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James 07-17-2014 05:51 PM

This plane being shot down, while Israel begin a ground invasion in Gaza with the 'staunch support' of my country's government. The world has gone insane.

Scarlett O'Hara 07-17-2014 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1470744)
This plane being shot down, while Israel begin a ground invasion in Gaza with the 'staunch support' of my country's government. The world has gone insane.

I don't even know what to say any more about this world. I guess there will always be some for of war and fighting between and within countries.

The Batlord 07-17-2014 07:03 PM

I don't understand why people are still shocked by bad things happening in the world. After the Holocaust and Jeffrey Dahmer I think it's safe to say that nothing has been, is, or ever will be off the table.

Janszoon 07-17-2014 07:50 PM

Jam bands are off the table.

DwnWthVwls 07-17-2014 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1470765)
I don't understand why people are still shocked by bad things happening in the world. After the Holocaust and Jeffrey Dahmer I think it's safe to say that nothing has been, is, or ever will be off the table.

and Dahmer only scratches the surface in a long line of serial killers.

James 07-18-2014 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1470765)
I don't understand why people are still shocked by bad things happening in the world. After the Holocaust and Jeffrey Dahmer I think it's safe to say that nothing has been, is, or ever will be off the table.

I'm optimistic and always aspire to something better, and a lot of people are like that. It's one of my favourite things about humans.

The Batlord 07-18-2014 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1470847)
I'm optimistic and always aspire to something better, and a lot of people are like that. It's one of my favourite things about humans.

The same two billion years of biological and cultural evolution have led led both Ted Bundy and Martin Luther King Jr. to be the men they were, and that doesn't diminish the actions of either. It only makes sense to see humanity for what it is if you're going to have any realistic optimism for its future development, or else you're just sticking your head in the sand. I'm optimistic about humanity's future as well. Our appreciation for life in general seems to be at an all time high. We're talking about giving dolphins legal protection as persons for god sake. But on the other hand we're still molesting children, raping women, obsessing over the lives of celebrities to the point of stalking, bullying children to the point of suicide, and engaging in almost never ending war. It is what it is.

Frownland 07-18-2014 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1470761)
I don't even know what to say any more about this world. I guess there will always be some for of war and fighting between and within countries.

Look on the bright side, would this had happened 80 years ago it would have sparked a world war. I don't think that'll be happening anytime soon.

I wonder what conspiracies this will spark. I'm going to keep an eye on my high school stoner friends' Facebook feeds, I'm sure something will pop up soon.

Scarlett O'Hara 07-18-2014 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1470904)
Look on the bright side, would this had happened 80 years ago it would have sparked a world war. I don't think that'll be happening anytime soon.

I wonder what conspiracies this will spark. I'm going to keep an eye on my high school stoner friends' Facebook feeds, I'm sure something will pop up soon.

I certainly hope not! The plane that got shot down over the Ukraine will potentially spark a potentional war with Russia (if it's proved to be them) or maybe it will force Russia to get out of Ukraine from intense political pressure and sanctions. Is it crazy that I'm stocking up on food and survival products? I'm very safe in NZ but you never know what's ahead.

ladyislingering 07-18-2014 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1470765)
I don't understand why people are still shocked by bad things happening in the world. After the Holocaust and Jeffrey Dahmer I think it's safe to say that nothing has been, is, or ever will be off the table.

Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer, Hell's OTP forever.

The Batlord 07-18-2014 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1471107)
Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer, Hell's OTP forever.

Psy-Fi 07-19-2014 10:44 AM

Parents angry as condom-shaped ice cream with biteable tip sold to children - Mirror Online

Cuthbert 07-19-2014 12:04 PM


Father of a primary school child, Mr Wang
lol mr wang yeah

Psy-Fi 07-23-2014 07:09 AM

George Harrison Memorial Tree killed ... by beetles; replanting due - LA Times

Goofle 07-23-2014 10:08 AM

No words.


DwnWthVwls 07-23-2014 02:15 PM

I understand the need for them, but **** the cops.

djchameleon 07-23-2014 02:20 PM

Those EMTs shocked me even more. I hope nothing happens to me in their area. What kind of bull**** was that?

Janszoon 07-23-2014 10:48 PM

Former dictator/kidnapper/murder sues over being portrayed as such in a video game: Manuel Noriega sues over 'Call of Duty' video game -

Scarlett O'Hara 07-24-2014 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1472021)

No words.


OMFG. I am so so sad to see this. ****ing piece of trash cops, there was absolutely NO reason for choking a guy. I have seen this **** too often with American cops (cops are corrupt in loads of countries though!). They made absolutely NO effort to perform CPR or anything. If that's not racism, I don't know what it is.

RIP dude, you seemed like a great guy.

Cuthbert 07-24-2014 12:26 PM

To be fair we don't know that it is racism. We can assume, but there isn't anything in that video that you could say is racist.

