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Raine 07-24-2006 10:05 PM

and Bruise_violet isn't here to defend herself either.
I imagine you'd make for a very good hunter. willing to stoop so low and kill in cold blood. Nice. :)

Survival of the fittest at its finest.

Although when you apply the phrase to humans it helps if you note their intelligence. Which you seem to be lacking in since you didn't realize you don't have to agree with someone else's opinion. And you got very angry, considering this is the internet. And your show of emotion won't get you anywhere. Least of all in this forum. :laughing:

Good job.:)

tdoc210 07-24-2006 10:08 PM

^ She is a girl. I think you could have phrased it a little nicer.

Edit Raine...... that was for the new person.

Quarintined 07-24-2006 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Raine
and Bruise_violet isn't here to defend herself either.
I imagine you'd make for a very good hunter. willing to stoop so low and kill in cold blood. Nice. :)

Survival of the fittest at its finest.

Although when you apply the phrase to humans it helps if you note their intelligence. Which you seem to be lacking in since you didn't realize you don't have to agree with someone else's opinion. And you got very angry, considering this is the internet. And your show of emotion won't get you anywhere. Least of all in this forum. :laughing:

Good job.:)

I wasn't showing any emotion. And yes, I would kill in cold blood. What's wrong with that? It's our primal nature as human beings to further ur own lives and the lives of our families. Countering this is an effort to counter what makes us human. At a certain level, we're still predators. Eyes forward, and sharp canines. I don't agree with hunting and don't think that it's for m, but I'm not going to say it's wrong, especially in the case the original poster presented of hunting for food.

Raine 07-25-2006 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Quarintined
And yes, I would kill in cold blood. What's wrong with that?

Nothing. My refering to you willingly killing in cold blood was a compliment. I like it.
And as far as I"m concerned that would make you a good hunter. :laughing:

Quarintined 07-25-2006 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Raine
Nothing. My refering to you willingly killing in cold blood was a compliment. I like it.
And as far as I"m concerned that would make you a good hunter. :laughing:


bruise_violet 07-25-2006 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Quarintined
I think you're retarded. I don't hunt, but it's not fair of you to tell somebody their actions are wrong when they're trying to survive, or put food on the table for their family. If you don't agree, don't partake, but do'nt bitch about how they lead their lives.

I can have an opinion, can't I? I wasn't personally attacking anyone here who said they hunted or were pro-hunting, was I?

And they aren't trying to survive, they hunt for fun. Why go to all that trouble when you can buy meat that is already dead? It's 2006, we don't live in bloody caves.

And I can say whatever I want about hunting, I think it is a horrific, cruel thing to do. But I'm not going to change my opinion on that, and neither are the people who are pro-hunting.

woahairplane 07-25-2006 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by bruise_violet
And they aren't trying to survive, they hunt for fun. Why go to all that trouble when you can buy meat that is already dead? It's 2006, we don't live in bloody caves.

obviously if its dead SOMEONE HAD TO HUNT IT.


Laces Out Dan! 07-25-2006 03:44 PM could be most animals we eat.

woahairplane 07-25-2006 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by _LesPaul43_ could be most animals we eat.

yes but still, its still going to end up dead. whats the difference between finding something to kill and raising something to kill?
its just as cruel.

Laces Out Dan! 07-25-2006 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by woahairplane
yes but still, its still going to end up dead. whats the difference between finding something to kill and raising something to kill?
its just as cruel.

I dont think its as bad...we farm animals to be eaten and used for food...the animals in the wild should be free

bruise_violet 07-25-2006 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by woahairplane
obviously if its dead SOMEONE HAD TO HUNT IT.


Um... when I talk about hunting I mean killing animals 'for fun'. I don't agree with the slaughter of animals for anything, like I said I don't eat meat.

Hunting is horrible. Killing animals is horrible.

DontRunMeOver 07-25-2006 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by bruise_violet
Hunting is horrible. Killing animals is horrible.

I think it is difficult to see where the above statement draws a line between the seal clubber with his skidoo, the red-coated fox chaser riding a horse with a pack of beagles, the pygmy hunting monkeys with a dart gun and the Kalahari dweller walking across the desert for days to catch a large herbivore to feed his tribe. All of those are forms of hunting, so broad statements about hunting effectively condemns certain types of human survival needs alongside those cruelties performed for capitalist or archaic cultural reasons.

If you call killing animals for fun 'hunting', then what do you call tracking down, chasing and killing animals to eat when there is nothing else available to eat? Do you have a different word for it?

bruise_violet 07-25-2006 04:20 PM

There is no way I can say that everyone should be vegetarian.

But I know that in the society where I live, hunting isn't actually needed so I don't think there is a point to it.

DontRunMeOver 07-25-2006 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by bruise_violet
But I know that in the society where I live, hunting isn't actually needed so I don't think there is a point to it.

