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Ilistentomusic 05-08-2011 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by Thrice (Post 516509)
Season just started what do you think?
Who do you like?

Bills fan here.

I like the Seattle Seahawks they are awesome.

Thrice 05-12-2011 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1049872)
Im simply floored by the Cowboys decision to waste a number one pick on a tackle. Just one more example why we cant ever seem to our ducks in a row. What the hell are they thinking really? I didnt get to see the draft as it happened but when i turned on Nfl network the next day and saw it flash across the bottom. I rolled my eyes and just thought to myself...theres no end to our demise. Lets just completley ignore the fact that every team in the NFL can throw the ball down the field on Dallas. Also every team knows that and ever team does!!! Jesus Christ stop the bleeding already Jerry!! Because Romo the effin homo get hot his poor little shoulder seperated you felt that the line was more urgent or what? I dont know who's calling the shots on the draft but there couldnt have been a worse one for the Cowboys.

That's funny, everyone else in the world knows JJ calls every shot.

Bloozcrooz 05-16-2011 03:40 PM

Man I have to give props to my boy Ocho for giving it a shot. He failed misierably of course but hey....he tried. It was good for some laughs and I really dont know what the purpose of the whole stunt was. Maybe he just wanted to see if he could do it. Or maybe in relation to his fake spanish name....this was as close as he could get to "the running of the bulls" Whatever the case maybe better luck next time Ocho-Cinco. Im not sure who the guy standing beside Ocho is but he kinda looks like Ty Murry...a 7 time pro bull riding world champion. He has a ranch down around Stephenville Tx. somewhere. Anyway the look on whoevers face that is... is priceless when hes looking at Ocho Cinco. Something like "this guy has lost his marbles and has no chance"

In other news am I mistaken or did I hear that Roger Goodell quit? What? This could be a good thing or this could be a terrible thing for football. Im not quite sure how to perceive it yet but someone needs to get on the ball with this whole lockout issue. Im to the point where I dont give a **** whos right or wrong just get the **** solved. Americans need their football fix and its ****ing things up a lot with all the lockout rules that are in effect this offseason.

As I was watching Espn earlier analysts are saying the Nfc is pretty much up for grabs between only two teams. The Bears and the Pack..true enough the Pack did win the Super Bowl and will definatley be a contender but have they forgotten about Philly and Atlanta? Not to mention the teams that come out of nowhere every year and suprise the pack did last year. The Cowboys are never completley out of anything and lets not forget New Orleans slaughtered the draft this year. Along with Tampa showing signs of life last year I think the Nfc is anyones conference to have. One team that was a bad call away from a win almost every game last year was Detroit as well. Philly's main problem was keeping their linebackers healthy and productive and they drafted two more to solve that problem if im not mistaken. So I wouldnt go banking everything I had on the Bears and the Pack just yet guys.

One more topic that never really appealed to me was this whole hard knocks thing. Where they keep a camera crew on sight during all of training camp and throughout practices. Dallas did it a couple of years ago and I think the Jets did it last year. I think its just a distraction myself

Thom Yorke 05-21-2011 09:51 AM

I've noticed that Ponder comes across unbelievably well in interviews and seems VERY intelligent. Always a good thing to have with a QB/team leader. Let's hope it's more of the same with playing ability.

Bloozcrooz 05-29-2011 07:41 AM

Despite Rays former off the field issues from years ago. He has proven to be over the years one of the best linebackers to ever play the game. Season after season this guy continues to be dominate as if he's immune to ageing. Ive never really been a fan of his or disliked him really. He's just one of those guys you worry about when your team play the Ravens. Cause you know he's going to disrupt your offense when he's on the field. However after watching this interview and hearing his thoughts and perspective on the lockout issue. I have a new found respect for the guy and wish the rest of the league (players and owners) would take on his attitude and mentality. So far he seems to be the only one ive heard seem genuine at all about putting personal agendas aside and just getting a deal done to salvage the season. Maybe a little bit of what he's sayng will rub off on some of the other powers at be and we can look forward to another year of great football. Heres Ray with his thoughts on the lockout.

Thom Yorke 06-01-2011 09:09 AM

^Even as a Canadian I cannot bring myself to watch the CFL.

debaserr 07-28-2011 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by ESPN
Albert Haynesworth is headed to the Patriots from the Redskins, Adam Schefter reports. The price: a 2013 fifth-round draft pick.

Fuck me... They have to be the favorites now, he's gonna play hard for them.

Dirty 07-28-2011 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1089849)
Fuck me... They have to be the favorites now, he's gonna play hard for them.

