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Thrice 01-23-2011 11:57 AM

Steelers over Packers.

Dirty 01-23-2011 12:20 PM

I'm takin Jets over Bears.

I gotta pull for the Jets.

Sparky 01-23-2011 02:24 PM

wtf bears...

Dirty 01-23-2011 02:28 PM

Bears laying an egg here in the first half. I can't see the second half being much different. It just seems like they have no weapons on offense, every pass is to Forte. They are gonna need a big defensive play, or more likely a big special teams play to win this because Packers are clearly the better overall team.

Sparky 01-23-2011 02:53 PM

i knew how wack their offense was, but i'm pretty surprised by how clueless they're defense looks. I mean, the packers are running the same scheme on offense the whole season, i thought the bears would be a little more prepared.

pourmeanother 01-23-2011 09:56 PM

Jets played a good first half in last year's championship, and a good second half in this one. Can't win if you don't play a complete game, though. I am seriously crushed.

djchameleon 01-23-2011 10:30 PM

I couldn't be bothered to watch after the first half. I just turned to the simpsons.

Bloozcrooz 01-26-2011 02:49 AM

Lol so back by popular No Crash-overide im not hating man I just like to spice things up. Like I said my teams season was over early. Im merely speculating on teams I think are gonna make it. Since the last time I was on though a few games have taken place and a couple big shockers took place. I guess I have underestimated the Pack all season long. Congrats on making it to the big game. However im still riding out my Steelers pick to win it all. So looking forward to Super Bowl Sunday. Sorry bout your Falcons Dirty. As a Cowboys fan there is one saying you grow accustom to saying through the years...(well theres always next year) Dont take it too hard. So now that theres only one big game to go. Gooo Steelers!!!!!!!!!

Dirty 01-29-2011 11:06 AM

The more i keep hearing and reading, the more it seems likely there is gonna be a lockout next year... I hope they don't miss any games, but things don't seem to be getting any better between the owners and the NFLPA. Fucking greedy owners.

Bloozcrooz 01-30-2011 08:24 PM

Lol anybody watching the pro bowl? Quite amusing to see the players finding such humor in the fans running onto the field in hopes of alluding security and juking their way into the spotlight. I saw at least 3 players in tears almost laughing at the situation. Just the reaction of the players was pretty amusing to me not so much the idiots doing the running...I bet it would only take one time of someone getting popped by a Julias Peppers or someone of that stature. For the trend to quickly lose its appeal. That would make for a great heighlight on any if not all of the sports coverage networks!!

Dirty 01-30-2011 08:44 PM

Haha yeah i saw that, fans running onto the field and trying to outrun security is funny to me. Mainly just in football, like a fan will try to juke and spin and stuff and try to reach the endzone lol.

I was gonna bet the over of the pro bowl, it was 67 and it went way over. I thought Matty ice was gonna get the MVP, he played a pretty good game. So many interceptions and turnovers, it was quite ridiculous. NFC just killed. It's all pretty much a joke, I don't mind seeing the players out there just having a good time with everything. I was hoping to see some more crazy trick plays.

Did you see the last play of the game? LOL that was awesome. Cassell threw it to someone and it eventually got lateraled to Alex Mack, the center for Cleveland and he ran it for a TD. You could see on the replay he was sprinting down field and calling for the ball and after he got it he just went full speed for the endzone. Pretty funny to see a dude that big trucking for a touchdown, I thought it was pretty sweet.

Neapolitan 01-30-2011 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 994647)
Lol anybody watching the pro bowl? Quite amusing to see the players finding such humor in the fans running onto the field in hopes of alluding security and juking their way into the spotlight. I saw at least 3 players in tears almost laughing at the situation. Just the reaction of the players was pretty amusing to me not so much the idiots doing the running...I bet it would only take one time of someone getting popped by a Julias Peppers or someone of that stature. For the trend to quickly lose its appeal. That would make for a great heighlight on any if not all of the sports coverage networks!!

He was just a copy cat of a Philly fan.

I like the ending it reminded me of college ball, with a bunch of lateral passes.

