВОРЕЧИВО.
Так вот о чем свидетельствовала симметрия, которую вы увидели
в зеркале! Она свидетельствовала о том, что вы существуете.
Сомневаетесь? Если сомневаетесь, представьте что будет с вами,
если нарушится биологическое равновесие в вашем организме, или
представьте, что будет с Солнечной Системой, если в ней
нарушится равновесие - тождество (противоположных) центробежных
и центростремительных сил. Все еще сомневаетесь?
Если же вы это представили, то увидели действие Закона Эволюции,
А еще вы увидели Истину, которая является СУЩНОСТЬЮ всего
существующего. Вот почему Истина пронизывает все сущее и
кажется нам непостижимой: так как "форма богаче сущности",
но если не будет сущности - не будет и формы. Ничего не будет.
Я сдержал свое слово и "показал" вам Истину.
Разумеется, вы еще не знаете (или знаете?) как использовать
это знание. Поэтому пример его использования вы найдете на моей
странице (в профиле) в статье о демократии.
Ах, да. Этот Закон (Закон Эволюции) мы называем Принципом
Правосудия: так как Природа отрицает несоответствие его
противоречием, а Разум судит преступника его злом.
А еще, вы теперь знаете, что есть добро и что есть зло.

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-09-2013 01:59 PM

I bet it's a post rock album with a title like that.

who are you sending it to ?

Paul Smeenus 05-10-2013 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? (Post 1317315)
I bet it's a post rock album with a title like that.

He's probably talking about these guys

Powerstars 05-11-2013 06:48 AM

Check my please. I'd love to be surprised with something like this. :)

Isbjørn 05-11-2013 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? (Post 1317315)
I bet it's a post rock album with a title like that.

who are you sending it to ?


Anyone who'd care to send me something?

The Batlord 05-11-2013 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? (Post 1317315)
I bet it's a post rock album with a title like that.

who are you sending it to ?

That's gotta be the first time MB has asked if I wanted to translate this page from Russian.

Scotty The Rebel 05-11-2013 11:14 AM

Here's the translation - Now why did my dumbass translate this mess?

The truth is simple and obvious.
And so obvious that we, every day contemplating it,
habitually fail to notice the obvious.
Do not believe me? And I do not need to believe. Just walk up to the mirror.
What do you see?
- Stupid question - you might say - of course, I see myself.
The question is not stupid. I did not ask, "Who do you see?".
I asked, "What do you see?"
- And what do I see but myself?
Yes, you see yourself, but do not you notice SYMMETRY?
Two identical eyes, two cheeks of the same, two of the same ear ...
A symmetric under your forehead are two symmetric
hemispheres of your brain and you are on a symmetric planet
in which the two opposite poles in their significance.
Even when your legs under you see supposedly not symmetrical
stone, do not forget about how it is symmetric crystal
grille. Symmetry is everywhere. Only the blind do not see it, but he
shall detect it, touching its symmetrical hands.
That's why when you see the symmetry, you can see the regularities
and if you see a pattern - so you can see LAW.
- But how can I see the law?
Is not it clear? You have two opposite (left and right)
eyes, two opposite arms and so on. And you can see that
OPPOSITE THE SAME - that is (in the language of science)
Qualitative correspondence with each other. In other words,
when you see the symmetry, in fact you can see
The Law of Quality and Compliance for Contrarian
examples do not need to go far - an example in front of you in the mirror.
We (know the truth) call this the Principle of Law
You ask - This Act is the Truth?
The answer is - No, this law is not the truth, but it is its
ISTINOOBRAZUYUSCHEY - an integral part of it: because the law
obviously also implies another.
I promised you that you will see the truth ("better to see once
a thousand words "), and will keep my word.
This time, I propose to move away from the mirror and go
(Mentally, of course) ... to the circus!
Why the circus? Because only there you can find today
"Live" tightrope walker who, demonstrating the joy of the audience
their art, show us the truth. I could show you
Truth on anything but a tightrope walker - the most obvious and all
known example.
If you ask our imaginary tightrope walker who
teetering on the precipice, that it was a good it
will answer - BALANCE. Why? Because, having lost
balance, he will inevitably fall and ...
With that maintains the balance of a tightrope walker?
The answer is also obvious - with the help of a balancing pole,
he keeps strictly in the middle. Here she is "The Golden Mean"
Gautama Buddha, which divides the balancing pole in two equal
HALF - Qualitatively corresponding to each other (the same
weight) is the opposite.
In other words, the law of Quality Compliance
The law implies the opposite identities (BALANCE)
The opposite. If you saw the state of equilibrium in
which is a tightrope walker under the big top, then you
The law saw the identity of opposites, and even saw
this state can only be achieved through quality
Corresponds to the opposite.
This law we call the Principle of Existence: because
all existing identity and, on the contrary, all that stops
its existence is contradictory.
So as evidenced by the symmetry that you saw
in the mirror! She testified that you exist.
Doubt? If in doubt, imagine what will happen to you,
If you violate the biological balance in your body, or
Imagine what would happen to the solar system, if it
disturbed balance - identity (opposite) of the centrifugal
and centripetal forces. Still not convinced?
If you have submitted it, they saw the Law of Evolution
To deny its non contradicts (disequilibrium) and
Approved by the relevant ITS identities.
And you see the truth, which is the essence of all
existing one. This is why the truth permeates all things, and
it seems inconceivable to us: as "a form of richer essence"
but if not essentially - and will not form. Nothing will happen.
I kept my word, and "show" you the truth.
Of course, you do not know (or know?) How to use
this knowledge. Therefore the example of its use can be found on my
page (in profile) in an article about democracy.
Ah, yes. The Law (Law of Evolution) is called the Principle
Justice: Nature as it denies discrepancy
contradiction, and the criminal mind will judge him evil.
And, now you know what is good and what is evil.

14232949 05-11-2013 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Briks (Post 1318119)

Anyone who'd care to send me something?

I've got something in mind for you. Check your inbox.

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