Patriot haters have to admit that Bilichek is a true genius. The Pats always make the smartest moves in the draft and free agency. Great move in my opinion. Basically no risk and HUGE reward potential. If Haynesworth gives a ****, think about Wilfork and Haynesworth clogging that middle :yikes::yikes::yikes:

I already can't wait for Jets-Pats games.

Bane of your existence 07-28-2011 05:17 PM

Adding Ochocinco and Haynesworth doesn't seem like a great move to me. I guess if anyone can get them to shut up and play it'd be Bilicheck, but I just think don't think it was wise.

debaserr 07-28-2011 07:02 PM

When has a move like this ever hurt the Pats? Sometimes it's not a huge win but it always works in their favor. I'm not so sure about Ocho, but Haynesworth is an absolute beast. Their D is really good now.

Dirty 07-28-2011 07:38 PM

I don't think their D is really good, their secondary is still so-so and they need pass rushers. Their offense is basically their defense by controlling the clock and scoring a ridiculous amount of points. Haynesworth will be great on 3rd down for them because when he is trying he is one of the best pass rushing tackles in the league.

I hope so much Jets sign Asomugha. Revis AND Asomugha?!?!?! WTF that'd be awesome. Plus I root for the Jets. Falcons fan first and foremost but my family is all Jets fans and I pull for them in the AFC. And I love Rex ryan.

I don't think Ocho will be huge for the Pats, but they don't need him to be. He'll fit his role perfectly and that locker room is the most controlled locker room on the planet. You won't hear him being his crazy self with Tom Brady and Bill running the show. Pats are seriously geniuses with everything they do, it's just not fair lol.

debaserr 07-28-2011 07:53 PM

Their secondary is young and it will be much improved this year, especially with their beefed up front 7. A Wilfork/Haynesworth tandem is scary good.

I doubt the Jets land Asom... They can't afford the price he wants. Only way it happens is if he takes a big pay cut. They also want to avoid pissing off Revis(they won't spend more on Asom), who is probably the better player of the two.

Dirty 07-28-2011 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1089946)
Their secondary is young and it will be much improved this year, especially with their beefed up front 7. A Wilfork/Haynesworth tandem is scary good.

I doubt the Jets land Asom... They can't afford the price he wants. Only way it happens is if he takes a big pay cut. They also want to avoid pissing off Revis(they won't spend more on Asom), who is probably the better player of the two.

I don't know man, I think they are in the drivers seat right now. Texans just sign Jonathan Joseph so it's really only the Bucs and Jets in the sweepstakes. I think they would spend a little more on Asom than Revis and I think Revis would get over it. I think Rex is pushing as hard as possible for him and I think the Jets are gonna sign him. I think from Asom's standpoint, he can make pretty much just as much money in NY than with the Bucs and he'll get plenty of balls thrown his way unlike in Oakland.

I don't know if anything I said will happen, I'm just really, really excited at the prospects of this happening. First and foremost, I am a sports fan and I really appreciate greatness...and just imagine the Jets defense if they get Asom. I seriously think it has legit potential to go down as one of the all-time great defenses given Rex's insanity with blitzing and having the two best corners.

debaserr 07-28-2011 08:30 PM

I'm rooting against it, my Colts don't need the hassle.

Dirty 07-28-2011 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1089958)
I'm rooting against it, my Colts don't need the hassle.

Yeah man, whats up with Peyton's neck, you think he'll be alright?

I'm also rooting for Asom to Jets because if he doesn't go there, it's probably the Bucs and my Falcons dont need Roddy going toe to toe with Asom 2 times a year. Bucs are already scaring me a little bit even without Asomugha. NFC South is lookin like one hell of a division here in a few years.

debaserr 07-28-2011 08:59 PM

He will be 100% by week 1. I'm more worried about how our team is constituted. Polian bet on Cover 2 / 4-3 Personnel. I'd much rather have a blitzing 3-4. Lets take a look at the last 10 champs...

8 of them ran 3-4. The exceptions being Indy and Tampa.

Dirty 07-28-2011 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1089969)
He will be 100% by week 1. I'm more worried about how our team is constituted. Polian bet on Cover 2 / 4-3 Personnel. I'd much rather have a blitzing 3-4. Lets take a look at the last 10 champs...

8 of them ran 3-4. The exceptions being Indy and Tampa.

3-4 seems to have taken over the 43 as the preferred defense. You can be so much more clever with blitzes in the 34. Falcons still run a 43 and big surprise, they can't get to the QB half the time. plus 34 stuffs the run better. Only teams with bosses at defensive end should run 4-3 IMO.

