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Old 10-18-2010, 09:30 PM   #14801 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Spike*Spiegel View Post

Sorry I didn't mean to show cleavage in that picture, but it's rare to get a nice shot of my face and I didn't want to go to the trouble of getting another one, so I figured "fuck it" and just left it.
Apologize ye not.

Seriously it takes a little more than just cleavage to offend me. It's probably somewhere between eating whipped cream off your chest, or releasing a ferret under the covers while you fuck.

*crosses fingers*
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Old 10-18-2010, 09:41 PM   #14802 (permalink)
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Old 10-18-2010, 10:12 PM   #14803 (permalink)
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God damn ferrets. I hate ex had one so that meant I really had one. And those things stink so bad. Eventually, my apartment people found out about it (can't have pets) so I had to keep it in a cage in my bathroom. That thing would stare at me while I took a **** in the creepiest way...

I don't trust them.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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Old 10-18-2010, 11:06 PM   #14804 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
Why you chose to make this comparison is beyond me considering I haven't had a full beard for 3 months and haven't posted a pic proclaiming otherwise for a long time, even though it is a decent amount of face fuzz Mr Sidewinder
Haha, I didn't understand the comparison either. And yes, decent is all it is really.
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I'd love to see your signature/links too, but the huge and obnoxious ones have caused me to block all signatures.
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Old 10-18-2010, 11:39 PM   #14805 (permalink)
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Speaking of armpit hair, I find there is actually sanitary reason to remove it. Men should take note.
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Old 10-18-2010, 11:53 PM   #14806 (permalink)
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Female armpit hair is just plain disgusting. No way I'd get with a girl who had it, I can't think of many other things that are more of a turn off for me. I don't want a bush anywhere on a girl...I'm a dude and I shave mine sometimes just cause it feels better when I'm sweating at the gym or whatever.
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Old 10-18-2010, 11:57 PM   #14807 (permalink)
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To me, it's not that women should or shouldn't have to, it's that if women have to do it, men do too. That's the double standard. It should be recognized that women really don't have to do a damn thing with their bodies for someone else's pleasure, and if you expect something to be done, you should be prepared to return the favour.

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Old 10-19-2010, 12:24 AM   #14808 (permalink)
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I understand the double standard argument... but men and women are just different, period. I'm not saying all girls are attracted to a really hairy guy, but I don't know any girls who would be unattracted to a guy just cause he had armpit hair.

I think it's just natural for a guy to be unattracted to female armpit hair. Aside from a guys thoughts of it, I think girls in general just feel sexier without it. There's nothin feminine about a hairy girl.

To break up this discussion and because I am new around this place I'll post a pic of myself too

Let me also state that I fully support cleavage.

Last edited by Dirty; 10-19-2010 at 12:53 AM.
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Old 10-19-2010, 08:41 AM   #14809 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bannister View Post
Wow, Vegan. You're naturally very pretty, which is rare to see. You don't need a whole lot of makeup to look good. (:
Thank you, bannister, for saying so...especially the "naturally" part, since I like natural stuff!

Putting some makeup on for that picture reminded me why I really don't like makeup. When you have makeup on your face, you kind of become untouchable, even to yourself! If you want to rub your face on your sleeve to scratch an itch, you can't for fear of smearing your makeup and getting your sleeve dirty. When you get warm, eyeliner runs. Lipstick also tastes awful when you get a little in your mouth.

And mascara! It coated each lash in a little stiff, black coffin! No more silky eyelashes. I decided after that picture that I'd never try using mascara again. I felt so unnatural, so coated. Also, it took effort to find vegan-friendly makeup not made with animal parts or tested on animals.

Originally Posted by VeggieLover View Post
OOO! I've never seen you all dressed up before Vegangelica! Very nice indeed. I too want to play the violin but don't currently have the money to buy an instrument or a teacher. In any case, you're stunning in this pic!
That is a downside of violins...they can be pretty expensive...but sometimes you can find some that are affordable. If you want to play the violin, DO DO DO, Veggie! Currently, I have my eyes on...a cello (drool)... Two nights ago, I dreamed I was playing the cello. It felt very natural.

I'm pleased you felt I looked stunning!

Originally Posted by duga View Post
God damn ferrets. I hate ex had one so that meant I really had one. And those things stink so bad. Eventually, my apartment people found out about it (can't have pets) so I had to keep it in a cage in my bathroom. That thing would stare at me while I took a **** in the creepiest way...

I don't trust them.
I like ferrets, duga. They're slinky. I didn't know they are stinky, though.

Originally Posted by Pedestrian View Post
To me, it's not that women should or shouldn't have to, it's that if women have to do it, men do too. That's the double standard. It should be recognized that women really don't have to do a damn thing with their bodies for someone else's pleasure,
and if you expect something to be done, you should be prepared to return the favour. /shrug
About the part of what you said in bold: Yes and yes and yes and yes!!! Did I say yes? YES!

I agree with you that no one should be pressured to do anything for someone else's pleasure. I never do anything for someone else's pleasure if I feel pressured. The good side of this is that if I *try* to do something that I think might bring pleasure to someone else, it means I really want to, and someone has made me feel free to be however I want to be.

And you're right about the double standard. There *is* a double standard when it comes to men's and women's bodies, such as with the underarm hair issue.

Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
Seriously it takes a little more than just cleavage to offend me.
Why would anyone ever be offended by cleavage? There is nothing wrong with women having breasts and showing them.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"

Last edited by VEGANGELICA; 10-19-2010 at 09:15 AM.
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Old 10-19-2010, 09:29 AM   #14810 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
I understand the double standard argument... but men and women are just different, period. I'm not saying all girls are attracted to a really hairy guy, but I don't know any girls who would be unattracted to a guy just cause he had armpit hair.

I think it's just natural for a guy to be unattracted to female armpit hair. Aside from a guys thoughts of it, I think girls in general just feel sexier without it. There's nothin feminine about a hairy girl.
You are aware that "unattracted" is not a word, correct?

It is NOT natural for a man to find a woman's armpit hair unattractive, it's definitely something society instills in us. The hair we grow is natural, and there's nothing wrong with it.

If a woman has to shave herself to feel sexier, then she really needs to work on her self-esteem. As women,our bodies are naturally sexy, shaved or not. and the part about "there's nothin feminine about a hairy girl", are you ****ing joking? How does having body hair detract from our femininity? Unless we're growing full beards, I don't think letting our fuzz grow makes us any less womanly.
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