Bloozcrooz 01-30-2011 11:14 PM

Dirty..Lol oh yeah in all actuality the play could have been whistled dead right before the lateral to Mack. Lucky for him though its all in fun so they just kind of let them play. I mean there was only one penalty called the whole game. Good to see a big man getting to score a touchdown and share some of that glory. Yeah your boy did pretty well. It was funny to see every single AFC q.b. get picked I dont know how hard they are really trying though. Im anxious to see how the Super Bowl plays out. You could definatley hear the biased opinions on the sidlines when the players where asked their thoughts. Every player from the NFC thinks the Packs gonna win and every player from the AFC said the Steelers.
Neopolitan..I remember some kind of contraversy on that kid getting pepper sprayed. That wasnt to long ago was it? Like the year before last or maybe last year?? Like I said I didnt find the run itself that funny..The fact that their are people out their that nutty and unafraid of consequence is whats funny. Then to see the players reactions is what topped it off.

Thom Yorke 03-16-2011 05:07 PM

It's kinda sinking in now. It's gonna ****in SUCK if there's no NFL next year. Huge understatement.

djchameleon 03-17-2011 11:04 PM

yeah it is looking that way. No NFL this upcoming season which is going to be horrible.

debaserr 03-18-2011 11:38 AM

there will be football next season. whether there will be 16 games or not is up for debate.

djchameleon 03-18-2011 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1020260)
there will be football next season. whether there will be 16 games or not is up for debate.

so you sure they are just bluffing with this lockout?

crash_override 03-19-2011 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1020351)
so you sure they are just bluffing with this lockout?

The owners have been preparing for this a long time, this is all part of the plan. So unless someone ****s on their parade and takes away those TV contracts for next year, they won't be playing. At this point, the owners stand to make MORE money NOT playing next season than they would playing. That doesn't leave a lot of room for hope in my book. Unless the players get some serious leverage, or are willing to take it up the ass, there won't be football for quite some time.

Bloozcrooz 03-20-2011 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 1020920)
The owners have been preparing for this a long time, this is all part of the plan. So unless someone ****s on their parade and takes away those TV contracts for next year, they won't be playing. At this point, the owners stand to make MORE money NOT playing next season than they would playing. That doesn't leave a lot of room for hope in my book. Unless the players get some serious leverage, or are willing to take it up the ass, there won't be football for quite some time.

Obvoiusly you dont know the deal. The players are the ones ruining it now..Tom Brady....Peyton Manning and Drew Brees. The three highest paid bitches.

debaserr 03-20-2011 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1020927)
Obvoiusly you dont know the deal. The players are the ones ruining it now..Tom Brady....Peyton Manning and Drew Brees. The three highest paid bitches.

You've got an ugly ass.

Bloozcrooz 03-20-2011 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1020930)
You've got an ugly ass.

What the hell does your comment have to do with the topic?

debaserr 03-20-2011 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1020927)
Obvoiusly you dont know the deal. The players are the ones ruining it now..Tom Brady....Peyton Manning and Drew Brees. The three highest paid bitches.

You were talking out of your ass.

You must know little about the negotiations.

stephen1181 03-27-2011 08:59 AM

Being an Indianapolis guy, and having the Super Bowl here for 2012, I hope there will still be a season!! I know that it seems like there's going to be a game or two missed. Just sounds like both sides are far apart. At least they settled on that rule change for kickoffs. So maybe that's a step in the right direction.

Thom Yorke 03-27-2011 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by stephen1181 (Post 1025594)
At least they settled on that rule change for kickoffs.

I hate that rule, and I hear many of the coaches hate it to. Since when have kickoffs ever been a problem? They should be focusing on more important matters.

Dirty 03-27-2011 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 1025720)
I hate that rule, and I hear many of the coaches hate it to. Since when have kickoffs ever been a problem? They should be focusing on more important matters.

I've never heard of it being a problem. I still say that "player safety" is being used somehow by the owners to gain leverage or public approval or something. Not sure what exactly, but it made no sense to make rule changes in the middle of last season and it makes no sense to change the kickoff rules. Players are going to get hurt. It's a very physical game. I don't see how the kickoff being moved 5 yards is going to make the game drastically more safe. It's all just a distraction so everyone on TV and fans talk about these new rules and stop focusing on how greedy these bastard owners are. I think they are gonna use "players safety" somehow in negotiation for the 18 game schedule or something

djchameleon 03-27-2011 03:29 PM

I don't think the owners are being greedy , some of them have already reduced their pay until the negotiations are resolved.

By reduced I mean to things like 1 dollar and stuff like that to try to gain the favor of the fans maybe but still.