Peyton better be good to go because I don't think Indy has much after him. Bob Sander signed with the Chargers, any thoughts on that??

debaserr 07-28-2011 09:10 PM

Obv we are dead in the water without Peyton. If he(bob) manages to play all year and they beat us in the playoffs I will be livid. Until then, good for him. We payed him so much for so little the past few years.

Thom Yorke 07-29-2011 06:46 AM

If the Jets get Asomugha, there would be almost no point in passing against the them. Both him and Revis are capable of taking a whole side of the field themselves. It'll allow the Jets to focus so much more on the run game, and it's not like that was too shabby to begin with. Seriously, just give them the Superbowl if they make this happen.

There are alot of Revis fanboys lately, but I still think Asomugha is in a league of his own. We aren't that far removed from what I think was the best season by any player in NFL history, not just cornerbacks (Asomugha's 2008 season), and he's at the top every other year too. I'll take that over Revis' one amazing season and another couple good ones.

As for the Vikings, wow that sucks to lose Rice. I wasn't getting my hopes up for the playoffs with him, so this really just takes the wind out of the sails. The Seahwaks are getting a great receiver who's among the very best at deep balls and jump balls. Randy Moss without the speed, I've always thought.

Getting McNabb is pretty good (always been a fan), but I kind out just want to see them blow it up. I understand them not wanting to though. AP only has a few more years left as the top RB, and K-Will and Hutchinson are getting up there. Even our other best players like Allen and Greenway are just in their primes now. Tough position when your best players are all in win-now mode, but you don't have the roster to back it up.

Pats of course doing what they do best in picking up troubled players with loads of potential. Haynesworth will obviously line up on the outside as they have Wilfork in the middle already (plus Haynesworth would bitch about it if they moved him to the middle) so it'll be interesting to see how he does there. Not sure how Ochocinco will fare. The Patriots have taken chances on the guys that are known trouble-makers, but have never been very vocal. Well, I guess Moss was, but Ochocinco takes it to a whole new level. I wouldn't really classify him as a trouble-maker though. Still, it'll be interesting to see how Belichick deals with it.

And another couple comments on two other teams. First, WTF was Arizona thinking??? A 2nd (and probably a high one at that) and athletic freak Rodgers-Cromartie for a guy who isn't even a proven capable starter? The Eagles are SUCH an athletic team, on both sides of the ball. And are the Dolphins really planning on using Bush as the full-time back? That's a recipe for disaster. The Saints won't miss a beat with Sproles.

debaserr 07-29-2011 05:19 PM

Nnamdi to Eagles 5yr / 60mil. They have a pretty sweet secondary now, with him, Asante and Rodgers-Cromartie.

Dirty 07-29-2011 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 1090106)
If the Jets get Asomugha, there would be almost no point in passing against the them. Both him and Revis are capable of taking a whole side of the field themselves. It'll allow the Jets to focus so much more on the run game, and it's not like that was too shabby to begin with. Seriously, just give them the Superbowl if they make this happen.

There are alot of Revis fanboys lately, but I still think Asomugha is in a league of his own. We aren't that far removed from what I think was the best season by any player in NFL history, not just cornerbacks (Asomugha's 2008 season), and he's at the top every other year too. I'll take that over Revis' one amazing season and another couple good ones.

As for the Vikings, wow that sucks to lose Rice. I wasn't getting my hopes up for the playoffs with him, so this really just takes the wind out of the sails. The Seahwaks are getting a great receiver who's among the very best at deep balls and jump balls. Randy Moss without the speed, I've always thought.

Getting McNabb is pretty good (always been a fan), but I kind out just want to see them blow it up. I understand them not wanting to though. AP only has a few more years left as the top RB, and K-Will and Hutchinson are getting up there. Even our other best players like Allen and Greenway are just in their primes now. Tough position when your best players are all in win-now mode, but you don't have the roster to back it up.

Pats of course doing what they do best in picking up troubled players with loads of potential. Haynesworth will obviously line up on the outside as they have Wilfork in the middle already (plus Haynesworth would bitch about it if they moved him to the middle) so it'll be interesting to see how he does there. Not sure how Ochocinco will fare. The Patriots have taken chances on the guys that are known trouble-makers, but have never been very vocal. Well, I guess Moss was, but Ochocinco takes it to a whole new level. I wouldn't really classify him as a trouble-maker though. Still, it'll be interesting to see how Belichick deals with it.

And another couple comments on two other teams. First, WTF was Arizona thinking??? A 2nd (and probably a high one at that) and athletic freak Rodgers-Cromartie for a guy who isn't even a proven capable starter? The Eagles are SUCH an athletic team, on both sides of the ball. And are the Dolphins really planning on using Bush as the full-time back? That's a recipe for disaster. The Saints won't miss a beat with Sproles.

