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Queen Boo 01-25-2011 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Kaimon (Post 991143)



EDIT: And no true plastic would ever be caught dead in those outfits.

I agree. Somebody should be dragged out into the street and shot for this. After about 20 minutes, I think ABC Family realized that nobody halfway intellegent was watching it because they just stopped trying to make jokes. Laziest writing ever.
I got $30 for making it through the whole thing.

Kaimon 01-25-2011 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Tumor (Post 991585)
I agree. Somebody should be dragged out into the street and shot for this. After about 20 minutes, I think ABC Family realized that nobody halfway intellegent was watching it because they just stopped trying to make jokes. Laziest writing ever.
I got $30 for making it through the whole thing.

Least the principal was still there. One speck of a gem in an otherwise steaming pile of crap.

FaSho 01-25-2011 08:03 PM

You guys are crazy, that was a great movie,

Queen Boo 01-25-2011 08:07 PM

This is how Star Wars fans felt after the shit one about the clones.
This is how Indiana Jones fans felt after Shia Labeouf.

bob. 01-25-2011 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 991560)

But only because Warwick Davis is in it. lol


but only because someone has to love that face


the netflix description

"Gabriel Bartalos directed this gory horror flick about a captive girl forced to choose the lesser of two evils. When a vacationing family with car trouble seeks help at a remote, tumbledown diner, the mutant proprietors murder the whole clan -- except teenage Tina (Karoline Brandt), who's chosen to wed one of the genetic misfits. Soon a gang of homicidal bikers turns up … and Tina's life depends on which killers she sides with."

HiFi 01-26-2011 03:57 AM

Sex and The City 2...

Here's the Mark Kermode rant.

YouTube - Sex and the City 2 reviewed by Mark Kermode

II agree with it pretty much word for word.

TockTockTock 01-26-2011 04:57 AM

I liked Clone Wars. I actually thought Episode I was the worst.

Howard the Duck 01-26-2011 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by JackPat (Post 991706)
I liked Clone Wars. I actually thought Episode I was the worst.

do you mean "Attack of the Clones (Ep. 2), The Clone Wars traditional cartoon or Clone Wars the CGI cartoon?"

I thought all three were pretty decent except for Darth Vader being called "Skyguy"

The Batlord 01-26-2011 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by JackPat (Post 991706)
I liked Clone Wars. I actually thought Episode I was the worst.

:bonkhead: There is no excuse for liking Episode II. Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker is like watching paint dry. Except I'm not expecting anything out of paint drying, so I am not dissappointed and enraged by it. I only make special mention of him because he becomes Darth Vader. All the other characters are likewise lifeless and god awful. This is not really the actors fault though, because the script is obviously just scribbled down with crayon by a five year old down syndrome kid with epilepsy, thrown into a wood chipper and reassembled with no particular sense of order by a syphilitic chimpanzee.

someonecompletelyrandom 01-26-2011 02:59 PM

Yep, all three of the prequels are pretty bad. Episode II is the worst in my opinion, but Episode III was pretty bad too. I actually liked Episode I the best out of those- mainly because we saw characters in actual SETS. Going PLACES and interacting in an organic way with their enviroment. II and III consisted almost entirely of CG backdrops and sets that look awful now, just a few years later. It's all so artofficial and wooden, and with the addition of the terrible acting makes them some of the most disappointing films ever cut.

Guybrush 01-26-2011 03:02 PM

Casting Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker was a big mistake. Before the movies were released, I was looking forward to, you know, following Anakin's story of corruption over the course of the coming prequels. This deeply personal story about Anakin's transformation to Darth Vader should be emotionally engaging to the viewer, but then they get a schmuck like Hayden to play the part and he just irritated me in every scene he was in. Disappointing!

TockTockTock 01-26-2011 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 991715)
do you mean "Attack of the Clones (Ep. 2), The Clone Wars traditional cartoon or Clone Wars the CGI cartoon?"

I thought all three were pretty decent except for Darth Vader being called "Skyguy"

I mean Attack of the Clones.