Scarlett O'Hara 07-24-2014 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Christian Benteke (Post 1472295)
To be fair we don't know that it is racism. We can assume, but there isn't anything in that video that you could say is racist.

Yeah you're right, I'm just ticked off. There was no justification to treat him like that. I just felt like they targeted him because of either conscious or subconscious bigotry, I might be wrong though.

Plankton 07-25-2014 09:25 AM

British inventor Colin Furze builds butt to fart at France -


Scarlett O'Hara 07-27-2014 09:22 PM

Anti-semitism on the rise in Britain as Jewish people face backlash over Gaza | Mail Online

The Batlord 07-27-2014 09:50 PM

There were riots and deaths over a cartoon. This does not qualify as "I can't believe".

Cuthbert 07-27-2014 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1473114)
There were riots and deaths over a cartoon. This does not qualify as "I can't believe".

^ Is correct.

Remember though this is the Daily Mail, they are known for their agenda ridden articles.


A rabbi was attacked by four Muslim teenagers outside a Jewish boarding school in Gateshead in one of the most serious incidents.

Groups of Asian men chanted 'Heil Hitler’ as they drove through a Jewish area of Manchester, throwing missiles at passers-by.


Carrying Palestinian flags and placards with slogans such as Stop the Killing and Free Palestine, the protesters chanted 'Israel is a terror state', 'Gaza don't you cry, we will never let you die' and 'Allahu Akbar' (god is great).

In Germany an Imam reportedly called on Muslims to murder ‘Zionist Jews’
It's clear what they're trying to do with this.

The Batlord 07-27-2014 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Christian Benteke (Post 1473119)
Remember though this is the Daily Mail, they are known for their agenda ridden articles.

It's clear what they're trying to do with this.

I couldn't remember which British paper was the bad one, but I was also dubious about how they were using phrases that were obviously said by one or two people and using it to paint an entire incident. Still, it doesn't sound good.

Scarlett O'Hara 07-27-2014 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1473114)
There were riots and deaths over a cartoon. This does not qualify as "I can't believe".

Maybe for you it is, I certainly can't believe how horrible people can be to Jews still.

The Batlord 07-28-2014 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1473135)
Maybe for you it is, I certainly can't believe how horrible people can be to Jews still.

Well it's understandable that a lot of Muslims and non-Israeli middle-easterners would have issues with Israel, which would naturally transfer to Jews in general in many cases, and with the more extreme elements of Islam it's even less surprising that they might sympathize with the poster boys for Antisemitism. The scale of this (or so it appears from an American reading on the internet) is worrying, but not all that surprising given recent history.

Scarlett O'Hara 07-28-2014 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1473146)
Well it's understandable that a lot of Muslims and non-Israeli middle-easterners would have issues with Israel, which would naturally transfer to Jews in general in many cases, and with the more extreme elements of Islam it's even less surprising that they might sympathize with the poster boys for Antisemitism. The scale of this (or so it appears from an American reading on the internet) is worrying, but not all that surprising given recent history.

I don't really hear about it where I am so don't really know much about the tension between Muslims and Jews. Thanks for the explanation batty. :)

The Batlord 07-28-2014 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1473160)
I don't really hear about it where I am so don't really know much about the tension between Muslims and Jews. Thanks for the explanation batty. :)

Well like I said, I live in 'Merica, where we have a relatively high number of Jews, but not a whole lot of Muslims, so we don't really get to see much in the way of tension between the two groups, even assuming there is any on our side of the pond. It's mostly the occasional European news feed and rumors that we have to go on. It's why I'm cautious to come down too much on either side of the argument about supposed issues with middle-eastern immigration to Europe. Still, when there are riots over a cartoon it doesn't exactly say that all the problems are in the "other side's" heads.

djchameleon 07-28-2014 02:49 AM

Young MH17 victim has eerie premonition of crash

Some Final Destination ****

Psy-Fi 07-29-2014 03:34 AM

I guess I shouldn't find this unbelievable, but...

Pakistani mob kills two children including a baby and their grandmother after 'blasphemous' Facebook post - Telegraph

Cuthbert 07-29-2014 03:42 AM


accused of posting blasphemous material on Facebook, police in Pakistan said.

The dead were part of a religious sect, who consider themselves Muslim but believe in a prophet after Mohammed.
The religion of peace strikes again.

The Batlord 07-29-2014 03:52 AM


The dead were part of a religious sect, who consider themselves Muslim but believe in a prophet after Mohammed. A 1984 Pakistani law declared them non-Muslims and many Pakistanis consider them heretics.

Under Pakistani law, Ahmadis are banned from using Muslim greetings, saying Muslim prayers or referring to his/her place of worship as a mosque.
It's easy to say that isolated extremists don't necessarily reflect a people as a whole, but since Pakistan is supposed to be a democracy I think laws like this certainly do. **** Pakistan.

Rjinn 07-29-2014 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1473135)
Maybe for you it is, I certainly can't believe how horrible people can be to Jews still.