I still think Revis is better but it's hard to compare Nnamdi since he never gets the ball thrown towards him. No reason when you can run and pass all over Oakland whenever you want without dealing with him. Now that he's an Eagle he can really show what he's got. Revis though has completely shut down pretty much everyone he's gone toe to toe with. I never thought he would be this good but I think his hype is real.

Tough spot for the Vikes losing Rice. I like his game, it was a shame he went down last year. They are definitely a win-now team, and I still think they have a pretty decent shot at the playoffs. I don't think the Bears are legit, the cards just fell perfectly all season for them last year and the NFC is nowhere close to the AFC in terms of good teams. I like the McNabb deal. He's still a good QB, last year I'm willing to throw out the window because of all the bullshit going on in Washington. He'll have a great running game and he can still launch the long ball. I can see him and Percy being a nice combo all year. I think the Vikes only go as far as their defense takes them though. And I'd be worried about that. The D-Line got old fast and I don't think Allen is what he was 2 years ago. He was asleep the first half of last season and they lost Edwards at end too who was pretty decent.

Let's all concede the Pats are geniuses. They own everyone in terms of roster management every year. I don't care who other teams go out and get, their offense will still be the best in the league because they don't react to other teams...they make others teams react to them. Two fast, young, good Tight ends just makes it so impossible to stop. They just exploit everyones linebackers every single year. Now they have Ocho who won't have the pressure he did in Cinci. They took no risk for huge rewards with their signings, just like they did with Moss a few years back and I expect them to run the AFC.

You're right about the Saints. Sproles is Reggie-lite but not that much worse. All reggie is is a receiving back and returner, he can't run the ball. Saints will be fine, good move to let him go. I can't see him doing much in Miami. I was shocked at how much Arizona gave up. They were bidding VS nobody lol. all I can figure is they thought maybe Philly would keep Kobb given Vick's likelihood of injury at some point, and then the Cards wouldn't have a QB. And with the lockout and everything happening so fast, I think they panicked and figured they absolutely need Kobb or they are doomed. Great chess match by Philly.


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1090248)
Nnamdi to Eagles 5yr / 60mil. They have a pretty sweet secondary now, with him, Asante and Rodgers-Cromartie.

Sick secondary indeed. I didn't see this coming at all, I was shocked. I know they won't, but I don't think trading Asante would be a bad move at all. Dude gets his picks but doesn't tackle whatsoever. And they could use some help stuffing the run. Eagles are explosive as hell, I love watching their games, but they are one hard hit on Vick away from their season being over. You could say that about a lot of teams QB's, but Vick gets hit hard more than any other QB and Philly can't run the ball, so it'd be a disaster if he went down.

Sparky 07-29-2011 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1090343)

Tough spot for the Vikes losing Rice. I like his game, it was a shame he went down last year. They are definitely a win-now team, and I still think they have a pretty decent shot at the playoffs. I don't think the Bears are legit, the cards just fell perfectly all season for them last year and the NFC is nowhere close to the AFC in terms of good teams. I like the McNabb deal. He's still a good QB, last year I'm willing to throw out the window because of all the bullshit going on in Washington. He'll have a great running game and he can still launch the long ball. I can see him and Percy being a nice combo all year. I think the Vikes only go as far as their defense takes them though. And I'd be worried about that. The D-Line got old fast and I don't think Allen is what he was 2 years ago. He was asleep the first half of last season and they lost Edwards at end too who was pretty decent.

I think Bill Musgrave will be a solid offensive coordinator.

Berrian has all the makings of a go-to receiver, he's just not clutch. I think even without a legitimate deep threat, Mcnabb has plenty of options now. Considering how far he was able to get the eagles without any all star receivers (minus the time with TO) I think he'll be more then comfy here.

Hell, I don't think our offensive line is bad at all, all we need is qb who can scramble a little bit, and we should be fine. There would be times it looked like the pocket for brett favre was closing in on him in slow motion and he just looked absolutely helpless. I never blamed the O-line for that, their position doesn't require them to ****ing babysit the quarterback.

Our d-line is in trouble for sure. I hope we go for a blitz heavy defense this year because our secondary has always been awful, and if we aren't stopping the run we will get walked on.

With chicago and green bay in our division i only see us getting into the playoffs as a wild card.

tzero 08-05-2011 07:44 PM

The one time McNabb had a star reciever, he had a 107%(?) passing rating i believe and led Philly to the Bowl. That says something, shame Rice got away tho, I wanted to see what those two could have put together. Oh well.