I think we all know that the Lord of the Rings is best.

djchameleon 01-26-2011 03:23 PM

I can't stand LOTR

I liked all of the prequel episodes but episode 2 was the worst imo just for the fact that it had too much lovey dovey scenes going on. I did enjoy seeing mass amounts of jedi duking it out though with different colored sabers.

Howard the Duck 01-26-2011 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 991927)
I can't stand LOTR

I liked all of the prequel episodes but episode 2 was the worst imo just for the fact that it had too much lovey dovey scenes going on. I did enjoy seeing mass amounts of jedi duking it out though with different colored sabers.

i hated the "love" scenes as well but the Coruscant City chase? priceless

I liked LOTR when it came out, in retrospect it was just Peter Jackson hubris

captaincaptain 01-26-2011 07:47 PM

I've always thought The Terminal was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Very pretentious! At the very least it was the worst of both Tom Hanks and Steven Speilberg's career.

Alone in the Dark is a movie I was suckered into seeing when I lived in England. To be fair, Uwe Boll is on a whole different level suck then everyone else.

Gladiator = Snoozefest

someonecompletelyrandom 01-26-2011 09:13 PM

I loved The terminal! I don't see how it was pretentious at all!

captaincaptain 01-26-2011 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 992193)
I loved The terminal! I don't see how it was pretentious at all!

Tom Hanks was a naive, slightly dimwitted guy in love with a slutty woman. He played that to great effect in Forrest Gump. Using a fake country that really is Russia was a horrible idea. Any dropout from The Actor's Studio could have came up with that accent. I felt the movie was only made to capitalize on a similar real life story. As for Speilberg he was totally out of his element with this movie. If it doesn't have dinosaurs, aliens, sharks, or Jews, then he shouldn't be making the movie.

Howard the Duck 01-26-2011 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 992193)
I loved The terminal! I don't see how it was pretentious at all!

I *liked* it as well

djchameleon 01-26-2011 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by captaincaptain (Post 992125)

Alone in the Dark is a movie I was suckered into seeing when I lived in England. To be fair, Uwe Boll is on a whole different level suck then everyone else.

All of his movies belong in this thread and he continues to keep making them like wtf!?!?!:bonkhead:

someonecompletelyrandom 01-26-2011 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by captaincaptain (Post 992212)
Tom Hanks was a naive, slightly dimwitted guy in love with a slutty woman. He played that to great effect in Forrest Gump. Using a fake country that really is Russia was a horrible idea. Any dropout from The Actor's Studio could have came up with that accent. I felt the movie was only made to capitalize on a similar real life story. As for Speilberg he was totally out of his element with this movie. If it doesn't have dinosaurs, aliens, sharks, or Jews, then he shouldn't be making the movie.

I don't think his character was dim witted at all. The naive nature comes from the language barrier aspect of the film, and his relationship with the woman was explored through a near elimination of linguistics and a focus purely on intent and emotion. It was an examination of differences in human culture, commercialism, and displacement. Also had some pretty interesting characters.

But to each his own I suppose.

The Batlord 01-27-2011 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 991921)
Casting Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker was a big mistake. Before the movies were released, I was looking forward to, you know, following Anakin's story of corruption over the course of the coming prequels. This deeply personal story about Anakin's transformation to Darth Vader should be emotionally engaging to the viewer, but then they get a schmuck like Hayden to play the part and he just irritated me in every scene he was in. Disappointing!

It wasn't his fault. The new trilogy had excellent actors: Samuel L. Jackson, Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, and they all had as little personality as he did. The problem was that the script was half assed. Even the best actor on earth can only do so much with a script that awful. All three of those movies were just so awful that I don't even want to write the book I would have to write to do the subject justice.

I would also like to add that those movies weren't just awful, but that they actually affected my ability to watch the original trilogy as well. Now, whenever I watch Star Wars, I can never get my contempt for George Lucas out of my mind long enough to enjoy it like I used to. **** George Lucas.

