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Old 09-06-2009, 01:45 AM   #21 (permalink)
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lol you guys are going to get a trip outta my dreams. I'll let you know since I'm going to bed now. Tomorrow will be a new post and you guys will have a good laugh.
Stranded in this spooky town,
Stoplights are swaying and the phone lines are down
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Old 09-06-2009, 07:32 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Never lucid dreamed before, although I've sort of controlled them before. But I either lose control of it rather quickly, or I just wake up. I've always wanted to though.

I seem to have a lot of weird/funny dreams though. Last night I dreamed that me and few friends were at cedar Point. Almost every roller coaster that we rode broke down or collapsed while we were on it, but we all somehow survived. The only rides that didn't break were the water slides, but whenever I tried to go down one of them, I would slip on the water while trying to get on the slide and fell flat on my back, and when it hit the water I somehow ended up on the bottom of the slide in an instant, almost like I was slipping down them. After the day was over we all went and stayed the night in a large apartment complex made out of cardboard that was inside the park. Inside the rooms there were no beds or anything, it was just a large, somewhat dark and filthy room with one light bulb sticking out of the ceiling. People would often visit from other rooms by tearing down the weak cardboard walls, which would always instantly repair themselves whenever I wasn't looking at them. Me and my friends were sitting at a small table talking to each other until one of them brought out a huge suitcase. He opened it and it was filled with a bunch of individually wrapped up joints, which everybody except for me smoked. Everybody would lean back in their chairs, take the first puff and then fall over where they would all lay with their backs to ground, acting like a dog getting it's belly rubbed would, loudly panting. I eventually got bored of watching them so I got up and tore one of the cardboard walls down and walked into the next room, got a short glimpse of it and then woke up.

I like having weird dreams, haven't had any that were disturbing or unpleasant in a while, which is good.
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Old 09-07-2009, 10:45 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Terrible Lizard View Post
I dreamed last night I was on a boat in a sea of richy black liquid, the sea went out in all directions, and several large candles extended upwards from it, like watchtowers, the melted wax splashed tidal waves which rocked the boat two and fro', I flowed to the boat motion noticing that some of the candle towers were melting down to the stump, the flame nearly touching the water. I turned my camera and realized I was made of wood, I couldn't move and my feet were nailed to the stern of the ship, I tried to scream but I couldn't because I was obviously wood. Then I heard the sound of my friend Alec doing a bad rendition of the opening riff from Smoke on the Water and a giant radish with a caricatured face of Robert Fripp burst from the thick black water and opened its mouth to reveal teeth as thin as needles in several hundread rows, the teeth began to roar like an engine and spun in a circular motion, like some chainsaw vortex of horror. As Robert the Radish enveloped me in its buzzing mouth I thought about using the blunt side of a katana as a resonator.

I woke up naked in my bathroom. My fists were bloody.
Thank you for that
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Old 09-07-2009, 12:16 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Once I had a dream that I was someone else, and I realized I was dreaming while crouching on a sloped ledge (which is exactly how it happened, not sure why I remember that), but then I forgot and my dream continued.
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Old 09-07-2009, 03:10 PM   #25 (permalink)
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I never figure out that im dreaming. Half the time i can't even figure out what actually happened and what i dreamed in the mornings. Especially if i take a nap and dream and wake up in the evening...then im so freaking dissoriented. Its like being stoned but without the loss of brain cells.
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Old 09-11-2009, 04:44 PM   #26 (permalink)
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For any one interested in learning how to lucid dream, here's a good guide I found. How to Lucid Dream - wikiHow
PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce
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Old 09-11-2009, 04:46 PM   #27 (permalink)
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I personally love dreaming. My freshman year of college i had a two hour gap between classes and I would always take a nap. I dreamed every time and the nap was short enough that I would remember it every time I woke up. That was my favorite part of the day. Wish I had written some of them down.
PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce
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Old 09-11-2009, 04:57 PM   #28 (permalink)
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I had the lamest lucid dream, possibly in history: A child [a student of mine in my dream] was bending from a bridge, looking at the river underneath him. I knew he was going to fall so I tried to pull him back, but only managed to catch his shorts. His shorts started to stretch and the kid kept falling, so knowing he was going to die, I looked into the sky screaming the ugliest sound. And that's when I noticed that it was a dream, so I logically decided to keep screaming because the fall of the kid was sudden. After screaming I look back at the river still holding his stretching shorts, the boy reaches the river or death. so I got really sad, but then felt, "what the hell it's only a dream, I'm gonna jump too" and I jumped after him. It turned out that the child was still alive splashing in the water.

That's a really boring dream! my ordinary dreams are incredibly good, and in this one I didn't even get the "Fall" feeling when I threw myself. bummer.
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Old 09-13-2009, 04:07 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lateralus View Post
To put it simply, a lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that they are dreaming and they can actively participate in the dream and control the imagery of the dream. It's been researched scientifically and its existence has been well-established.

I've personally never been able to have a lucid dream.
Just to clear one thing up, controlling imagery and participating take A LOT of practice, at least for most people. Without work a normal lucid dreamer will only be able to control smaller aspects or just themselves.

Also I can promise you that you have had many lucid dream you just dont remember them. Think of it this way, how many of your dreams a night do you actually remember the next day? My guess is not 5-6 (thats the amount an average person would have in a short time sleeping) Lucid dreams are remembered the same way regular dreams are. So if you dont remember all of the normal ones you wont remember your lucids. For all you know you could have had a controlled night with the man of your dreams, but you would never know.

I suggest starting a journal that you wright your dreams in once you wake up. After a few weeks you will start remembering much more.

Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
I have woken up for a few minutes and I have been able to put myself back into the same dream as it were. This usually happens in the summer when it's light around 5-7 AM so I know I have woken up checked the clock knowing it's too early to get up and slipped back into the dream. Obviously this is only the pleasant dreams.

Slightly off topic but I have had a few dreams where you seem to meet your perfect partner but you have never seen them before in your damn life. Talking about a kick in the balls when you wake up
Thats odd that happens. Typically the most important part to continuing a dream or remembering is keeping your eyes closed. Light makes you quickly forget what it was about.

And that happens to me alot! Makes you want to stay in bed haha

Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
i found practicing simple transcendental meditation while going to sleep was the best way to trigger lucid dreams / out of body experiences.
I believe those are called Wild's (Wake Induced Lucid Dream). There are many kinds, most being Dild's (dream induced lucid dream) Some people actually use your method more often because they feel they have more control over the dream and when it can happen.

If you want a link to the forum I go to theirs a bunch of guides from people who really know what there doing better than me there.
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Last edited by Dr_Rez; 09-13-2009 at 04:19 AM.
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Old 09-13-2009, 05:39 AM   #30 (permalink)
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I've never had a proper lucid dream, generally if I realise I'm dreaming I'll be a bit relieved this doesn't have consequences, but I forget pretty quickly. I am quite good at what Jackhammer mentioned, waking up but managing to jump back into your dream.

I haven't been remembering my dreams as much lately, but I think they're getting better. The production values have gone up a notch I guess.

Does anyone go through an artistic process in their dreams, a few weeks ago I composed what I thought was a brilliantly clever poem in a dream, and even when I was mostly awake I still had the feeling that the wordplay was good. But I dropped the ball and didn't write it down, now I can't get it back.
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