Dirty 03-28-2011 10:54 PM

I don't know, last I heard Goodell was doing that $1 thing, maybe the owners are too but I've read that the owners and broadcasters are still gonna get paid regardless if there is a season. NFL owners want change more than the players, and they basically cited the fact that they were unhappy, and the players were happy with the current deal as reasoning for a new deal. I'm always gonna side with the players because of how much hell their bodies endure and how hard they work.

I found this thread to ask what you fellow football fans think of the QB prospects this year. I actually really like Cam Newton. I know he definitely lied about two separate scandals at Auburn and Florida (the money issue and stealing a laptop) but as a football player I like him. I think he is Vince Young but better. It's a pretty weak QB class but I like Gabbard from Misouri as well but not as much. I see him being a mediocre career starter but I could see Cam Newton being an above average starter eventually but not good enough to be a pro bowler. Jake Locker though. Everyone wa so big on him, and he's a total moron for not going through the draft last year. He cost himself ten of millions of dollars and I honestly don't know why everyone is in love with the guy. He's gonna completely suck in my opinion, I haven't seen much from him for me to believe he is gonna be any good.

Thom Yorke 03-28-2011 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1026483)
I found this thread to ask what you fellow football fans think of the QB prospects this year. I actually really like Cam Newton. I know he definitely lied about two separate scandals at Auburn and Florida (the money issue and stealing a laptop) but as a football player I like him. I think he is Vince Young but better. It's a pretty weak QB class but I like Gabbard from Misouri as well but not as much. I see him being a mediocre career starter but I could see Cam Newton being an above average starter eventually but not good enough to be a pro bowler. Jake Locker though. Everyone wa so big on him, and he's a total moron for not going through the draft last year. He cost himself ten of millions of dollars and I honestly don't know why everyone is in love with the guy. He's gonna completely suck in my opinion, I haven't seen much from him for me to believe he is gonna be any good.

I think it's a pretty weak class for QBs. Gabbert is the only guy I'd take top 10, and I still don't think all that much of him. I see Newton as more of a late first, and Locker and Mallet as 2nd rounders. I'm sure they'll all go higher though, as QB is the most valuable position.

As for why I don't like Newton, it's because we've seen the athlete-first QB fail so often before in the NFL. Granted he does having better tools for throwing than Young and WAY better than Tebow, but I still don't like taking a guy like that as they always find it tough to adjust to the NFL.

I'm wondering if we'll see something similar happen to Luck that happened to Locker. I doubt it though. I think he's the real deal.

Dirty 03-29-2011 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 1026503)
I think it's a pretty weak class for QBs. Gabbert is the only guy I'd take top 10, and I still don't think all that much of him. I see Newton as more of a late first, and Locker and Mallet as 2nd rounders. I'm sure they'll all go higher though, as QB is the most valuable position.

As for why I don't like Newton, it's because we've seen the athlete-first QB fail so often before in the NFL. Granted he does having better tools for throwing than Young and WAY better than Tebow, but I still don't like taking a guy like that as they always find it tough to adjust to the NFL.

I'm wondering if we'll see something similar happen to Luck that happened to Locker. I doubt it though. I think he's the real deal.

There's no QBs this year on the level of Matt Ryan or Flacco or Sam Bradford like the past few years. The QBs who did come out this year are lucky because it means more money for them even though they will have unrealistic expectations. Before Ryan and Flacco it had been a long time since a rookie QB came in and performed that well (exception Big Ben). Like guys like Peyton weren't good their first years and I think fans are gonna have unrealistic expectations of rookie QBs for awhile.

Forgot to mention Mallet. I'm not big on him either, he doesn't strike me as mature at all. I think he's still a kid and has some growing up to do. And yeah a lot of athletic QBs don't transition well but I'm not gonna group them all together. In college there's a ton of athletic QBs but Cam won the Heisman and was a stud all year. I just think he's a winner and a hard worker. Even Vince Young has had a pretty good career all things considered. He's immature and dumb as bricks and might have mental issues but he got wins when he was in there. An athletic QB isn't gonna put up the passing stats of pocket passers, which is something nobody ever understood when Vick was in Atlanta and got so much hate from the analysts despite being a 1 man team. I think Cam will make it in the NFL, and I think Tebow is gonna be good too. I was the biggest Tebow hater but now I'm kinda rooting for him for some reason. I don't think he'll ever be a great passer but I think that if Denver can get their ground game back Tebow is good enough to make the basic throws and make plays out of the pocket. It just takes coaching that's willing to be unconventional with things to make the athletic QB succeed in my opinion.