Bloozcrooz 01-31-2011 12:34 AM

I forgot how terrible this movie was..So I reminded myself by watching it again tonight. Nothing better was on any of the other million channels we have is the sad part.

djchameleon 01-31-2011 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 994807)
I forgot how terrible this movie was..So I reminded myself by watching it again tonight. Nothing better was on any of the other million channels we have is the sad part.

that movie is such a guilty pleasure movie for me.

my favorite quote from that movie.

"You came into ma' howse... You touch ma' chile'... You think yo' crazy? I'll show you crazy... JUST TRY ME BITCH!"

and this one "Nobody touches my child!"

it's a running joke between my friends we will randomly say "Nobody touches my chiiiild" all ghetto like it's funny.

Mainkerchipa 02-08-2011 12:36 AM

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Dirty 02-08-2011 03:08 AM

Anyone else think Beyonce is one of the worst actresses ever?

djchameleon 02-08-2011 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1000229)
Anyone else think Beyonce is one of the worst actresses ever?

she is but it's not like she has been doing it for years and years and hasn't learned anything.

She's been in that movie and what? dreamgirls? two movies total.

Mrd00d 02-08-2011 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1000233)
she is but it's not like she has been doing it for years and years and hasn't learned anything.

She's been in that movie and what? dreamgirls? two movies total.

austin powers 3?

Howard the Duck 02-08-2011 04:38 AM

The Disney adaptation of Hercules?

Totally unfunny and silly in a no-fun way.

The art salvages it somewhat but not much.....

Bloozcrooz 02-08-2011 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 994891)
that movie is such a guilty pleasure movie for me.

my favorite quote from that movie.

"You came into ma' howse... You touch ma' chile'... You think yo' crazy? I'll show you crazy... JUST TRY ME BITCH!"

and this one "Nobody touches my child!"

it's a running joke between my friends we will randomly say "Nobody touches my chiiiild" all ghetto like it's funny.

Lol..thats pretty funny DJ

Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1000229)
Anyone else think Beyonce is one of the worst actresses ever?

Not gonna win any awards for her acting any time soon, but she is easy on the eyes. So that kind of makes up for some of it I guess.

djchameleon 02-08-2011 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1000243)
austin powers 3?

lol you are right, completely forgot about that role, I liked her in austin powers 3

marklevis 02-08-2011 06:51 AM

The worst movie of all time are as follows:-
1. Cutthroat Island.
2. Little Nicky.
3. When Harry Got Mail in Seattle.
4. Clambake.
5. Rhinestone.

djchameleon 02-08-2011 06:54 AM

say what? Little Nicky is hilarious as all get up.

Howard the Duck 02-08-2011 06:56 AM

I liked Cutthroat Island

Dirty 02-08-2011 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1000306)
say what? Little Nicky is hilarious as all get up.

I haven't seen it in forever but I remember hating that movie. I remember wanting to kill Sandler's voice.

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 02-08-2011 09:31 AM

I don't know, I didn't mind Little Nicky too much, and I generally hate Adam Sandler films. To be honest, the jokes I think were classed up ten million miles from Happy Gilmore. Which, isn't saying much, but I can understand why the standard Sandler fan would hate it.

I honestly don't understand why it's singled out so much. Sandler especially is known for WAY worse atrocities(8 crazy nights).

DoctorSoft 02-08-2011 04:16 PM

Honestly all I remember from Little Nicky was a guy with tits on his head.

infantrysgirl18 02-21-2011 03:21 AM

Worst movie ever: The Room

Directed by Tommy Wiseau
Produced by Tommy Wiseau
Written by Tommy Wiseau
Starring Tommy Wiseau

TheCunningStunt 02-21-2011 06:08 PM

Oh hai Mark x

ThePhanastasio 02-21-2011 06:27 PM

To be quite honest, I love The Room. It's so bad, it's good.

Wiseau's acting performance was one for the ages. XD

Especially his acting in this clip.

infantrysgirl18 02-21-2011 08:58 PM

Granted it made me laugh tons. Just as a movie...plot lines and scenes and dialog just horrible. And yet it was funny. The best part is, the movie started a cult following.

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