Im still somewhat worried about Phillies LB core. Sure they drafted two LBs and Caseys starting at MLB, but other than that we have no solid guys there. Sims? Maybe, but he isnt really there when he needs to be at that hole. Bradley? He's gone. Shame i liked him. I always thought he was good at recognizing the plays the other side was running. Sorry if im wrong about things here, im no football guru but im trying aha.

debaserr 08-21-2011 01:46 PM

Arizona Cardinals to re-sign Larry Fitzgerald for eight years, $120 million - ESPN

Thats a ****ton for a WR...

crash_override 08-21-2011 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1097363)

Yes, but he's the best receiver in the league, in terms of talent, attitude, and loyalty. A real team player. Anyone that's willing to sign that kind of contract with a team with no quarterback and no sign of an elite future is a real class act. I'd say he deserves it.

debaserr 08-21-2011 02:50 PM

Or maybe winning just doesn't mean that much to him. A deal like that could cause you to re-evaluate your priorities.

Sparky 08-21-2011 10:20 PM

seriously, 120 million dollars would be the only factor in my decision making at that point

Thom Yorke 08-22-2011 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 1097372)
Yes, but he's the best receiver in the league, in terms of talent, attitude, and loyalty. A real team player. Anyone that's willing to sign that kind of contract with a team with no quarterback and no sign of an elite future is a real class act. I'd say he deserves it.

Not the best receiver in the league when you consider everything (I'd say Andre Johnson and Calvin Johnson are better), but he's elite for sure.

YorkeDaddy 08-24-2011 09:56 AM

Personally, I wouldn't have offered Fitzgerald nearly that much.

debaserr 09-12-2011 02:58 PM

Romo has such a bad attitude. Whenever he fucks up he is so preoccupied with the negative in the post-game. After this long, I don't think he'll ever get it.

Big Surprises from week 1:

Cam Newton

Thom Yorke 09-12-2011 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1103023)
Romo has such a bad attitude. Whenever he fucks up he is so preoccupied with the negative in the post-game. After this long, I don't think he'll ever get it.

Big Surprises from week 1:

Cam Newton

Biggest surprise for me. I thought he was going to struggle epicly this season. It's still only one game, but what a game it was.

Beason done for the year. If there was any hope for the Panthers doing anything this season, that's gone now.

debaserr 09-12-2011 03:17 PM

I think it's Cam's performance means a few things:

He's an accurate passer
Cardinal's Pass rush / coverage is BAD

YorkeDaddy 09-12-2011 04:06 PM

I'm not THAT surprised at Cam Newton. I mean, sure, I never would've expect over 400 yards, but I figured he'd be good. The biggest surprise to me was the Bills absolutely demolishing a team that made the playoffs last year. And the Chiefs didn't really get worse, which means they're still an alright team. But the Bills just manhandled them.

FRED HALE SR. 09-12-2011 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1103041)
I'm not THAT surprised at Cam Newton. I mean, sure, I never would've expect over 400 yards, but I figured he'd be good. The biggest surprise to me was the Bills absolutely demolishing a team that made the playoffs last year. And the Chiefs didn't really get worse, which means they're still an alright team. But the Bills just manhandled them.

The Bills game was a huge surprise to me also. Fred Jackson looks really solid behind that line. The Bills seem to run into problems at qb at times, so i'll be checking them out on direct tv to see what becomes of them. I'm sure alot of longtime fans were pretty happy with their performance.

Cam Newton to me had all the potential to be offensive rookie of the year and i even stated that earlier on in the thread. If that offensive line can keep him on his feet hes gonna be good in the pocket, outside the pocket hes a total gamebreaker in the open field.

ThePhanastasio 09-13-2011 01:57 AM

Thought my fantasy football outlook for one of the teams was looking bleak (WHY didn't I start Mike Tolbert?! Almost 30 points!) And also San Francisco's defense could have gotten me 24 points...whereas I got only 5.

But I still seem to have won both of my matchups.

captaincaptain 09-18-2011 07:23 PM

5 2nd half possessions
5 2nd half touchdowns

My Bills are working it.

DevonWilliams 09-18-2011 07:58 PM

C'mon Vick

Sparky 09-18-2011 09:50 PM

That was one hell of a game. The eagles line looked fantastic.

YorkeDaddy 09-19-2011 09:03 AM

If Vick is hurt for an extended period of time, I'm screwed from a fantasy standpoint. And the Eagles are screwed too.

Bloozcrooz 09-20-2011 11:25 PM

Vick will be back soon but will get hurt again no doubt. Funny thing is their 3rd string Q.B. looked fantastic the short while he was in. My Cowboys should look into aquiring him.

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