Bloozcrooz 03-29-2011 04:37 PM

Personally im not all that interested in the q.b. expectations of this coming...well whenever they play. More so in what Patrick Peterson is going to do. Some are calling him the next Deon Sanders which is a pretty high standard to live up to. Yes I know there are deon haters but you cant deny the talent and ability he had for taking away the side of the field he was on. Ive seen some similiarities in Peterson as well. He also seems to have that arrogant personality I tend to take a liking to...sort of self promoting and boasting on his own capablities. Footballs in need of another new personality like that. T.O and Ocho and Moss are way past their primes. Not that im any less of a fan of them just ready for a new ****y phenom to grace us with his antics. Maybe he'll be the next target of the media.

Thom Yorke 03-29-2011 04:43 PM

Yeah, QB exectations are pretty high now because of guys like Ryan and Bradford. Before that it was just a forgone conclusion that a rookie QB would struggle, no matter what hype they were getting.

I think Vick is in a bit of a different boat. He was the best athletic QB prospect the NFL had ever seen by miles, but at the same time he had an arm stronger than most QBs in the NFL, even in his draft year.

My big issue with athletic QBs is that their college teams cater to their strengths, and you just won't see that in the NFL. More and more it's becoming a pass first league.

Newton was tearing it up under Malzahn's spread option offense, which is something that I just don't think will fly in the NFL.

Thom Yorke 03-29-2011 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1026857)
Personally im not all that interested in the q.b. expectations of this coming...well whenever they play. More so in what Patrick Peterson is going to do. Some are calling him the next Deon Sanders which is a pretty high standard to live up to. Yes I know there are deon haters but you cant deny the talent and ability he had for taking away the side of the field he was on. Ive seen some similiarities in Peterson as well. He also seems to have that arrogant personality I tend to take a liking to...sort of self promoting and boasting on his own capablities. Footballs in need of another new personality like that. T.O and Ocho and Moss are way past their primes. Not that im any less of a fan of them just ready for a new ****y phenom to grace us with his antics. Maybe he'll be the next target of the media.

I think Peterson and Green are the best players in this class, but they both might slide a bit. The 49ers would be doing cartwheels if Peterson fell to 7 though.

Bloozcrooz 03-29-2011 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 1026874)
I think Peterson and Green are the best players in this class, but they both might slide a bit. The 49ers would be doing cartwheels if Peterson fell to 7 though.

Even better if he fell to the 9th pick and Dallas got him. Not going to happen but we can dream I guess. Im guessing we'll get Prince which would be the next best thing as far as fixing our secondary problems. I heard their thinking about drafting a lineman but that would not be wise imo.

Thom Yorke 03-29-2011 11:13 PM

Yeah I'd bet money on DAL taking a CB. Prince is top 10 material still.

I'm gonna try to take a stab at a mock for the top half of the first:

1. Panthers - QB Blaine Gabbert
I don't think he's worth it, but bottom teams always want that QB for their face of the franchise for the number 1 pick.

2. Broncos - DT Nick Fairley
Toss-up between him and Dareus. Can't go wrong either way.

3. Bills - QB Cam Newton
It's gonna happen and it will be a terrible pick. They'll go for flash like they did with Spiller last year.

4. Bengals - WR A. J. Green
BPA. Apparently taking Peterson would lead to Joseph leaving. Not sure if I buy that but they'll be getting a stud either way.

5. Cardinals - OLB/DE Von Miller
This is my lock of the draft. This will happen.

6. Browns - WR Julio Jones
Wideouts aren't usually picked too high, but there's two studs this year and the Browns need alot of help here.

7. 49ers - CB Patrick Peterson
No explanation needed. 49ers get luckier than when Crabtree dropped to them. They will probably try to trade up to secure him anyways.

8. Titans - DT Marcell Dareus
Gabbert would be the pick if still available. They're still getting a guy that could go as high as 1 with how wide open this draft is.

9. Cowboys - CB Prince Amukamara
CB is such a big need that I wouldn't be surprised if they traded up to secure one of the top 2 CBs.

10. Redskins - DE Da'Quon Bowers
Could have really used Jones. Bowers has been sliding like crazy lately so this could turn into a big steal. The D-line is a mess for them.

11. Texans - DE J.J. Watt
BPA. This was a tough pick. Texans could really go any way with this one.

12. Vikings - OT Tyron Smith
They'd probably trade down if the draft went like this, but the O-line has been terrible the last couple years.