There you go, the good statement. Hunting isn't completely necessary in the UK or Ireland, because we don't need it for food or safety reasons. Some people choose to do it and whether or not they should be allowed to is a matter of ethical debate. In many other places, there are more important issues relating to industries, safety and sometimes human survival which does create some need for hunting and the ethics of it shift.

For me, its fair to say that support of hunting in the UK is one way to determine whether somebody is a twat or not (only twats support fox hunting here). Relating opinions on this to other countries and their hunting issues isn't really appropriate though.

Merkaba 07-25-2006 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by bruise violet
There is no way I can say that everyone should be vegetarian.

But I know that in the society where I live, hunting isn't actually needed so I don't think there is a point to it.

There are only a few things in life that are actually 'needed' bruise. Petrol isn't a need but we fight for it. CO isn't a need but we still ruin the atmosphere with it.

Things are done because they can be, and we value what can be done with them. Meat provides a lot of good bits and pieces that veges don't, so there is a reason to go hunting, it might not be neccessary but it's still a reason.

Are you against fishing also?

bruise_violet 07-25-2006 04:42 PM

Yes I am against fishing. I'm a total animal rights freak :p:

I get what you mean about things not being needed, but animals have always been a huge part of my life and I care about them a lot. So of course, I worry more about them than petrol.

woahairplane 07-25-2006 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by bruise_violet
Yes I am against fishing. I'm a total animal rights freak :p:

I get what you mean about things not being needed, but animals have always been a huge part of my life and I care about them a lot. So of course, I worry more about them than petrol.

i respect you greatly. i would be a vegetarian if i could. but chicken is just TOO GOOD!

bruise_violet 07-25-2006 05:02 PM

Uh... you're not funny.

ZeppelinAir 07-25-2006 05:09 PM

so your one of those people who want to ban fishing and hunting, you people make me sick, if it wasnt for people hunting and fishing, chances are your ass wouldnt be around now would it, your the kind of people who want to cripple the countrys that onlys means of survival is hunting and fishing.
from what is being said, you rather take a human life before the life of a deer

Rabid Sea Turtles 07-25-2006 05:11 PM

For a "man of few words" you sure post a lot, unfortunatly.

bruise_violet 07-25-2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by ZeppelinAir
so your one of those people who want to ban fishing and hunting, you people make me sick, if it wasnt for people hunting and fishing, chances are your ass wouldnt be around now would it, your the kind of people who want to cripple the countrys that onlys means of survival is hunting and fishing.
from what is being said, you rather take a human life before the life of a deer

So what if I prefer animals over humans? It is my opinion, which I am allowed to have, just like you!

I have not had a go at anyone personally in this thread, yet people like you seem to be so quick to yap at me about what I believe in. Freedom of speech? My ass.

Barnard17 07-25-2006 05:15 PM

You know, ZeppelinAir, she did say at the start that countries don't need to rely on it. I'd assume she means first world countries that actually don't need to rely on it. Then again remove meat for your diet and you need to pill up on supplements to make up for nutritional losses, which can also be bad for you if you take too many. Keeping a balanced diet that involves meat is generally far healthier for you than needing to take 20 pills.

Oh and Bruise, wake up. This is a privately owned forum not a country. Freedom of speech goes out the window as soon as you tick "I agree" to the forum rules when you sign up.

TrampInaTux 07-25-2006 05:15 PM

Ever stopped to think that YOu are a human?

bruise_violet 07-25-2006 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by hobojesus
Ever stopped to think that YOu are a human?

Strangely enough, that has crossed my mind quite a bit.


EDIT: Yes I now realise that Fal.

ZeppelinAir 07-25-2006 05:19 PM

im not saying your opinion isnt worth anything, and yeah you do have your freedom of speech, but it pisses me off how all you animal rights people think everyone needs hear your opinion, everyone needs to know why animals cant be killed, and "yet people like you seem to be so quick to yap at me about what I believe in.", doesnt it apply for you as well, arnt you also jumping at people who hunt and fish.

bruise_violet 07-25-2006 05:21 PM


doesnt it apply for you as well, arnt you also jumping at people who hunt and fish.
Not at individual people, like you are doing to me. Sorry if my views are too radical :rolleyes:

ZeppelinAir 07-25-2006 05:23 PM

in not just going after you, its all the animal rights people

Barnard17 07-25-2006 05:24 PM

ZA. If you don't like the message of a thread, challenge it politely or ignore it. A thread on a message board is hardly forcing you to click it and respond with insults :usehead:

bruise_violet 07-25-2006 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by ZeppelinAir
in not just going after you, its all the animal rights people

No, you did actually.


so your one of those people who want to ban fishing and hunting, you people make me sick, if it wasnt for people hunting and fishing, chances are your ass wouldnt be around now would it, your the kind of people who want to cripple the countrys that onlys means of survival is hunting and fishing.
from what is being said, you rather take a human life before the life of a deer
Well I am sick of people like you, just because you don't like what I believe in does not mean you have to have a go at me about it.