There are Jews (mostly the Zionists extremist and the government) that are horrible to the Palestinians though. They are treating the civilians in a similar way the Nazis treated Jews in the past. I believe this is where their rage is stemming from, however I don't agree with hate-crimes towards Jewish people (or anyone for the matter of fact) in general. But can understand their plight.

Both Hamas and Israeli government who are behind the reckless bombing are ****ing terrible though. The Palestinian citizen death toll has reached over 1,000, a big amount being children. Mostly because they are playing a children's game of NO YOU started it. No YOU. NO YOU!

skyline 07-29-2014 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1473410)
It's easy to say that isolated extremists don't necessarily reflect a people as a whole, but since Pakistan is supposed to be a democracy I think laws like this certainly do. **** Pakistan.

Is it? I've seen the opposite happen with very little thought. There are many contries that like to think themselves as the poster boy/girl for democracy yet put through or uphold laws the general populace do not agree with. An Ochlocracy might reflect the views of a people, a democracy doesn’t have to.

The Batlord 07-29-2014 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by skyline (Post 1473430)
Is it? I've seen the opposite happen with very little thought. There are many contries that like to think themselves as the poster boy/girl for democracy yet put through or uphold laws the general populace do not agree with. An Ochlocary might reflect the views of a people, a democracy doesn’t have to.

Within limits. The chance of the US passing similar laws about blasphemy as exist in Pakistan and Afghanistan, both democracies, is absolutely zero. We may have religious nuts here, but the groups strong enough to have any real influence are not extreme enough to even have any desire to. They might try to get Intelligent Design taught in schools or what have you, but they're never going to get any laws passed that make blasphemy punishable by death (blasphemy can potentially receive the death penalty in both Pakistan and Afghanistan). And even if by some horrible anti-miracle they tried then the rest of the populace would have none of it. It's just not a possibility. I also don't really see the possibility of a mob of Americans burning down someone's house and murdering children over a blasphemous Facebook page.

And while I'm sure the people on the extreme end of the religious spectrum don't represent the entire population of Pakistan, the fact that they are numerous and powerful enough to have significant influence on the government suggests that if they are on the far, low end of the bell curve representing the strength of the Pakistani people's religious beliefs then the middle, where the most people would lie, is probably still much more religiously extreme than your average Western country.

skyline 07-29-2014 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1473433)
Within limits. The chance of the US passing similar laws about blasphemy as exist in Pakistan and Afghanistan, both democracies, is absolutely zero. We may have religious nuts here, but the groups strong enough to have any real influence are not extreme enough to even have any desire to. They might try to get Intelligent Design taught in schools or what have you, but they're never going to get any laws passed that make blasphemy punishable by death (blasphemy can potentially receive the death penalty in both Pakistan and Afghanistan). And even if by some horrible anti-miracle they tried then the rest of the populace would have none of it. It's just not a possibility. I also don't really see the possibility of a mob of Americans burning down someone's house and murdering children over a blasphemous Facebook page.

And while I'm sure the people on the extreme end of the religious spectrum don't represent the entire population of Pakistan, the fact that they are numerous and powerful enough to have significant influence on the government suggests that if they are on the far, low end of the bell curve representing the strength of the Pakistani people's religious beliefs then the middle, where the most people would lie, is probably still much more religiously extreme than your average Western country.

The status quo in many western countries is vastly different to that of Pakistan or Afghanistan, no matter how alike people in either country think pluralistic ignorance plays a major role in how their country progresses politically. In the US a lot of pluralistic ignorance surrounding religious extremist movements has been dissolved, it makes it a lot easier to speak out against it. In a different political climate you could pick the same US citizens holding the same views only to find them less willing to express said views no matter what those around them actually think.

The Batlord 07-29-2014 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by skyline (Post 1473438)
The status quo in many western countries is vastly different to that of Pakistan or Afghanistan, no matter how alike people in either country think pluralistic ignorance plays a major role in how their country progresses politically. In the US a lot of pluralistic ignorance surrounding religious extremist movements has been dissolved, it makes it a lot easier to speak out against it. In a different political climate you could pick the same US citizens holding the same views only to find them less willing to express said views no matter what those around them actually think.

So are you saying that you think that the average Pakistani actually holds much the same relatively secular views as your average Westerner?

skyline 07-29-2014 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1473440)
So are you saying that you think that the average Pakistani actually holds much the same relatively secular views as your average Westerner?

No, I doubt it. Religion still plays a much more important role in those countries. I do however feel the number of people in those countries who do not agree with the more extreme end of the spectrum may not be too far off from your average westerner, that the same social phenomenon thought to be responsible for racial segregation in the US and the prohibition may be the issue here and that laws passed in a democratic country or an insignificant ammount of open oppostion may not be proof in of itself that the people of that country support any of it.

What Is Pluralistic Ignorance? (with picture)

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