13. Lions - OT Nate Solder
O-line is a big need as well. Might want to keep Stafford healthy for a few more games.

14. Rams - DE Robert Quinn
This could be a huge steal. DE is so deep in this draft.

15. Dolphins - DE Aldon Smith
Yet another DE. They could go with Ingram here with Brown and Williams being free agents.

16. Jaguars - QB Jake Locker
No, he's not worth being picked this high, but as the Jaguars showed last year, they aren't afraid to reach in the first round. QB is a big need for them though.

Bloozcrooz 03-29-2011 11:26 PM

Thats a pretty interesting mock draft...Cam at three and Peterson at 7? Im not sold on Cam really performing to the hype but I think he'll go 1rst or 2nd. Peterson somewhere in the top 5.

By the way who is your team?

Thrice 03-29-2011 11:30 PM

Actually, Chan Gailey and the Bills drafted 'the best player on the board'. I don't see them taking Newton over Peterson, Miller, or Dareus, but maybe I have high hopes with how successful last years draft seemed in relation to the previous 5 years. I guarantee Peterson wont fall past 5. I don't want to get too into detail, as I still have yet to post my mock, but I'm putting PP in the top 3.

Thom Yorke 03-29-2011 11:31 PM

This isn't who I'd personally draft but what I think will happen. Peterson at 7 might be a stretch though for sure. If I didn't hear that Joseph thing I'd give him to the Bengals.

Vikings are my team. What a mess right now. Similar to your Cowboys actually. Big expectations last year that just came crashing down. Dallas looks to be in better shape going forward though.

Thom Yorke 03-29-2011 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Thrice (Post 1027131)
Actually, Chan Gailey and the Bills drafted 'the best player on the board'. I don't see them taking Newton over Peterson, Miller, or Dareus, but maybe I have high hopes with how successful last years draft seemed in relation to the previous 5 years. I guarantee Peterson wont fall past 5. I don't want to get too into detail, as I still have yet to post my mock, but I'm putting PP in the top 3.

Gailey came out before the last draft and said he was looking for a pass-catching back. This year he said that QB needs to be addressed. Spiller may have been the BPA for them last year, but it'll be interesting to see if he telegraphed his pick again.

Personally I'm a huge fan of taking BPA, but alot of NFL teams don't seem to operate by that. The Bills secondary is probably their biggest strength right now. I wouldn't be surprised to see them take a D-lineman though.

Bloozcrooz 03-30-2011 12:02 AM

I dont think the Vikings are in too bad of shape..Sign a decent Q.B. and their back in the mix. Coaching drama out of the way and no Moss to add to it. I said when I heard that Vince was a free agent I thought he'd end up a pretty sure. Seems ike it'd be a good fit. Him and Peterson both being from Texas should get along great. They keep their wideouts they have now and youve got a high caliber offense. I think Vince if surrounded by people that beleive in him and having the right atmosphere will perform. The Vikings just seem like a good fit for him.

My Cowboys are beyond hope..I dont even know what to think of them They disgust me..but I just cant ever seem to stop watching and rooting for them.

Thom Yorke 03-30-2011 12:27 AM

Haha nah man, I think you're sugar-coating it.

- Their starting QB is a 6th round pick of last year that was drafted as a receiver.

- Their secondary is a mess; the only good players are Winfield (getting older), and Griffin (always injured).

- There are huge question marks with the receiving core. Rice is testing the free agent market and Harvin is questionable to start every week. Berrian has fallen off the face of the earth.

- The O-line is terrible. McKinnie has been dreadful the past two years, Hutch isn't the same, and the hole that Birk left couldn't be filled. Loadholt lacks the mobility to deal with even moderately quick edge-rushers, and takes like 50 penalties a game.

- Pat Williams is leaving which puts a big hole in the defense. The Williams Wall defined that defense for years. Plus Kevin Williams might be suspended.

Basically what this team is is the unquestioned best back in the NFL (who can't be fully utilized because of how bad the O-line and passing attack are) and a very solid front 7 on defense (although even that will take a hit with Williams and possibly Edwards leaving).

And the worst thing is that this is a pretty old team. There isn't alot of hope right now.

As for Young I'm hoping they don't go for him. I'm not a fan of athlete-first QBs. Webb is one, Tavaris Jackson basically was one. I want them to build around a conventional QB. Those are the guys you win with.

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