Raine 07-25-2006 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by bruise_violet
And they aren't trying to survive, they hunt for fun. Why go to all that trouble when you can buy meat that is already dead? It's 2006, we don't live in bloody caves.

Do you know how unsanitary that is?
At least fi I kill it, I know where it came from and when it was killed.
Buying meat that's alreadyd ead. You have no idea unless by smell if it's fresh, ok to eat, or plain old rotten.

Laces Out Dan! 07-25-2006 08:37 PM

Oo STFU..everybody buys their meat at the from a butcher at a store..and it makes sense that you'd be the only one who has a problem with that..we're not talking about fucking hot dogs

bruise_violet 07-25-2006 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Raine
Do you know how unsanitary that is?
At least fi I kill it, I know where it came from and when it was killed.
Buying meat that's alreadyd ead. You have no idea unless by smell if it's fresh, ok to eat, or plain old rotten.

I don't care, I don't eat it :)

ZeppelinAir 07-26-2006 12:17 AM

well i dont care what you believe, just dont tell us what we can and cant do, around here we have to put up with that **** all the time, oh fishing is horrible, hunting is murder, BULL!!, its not murder, murder is when you go and shoot someone, if a bear killed a deer is that murder, no, we are no different, we are considered animals, if a tribe of natives in africa hunts to get there food, is that wrong. can you honestly say that the earth would be better off without people hunting?

Juggalo4life88 07-26-2006 01:08 AM

Hunting needs to take place or we would have massive amounts of deer, fish, and other animals to deal with. Human beings need to eat, and a human life is worth more than an animals, as cruel as it may sound. Veggies can't supply the entire planet with food, so we need another place to get food. I am not a hunter myself, but I have family that are. And I hate deer to begin with, there is to many that think that they are just the cutest creatures when in reality they aren't. I'm a carnivore so I need meat........... juicy meat. That is what I think on that subject. Hunting is needed, for food. Nt for ivory, or anything like that. So if it's for food, all I have to say is " Kill em'"!I know that must piss you veggies off, and I don't care.

tdoc210 07-26-2006 04:50 AM

^ Omg we would have to deal with it...OMFG oh poor us that we went and took over the land, and destroyed their ****ing homes..**** this ****.

Raine 07-26-2006 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by _LesPaul43_
Oo STFU..everybody buys their meat at the from a butcher at a store..and it makes sense that you'd be the only one who has a problem with that..we're not talking about fucking hot dogs

Half the meat I buy doesn't come from a butcher at a store.

I eat shark (as well as other things) and I don't get that from a butcher at a store.

bruise_violet 07-26-2006 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by ZeppelinAir
well i dont care what you believe, just dont tell us what we can and cant do, around here we have to put up with that **** all the time, oh fishing is horrible, hunting is murder, BULL!!, its not murder, murder is when you go and shoot someone, if a bear killed a deer is that murder, no, we are no different, we are considered animals, if a tribe of natives in africa hunts to get there food, is that wrong. can you honestly say that the earth would be better off without people hunting?

Haha if you don't care what I believe, then you don't have to post in a thread debating about it, do you? I didn't tell anyone what to do, go and read all the posts I have made in this thread again, did I EVER tell anyone what to do? I merely stated my opinion. I am sick of people having a go at me because I am willing to stand up for what I think is right, without having a go at anyone. I am not the only one who is anti-hunting here so grow up or else fuck off.

Raine 07-26-2006 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by bruise_violet
Haha if you don't care what I believe, then you don't have to post in a thread debating about it, do you? I didn't tell anyone what to do, go and read all the posts I have made in this thread again, did I EVER tell anyone what to do? I merely stated my opinion. I am sick of people having a go at me because I am willing to stand up for what I think is right, without having a go at anyone. I am not the only one who is anti-hunting here so grow up or else fuck off.

You tell him, girl.

tdoc210 07-26-2006 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Juggalo4life88
Hunting needs to take place or we would have massive amounts of deer, fish, and other animals to deal with. Human beings need to eat, and a human life is worth more than an animals, as cruel as it may sound. Veggies can't supply the entire planet with food, so we need another place to get food. I am not a hunter myself, but I have family that are. And I hate deer to begin with, there is to many that think that they are just the cutest creatures when in reality they aren't. I'm a carnivore so I need meat........... juicy meat. That is what I think on that subject. Hunting is needed, for food. Not for ivory, or anything like that. So if it's for food, all I have to say is " Kill em'"!I know that must piss you veggies off, and I don't care.

:laughing: lol you don't have a a point. Let's eat you,

bruise_violet 07-26-2006 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Raine
You tell him, girl.

I'm not usually nasty but I am sick of people having a go at me for disagreeing with them!

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